Salicylic acid for age spots - a simple and effective remedy

To get rid of unwanted pigmentation, it is not necessary to use expensive cosmetics from popular brands. Simple, inexpensive products can also lighten stains quite well. For example, salicylic acid is widely used for age spots. Let's figure out how to choose and how to use this drug correctly.

Salicylic or phenolic acid is included in many commercial whitening products. But you can also use this substance to prepare homemade cosmetic compositions to whiten pigmentation, fight acne and treat some skin diseases.

Initially, salicylic acid was obtained from willow bark, but later a method for its artificial synthesis was invented.

How to choose?

At any pharmacy you can purchase a solution of phenolic acid in ethyl alcohol. Solutions come in different concentrations. For facial care, it is permissible to use a 1% or 2% solution of the product.

Remember! It is prohibited to apply more concentrated solutions to the skin of the face, as this may cause a burn.

The drug is sold in dark glass bottles; it should be stored at room temperature, but out of direct sunlight.

Precautionary measures

Using salicylic acid to remove pigmentation requires the following precautions:

  • Before first use, you should check the reaction of your skin to contact with the drug. If you are intolerant to the product, itching, severe burning, and peeling will occur. A slight burning or tingling sensation is a normal reaction;
  • The product is not suitable for dry skin as it tends to dry out. Those with sensitive skin should avoid using phenolic acid to eliminate age spots on the face, but if there is pigmentation on the body, the product can be used, but with caution;
  • it is prohibited to apply phenolic acid to moles and neoplasms of unknown nature;
  • It is important to be careful not to let the acid get into your eyes;
  • It is not recommended to apply phenolic acid solution and homemade cosmetic compositions based on it on the skin under the eyes;
  • Before using the product, it is forbidden to use lotions containing alcohol, this can lead to dry skin;
  • after using products with phenolic acid, it is mandatory to use a moisturizing effect;
  • It is not recommended to use cosmetics with salicylic acid if there are wounds on the skin;

Do not use the product too often. In its pure form, it can only be applied spotwise to pigment spots every other day . Based on a solution of phenolic acid, you can prepare homemade compositions - lotions, masks, whitening compresses. Lotions can be used daily in the evenings; masks and compresses are recommended to be used twice a week.

Types of age spots and their features

The color and evenness of the complexion depend on the pigments contained in the skin. The absence or insufficient formation of at least one of them contributes to an imbalance and the appearance of darker areas on the surface of the epidermis. Depending on the cause of origin, there are several types of age spots:

  • Freckles are flat spots of various colors that appear on both the face and body.
  • Nevi (birthmarks) are neoplasms of various forms that grow throughout life. May be smooth or covered with hairs.
  • Melasma is the most common type of hyperpigmentation - spots that appear as a result of insolation (exposure to solar radiation) on the face, décolleté, shoulders and arms. Depending on the sensitivity of the skin, they can be of varying intensity; they often appear after visiting tropical countries, as well as after intensive consumption of citrus fruits, exposure to mineral and essential oils. Melasma darkens in summer and becomes lighter in autumn and winter.
  • Chloasma are red-brown pigment spots that appear on the skin due to internal processes in the body (diseases, pregnancy, childbirth, hormonal disorders). They have uneven shapes and can be flat or compacted.
  • Lentigo (age spots) are typical for people after 45-50 years of age. The usual location is the face, hands, chest, back. They have different colors and compacted structure.

In addition, pigment spots appear at the site of skin inflammation or squeezed out acne. The reason is that during the inflammatory process, melanin is produced more intensively. Over time, the spots disappear.

Methods of application

Let's figure out how salicylic acid is used against age spots. The easiest way is spot application, but you can also prepare various cosmetic compositions based on the product.

Apply precisely

If there is one large pigment spot on the face or body, then you just need to dip a cotton swab in a solution of phenolic acid (1-2%) and lubricate the spot with it, without going beyond its boundaries. After application, a slight tingling sensation may be felt; this is a normal skin reaction.

Do you like your freckles?

Oh yeah! Of course! No, nightmare!

A quarter of an hour after application, you should wash the skin with water or wipe with a cotton pad soaked in tonic. Then apply emollient cream. This procedure must be carried out every other day. During treatment and after its completion, it is necessary to protect the skin from exposure to the sun , otherwise your efforts will be in vain.


You can find ready-made salicylic solutions on sale. Those with dry skin can purchase an alcohol-free lotion with the addition of salicylic acid. You can make lotion at home.

Use the prepared composition to wipe the skin twice a day, while avoiding the area of ​​the lips and skin under the eyes.


