Treatment of wen with soda at home

What is lipoma

Lipoma is considered one of the most common types of benign neoplasms. It develops in the subcutaneous fatty tissue from fat cells, is painless to the touch and quite mobile, since it has a soft consistency, has a round shape with a smooth surface and fuzzy contours. As a rule, a lipoma is distinguished by relatively slow growth, usually ranging in diameter from 0.3 cm to 2-3 cm (in exceptional cases, its size can exceed 10 cm, and the neoplasm can have a compressive effect on the surrounding tissues).

The formation of lipomas is most often observed in women aged 35-50 years, although it can occur in people of both sexes and at any age. On the body, these neoplasms are located in places with a sufficient amount of adipose tissue (usually on the torso and limbs). Lipomas can be single or multiple.

Based on the type of tissue involved in the formation of the tumor, it is customary to distinguish the following types of lipomas:

  • lipofibromas - consist exclusively of adipose tissue;
  • fibrolipomas - consist of adipose and connective tissue;
  • myolipomas - consist of adipose tissue with the inclusion of smooth muscle fibers;
  • angiolipomas - consist of adipose tissue, including deformed blood vessels.

The factors that provoke the development of lipomas have not yet been sufficiently studied, but it is generally accepted that these tumors are formed due to:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • injuries (in case of trauma to certain parts of the body, for example, legs or forearms);
  • endocrine disorders;
  • severe stress.

Cost of services

We understand the financial costs of removing a large number of lipomas, and therefore we offer discounts, in which the cost of removing one lipoma on any part of the body (except the back, which is a little more expensive there) is 1,750 rubles , regardless of their size (! ).

We can safely say that such conditions do not exist anywhere in Russia and even abroad! Therefore, people come to us for treatment of lipomatosis not only from all regions of the Russian Federation, but also from abroad (there were patients from Germany, Belgium, Great Britain, China, Israel, not to mention the neighboring countries).

Who is indicated for lipoma removal?

Some believe that its removal is for aesthetic purposes only. However, there are some medical indications for this procedure.

Firstly, the lipoma itself cannot “resolve”, and its growth (albeit slow) will sooner or later lead to significant discomfort (up to compression of surrounding tissues, including nerve endings). Secondly, although it is a benign tumor, there is always a risk (albeit minimal) that it can develop into a malignant tumor (liposarcoma).

Therefore, the following symptoms should be the reason for immediately contacting a doctor and subsequent removal of the lipoma:

  • pain of the tumor;
  • inflammation;
  • changes in size, shape and color;
  • watery discharge;
  • discomfort caused by the tumor.

Symptoms of the disease

More often it begins at a young age with the appearance of 1 – 2 “bumps”. Then their number gradually increases, the existing ones slowly grow. The sizes are often from 1 to 5 cm, but sometimes they reach significant sizes - up to 15 cm or more.

Formations are defined as subcutaneous, mobile, soft or dense elastic nodes. Most often painless, but sometimes they can hurt. The appearance of new lesions can be either gradual or “explosive” in nature, when dozens of new wen appear in a short time. Why this happens is still unknown.

Modern removal methods

The choice of the most appropriate surgical method depends on the individual condition and characteristics of the patient, as well as the size and number of lipomas. The removal operation can be performed under local anesthesia (in the case of a small tumor) or general anesthesia (in the case of a large tumor).

Traditional surgicalSuitable for lipomas of all sizes, performed using local anesthesia. It is most effective, does not cause relapses, but a scar remains. During the operation, the necessary incision (0.3-1.5 cm) is made, depending on the size of the lipoma, the lipoma is removed and sutures are applied, which are subsequently absorbed. The duration of the operation is approximately 40 minutes. Next, an aseptic bandage is applied to the wound, which should be worn for three days.
LiposuctionIt involves suctioning out the contents of the lipoma by inserting a needle into it. The duration of the procedure is about 15-20 minutes. No stitches are required. Quite a high risk of relapse. Usually used to remove relatively small lipomas.
CryodestructionLipomas are removed using liquid nitrogen. In this case, tissue destroyed by freezing does not need to be removed. A not very noticeable scar or pigment spot may remain at the surgery site. Used for small lipomas.
LaserRemoval is carried out using a carbon dioxide laser by completely exfoliating it (including the neoplasm capsule, consisting of subcutaneous tissue). The method is point-based, which avoids contact with surrounding tissues. There are also no post-operative marks left. The duration of the procedure depends on the size of the lipoma (15-30 minutes). Short recovery period, postoperative complications and relapses are excluded.
Radio waveRemoval of a lipoma (usually up to 5 cm in size) is carried out using a so-called radio wave scalpel, which uses high-frequency electromagnetic waves in the range of 3.8 - 4.0 MHz. Simultaneously with surgical intervention, the method allows for tissue coagulation. Therefore, it is very effective and safe, ensuring the fastest possible healing, the absence of postoperative scars and complications.

Medical specialists successfully remove lipomas using only the most reliable and innovative methods in their practice! Therefore, to effectively solve their problem, the clinic’s patients will be offered radio wave, as well as the traditional surgical method with liposuction.

