Clareol soft cleansing gel exfoliant 10ml Laboratory Emanci/Russia


Consultation with a specialist is necessary - do not self-medicate. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

The growth of papillomas or warts on the body is caused by the activation of the human papillomavirus - HPV. This infection is transmitted through household or sexual contact; according to various sources, from 30 to 70% of the adult population suffer from it. But usually it is as if in a dormant state and does not make itself felt until you get sick, your immunity decreases, or another malfunction occurs in the body. Then unsightly growths begin to appear on the skin. Clareol gel will help you get rid of them without burns or pain.

Characteristics of the drug

Clareol is a Russian drug in the form of a gel for external use in cosmetology and dermatology. The composition is represented by deionized water, d-panthenol, sodium hydroxide, acrylate/C 10-30 alkyl acrylate crosspolymer.

It is produced in the form of an exfoliant, that is, a solvent of the upper layer of cells without compromising the integrity of the epidermis.

You can buy Clareol gel at the pharmacy in a 10 g dropper bottle, which is placed in a box along with instructions. The gel has a viscous consistency and is water-based, so application is easy. Forms a light protective film on the surface being treated.

Composition and properties

Exclusively natural ingredients aimed at comprehensively getting rid of viral infections. The composition has undergone a number of clinical studies and laboratory tests, confirming its effectiveness and safety.

  1. D-Panthenol. Normalizes metabolic processes in the cell. Accelerates recovery and healing. Relieves pain symptoms, itching, burning.
  2. Celandine. Stops irritation and growth of tumors.
  3. Green walnut juice. Improves the restoration of connective tissues, heals wounds, nourishes the skin, eliminates pathogenic microorganisms.
  4. Sodium hydroxide. Has an exfoliating effect.
  5. Deionized water. The gel base creates a consistency that prevents the development of allergic reactions, is quickly absorbed and penetrates into the affected area.
  6. Acrylate/C 10-30. Forms a protective film, prevents infection, and promotes speedy healing.

Modern technologies are used in production, which makes it possible to enhance the activity of each component. The composition of Clareol is optimally balanced and effective. Visible results are noticeable after 3-5 days, and most reviews from patients are extremely positive.

How does Clareol work?

The gel is intended for gentle cleansing of skin affected by dry calluses, papillomas, warts, as well as for removing cuticles around the nails.

Main directions of action:

  • permanent elimination of skin defects;
  • active cleansing and restoration of damaged skin;
  • acts precisely on the problem area;
  • exfoliates the keratinized area;
  • has an antimicrobial effect;
  • renews and restores the epidermis thanks to d-panthenol.

The composition works thanks to the alkali included in the composition and capable of corroding the cells of the pathological area of ​​​​the skin. The substance also disinfects and kills viruses (for example, human papillomavirus) present in growths.

Clareol pharmacological action

Clareol allows you to quickly remove growths by cauterization due to the inclusion of alkalis and acids in the composition. The gel acts more gently than solutions or ointments, does not require long-term use, and is safe for home treatment of external signs of HPV.

Getting on pathologically changed areas of the epithelium, it leads to their cauterization and death. Externally, the wart or papilloma simply dries up. Then the dead tissue falls off, a dense crust forms in its place, leaving only clean and healthy skin without scars, scars or dark spots.

Additionally, the gel against papillomas Clareol has a cosmetic effect. The components in the formula nourish, moisturize and soften, and also accelerate the restoration of the skin, whiten pigmentation, protect against re-infection and the addition of bacteria and viruses. You can remove large formations in 5–7 days, and small ones in one application without pain, burns or other adverse reactions.

How to apply the gel correctly

Claridol gel is used only locally. Apply in a targeted manner, avoiding contact with healthy areas of the skin, adhering to the following rules:

  • carefully apply the composition only to a papilloma, wart or dry callus;
  • the surrounding skin must be treated with a rich cream;
  • one drop is squeezed onto the roughened area;
  • the composition is distributed, but not rubbed in;
  • the gel is not washed off;
  • It is necessary to wait for the gel to be absorbed.

Application is carried out once a day. Duration - until the problem area darkens and the rough areas are removed. Active exfoliation should be expected on days 2-3 of use. After five days of use, it must be stopped.

Where can I buy?

Clareol is not sold in pharmacies. Be careful. The drug is certified, sold and promoted through the manufacturer’s website (we leave a verified link to the original source). Buy directly, which will allow you to save (watch out for promotions and discounts) and be guaranteed to purchase the original.

To buy the complex, you need to: enter your name and phone number on the website (link below in the table). In 5 minutes they will call you back and tell you everything about the product. All that remains is to decide on the quantity just for you, confirm the order and specify the delivery address. After a couple of days, we pick up the parcel at the nearest post office, where we pay immediately (it is possible to use courier delivery services directly to your home). Payment upon delivery, no risks.

Included:Gel 10 ml, capsules 30 pcs.
Price:347 rubles (on promotion, taking into account the purchase of the course)
Where to buy with a 50% discount?Official site


Does Clareol have analogues? The choice in this niche is wide. You can find options both at the pharmacy and online. However, it is Clareol that has been one of the leaders in query statistics in search engines for several years now (people are most interested in this brand). And among the competitors we note:

  • Papilight;
  • Papinol;
  • Papiderm;
  • Vartox;
  • Dermavit;
  • Solcoderm;
  • Verrucacid.

Precautions for use

The gel is not used in case of hypersensitivity to any substance included in the composition, as well as in the presence of:

  • open wound surfaces (cuts, abrasions, scratches);
  • inflammatory process in tissues requiring application of gel in the acute phase;
  • diagnosed tumors of malignant origin.

