Mole removal - methods, options and rules for getting rid of moles. Diagnosis and assessment of moles (100 photos and videos)



Duration of the procedure:

5-30 min.

Number of procedures:



from 100 rub.

Recovery period: 7-14 days

Equipment: CO2 laser.

Laser removal of tumors using a CO2 laser painlessly relieves the patient of benign formations on the skin. Most importantly, after healing there are no scars or scars left on the skin.

Types of skin neoplasms

Laser removal of skin tumors is effective for the following pathologies: atheroma, basal cell carcinoma, keratoma, botryomycomoma, cutaneous horn, warts, mole, fibroma, papilloma, condyloma, xanthelasma, molluscum contagiosum, nevus, etc.

When should you refrain from removing tumors with laser?

Laser treatment effectively removes all types of skin growths, however, there are a number of conditions in which you should refrain from procedures. It is not recommended to use laser for:

  • bleeding;
  • pregnancy;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • herpes lesions;
  • the presence of viral and bacterial infections.

Before the procedure, the doctor identifies individual contraindications. After an examination and history, he will either approve laser removal or recommend postponing it.

Laser removal of tumors - Before / After Photos

How is the procedure performed?

Laser removal of tumors on the face or body takes no more than 5-10 minutes. During the procedure, nearby tissues are not affected. Local anesthesia is used for patient comfort.

Before removing the tumor, the area is first treated with a disinfectant. After that, the pulse power and exposure time of the laser device are selected (depending on skin type). Then the evaporation process begins.

After removing the tumors, an antiseptic and a patch are applied to the treated area. Next, the doctor gives recommendations on caring for the wound.

Dermatoscopy is also performed before the procedure. If necessary, the tumor is sent for histological examination.

Which moles can be removed and which cannot?

Separately, it should be said about moles, the removal of which may pose a risk to human health. You can identify safe moles, that is, those that do not pose a health hazard.

Their removal is possible to achieve a cosmetic effect. Such moles have a number of distinctive properties:

  • Its diameter is no more than 0.5 cm;
  • Hair grows on the mole;
  • The skin at the site of the mole is identical in structure and texture to the rest of the skin;
  • The nevus has clear boundaries;
  • There is no sharp growth of the mole; the growth is practically invisible to the eye;

There are also dangerous moles, the removal of which can trigger the risk of developing skin cancer. It is important to understand that it is dangerous to remove them in aesthetic centers; such cases should be dealt with by an oncologist.

Conscientious specialists at cosmetic clinics will inform you of the slightest suspicion of malignancy, but some signs of a “dangerous” mole can be detected on your own:

  • Active growth of the mole, rapid change in the structure and shape of the neoplasm;
  • Hair loss from the surface;
  • Such a mole appeared in adulthood;
  • Peeling or crusting;
  • Itching and burning in this area;
  • Bleeding due to minor injury;
  • Release of moisture.

Post-procedure care

After removal of the tumor, a small wound remains, which heals within 1.5-3 weeks (depending on the size of the removed tumor).

During healing, a crust forms on the wound, then the crust falls off and a pink spot remains - new skin, which, depending on the area of ​​the body, lasts from 3 weeks to six months. If the wound was small (up to 1 cm), then the place where the tumor was removed will be impossible to distinguish from areas of skin that are nearby. But if the wound was large, then a light spot may remain on the skin in the future, this is explained by the fact that there was not enough healing tissue and scar tissue formed.

After the laser procedure, it is not recommended for two weeks:

  • prevent skin overheating or hypothermia;
  • overexert yourself physically;
  • go to the pool, solarium, sauna;
  • contact with household chemicals;
  • rub the wound with a towel;
  • peel off the crust after excision;
  • treat with alcohol.

The doctor will give recommendations for care and prescribe an antiseptic to treat the area where the tumor was removed.

Laser mole removal

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A mole is a benign skin growth that occurs as a result of the proliferation of melanocytic (nevus) cells.

Dermatoscopy of a mole

Melanocytes are cells that produce the pigment melanin. Moles in varying quantities can be found on the skin of almost every person - they appear throughout life and can be congenital.

The appearance of moles and their number is mainly determined by hereditary predisposition. However, external factors can accelerate their appearance and promote growth: ultraviolet radiation, hormonal disorders, pregnancy, etc.

Basically, removing moles is a desire to get rid of a cosmetic defect.

The presence of moles and other formations on open areas of the body, especially on the face, does not look aesthetically pleasing, so people try to get rid of them. Sometimes there are more serious indications for the treatment of moles, for example, the danger of the formations degenerating into malignant tumors. Therefore, you should treat this problem responsibly and contact a specialist as early as possible.

Laser mole removal at the Gradient clinic:

Doctor: Grishko R.V.

Before you think about how to get rid of a mole, you should determine its origin, our dermato-oncologists will help you with this. The following types of moles are distinguished:

  • Epidermal nature: borderline, intradermal and mixed.
  • Dermal origin. The most common type in this category is the blue nevus.
  • Congenital nevi.
  • Special types of nevi (halonevus, Spitz nevus).
  • High-risk neoplasms!!! (dysplastic nevus, Reed's nevus, Dubreuil's melanosis - an unevenly colored flat pigment spot on the face).

The most common are intradermal nevi (moles). They can be whitish, sometimes reddish, but more often various shades of brown. Externally, they are flat or dome-shaped formations. Laser removal of moles of this type is the most effective, fastest and painless.

Benefits of the procedure

Laser removal of skin tumors is considered the safest and most effective method. The positive qualities of the technique include:

  • safety;
  • efficiency;
  • can be done at any time of the year (however, if you have returned from a hot vacation, cosmetologists recommend resting the skin for several days before the removal procedure);
  • no bleeding;
  • absence of pain (since it is done with anesthesia);
  • sterility;
  • exclusion of relapses;
  • does not leave scars or scars;
  • short rehabilitation period.

Types of tumors that laser can treat

The laser copes with any skin defects, including:

  • Angiomas, atheromas;
  • Warts, botryomycomoma;
  • Ingrown toenails;
  • Keratomas, condylomas, xanthelasmas, molluscum contagiosum and cutaneous horn;
  • Nevi, moles, birthmarks;
  • Papillomas;
  • Fibroids;
  • Chalazions

In addition to a wide spectrum of action, the laser has an undeniable advantage - it removes papillomas in intimate and most delicate areas: on the mucous membrane, eyelids, in the mouth and nasal cavity.


Laser therapy is not allowed if:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • allergies to ultraviolet radiation;
  • high skin sensitivity;
  • weakened immune system;
  • skin inflammation;
  • elevated sugar levels;
  • epilepsy;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • also during pregnancy and lactation.

The procedure is non-traumatic, with minimal side effects.

Medical ]SkinLazerMed[/anchor] employs doctors with extensive experience in removing any tumors. On the day of your visit before the procedure, you will receive a free consultation with a specialist! You can make an appointment by calling: 317-78-21. You can also leave a request on our website and our administrators will contact you! Take care of your health with SkinLazerMed!

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