How to treat nail fungus with baking soda at home

Cure the disease with a solution of water and soda

When used correctly, soda can provide great benefits, for this reason it is used in many situations. Treatment of nail fungus with soda consists of foot baths. How to do everything right?

  1. To cure a fungal disease, take a container of the required volume. First you need to thoroughly moisten and treat the areas of the feet where the fungus is present. Sometimes it is even necessary to buy in completely.
  2. Water is the main liquid. Its temperature should be no more than 40 degrees, but not less than 35.
  3. You will need baking soda.
  4. It would be a good idea to stock up on liquid or laundry soap. Whatever it is, the soap you use should contain beneficial elements.

How to prepare your feet for soap treatment

In order for the laundry soap solution to produce results, it must penetrate as deeply as possible into the nails damaged by the fungus. To do this, you can first make a bath of hot water and softening shampoo. Soak your nails in a 50-degree bath and trim them short. It is also worth going over the top of the nail with a nail file, especially if they have already transformed into growths. If your nails are too hard, you should steam them as best as possible before cutting them.

After you have removed as much damaged nails as possible, you can begin treatment with laundry soap. Use either bubble baths or grate soap and apply to your nails. Wrap them with a bandage and keep them on for 2 to 8 hours.

Procedure for foot baths

Baking soda for nail fungus is an excellent remedy. First of all, you need to pour water into a previously prepared container, based on personal preferences in its quantity. Soda should be diluted in water. In addition, adhere to the optimal ratio of ingredients: 1 tbsp. soda per 2 liters of water.

Stir the solution thoroughly and wait until the soda completely dissolves in the liquid. After this, add soap (it can be either liquid or regular solid).

If you use laundry soap, it is best to grind it with a grater to achieve the fastest possible dissolution in water. In this case, the following proportion must be observed: 1 tbsp. soap for 20 liters of liquid. Next, lower your feet into the prepared bath and hold for 20 minutes.

Do not forget - after such a procedure you cannot wipe your feet. It is necessary that the feet and nails dry naturally. Having agreed in advance with a dermatologist, you can treat fungus with soda in combination with some other drugs - for example, antifungal gel.

If the treatment of fungus with soda is performed on the nail plate, then antifungal varnish compositions can be used to speed up the healing process.

For the most effective treatment of foot fungus, it is imperative to wear clean, dried socks after the procedure.

Such baths should be carried out once every 3 days. Only with continuous treatment can you achieve better results!


Soda can be found in every home. It is a mass consisting of small crystals that quickly dissolves. The substance is actively used in many aspects of human life, for example:

  • in combination with milk, it perfectly softens cough;
  • relieves heartburn;
  • removes fluid from the body;
  • soda baths help with sunburn;
  • eliminates the smell of sweat, neutralizing the acidic environment;
  • soothes itching from mosquito bites;
  • is an excellent cosmetic product;
  • It is used in chemistry and medicine, and is an integral part of many medicines and folk recipes.

Does fungus kill

Treating fungus with soda promotes maximum absorption of medicinal ointments, maximizing their effectiveness. Acting as an antiseptic, it destroys the fungus on the surface of the skin. To completely get rid of the infection, it is necessary to act inside the cell using special ointments and gels. In order to understand how effective soda is against nail fungus, you should understand what properties of it can contribute to this:

  • the substance neutralizes acids in the body;
  • increases the alkaline environment reserve;
  • normalizes acid-base balance;
  • helps soften tissues, acting as an antiseptic.

Treatment recommendations

Baking soda for toenail fungus has been helping in the treatment of fungal infections for decades. This is a very important procedure, it is recommended to think about following some instructions. So:

  • Foot baths should be done systematically in order to achieve the greatest results.
  • Before you do anything, you need to talk to a dermatologist. You should clarify the features of medications that are used in modern medicine and can be used simultaneously with baths of soda solution. If the fungal disease has already been neglected, then medications are a prerequisite for complex treatment.
  • If you need to wait for the result, be patient. You may notice changes for the better after some time (after 2 or more weeks).
  • Wear washed clothes every day.
  • Personal hygiene must be maintained as much as possible.
  • Nails or skin of the feet/hands affected by a fungal infection should be protected from even the most minimal damage.
  • If you make foot baths using soda, the water temperature should be optimal.
  • A fungal disease causes a decrease in immunity and weakens the body as a whole, for this reason, try to eat more fresh vegetables/fruits.
  • Doctors are of the opinion that it is imperative to monitor the body’s response to therapy used in the fight against the fungus. All people react differently to baking soda, so you need to understand exactly how it will affect you specifically.