Claridol ointment is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, children and adolescents under 18 years of age. The gel is not applied to moles; it does not treat skin diseases of infectious origin, as well as neurodermatitis.

Side effects may include a short burning sensation at the application site. In case of persistent burning and the onset of irritation, the composition is removed from the treated surface with a swab moistened with water.

Indications for use

Clareol has a wide spectrum of action. Helps get rid of the following diseases:

  • Flat warts. Most often they appear before the age of 18. Presented in the form of dense formations on the face, palms, and feet.
  • Vulgar warts. Rounded elevations with a rough surface. Most often observed on the fingers.
  • Genital warts. Growths in the form of a “cauliflower on a thin stalk.” Found in the genital area and anus.
  • Filiform papillomas. Thin elongated formations on the neck, face, armpits, and under the breasts in women.
  • Dry calluses. Typically located on the feet and toes, with a deep root. They appear as a result of improper shoe wear and circulatory problems.
  • Bowen's disease. Red-brown multiple scaly formations on the top layer of skin.
  • Viral diseases that are sexually transmitted. Affects the skin and mucous membranes.

The presence of papillomas/condylomas indicates a weakened state of the body (immunity). HPV is the cause of a number of diseases. In advanced stages, we strongly recommend that you contact a dermatologist and undergo an examination.

Clareol can only be used for the treatment of benign neoplasms. Avoid self-medication and immediately seek medical help if:

  1. Inflammation, swelling and pain.
  2. Changes in the color, shape and size of the birthmark.
  3. Appearance of blood.
  4. Inflammation of the lymph nodes (cervical, inguinal and axillary).
  5. Increasing weakness, constant lack of appetite, regular temperature 37-37.5º C.


Clareol has virtually no contraindications. But there is a list of exceptions:

  • During pregnancy and lactation.
  • In case of allergic reactions to individual components.
  • For pathologies on the mucous membranes.
  • During illness with a temperature above 38º C.
  • For mechanical damage to tissue (scratches, abrasions, cuts) and bleeding.
  • In case of hypersensitivity and severe burning sensation after applying the ointment.

Apply with caution in delicate areas. If it gets into an open eye, rinse immediately with water. Avoid contact with the oral cavity, control children’s access to the medicine.


Customers' opinions on the Internet are contradictory. Some of them speak positively about the effect of using the gel: small papillomas disappear after one application, at first a spot remains in place, which disappears after a few months without a trace. All patients report a burning sensation after application. Some people complain of redness and burning, which can be caused by personal characteristics of the skin.

Negative experience with the use of the gel is usually associated with violation of application recommendations by exceeding the dosage and frequency of application. You should not expect instant results from application, since healing and restoration of the epithelium takes time.

The downside is the high price, but compared to hardware removal it works out on a budget.

Doctors' reviews of the medicine Clareol for papillomas are positive. Dermatologists highly appreciate the therapeutic effect of application. Effectiveness is noted even in elderly patients, whose recovery processes are slower. The composition eliminates skin tumors without relapse, without pain, at home and in a short time.

Basic information

ManufacturerRussia, "EMANSI Laboratory"
PurposeFor papillomas, warts, calluses
IncludedAntiviral immunomodulatory herbal preparation in capsules (30 pcs) and cleansing gel exfoliant (10ml)
Best before date3 years from date of production, 12 months from date of opening
Storage conditionsIn a dark place inaccessible to children at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees
Price347 rubles including the purchase of the course

Instructions for use of Clareol gel

You should first read the instructions. Shake the bottle before use. Then you can begin home treatment: apply a small drop of the product to the papillomatous formations and carefully distribute the solution over the entire affected area. There may be a slight burning sensation, but this is normal. After application, do not wet the pathology for half an hour. The procedure must be carried out 2-3 times a day. Depending on the size of the papilloma and wart, the course of treatment can range from 3 to 14 days.

Buy "Clareol" on the official website

If you decide to order this drug, choose the official website. Otherwise, you risk getting a fake.

There are only 3 steps to order:

  1. For feedback you should leave a telephone number;
  2. wait until the operator calls you back in 1–2 minutes;
  3. specify the number of packages, confirm the order and provide the address for delivery.

If you live in Moscow, choose courier delivery and the parcel will arrive to you on that day. Products are delivered throughout the country by Russian Post within 6–8 days. The purchase is completely confidential.

Why do papillomas and warts occur?

With papillomas, epithelial cells and skin are affected. The formation consists of connective tissue and has the appearance of a papillary growth above the skin. Often, against the background of an immunodeficiency state, papillomas become widespread and, in addition to the skin of the hands and arms, appear on other parts of the body.

The pathology develops after HPV enters the body - the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which penetrates through skin lesions: cuts, wounds, cracks, etc. Promiscuous sexual intercourse can also cause HPV infection.

Predisposing factors include:

  • immunodeficiencies;
  • endometriosis;
  • smoking;
  • avitaminosis;
  • contact with bare skin;
  • pregnancy.

Warts are also common, affecting 43% of the population. Most often they are localized on the outside of the hands and face. These are small epidermal formations of a soft structure related to the manifestations of the human papillomavirus, which can occur in both humans and animals.

Warts and papillomatous formations are not only an aesthetic problem. In case of injury to papillomas, bleeding and ulceration are possible. In the absence of timely treatment with exfoliant gel, Clareol can degenerate into malignant lesions. Warts also become malignant in 25% of cases and grow into adjacent tissues.

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