Brewer's yeast tabs. 500 mg No. 100 with zinc Free 20/Russia

What are vitamins with zinc and brewer's yeast for?

Brewer's yeast contains protein necessary for the full functioning of the body. This substance has great value, which is enhanced by the action of amino acids. The drug has a lot of positive qualities, so it is widely used in the medical field. Brewer's yeast with zinc has a positive effect on the human body, helps strengthen the immune system, helps fight various infections, and increases the level of productivity.

This remedy has virtually no contraindications, so it can be taken without a doctor’s permission. Brewer's yeast is useful:

  • if the digestion process is disrupted;
  • to remove harmful waste and toxins from the body;
  • to improve hair condition;
  • if your nails are very peeling;
  • to accelerate skin cell regeneration.

Brewer's yeast will help if taken correctly. This supplement should be consumed 5-7 grams per day, but no more. This product is sold in almost any pharmacy and does not require a doctor’s prescription. However, before starting to take it, it will be useful to consult a doctor to minimize the likelihood of a deterioration in your own health.

For acne

A brewer's yeast tablet contains a set of valuable elements; it contains a unique fatty acid. Vitamin PP is responsible for the process of peripheral metabolism, so skin cells are saturated with oxygen and a mass of nutrients. Vitamin E is considered a strong antioxidant and helps tissues get rid of free radicals. The skin regains its firmness, healthy color, and natural elasticity.

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Using brewer's yeast with zinc will help get rid of acne and cure skin diseases such as acne. Vitamin P takes part in the process of regeneration of epidermal cells, so accelerated healing of microcracks and other types of damage occurs. A microelement such as zinc strengthens the walls of blood vessels, participates in the process of protein synthesis, interacting with vitamin A, and accelerates tissue regeneration. This effect can be achieved if you regularly use a yeast mask for acne.

For hair

In its pure form, brewer's yeast should be added to a variety of hair care masks. But you can find in the pharmacy special dietary supplements (dietary supplements) containing this substance, which are intended for internal use. If your hair becomes dull, brittle, or begins to fall out significantly, you need to take dietary supplements. Zinc tablets are also beneficial, but they must be prescribed by a doctor.

Taking dietary supplements ensures that the body receives all valuable substances and elements that help restore damaged and weakened hair. The dietary supplement contains proteins that are broken down into amino acids, which are the basis for cells. The active ingredient of the dietary supplement is a source of building material for hair. Vitamins with zinc and selenium are beneficial, but the abuse of these drugs is strictly prohibited so as not to provoke the opposite reaction.

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For women

Brewer's yeast can be an indispensable remedy for the skin. They provide the body with valuable elements that not only improve complexion or eliminate various types of rashes, but also speed up metabolism. To get rid of excess weight, you need to regularly take Ecco Plus brewer's yeast with zinc. This product provokes an increase in appetite, but all products entering the body are quickly processed without remaining in the form of extra pounds. You can also use Evisent brewer's yeast.

What are pharmacy bottles made of?

Yeast is essentially a living, single-celled fungal organism. This product is obtained by growing by fermenting beer wort from malt with hops. After mixing the necessary components, the fermentation process begins, during which fermentation occurs. It is in this way that a mixture of natural ingredients becomes a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

During the production of dry yeast, its cell membrane is destroyed. Thanks to this, the human body is able to fully absorb them.

Instructions for taking brewer's yeast with zinc

The product will benefit the body if taken correctly. To achieve the desired result, you need to follow several recommendations:

  • Taking brewer's yeast Eco Mon with zinc is allowed after meals, but not on an empty stomach;
  • the dietary supplement packaging indicates the correct dosage, which cannot be exceeded;
  • if natural brewer's yeast is taken, and not biological additives, for an adult the daily norm will be 2 tsp. powder, pre-diluted in boiled water (1/2 tbsp.), and for children - 1 tsp. product dissolved in liquid (1/2 tbsp.);
  • a full course of taking brewer's yeast can be 1-2 months;
  • This dietary supplement is also taken as a prophylactic agent - for an adult the dosage is 1 g per day, and for small children - 0.25-0.5 g.

Composition of tablets

Classic brewer's yeast tablets contain only brewer's yeast - 500 mg per 1 tablet. The drug also contains additional components, most often magnesium stearate, as well as silicon dioxide.

Brewer's yeast itself is a source of B complex vitamins, and also contains amino acids and minerals. The drug contains:

  • Thiamine (vitamin B1).
  • Riboflavin (also known as vitamin B2).
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6).
  • Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12).

In addition, they contain small amounts of magnesium, sodium and calcium, as well as copper, zinc, manganese and iron. Yeast tablets are a source of 17 important amino acids, vitamins D and E, as well as some other beneficial substances. But mainly brewer's drinking yeast is used in medicine as a source of B vitamins.