Quick recipes for treating feet and nails

  • Oil-soda solution

Add a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate and 3-4 drops of mint or tea tree oil to a glass of boiled water. The solution is used for lotions, compresses, and wiping affected areas.

  • Lemon soda solution

If the disease is caused by Candida fungi, then a lemon-soda solution will be effective for treatment. Use the juice of half a lemon to quench the soda (10 g) and mix the foam with water (a glass). Wipe your nails with the solution.

  • Soda paste

Sodium bicarbonate is diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream. Apply the prepared paste to your nails. Lemon juice is squeezed and dripped onto the pasta. A chemical reaction begins. The mixture is washed off after five minutes.

After baths and compresses, apply cream and massage your feet - this will improve blood circulation

  • Compresses

The easiest and fastest way to cure a nail is a compress. In a glass of water or herbal infusion, dilute a spoonful of baking soda and a spoonful of salt, moisten a cotton pad with this liquid and apply it to the nail until completely dry, then change the pad.

Using soda if the nail is affected by fungus: when is it effective?

Do you think that baking soda foot bath is the best treatment for fungal infection for you? Be prepared that the effect you want to see does not manifest itself in all cases, since soda does not always help and the nail does not take on a flawless appearance every time.

A good effect is achieved if you plan to treat yeast fungus or candidiasis. At the same time, the result also depends on how severely the skin and nail plate are affected. The greatest effectiveness is observed when treating the fungus in the first stages of its spread.

How to use correctly

Depending on the location of the lesion and its area, various methods of treatment with soda should be used. Among the most effective methods of application are:

  • Soda paste.
  • Saturated sodium bicarbonate solution.
  • Compresses based on the use of soda and its solutions.
  • A combination of laundry soap and baking soda for complex treatment.

Soda paste

It should be used locally, applied to the affected area. To prepare, mix sodium bicarbonate and warm water in a 1:1 ratio.

In addition, due to the correct combination with other drugs, the effectiveness of treating fungal diseases can be increased. To prepare soda paste use:

  • Aloe plant juice. It helps soften the skin and also has an antifungal effect.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Lemon juice.

With aloe

In order to prepare soda paste with aloe, you need to mix baking soda and water. You should get a consistency reminiscent of sour cream. Next, you need to add a couple of milliliters of aloe juice drop by drop. The juice should make up a third of the resulting paste.

Apply a small layer of soda paste with aloe to the affected areas. Experts recommend leaving the mixture overnight so that all components are thoroughly absorbed.

The paste should be used for several months until traces of the fungus disappear.

With hydrogen peroxide

Preparation of soda paste with peroxide:

  • Mix a couple of glasses of water with baking soda in a ratio of (10/1). Pour a couple of drops of table bite into baking soda.
  • Add one glass of peroxide and carefully move the resulting solution.

The solution is used for external use. The course of treatment should not exceed one and a half months.

With lemon juice

To prepare soda paste with lemon juice you need:

  • Squeeze the juice from a whole lemon, remove the lemon seeds from the resulting solution.
  • Prepare a paste of baking soda and juice by mixing both ingredients in a 1:1 ratio.
  • The mass should resemble a creamy consistency.

For convenience, the resulting paste is secured with a bandage on the affected area. Because lemon juice is very drying to the skin, you should not use it too often.

Warm bath

Warm baths should be taken daily for several minutes. It is best to keep your feet or hands under water for half an hour. Warm baths should be taken before bed. This is necessary so that the remaining solution can be absorbed into the affected skin.