There are two ways to prepare this remedy. The first method: prepare a chamomile decoction by boiling 0.2 liters of water with the addition of 20 grams of dry inflorescences of a medicinal plant. Let the cooled solution cool, drain the liquid, and squeeze the precipitate through a sieve. Pour 15 ml of 2% salicylic acid solution into the resulting liquid.

Second method: to prepare this lotion you need fresh chamomile flowers, you will need two tablespoons of them. The inflorescences need to be filled with 100 ml of a 2% alcohol solution of salicylic acid. Leave for 72 hours in a dark place. Strain the liquid, pour into a dark glass bottle, and store away from light. To prepare the lotion, mix 200 ml of mineral or just pure water with 20 ml of the prepared alcohol infusion.


To prepare this lotion, you will need to prepare 50 ml of cucumber juice. Mix the strained juice with the same volume of water and pour 10 ml of a 2% phenolic acid solution into the mixture. Store the finished lotion in the refrigerator for no more than five days. Similarly, you can make lotion from strawberry juice.

Recommended use of the prepared products: use twice a day, wiping areas of pigmentation. A quarter of an hour after using the lotion, you should wash your face.

With butter

If the skin is prone to dryness, then it is necessary to add emollient components to formulations with salicylic acid. Prepare the lotion by mixing:

  • 150 ml of cold decoction of sage, calendula or chamomile;
  • 30 drops of grape seed oil;
  • 5 ml of 1% salicylic acid solution.

This composition can be poured into a spray bottle and applied to areas of pigmentation twice a day.


The fact that salicylic acid whitens age spots has been known for a long time. One of the most effective procedures is peeling using this product. If possible, this procedure should be carried out in a salon . But you can do peeling at home, taking precautions. Before using the product, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

To lighten pigmentation, it is recommended to carry out 4-5 peeling sessions with a break between procedures of 7-10 days. At home, superficial peeling using a 15% acid solution is allowed. In salons, a cosmetologist can use a more concentrated product.

Carrying out the procedure:

  • At least a week before the procedure, you should avoid visiting a solarium, bathhouse, or sauna. Do not use scrubs or other exfoliating products;
  • clean the skin and apply a softening homemade mask made from a quarter glass of kefir and a tablespoon of honey;
  • wash off the mask, wipe your face with an alcohol-free antiseptic;
  • apply the 15% solution with a brush (it is better to protect your hands with gloves);
  • rinse off the composition after 5-10 minutes (during the first procedure, the exposure time should not be longer than 5 minutes);
  • wash with plenty of cold water;
  • wipe your face with an antiseptic solution that does not contain alcohol;
  • Apply a thick layer of softening cream, remove the remaining cream after half an hour.

After the procedure, the skin will be red, and after a few days peeling will begin . During this period, it is important to use moisturizers and avoid mechanical exfoliation (do not remove pieces of exfoliating epithelium with your hands!).

During the procedures, the skin's sensitivity to sunlight greatly increases. If you do not provide the skin with effective sun protection, the result of the procedure may be the opposite, and pigmentation may increase even more. Therefore, any peeling is recommended to be done between November and February.


To whiten pigmentation, you can use a course of masks that contain salicylic acid. Procedures should be carried out twice a week.

There are compositions for masks that are applied pointwise, only to areas of pigmentation. They whiten effectively, but are quite aggressive and very drying. If the areas of pigmentation are large, then softer products should be used; they can be applied to the entire face. The course of masks includes 15 procedures, then you need to give the skin a rest for at least two months.

Here are a few recipes to help get rid of pigmentation:

  • With clay. To prepare this composition, it is recommended to use pink or blue clay. A tablespoon of clay should be diluted with milk or cream until the mixture has the consistency of a cosmetic cream, let the mixture stand for ten minutes, then add 30 drops of a 1% phenolic acid solution. Apply for twenty minutes.
  • With aspirin. It is necessary to crush several tablets and dilute the resulting powder with a solution of phenolic acid to form a paste. Apply the composition in a thick layer only on age spots, wash off after a quarter of an hour.
  • With cocoa butter and honey. This composition option is suitable even for skin that is prone to dryness. You need to melt 5 grams of cocoa butter and mix it with a dessert spoon of honey. Allow the mixture to cool completely, add 15 drops of salicylic acid.
  • With glycerin and semolina. Pour a tablespoon of semolina with a small amount of cold milk and let the mixture stand for a few minutes. The semolina should swell and thicken. Add a teaspoon of glycerin and salicylic acid to the thick “porridge.”
  • Sour cream and yolk. This composition not only whitens, but also nourishes. Suitable for dehydrated skin. You need to grind one fresh yolk with a tablespoon of homemade sour cream. If you don’t have homemade sour cream, you should buy a product with a fat content of at least 20% in the store. Add 15 drops of 1% phenolic acid solution to the mixture.
  • With dry yeast. Instant yeast is suitable for preparing the composition. You need to dilute a packet of yeast with warm liquid. It is best to use a decoction of rose hips, chamomile or green tea. Add liquid in such quantity to form a paste-like mass. Add 20 drops of a 2% salicylic acid solution to the finished mixture. This composition is recommended for whitening pigmentation on oily skin.