Brewer's yeast is a unique product, a source of many useful substances. This dietary supplement does not contain chemicals and is easily absorbed by the body.


Maria, 25 years old: I have problem skin, and with the onset of spring I am faced with the problem of acne and rashes, which are very difficult to get rid of. A friend advised me to try brewer’s yeast for the face, and within a week the first results appeared. The condition of the facial skin improved significantly, and after a month's course, acne completely disappeared.

Anna, 30 years old: I took brewer’s yeast for a month as a preventative measure. As a result, the whole body became healthier, nails and hair became stronger, the condition of the facial skin improved significantly, and I lost 2 kg of excess weight.

Valeria, 28 years old: Due to frequent dyeing and the use of stylers for styling, the condition of the hair has sharply deteriorated. I decided to take a course of taking brewer’s yeast, and at the same time I also made cosmetic masks with the addition of this dietary supplement. Within a month, the condition of the strands improved and combing became easier.

Brewer's yeast: indications for use

If you have diabetes, you can use brewer's yeast as a dietary supplement.

Among the indications for the use of brewer's yeast as a biological additive, it is worth noting the following diseases and conditions:

  1. Problematic and oily skin;
  2. Neuralgia;
  3. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  4. Intense stress (mental, physical);
  5. Hair fragility, dry hair and nails;
  6. Metabolic disease;
  7. Radiation and exposure to chemicals;
  8. Anemia;
  9. Psoriasis, eczema;
  10. Dermatoses;
  11. Furunculosis;
  12. Gastrointestinal diseases;
  13. Obesity;
  14. Poor nutrition;
  15. The presence of cracks in the corners of the mouth;
  16. Prevention of hypovitaminosis-B;
  17. Recovery period for weight gain and replenishment of vitamin deficiencies;
  18. Diabetes.

Face masks

Enzymes are useful not only for oral administration. Brewer's yeast is included in mask mixtures to solve cosmetic problems.

For acne

The composition for the mask is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Crushed yeast tablets are diluted with hydrogen peroxide (3%) until the consistency of sour cream is obtained.
  2. Add rosemary or tea tree essential oil (2 drops).

Apply the resulting product to the skin and leave it for 10 minutes. Residues at the end of the procedure are removed with cold water.

Skin nutrition

The process of preparing the nutritional mixture is performed in the following sequence:

  • kefir 2.5% fat is heated to 40°;
  • brewer's yeast (55 g) is introduced into it;
  • add oatmeal (10 g);
  • enrich the mass with tangerine essential oil.

Apply the product to steamed skin. Keep the mask on your face for 15 minutes. Remove the residue with a cotton pad soaked in a decoction of calendula or chamomile.

To achieve a cosmetic effect, it is recommended to carry out the procedures daily for 10 days.

To cleanse the skin

In a ceramic or glass container, combine brewer's yeast (10 g), tomato pulp (1 piece), citric acid (5 g), crushed dry mint leaves, steamed oatmeal (30 g). After thorough mixing, the mixture is applied in a thick layer to the face. Wash off the product after 15 minutes.

You need to do the procedures 2 times. per week for a month. The express course includes 5 sessions with daily execution.

Brewer's yeast baths

You can rejuvenate your skin and eliminate rashes or acne with the help of baths. Brewer's yeast is used as the main ingredient. In this case, it is appropriate to use a liquid form of release. The procedure is suitable for all skin types, people of any age.

The bath preparation process consists of the following steps:

  • liquid enzyme in an amount of 1 liter is poured into a bath filled with water;
  • the water temperature should be 34-36°;
  • after mixing the liquid, you can immerse yourself in the bath;
  • session duration – 20 minutes;
  • The procedure ends with taking a shower without cosmetics (rinsing).

After the bath, the body is dried with a towel. Apply moisturizer or cosmetic oil to the skin. After the product is absorbed, you can put on clothes, wrap yourself in a blanket and spend at least 1-2 hours in bed.

It is better to perform the procedure at night. There is a break of 2-3 days between sessions. To eliminate skin problems, 6-10 sessions will be required.

How to make brewer's yeast at home

You can make high-quality and useful enzymes yourself. The ingredients you will need are warm water and flour (a glass each). After combining the components, you need to leave the container at room temperature for 6 hours. Next, add a glass of beer. The variety does not matter much, but experts recommend giving preference to an unfiltered drink.

You also need to add sugar (1 tbsp) to the mix. After standing in a warm place for 4-5 hours, real brewer's yeast is obtained. They are used like ordinary wet enzymes. Store them in the refrigerator or cellar. The product retains its beneficial properties for 10 days.

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