With water

In order to make a bath of baking soda with water, you should fill a bowl of hot water. Next, you should dissolve a couple of tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate. Then you need to immerse your hands or feet in the water, depending on the affected area.

You should stay in hot water for several minutes. As soon as the water cools down, you need to add hot water. Do not heat the water to high temperatures, otherwise you may get serious burns.

With iodine

It is necessary to prepare a warm bath with iodine at night. To do this, take a couple of glasses of water and dissolve the iodine solution in it. To obtain a rich color, add 10 drops for every 200 ml of water.

Next, you need to lower your hands or just your nails to achieve the effect. Such baths are often used when fungus forms on the nails. Warm baths should be done every evening until traces of fungus disappear.

With salt

A widely used method is taking warm baths with sea salt and sodium bicarbonate.

To do this, prepare a hot bath and add a couple of handfuls of sea salt to it. As soon as it dissolves in water, you need to pour in a soda solution. A solution of soda is prepared from water and sodium bicarbonate; they should be mixed in a ratio of 10:1.

Due to the high concentration of salts, it is not recommended to spend more than 20 minutes in the bath. It is also not worth using this method often, because the solution has a very aggressive effect on the skin and affected areas.

Saturated solution

If there is very little time to treat the fungus, you should prepare a saturated solution and make lotions. To prepare, you need to dissolve the maximum amount of baking soda in water.

Against candida

Baking soda copes well with the development of Candida fungus on nails, hair and skin. You can also use sodium bicarbonate to prevent the development of fungus.


Soda compresses have disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties. To do this, you need to moisten gauze in a soda solution and apply it to the affected area. For convenience, you should secure the gauze bandage with a bandage or paper adhesive plaster.

Laundry soap and soda

Laundry soap can be mixed with a soda solution to effectively treat fungus. To prepare, dilute laundry soap and sodium bicarbonate in hot water in a 1:1 ratio. Next, you need to immerse your legs or arms in the resulting solution, keeping them in the water for at least half an hour.

People's reviews regarding foot baths with soda

  • Patients who have been fighting a fungal infection for a long time see the first results within a month of the procedure. At the same time, not everyone likes to wait a long time and some resort to modern medicine in the fight against this disease.
  • If you are unable to regularly visit a good doctor, foot baths with soda are what you need.
  • This procedure will be an excellent addition to the treatment of fungal diseases with medications.

Contraindications and prevention

Self-medication is dangerous. Before using any traditional medicine, you should consult your doctor. It would seem that soda is a harmless remedy, but allergic reactions, individual intolerance and other negative consequences of using the drug without the permission of a specialist are possible. The use of soda treatment in children, pregnant and lactating women is unacceptable.

It is not easy to cure fungus; it is better to take care of prevention. Basic rules for preventing infection:

  • visiting the swimming pool and public baths in your own shoes (slides);
  • use of personal towels and pedicure tools;
  • wearing your own shoes (socks when visiting);
  • strengthening nails (vitamin complex, gel polish);
  • moisturizing nails (cream, ointment);
  • shoe treatment (disinfection after purchase).

How long to treat fungus with soap

Treatment of fungus with soap depends not only on the stage of the disease, but also on the characteristics of the body and the patient’s immunity. Therefore, in each specific case, the time from the start of treatment to complete recovery is different. On average, treatment will take at least 2-3 weeks, and it is possible to completely get rid of the fungus only when the diseased nail grows back and is completely cut off.

When using laundry soap, the healing process can be accelerated, especially if the treatment was comprehensive - using traditional medicine. Only in this case can we talk about cure without the possibility of relapse. If there are no visible results within a month and the disease causes discomfort, consult a doctor who will adjust the drug use algorithm or recommend a stronger remedy.

Laundry soap and soda

Baking soda perfectly complements the action of laundry soap. Both ingredients have worked well when used as hot baths for nails. For the bath, you will need to coarsely grate 2 tablespoons of soap per 5 liters of water and add 2 tablespoons of soda. You can add 50 ml of vinegar. Mix everything until the soap dissolves. Keep your nails in the bath for 15 to 40 minutes. Dry, put on clean socks or gloves. If the fungus has affected your toenails, do not wear shoes for 2-3 hours.

