The effectiveness of sulfur ointment for demodicosis, its composition, analogues, price, reviews from real people

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Demodicosis is a disease that affects the skin of the face and outer ear. Inflammation occurs due to the penetration of a microscopic mite under the skin, its subsequent reproduction. This happens under the influence of stress, an unbalanced diet, frequent visits to baths and saunas, and violation of the instructions for the use of certain ointments and creams. The approach to treatment must be comprehensive - the doctor must adjust the victim’s lifestyle and prescribe local antiparasitic drugs. Sulfur ointments help against demodex and normalize the condition of the skin.

Sulfur ointment for demodicosis

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The medicine for demodicosis affecting the eyelids and skin on the face is affordable, but at the same time it is highly effective for demodicosis. You can find a lot of positive reviews about it on the Internet on forms from real people.

The ointment allows you to achieve the following results:

  • effective exfoliation of dead epidermal cells, smoothing out bumps;
  • acceleration of skin regeneration;
  • noticeable results with shallow lesions within a few days;
  • skin softening;
  • creating a film on the skin, thanks to which the parasites quickly die without receiving oxygen for life;
  • relief of itching and other manifestations of inflammation.

The unique property of the cream is safety. It is permitted during pregnancy, lactation, for newborns and other people who are prohibited from using potent local drugs.

Symptoms of demodicosis

The sooner demodicosis is diagnosed and treatment is started, the more successful it will be. In advanced cases, therapy lasts for a long time, sometimes for several years. Characteristic signs of the disease are:

  • skin rashes;
  • predominantly pink coloration of acne;
  • puffiness, roughness, and sometimes bumpiness of the skin;
  • the appearance of vascular veins on the face;
  • change in the color of the dermis (from grayish to burgundy);
  • skin pigmentation;
  • itching and burning of the affected areas of the body, intensifying in the evening and at night;
  • redness of the edges of the eyelids;
  • swelling and heaviness in the eyelids;
  • sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the eyes;
  • sticking, loss of eyelashes;
  • the appearance of scales at the roots of the eyelashes along the edge of the eyelids;
  • accumulation of discharge in the form of foamy liquid in the corners of the eyes;
  • with demodicosis of the dermis of the head - hair loss.

Demodicosis The
disease manifests itself in the form of redness, skin rashes, ulcers and acne not only on the face, but also on the back and chest.

Indications and contraindications

Ointment with sulfur is an excellent remedy for the treatment of many skin pathologies. It is characterized by antiparasitic and antimicrobial actions. Contains sulfur and several auxiliary components. The drug has a strong unpleasant odor. After application to the skin, a reaction occurs to form harmful compounds for the demodex parasite. The ointment is also prescribed for the following disorders:

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  • seborrhea;
  • scabies;
  • mycosis;
  • psoriasis;
  • lichen.

This is not a complete list of when the ointment shows excellent results. But it also has contraindications:

  • sulfur intolerance;
  • age under 3 years;
  • severe skin sensitivity;
  • tendency to allergies.

Who is the demodex mite and how does sulfur act on the parasite?

The demodex mite has a microscopic size of up to 1 mm, a worm-shaped transparent body, so it is impossible to notice them with the human eye. Their favorite habitat and breeding environment is the sebaceous gland of the face or body, hair follicles on the head and eyelashes. Cosmetics, follicle cells, subcutaneous fat are food for these parasites.

The tick of this subspecies reproduces very quickly; when it dies, it leaves behind younger offspring, so it is difficult to defeat. If this disease is detected, treatment must be started immediately, since demodex can spread unpleasant symptoms throughout the body. With an inflammatory process on the scalp, the patient soon begins to experience severe hair loss, up to the appearance of bald patches, as parasites suck out all the beneficial substances from the follicles. When the disease develops in the eye area, demodicosis can cause serious ophthalmological pathologies.