Problem and solution

As we have found out, both in Russia and abroad, those who want to remove many lipomas face the same problems. In both public and private clinics, patients are asked to collect many unnecessary tests, after which 2-3 nodes are removed and they are asked to come back in a few months to remove another 2-3 (with all the tests collected again), and so on. Removal is often carried out through large incisions with rough sutures. People who have 30, 50 or more tumors are of course not happy with this. In terms of pricing policy, in “free” institutions they are generally reluctant to do this (since there is no direct threat to health and life), and in paid medical centers, excision of one lesion on average costs from 3,000 to 7,000 rubles, which is quite a lot when getting rid of dozens of tumors expensive. Those who are insured under VHI are usually denied surgery under the insurance because the insured event is an acute illness or an exacerbation of a chronic one, but here we are talking more about a cosmetic problem.

Our clinic has been specializing in the treatment of lipomatosis for many years. We remove it through small incisions, applying cosmetic sutures with thin atraumatic suture material. We organize our work in such a way that we can remove up to 25 (or even more) formations at a time, right on the day of your call.

Rehabilitation after removal

The duration of the recovery period directly depends on the number and size of the operated lipomas. It usually lasts several days and consists of protecting the postoperative wound from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into it. Therefore, the doctor will recommend that the patient not expose the site of the removed lipoma to sunlight and water for a week, and will also give recommendations on how to care for it.

Have you discovered a suspicious subcutaneous bulge in yourself or your loved ones? Experienced modern medical specialists are always ready to correctly diagnose the tumor and promptly offer you the most appropriate method to get rid of it, avoiding relapses and complications!


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If I remove lipomas, will this provoke the growth of a large number of new ones?


No, this is a myth; lipomatosis is generally characterized by the appearance of new nodes, and surgery has no effect on this.



What should I do if I don’t live in Moscow?


Very simple! You sign up for the operation in advance (if you need to discuss the details, this can be done by phone or WhatsApp at +79262317363), arrive, perform the manipulation, after which you can immediately go home and remove the stitches at your place of residence. If you can’t remove everything you wanted at once, you can book a hotel in advance and do the entire volume within a few days.



Do I need to remove more than 10 lipomas each time to get a discount?


No, if you have removed more than 10 formations in our clinic, the discount is fixed, and then provided even if you came to remove 1 - 2 pieces.


Video review

Vitaly (Germany)

Dr. Elshansky in the summer of 2022, on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia, removed 20 lipomas from me through 12 incisions in two sessions (each about 3 hours) for two days in a row. The incision of the upper layers was made with a regular scalpel, the deeper tissues were cut and coagulated with a Russian radio wave knife produced by Fotek. After the operations, I got to the hotel on my own two feet and by subway. All wounds healed perfectly and quickly, without complications. Algover stitches are practically not very different from cosmetic ones: two “extra” points on the skin (at least for a man, not that important). All financial agreements were complied with. I specially came from Germany. It was not possible to find such a specialist in lipomas there, especially one who removes them using the radio wave method. In Germany, they would do preliminary tests, everything would be super sterile, but they would operate as they did 20 years ago, with a larger number and length of incisions, with a greater likelihood of subsequent complications and, probably, under general anesthesia. I can say with confidence: Dr. Elshansky is a “guru” on lipomas, and there is nothing wrong with his hands! Recommendations: give more high-quality dressings with you (so that a patient in a foreign city does not run around in the streets) and offer to call a taxi after the operation (if someone cannot / does not want to leave by public transport).


I would like to express my gratitude to Igor Vitalievich for the operation! I removed 9 lipomas in one session, we worked together, which speeded up the time of the entire operation)) Igor Vitalievich is very sociable, pleasant and professional! Two weeks have passed since the operation, I recommend all the super doctors.

Aleksandr Vladimirovich

I began to develop multiple lumps. So many. I found Igor Vitalievich on the Internet, watched the video on the YouTube channel and the reviews. I like it. Came for surgery. By the way, the road to the clinic from the metro is very well shown in the video clip on the website. He removed 15 of them at one time. Painless and fast. I was very surprised that everything could be done so quickly. Our hospital refused to remove so many of them at once. They told me that I needed to remove one at a time and go to them 15 times. I liked the price, 50% discount for removing more than 2-3 lesions. My father also has such wen. He still doesn't want to have them operated on, after having them removed through a large incision and in a very painful way when he was young. Now he has several of them and they are large. I'm going to persuade him to have surgery too.

The effectiveness of soda in the treatment of wen

Why does soda pull out the wen? Sodium bicarbonate acts like an alkali. The therapeutic effect of this substance is due to the ability to act on deep-lying fat cells and push them closer to the surface, outward.

Expert opinion

Did you know?

When using this inexpensive product, blood circulation in the problem area is also activated, which has a beneficial effect on the process of lipoma cell resorption.

In addition, sodium bicarbonate has a number of other beneficial properties, in particular:

  • prevents thrombosis;
  • cleanses the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol deposits;
  • has an antiseptic effect;
  • dissolves salt deposits on the surface of joints;
  • prevents the development of malignant tumor processes in tissues;
  • fights fungal microorganisms and parasites;
  • stabilizes the acid-base balance in the body;
  • rejuvenates tissue cells and inhibits the process of premature aging;
  • increases the body's protective functions.