A bath based on soap, soda and vinegar will defeat the fungus

Precautionary measures

If you are hypersensitive to soda, you should immediately stop using it.

A patient who decides to fight onychomycosis with home methods should know how to safely treat nail fungus with soda. To avoid possible complications, you must first make sure there are no contraindications. Doctors prohibit treatment with soda for the following conditions:

  1. Individual intolerance to the product;
  2. Dermatological diseases that exclude exfoliating and drying procedures;
  3. Cuts and wounds on the skin.

If you neglect the contraindications, you may encounter side effects from baking soda. Among them are itching, burning and a feeling of discomfort at the site of application of the folk remedy.

In most cases, soda leads to the development of side effects in those patients who are hypersensitive to this product. But sometimes they cannot be avoided even if soda is well tolerated. To ensure the safety of treatment, it is recommended to first do a test on a small area of ​​skin to check your body's reaction to exposure to sodium bicarbonate.

Soap and salt bath

Salt is a natural antiseptic. It prevents bacteria, viruses, and fungi from spreading. At the same time, sea salt is famous for the fact that it draws out all infections from the skin and nails. Of course, this property of salt could not go unnoticed by traditional medicine, so salt is actively used not only to treat sore throats, abscesses, rhinitis, but also to get rid of such an unpleasant disease as nail fungus.

To make a more effective bath, take 1 tablespoon of grated laundry soap for 1 tablespoon of salt. We keep our nails in this bath for 15-30 minutes, after which we wipe them dry, cut off the softened parts of the nails and apply anti-fungal cream. This procedure must be carried out at least every other day, and then the effect will occur within 1-2 weeks.

There are cases when methods of treating nail fungus based on laundry soap do not bring results. Each such specific case should be dealt with by a dermatologist.

Conditions of infection

Infectious pathogens are attracted by poor hygiene of the skin, nails and genitals. When wearing uncomfortable shoes, calluses and chafed areas form on the feet, which quickly become associated with a fungal infection. Excessive sweating, poor circulation or lymphatic movement lead to insufficient nutrition of the skin. It begins to dry out and crack, which becomes a favorable environment for candida. A decrease in the body's defenses in the presence of serious illnesses, after undergoing operations, as well as long-term use of antibiotics, is a predisposing factor for fungal infection.

The development of pathogenic microflora, if left untreated, leads to immunodeficiency and a generalized disease process. Subsequently, the body begins to respond with allergic reactions to many substances. Complications of such consequences are bronchial asthma, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, eczema, erysipelas, as well as the development of tumor processes and other degenerations. Damage to the endocrine system by fungal toxins leads to an imbalance in hormonal levels. In women and men, this can cause infertility and other pathologies of the reproductive system.

The disease becomes chronic and from time to time, it reminds itself of itself with such pathological symptoms as cheesy, odorless discharge, itching, which worries the patient around the clock. White or pink spots, swelling, and peeling scales appear on the skin or nails. If another infection is added to the fungus, the discharge may be purulent and have an unpleasant odor. Fungi quickly take root in the body and spread. Candidiasis of the internal organs is indicated by a white coating on the tongue, a similar sign on the arches and tonsils in the throat indicates a sore throat, and vulvitis is indicated by white, curdled discharge and itching from the vagina. The appearance of itchy, light and pink areas on the feet and toes, with cracks and itching, indicates the development of a fungal disease that must be combated. Therapeutic measures should be carried out not only in the affected area, but also with a total cleansing of the body from pathogenic microflora. Fungal infection loves a carbohydrate environment, that is, starch and sugar, but candida also feeds well on minerals, proteins and vitamins.

Unfortunately, the high survival rate of the bacterium is difficult to treat. The fungus does not respond to high or low temperatures, or to various antifungal medications. Treatment of fungus is a long process with the use of drugs to which the fungus is sensitive.

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