How to get rid of jowls - sagging cheeks?

Why do “jowls” form?

Over time, the skin loses the properties characteristic of a young body.
Aging is accompanied by a loss of elasticity, which leads to a number of age-related changes: wrinkles, sagging skin, vascular and age spots. The changes affect not only the skin, but also the fat deposits located underneath it. Subcutaneous fat in the cheekbone area significantly atrophies, and in the cheek and chin area, on the contrary, it becomes larger. These processes lead to tissue displacement in the lower parts of the face and sagging skin. At the same time, nasolabial folds become pronounced and jowls appear - overhanging soft tissue on the sides of the jaw.

How does Seline get rid of jowls?

Our experts believe that it is possible to cope with the problem without resorting to radical methods. Excellent results show:

  • thread thread lifting;
  • procedures on ULTHERA SYSTEM;
  • RF lifting using the ACCENT XL device.

A facelift using 3D mesothreads inserted under the skin is a one-time procedure that allows you to create a strong internal frame, which will hold previously sagging tissue in the position desired for the patient. Over time, the threads will dissolve, but the effect will remain. New connective tissue will grow around them, which will subsequently perform the function of bioreinforcement. The procedure is minimally invasive, performed on average in 30 minutes, and the effect continues to please for about 2 years.

Ulthera System is a whole system of working with skin. The device not only generates ultrasonic waves, but also visualizes the result of their influence and controls the depth of their influence. Its target is the facial muscles, ligaments, and the fat packets they hold. Altera is a “smart” device that takes into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of each patient in our clinic. Just one procedure using the Ulthera System device, and the cheeks are tightened, the oval of the face returns to its previous boundaries, and fat deposits are destroyed.

Accent is another device that our clinic is proud of. It can solve many aesthetic problems, including removing jowls on the face. ACCENT XL acts with radiofrequency waves on the deep layers of the skin without affecting the epidermis. As a result of its impact, tissues are locally heated, which triggers the regeneration effect, the synthesis of collagen, elastin, and the process of destruction of adipocytes that store fat. The procedure is a course, the effect lasts for 6-24 months.

Methods for correcting facial contours

Modern cosmetology and plastic surgery offers many options for correcting age-related changes, including jowls:

  • Administration of drugs based on botulinum toxin.
  • Ultrasonic lifting.
  • Contour plastic with fillers.
  • Various types of plastic surgery.
  • Thread lifting.
  • Lipolitics.

Not all methods are equally effective and applicable to every patient. Surgical correction has good results, but is used to a limited extent due to postoperative risks and long recovery times. Fillers add volume, but are not suitable for patients with a sufficient amount of their own fatty tissue, since the result of the procedure will be an unnatural puffiness of the face. Botulinum therapy affects muscle tissue, helps smooth out wrinkles, but has no effect on the cause of sagging.

Available and effective methods in this case are thread lifting and the use of lipolytics. They affect the main component of age-related changes - subcutaneous fat deposits. The methods combine safety and good cosmetic results.

Reasons for appearance

Despite the fact that there are many reasons for the appearance of jowls, the main one is still aging. As we age, the skin decreases in certain compounds that help it maintain its shape. These include fat, connective tissue proteins, elastin and collagen.

The skin also becomes drier and thinner, which also affects its ability to maintain its shape. Due to all these factors, it becomes more vulnerable, it is harder for it to resist gravity, and it begins to sag.

The second most popular cause of cheek ptosis is back problems. Slouching and the head falling into the shoulders lead to drooping facial tissues. And all because this position shortens the neck and disrupts its correct statics. The condition of your neck largely determines how your face looks.

Incorrect posture leads to impaired blood and lymph flow, which is why the neck, and therefore the facial skin, does not receive enough nutrients.

What other causes of sagging could be:

  • Exposure to sunlight. Ultraviolet rays penetrate the skin and destroy collagen and elastin. This is why it is necessary to use sunscreen with SPF.
  • Genetics. Everyone will have jowls - that's a fact. But how expressed they will be depends to some extent on genes. If your parents have noticeable ptosis, there is a good chance that you will have it too. Don’t rush to give up, because you can get rid of jowls or delay their appearance. Start taking proper care of your skin now.
  • Dramatic weight loss. Sudden and rapid weight loss leads to sagging skin all over the body, including the face.
  • Smoking and alcohol.
  • Dehydration.
  • Stress.
  • Diets low in antioxidants, healthy fats and other essential nutrients.
  • Inappropriate cosmetics.

How does thread lifting work?

This method of face lifting is based on the introduction of threads made of organic materials into the skin with thin needles. After a certain time, the threads break down into carbon dioxide, water or organic acids, which are then utilized by the body. One of the main effects of threads is stimulation of the synthesis of collagen fibers and enhancement of the reparative properties of the skin. Moreover, water molecules formed after resorption are retained in the dermis, increase skin turgor and prevent it from sagging. Thread lifting allows you to achieve the following effects:

  • Move the subcutaneous fat and fix it in the right place.
  • Form an additional frame that prevents sagging of soft tissues.
  • Stimulate collagen formation.
  • Eliminate sagging skin and increase its elasticity.
  • Improve the general condition of the skin.

Not all threads have a lifting effect. Some perform only a frame function. The result is influenced by many factors: material, composition, installation depth, initial condition of the skin.