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Ways to use baking soda for lipoma

To get rid of wen on the body, you can use baking soda in different ways.

Soda compress

This topical remedy cannot be used in cases of increased body temperature (more than 37.5 degrees), violations of the integrity of the skin, severe pathologies of the skin and circulatory system.

Before applying baking soda to an area with a lipoma, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to a substance such as sodium bicarbonate.

To do this, mix 5 g of soda with 5 ml of water and apply the resulting mixture to the skin in the wrist area, leave for 5 minutes. If signs of irritation such as itching, redness and burning do not occur, then the compress can be used.

The simplest recipe is this: place a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water and stir thoroughly. In the prepared composition, moisten a gauze napkin folded in several layers and apply it to the area with the wen for 10 minutes.

After this, dip it again in a soda solution and apply it for 10 minutes. Repeat the manipulations one more time.

Expert opinion

We recommend!

It is recommended to carry out procedures twice a day - morning and evening.

Lipomas can also be treated using the following compress bases:

  • kefir-soda. Take half a glass of kefir with a high percentage of fat content, add 10 g of soda and half a glass of ground rye crackers, mix thoroughly. Apply the mixture to the problem area, cover with film and a warm blanket, leave for an hour. After this, rinse thoroughly;
  • dry compress. Soda should be poured onto the area with the lipoma, and a slightly mashed cabbage leaf, greased with laundry soap foam, should be placed on top. Secure with a warm cloth and leave overnight;
  • compress with sea salt. Take 50 g of sodium bicarbonate, 20 g of sea salt without additives and 300 ml of water. Heat the water to 50 degrees, add salt and soda, mix thoroughly. Moisten a gauze bandage or cotton cloth in concentrated liquid, apply to the area with the wen and secure with a transparent film. Leave for half an hour.

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Soda baths

This method also allows you to remove the wen. You can take a bath with soda in different ways: the base is prepared according to the classic recipe, as well as with additions.

There are such recipes for soda baths to fight lipoma:

  • classical. 200 g of soda should be dissolved in a liter of hot water. Add the resulting solution to a bathtub filled with warm water (water temperature is between 37-39 degrees). The duration of the procedure is about 15-20 minutes;
  • with the addition of essential oils. This bath additionally has a relaxing effect. Prepare a soda solution according to the above recipe and add it to a bath of water, then add 2-3 drops of essential oil of orange, rose, juniper;
  • with the addition of chamomile. Soda promotes the resorption of wen, and chamomile additionally cares for the skin and promotes cell regeneration. 100 g of dry raw materials should be poured with a liter of water, put on fire, and brought to a boil. After this, reduce the heat to low and simmer for no more than 10 minutes. Remove from heat, let the broth sit for half an hour, then filter. Add the resulting volume of decoction to a bath of water in which 3-4 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate were previously mixed.

When taking baths with soda to get rid of lipomas, you need to immerse yourself in water up to shoulder level, while sitting. After finishing the water procedures, there is no need to rinse your body with clean water.

Expert opinion


Contraindications to this method of treatment are pregnancy, the presence of diabetes and bronchial asthma, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, inflammatory processes and violations of the integrity of the skin of the body.

Soda injections

This is a less common method than compresses or baths, but it is also used to effectively remove lipoma.

Soda injections - this is the name of the procedure for intravenous administration of sodium bicarbonate - can only be given after consultation with a doctor.

The solution for the dropper is prepared from soda powder, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is packaged in bags, each weighing 50 g.

A solution for intravenous administration is prepared from soda powder and saline, prepared water or glucose. The proportions are different: 1 to 1 or 1 to 2.

The maximum amount of solution is 200 ml per day. The rate of administration is no more than 60 drops per minute.

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You can also take a soda solution orally - this will speed up the process of removing subcutaneous wen. To prepare a medicinal solution, add half a teaspoon of soda to 600 ml of hot water and mix thoroughly. Take after boiling, on an empty stomach, for a week.

Dr. Neumyvakin advises taking soda differently, using the principle of gradually increasing the concentration of the solution. First, you need to take a glass of hot water with soda on the tip of a teaspoon. Further, if the dose is accepted by the body without consequences, increase to a teaspoon per day.

Gradually increase this figure to a tablespoon of soda per day. Neumyvakin advises taking the soda solution exclusively on an empty stomach. You can take soda orally only after consulting a doctor.

It is prohibited to take soda if there are the following indications:

  • malignant tumors of the third or fourth stage of development;
  • periods of gestation and breastfeeding;
  • low acidity levels;
  • pathologies in which alkalization of the blood occurs;
  • exacerbation of ulcerative pathologies of the stomach, duodenum and other parts of the intestine;
  • bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes mellitus of any kind;
  • predisposition to allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance to sodium bicarbonate.

It is not recommended to take soda for a long time, as this increases the risk of the formation of phosphate stones in the gallbladder and kidneys.

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