How to remove pigmentation on the face

To remove pigmentation, it is important not only home care, or a one-time visit to a cosmetologist to perform professional care or procedures.

Effective methods for treating brown spots and recommendations include 3 rules for caring for skin with age spots to eliminate them:

1. Day cream with SPF

A. Every day! Regardless of the time of year, apply once a day in the morning.

The use of sunscreen not only prevents tanning, but, first of all, prevents unwanted damage to skin cells. The result of the lack of protective creams on the skin is the appearance of moles with age, chloasma in the summer, large nevi and various neoplasms.

Products containing mineral protection factors are recommended, because... , applying them before going outside is enough. Mineral cream SPF30 with micronized zinc particles, i.e. The particles are crushed and adhere tightly to the skin; they are not washed off when swimming or sweating.

B. Use products based on physical photo filters. They create a screen that reflects rays and is not consumed during the day, unlike chemical photo filters.

Hint: against new dark brown spots on the skin, look for zinc oxide or titanium dioxide on the packaging, protection level - SPF30:

  • Blocks up to 97% of solar radiation , prevents cell damage and prevents cell DNA defects
  • hypoallergenic , suitable for all skin types, including sensitive
  • prevent the appearance of age spots , help avoid spots caused by age or pregnancy

C. Ideally, experts recommend, especially for office workers, to use a cream with protection against blue light and infrared rays (Blue light filters). They block radiation from screens, which also provoke the appearance of age spots.

According to research, screen time - time spent in front of a computer, tablet, laptop or mobile phone screen, which activates age spots, among respondents is:

  • 3 – 5 hours for 33%
  • 6 – 9 hours for 32%
  • 10 hours and above for 28%

*you can determine screen time by looking at the “Statistics” section on your phone

In 2014, a study was conducted that showed that the cause of persistent, uncorrectable pigmentation is blue light. Pigment spots due to blue light exposure were brighter than those on skin exposed to ultraviolet light even after 3 months.

According to the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, the effects of blue light are stronger than ultraviolet A rays. Blue light keeps pigment spots, namely melanocyte cells, in an already excited state, resulting in constantly increased melanin production.

Examples of products with Blue Light filters:

  • The CBD line with cannabidiol DermaQuest is a new line containing 2 types of filters Lumisis and InfraGuard. The products combat the harmful effects of blue light, infrared and UV rays that affect the skin throughout the day.
  • DermaQuest therapeutic line products for facial skin containing SPF are designed to protect the skin from the full spectrum of radiation that can cause age spots.

Whitening products

The most logical point is the use of agents that normalize or reduce melanin production, i.e. whitens dark spots.

To increase the effectiveness of pigment spot whitening products, combination preparations containing several lightening components are used. Real results are possible by influencing several stages of the development of pigment spots.

Hint: an effective lightening agent contains complexes of working substances: retinoids + kojic acid + brightening peptides, etc.

The Latin American Academy of Pigmentary Disorders Academy-PDA has developed an algorithm for selecting therapy depending on the degree of development:

  • Mild degree - use of drugs based on Azelaic acid up to 20%
  • Moderate and severe degrees - only combination therapy and the use of complex products that eliminate pigment spots and include several ingredients with a lightening effect, with a multidirectional mechanism of action.


It is the use of exfoliating products that makes the process of getting rid of pigmentation as fast and effective as possible.

A. Removes cells containing excess melanin and forming pigment spots on the skin

B. Stimulates cellular renewal and the appearance of normally colored keratinocytes on the skin surface

S. Important! Choose a solution that is suitable in composition and action.

The situation when spots darken and new ones form due to peeling is not uncommon. It is important to choose the right peeling composition. The use of stimulating acids and high percentages will have the opposite effect of maintaining increased melanin production rather than lightening pigmentation.

The composition should include: retinoids - the leaders of the group, or azelaic, or phytic, or mandelic acids. An acceptable option is lactic acid up to 20%.

Other techniques

It is worth mentioning another aesthetic cosmetic technique - lasers . Sessions of special hardware methods for removing pigmentation (laser) can cost a lot of money, and patients are not always happy with the result. Read more about laser pigment spot removal here .

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