The threads are made from several biomaterials: polydioxanone, polylactic acid and caprolactone. Polydioxanone is absorbed the fastest, and caprolactone remains in the tissues longer than others. To achieve a lifting effect, the threads are introduced not into the epidermis, but into the deeper layers of soft tissue. Passing through the subcutaneous fat, the thread slightly pulls it along with it to the place of its fixation. The threads are usually fixed near the ligaments of the face. When correcting jowls, the thread is most often held by the zygomatic ligament.

The final result is also influenced by the surface of the thread: smooth, spiked or notched. The even texture of the thread does not allow the skin to be tightened and fixed, so after the procedure the threads “slide” from the installation site, and the lifting effect is quickly lost. Barbed threads are best suited for tightening. They are well fixed in tissues for a long time and lift them.

With thread lifting, several correction options are possible. The choice of method depends on the severity of age-related changes and prolapse of soft tissues.

The first option is suitable for patients aged 30–40 years with initial age-related skin changes. It is used to slightly correct the shape of the face and eliminate the initial signs of aging. For this, a small number of threads (2–4) are usually used to tighten problem areas. This option is not suitable for patients with pronounced subcutaneous fat due to the inability of the threads to hold the tissue.

The second method of thread lifting is used in patients 40–50 years old with significant signs of aging, but without significant fat deposits. Typical complaints of patients are the appearance of jowls, pronounced nasolabial folds and general sagging skin. To correct age-related changes, the doctor uses a large number of threads (from 3 on each side).

The third option is applicable for patients over 50–55 years of age or in case of a large amount of subcutaneous fat. The goal of the procedure is to firmly fix the soft tissues and prevent their further prolapse. The doctor may use up to 10 threads or more. The effect of this correction option is the longest lasting.

How to deal with jowls at home

Be sure to choose the right cosmetics. It is best to use natural hydrosols, balms and oils, regularly cleanse, tone, moisturize and nourish the skin.

Devote 10-15 minutes a day to gymnastics and self-massage of the face. This is quite a bit, but the result is impressive. Regularity and correct technique are the key to success. And most importantly, this method is safe, unlike salon methods.

Also, massage your face with a dry massage brush every day or a couple of times a week. Be sure to follow the massage lines indicated on the package. Due to this rubbing, blood circulation increases and lymph flow is stimulated. The skin becomes more toned and radiant. Before the procedure, you just need to cleanse your facial skin.

Sign up for the intensive “Face Oval and Chin” so you don’t give up what you started. This intensive is aimed specifically at the lower third of the face. With the help of simple techniques, you will stretch out your platysma, lengthen your neck, get rid of jowls and a double chin, and also restore a clear youthful angle.

Lipolitics for face lifting

Lipolitics are a group of drugs that destroy adipose tissue at the injection site. A reasonable question arises: with age, atrophy of adipose tissue in the upper part of the face already occurs, why is it necessary to additionally use these drugs?

The fact is that, unlike fillers, lipolytics help to acquire a youthful facial contour not with the help of additional volumes, but on the contrary, by reducing problem areas. They are injected only into areas with excess subcutaneous fat. The choice of injection site is made after examining the patient. The procedure involves administering the product with thin needles. As a rule, injections are given in the chin, lower jaw and cheeks. At the same time, adipose tissue breaks down into natural components, which are then utilized by the body.

Photos before and after jowl removal

More examples can be found in the VKontakte and Instagram accounts of the Pirogov Clinic and our plastic surgeons

How is jowl removal surgery performed?

SMAS lifting is performed under general anesthesia, the operation lasts 3 hours. After the operation, the patient spends one day in a comfortable room at our clinic under the supervision of specialists.

Recovery period:

  • you spend one day in a comfortable hospital;
  • on the sixth day the stitches are removed;
  • The general recovery period lasts several weeks. At this time, it is important to follow your doctor's recommendations and take the medications prescribed by him.


  • a fresh, tightened oval of the face has been formed in the lower third of the face;
  • the effect of a sad face disappears;
  • wrinkles and folds in the lower third of the face are smoothed out.

The results of jowl removal surgery last for 10 to 15 years, and you look much younger than your age.

To achieve the best effect, other aesthetic interventions on the face can be performed simultaneously, for example, platysmoplasty (neck lift).

How to choose the best method?

The choice of correction method depends on many factors: the patient’s age and his wishes, the condition and characteristics of the skin, and concomitant diseases. It is difficult to decide on the tightening method on your own.

Of course, each patient has his own preferences, but the correction method should be chosen only after consultation with a cosmetologist. A specialist can assess risk factors and skin condition, predict the result and duration of the effect of a particular procedure. Sign up for a consultation by phone: +7 (495) 120-08-07.

Jowl massage

To tighten the oval of the face, it is necessary to massage not only the face, but also the head.

Play the head massage video and repeat

  1. Run your fingers over your scalp as if you were combing your hair.
  2. You can hurt your forehead and temples.
  3. Continue this for two minutes.
  4. Then gather your hair into small buns and pull them to the sides.
  5. Massage your scalp in circular motions.

Video “do-it-yourself lifting effect”

  1. Warm up your palms.
  2. Press your palms tightly to your temples.
  3. Hold this position to warm up your whiskey.
  4. Then, using circular movements, begin to massage the temple area, slowly moving towards the hair.

And this is a video of warming up the masticatory muscles using an amber stick.

  1. Open your mouth wide.
  2. Start rolling the amber stick up and down over the spasming muscles, as if you were rolling out dough.
  3. Now on the other side.
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