Treatment of the disease requires patience. Sulfur ointment has a low price, and it is quite effective against demodicosis, but it has some disadvantages: it dries the skin, has an unpleasant odor, and can leave greasy marks on clothes.

Vaseline, which is included in the composition, covers the skin with a durable film, depriving the mites of oxygen. The resulting sulfides paralyze the parasite, and subsequently it dies. The life cycle of the insect does not allow you to get rid of it after several uses of the drug; the course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor and is carried out under supervision.

Most often, to combat demodex, experts prescribe the product at a concentration of 33%, since when using this particular version of the ointment, a rapid restorative cosmetic effect is observed:

  • the product in this concentration softens the affected epidermis,
  • exfoliates damaged particles of epidermal tissue, due to which new tissue cells begin to be actively produced,
  • improves blood flow and blood flow,
  • activates metabolism,
  • reduces discomfort.

The familiar sulfur ointment at a concentration of 10% has the following effects:

  • relieves the patient's condition, reduces itching, inflammation, redness,
  • destroys ticks,
  • quickly restores skin tissue after shallow lesions.

Sulfur causes peeling and a feeling of tightness of the skin; the product should not be applied to healthy areas of the epidermis; it can only be used in a strictly prescribed dosage.

Side effects

Side effects are very rare and include:

  • redness;
  • itching;
  • rashes;
  • swelling and tightness of the skin.

Even if one of the symptoms develops, you need to go to the doctor to choose a similar drug.

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It is forbidden to use the product for more than 10 days, otherwise the likelihood of an overdose increases. It manifests itself in an increase in all side effects and significantly worsens the condition of the skin.

Dosage and overdose

The drug stimulates receptors in the epidermis, increases blood circulation and local metabolism. This allows you to quickly stop signs of subcutaneous mite infestation.

The use of ointment for demodicosis is simple:

  1. Steam the affected areas. To do this, take a hot bath, shower, and apply a hot compress to your face.
  2. Dry your face and eyelids with a soft towel.
  3. Apply the product directly to the inflammation and the areas closest to it.
  4. Leave for 4 – 5 hours, if the damage is severe, leave overnight.
  5. You can use the ointment up to 3 times a day.
  6. Remove any remaining product with a cotton pad soaked in any vegetable oil, then wash with warm water.

Directions for use
The course of treatment is 5-10 days, rarely extended to 2 months at short intervals as directed by the dermatologist. During the treatment process, it is necessary to constantly change pillowcases, abandon feather pillows, replacing them with synthetic filler.

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If the skin is too sensitive, then a concentration of 10% is used for treatment; it is important to strictly follow the specialist’s instructions on how to use the product.

Causes of the disease

It has been proven that 97% of healthy people are carriers of demodex. Moreover, this microorganism brings benefits by eating exfoliated skin particles and processing the fat produced by the sebaceous glands with its enzymes. That is, the mite is a scavenger-recycler of dead epidermal cells and old fat.

Why does the tick suddenly begin to multiply uncontrollably in only 10% of people? This is also due to a change in the pH of the skin, which should be 5.5-6.5 units. When the pH shifts to the alkaline side, that is, more than 6.5 units, demodex begins to multiply rapidly.

Active substances produced in large quantities by mites irritate the skin, cause itching and allergic reactions. Scratching irritated and itchy skin leads to infection with streptococcal and staphylococcal infections and the formation of pustular inflammations.

The presence of demodex itself is not a pathology. The disease occurs under the influence of internal and external factors. The reasons for the rapid proliferation of the pathogen may be:

  • decreased immunity;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • dermal infections;
  • chronic diseases (liver pathologies, gastrointestinal diseases, etc.);
  • long-term treatment with certain medications;
  • increased skin oiliness;
  • insufficient hygiene;
  • unhealthy diet (abuse of fatty, spicy, smoked foods);
  • alcoholism;
  • stress;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • indiscriminate use of cosmetic hormonal creams and ointments;
  • excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays (in the open sun or in a solarium);
  • pregnancy;
  • passion for bath procedures.

