Biorevitalization Restylane Vital: a second wind for your skin

Restylane is one of the most popular biogel fillers successfully used for contouring. The product contains hyaluronic acid in a concentration of 2% and is used to fill fine and deep wrinkles, folds, correct the contour of the face, and lip contour.

The Restylane line of fillers is produced by the Swedish company Q-Med AB. It includes biogels that differ in the type of imperfections being corrected, the presence of lidocaine and other additives. Unlike analogues, Restylane has a dense consistency. Thanks to this, the biogel slowly dissolves in soft tissues, which provides a longer lasting effect.

What is Restylane?

The clinic offers Restylane, a drug based on hyaluronic acid, which our body needs to maintain skin moisture levels. Hyaluronic acid is produced in the body independently, but with age, its deficiency is felt. This leads to loss of the required amount of moisture, which causes wrinkles and other imperfections to appear. Restylane, containing hyoluronic acid, compensates for its deficiency in dermal tissues. The drug Restylane was invented back in 1996 by Q-Med. Since then, millions of injections of this drug have been administered.

Restylane is a safe and very effective filler (biogel for contouring). Among other injectable fillers, Restylane has proven to be the best. It is recommended by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration in the USA).

In what cases is it necessary to remove fillers?

If an inexperienced cosmetologist selects an intradermal filler incorrectly or fails to follow recommendations after the procedure, patients may experience an unaesthetic appearance due to uneven lip augmentation or hypercorrection, inflammatory processes, migration of the gel under the skin, and other reasons. Therefore, patients want to return to their previous appearance.

How to remove hyaluronic acid

To remove hyaluronic acid, it is necessary to enhance metabolic processes in the corrected area due to:

• taking enzymes that accelerate metabolic processes: hyaluronidase, lidase, dietary supplements; • physiotherapy: microcurrents (improves local blood circulation), darsonval procedures (improves blood and lymph flow), electroporation with cell activators (products increase the permeability of cell membranes); • intensive training in fitness and other active sports; • frequent visits to saunas, applying warm compresses and hot drinks; • exercises for facial expressions.

Use of hyaluronidase

This enzyme accelerates the biodegradation of hyaluronic acid: it decomposes into fragments with low molecular weight and is excreted by lymph and blood. The powder is obtained from the testes of bulls and other large domestic animals; the product is diluted in saline before administration.

The result of the action is noticeable after 48 hours, even with long-standing filler injection.

Hyaluronidase is administered by injection or sonophoresis (ultrasound). If there are obvious irregularities of the HA - lumps, balls - injections are used in the lips. If there is excess filler during facial correction, it is preferable to perform sonophoresis. HA can itself be absorbed over time due to its own hyaluronidase in the body, which destroys and utilizes the hyaluronic acid of any filler.

The method of removing filler with hyaluronidase has its disadvantages, since injections can cause very long-term swelling and uneven removal of the drug, which looks especially unpleasant on the lips.

If it was corrected with filler a long time ago, most of the gel has dissolved, only balls remain in some places, then you can easily remove them with hyaluronidase. If the gel injections were completely fresh, then there is a risk of the above defects and allergic rashes, swelling, itching and redness. If you are prone to allergies, the drug is administered with antihistamines. You can add massage and microcurrents to the injections.

It is important to know. Hyaluronidase should be administered in limited quantities and over several procedures to get rid of excess fillers.

Hyaluronidase is contraindicated if patients have:

• individual intolerance to the drug; • acute form or exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease: inflammatory and infectious; • recent hemorrhage in the corrected area;

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also not administer the drug.

Be careful when combining it with other medications, since it activates absorption, which often causes an unexpected increased effect on the body. Combining with hormonal or antihistamines can reduce the effectiveness of hyaluronidase.

Operating principle

Once in the skin, the gel components quickly begin to interact with the organic tissues of the body. Hyaluronic acid (the main component) promotes the accumulation of moisture in the skin tissues and its preservation. Thanks to this, the skin acquires the necessary volume and smoothes out. Because of this, she looks healthy and young. Restylane has a long-lasting effect because it promotes the production of hyaluronic acid in the body.

This method is also used to correct the shape of the lips, face shape, nose and other areas. Good for smoothing out wrinkles and eliminating age-related changes.

The result of biorevitalization will pleasantly surprise you

  • the skin is evened out , becomes firm and elastic;
  • fabrics receive enough moisture to maintain natural water balance;
  • wrinkles and acne marks are smoothed out;
  • the relief of problem areas is leveled;
  • the contours of the face and neck become clearer;
  • blood supply improves;
  • the skin acquires a healthy color and looks fresh .

Biorevitalization with Restylane Vital effectively fights skin aging and prevents the formation of new defects.

How are Restylane injections done?