A characteristic feature of the disease is that the parasitic tick is activated at temperatures of 25-30°C. After a bath or hot shower, demodex may become active for a while. Thus, if itching and rashes appear on the affected skin after a hot bath, shower or other exposure to heat, this indicates a high likelihood of demodicosis. But for an accurate diagnosis, laboratory tests of biological material are necessary.


If individual intolerance develops, the doctor selects an analogue. The most popular substitutes include:

Aerosol "Spregal"Helps destroy tick eggs, has no harmful effects on the body, and is allowed during pregnancy.From 800 rub.
Permethrin ointmentDestroys all active forms of demodex in one go. In case of severe damage, the treatment is repeated after 2 weeks. From 450 rub.
Zinc ointmentIncreases the effectiveness of other products, helps restore skin after removing a tick.20 – 30 rub.
"Benzyl benzoate"Used for one-time treatment, it destroys all forms of demodex, except eggs, which requires a second treatment after 4 days.30 – 40 rub.
Wilkinson's ointmentIt is characterized by antiviral and antibacterial effects, fights fungal skin infections, relieves inflammation and kills parasites.30 rub.

Analog "Benzyl benzoate"

It is possible to defeat parasites!

Antiparasitic Complex® - Reliable and safe removal of parasites in 21 days!

  • The composition includes only natural ingredients;
  • Does not cause side effects;
  • Absolutely safe;
  • Protects the liver, heart, lungs, stomach, skin from parasites;
  • Removes waste products of parasites from the body.
  • Effectively destroys most types of helminths in 21 days.

There is now a preferential program for free packaging. Read expert opinion.

Read further:

Metronidazole for demodicosis: treatment regimen, instructions for use

Soap for demodicosis (tar, laundry): how to use for treatment

Benzyl benzoate for demodicosis (ointment, emulsion): treatment regimen, instructions for use

Demodex on the face: reasons for its appearance, how to get rid of it, the best ointments

Thiabendazole: instructions for use, active ingredient, price and analogues

Demodectic mange in cats: symptoms and drug treatment regimen


For a long time I could not get rid of the constantly appearing bumpy acne and pimples on my face. After visiting a dermatologist, it turned out that the skin was affected by subcutaneous mites. The specialist prescribed the use of ointment with sulfur. After a full course I got rid of the problem forever.

Ekaterina, 25 years old

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I struggled with severe acne on my face for a long time - about 10 years, but even with varying degrees of success, it did not completely go away. Having decided to visit a dermatologist, I heard a disappointing diagnosis - demodicosis. The doctor prescribed an ointment containing sulfur, and a miracle happened: after using it and following the rules of normalizing my lifestyle, I saw a clean, well-groomed face.

Elena, 32 years old

Skin care during treatment

When treating demodicosis, refrain from using traditional cosmetics, including cleansers.

Avoid using cosmetics when you are sick

It is advisable to wash your face not with water, but with herbal decoctions:

  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • calendula;
  • yarrow.

Use tar soap for hygiene procedures. If the eyelids are affected, treat the skin with a 70% alcohol infusion.

Demodicosis is accompanied by other skin problems - dermatitis, stye, eczema. They can be treated with any local medications only with the permission of the attending physician.

Doctor's recommendations for using the drug

Be sure to follow the rules of prevention during treatment:

  • treat all personal hygiene products (bed and underwear, towels) daily by boiling and ironing;
  • During the treatment period, any cosmetic procedures are contraindicated;
  • refrain from baths, saunas, solarium sessions, limit exposure to the sun;
  • be sure to treat other diseases of the body;
  • exclude fried, smoked, spicy, salty foods from the menu.

To avoid the development of demodicosis:

  • Strengthen your immune system.
  • Eat sensibly.
  • Give up bad habits.
  • Follow the rules of hygiene and do not use other people’s hygiene products.
  • Take care of your facial skin.

If you experience any skin problems, visit a dermatologist.

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