The procedure does not require much time, and the recovery period is minimal. Results are visible immediately after the procedure. Although it is generally safe, Restylane should be administered by a medical professional. To achieve the best effect, it is necessary to correctly determine the injection sites. Having marked the face and selected the required dosage, the specialist begins administering the drug. Depending on the number of areas being treated, the procedure can take from a few minutes to half an hour.


Taking care of the patient's health first and foremost, we guarantee:

  • 1.
    Safety of the procedure due to the use of high-quality equipment and proven, clinically proven drugs.
  • 2.

    A conscientious and professional approach based on the principle of honest cosmetology.

  • 3.

    All center specialists not only received appropriate training , but also received documentary evidence of their knowledge and experience.

Restylane injection procedure video?

In contouring using the drug Restylane, the basic principle is maintained - the introduction of a suitable substance exclusively into the problem area. The drug is administered with a syringe with a very thin needle. These injections are usually painless and no anesthesia is required. At the client's request, local anesthesia is possible, for which Restylane Lidocaine is used. Freezing wipes or anesthetic creams also have a good effect.

Before starting the procedure, our specialists examine problem areas of the face and determine the injection site and dose.

The procedure can last up to 30 minutes depending on the volume of injected gel. The result is visible almost immediately, but the biogel reaches its full effect after a week. The result lasts from six months to a year - it depends on the individual characteristics of each person. After this period, you can undergo a repeat procedure.

How to prolong the effect

To maintain the rejuvenating effect of the filler, it is necessary to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day, humidify the air in the room and apply moisturizing masks to the face, since HA at low humidity can dry out and tighten the upper layers of the skin, and rapid degradation of the filler occurs.

Moisture will not be lost if you use lipid-based moisturizing creams and emulsions. Glycerin and marine polysaccharides in cosmetics can attract water to the stratum corneum of the skin. The masks should be left on for 20 minutes, rinsed off and wiped with ice cubes from decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Several useful recipes:

1. Grate the carrots on the finest grater, add the yolk and grind thoroughly. We use it 2 times every 6-8 days. 2. Mix cottage cheese with carrot juice, milk and vegetable oil (1:1:1), grind. 3. Mix honey with vegetable oil (1 tablespoon each) and yolk, grind and heat. Divide the composition into 2 parts and apply separately with a break of 10 minutes. Then wash off with warm broth. 4. Place pieces of melon on your face.

Advice: Restylane Vital and Vital Light are perfectly combined with biogels and injections of Dysport and Botox, provided there is a break between procedures of 2-3 weeks.

Types of drugs Restylane

  • Restylane is the main drug used to smooth out wrinkles and folds of medium depth.
  • Restylane Perlane - has a denser consistency and is designed to smooth out deep wrinkles. It is used to correct the shape of the face, chin and cheekbones. Well suited for eliminating glabellar and nasolabial folds. Restylane Perline Lidocaine, which contains Lidocaine, is also used. Injections of this Perlane do not cause pain.
  • Restylane Touch is well suited for patients who have more delicate and thin skin. The drug smoothes out fine wrinkles and folds.
  • Restylane Lipp - This filler is used to correct the lips and areas of the mouth and nose.
  • Restylane Vital is an excellent product for moisturizing and biorevitalization. Restylane Vital is a drug used not for the correction of wrinkles, but for mesotherapy and biorevitalization (improving the appearance of the skin). It is a hyaluronic acid gel that is injected under the skin through multiple injections. The gel remains in the skin for a long time, during which hyaluronic acid allows you to increase the synthesis of elastin and collagen in the skin, and thus increase its firmness and elasticity, improve its appearance. Available in two versions:
  • Restylane Vital (for mature skin with signs of aging).
    Restylane Vital Light (for young skin). With its help, the effect of general rejuvenation is achieved. Well suited for eliminating age-related defects. Vital and Vital Light are used.
  • Restylane SubQ is an ideal tool for correcting the chin, cheeks, cheekbones and facial contours.
  • How is the procedure done?

    The cosmetologist’s manipulations take place in stages:

    • Removing cosmetics from facial skin;
    • Treating work areas with an antiseptic;
    • Application of anesthetic (if necessary);
    • Injecting a doctor-selected dose of the drug under the skin into predetermined points with a thin needle.

    After Restylane enters the dermis, hyaluronic acid accumulates water molecules, smoothing the skin and making it elastic, adding volume. Minor reactions in the form of redness, swelling, and bruising are possible. They will all disappear within 1 week.

    Contraindications for the use of Restylane

    The main reasons why it is not recommended to undergo this procedure are:

    • Pregnancy (and lactation period);
    • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • Taking antibiotics;
    • Blood diseases;
    • Oncological diseases;
    • Diabetes;

    Restylane preparations do not cause side effects or allergic reactions.

    In modern cosmetology, the method of using Restylane preparations is quite widespread and has proven itself well. You can not be afraid to order a contour plastic service at the Absolut Med clinic. Our specialists are highly qualified and use only the best drugs

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