Arthrosis of small joints: how to get rid of pain in the hands and feet



Hands show age just like the skin around the eyes, and sometimes even more. If the face can be refreshed with the help of cosmetics and special preparations , with the hands everything is more complicated. They are the calling card of every woman.

It's no secret that going to a beauty salon almost guarantees ideal skin condition for your age. And yet, you can spend only 10 minutes a week instead of going to expensive procedures. “With Taste” shares with you a recipe for a product that simultaneously deeply cleanses the skin, rejuvenates, brightens it and softens the cuticle.

Mechanism of disease development

Arthrosis begins with impaired blood circulation in the subcartilaginous layer of the periosteum.
Because of this, the nutrition of the cartilage deteriorates, it loses its elasticity, becomes thinner, and cracks appear on it. The amount of synovial fluid decreases, due to strong friction, the joints become inflamed. Progressive arthrosis is very dangerous. If treatment for arthrosis of the hand or foot is not started in time, the joints begin to take on unnatural, ugly shapes and may lose mobility.

The disease often occurs in women during menopause. Hormonal levels change in the female body and less estrogen is produced. Because of this, the body loses a lot of moisture, which makes cartilage and joints more brittle.

Homemade hand scrubs: how to make and how to use

Today we will focus on scrubbing, but at the same time as this procedure we will also perform massage.

It’s easy to make a hand scrub at home using improvised products that every housewife has in the kitchen, with her own hands.

The scrub contains abrasive substances that are combined with a soap or oil base. Additionally, the scrub can be scented to make it pleasant to perform this procedure, enjoy the aroma and feel like a queen in an expensive salon. You can add vitamins for additional nutrition of the skin of your hands.

It doesn’t matter what it’s made of, all hand scrubs are anti-aging!

Suitable abrasives:

  • salt (table, sea, iodized)
  • sugar
  • honey
  • soda
  • Rye bread
  • bran
  • cereals
  • semolina
  • coffee
  • eggshell.

The basis:

  • liquid soap
  • shower gel
  • shaving foam
  • sour cream
  • olive or other vegetable oil. It is preferable to use olive or castor oil, but in their absence, sunflower oil will also work.


  • essential oils
  • lemon, orange zest
  • lemon juice.


  • vitamin A
  • vitamin E.

You can experiment yourself and prepare a scrub for the skin of your hands from any abrasive substance, simply mix salt and vegetable oil, and you will achieve the result we need - cleansing dead cells.

But, as I now understand, scrub and scrub are different.

I used to make this composition myself: I mixed salt, soda and soap foam. And after carefully studying the issue, looking at the tips and reading reviews, I think that a good hand scrub is with oil, and then I’ll tell you why.

How to do

To prepare a scrub, you need to take any abrasive substance or a mixture of two such components, their quantity is not important, just try it first and determine for the future how much you need on your hands.

Pour them into a cup and pour in liquid soap or olive oil (or any other base) - enough so that when stirred, you get a thick, creamy mass.

Add vitamins and essential oils if desired.

How to use

We apply the scrub to our hands using the same movements as when applying the cream, smear it on the back side, on the palms and don’t forget about the elbows! Rub and massage the skin of your hands in a circular motion for 5-10 minutes. You can leave it like this for another 10-15 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Be sure to dry your hands and apply moisturizer.

This is what many people usually do. But we will go further with you and at the same time perform a massage so that we have comprehensive care immediately, otherwise it will have to be performed at another specially designated time.

It is for this reason that it is better to make the base for a scrub from oil. This will make it more pleasant to massage your hands, and they will receive additional nutrition and become soft.

Hand massage after peeling

In essence, we performed a massage by applying a scrub. Such massage movements improve blood circulation.

Our blood is rushing, our skin is burning.

Now we will calm her down a little: we stroke the hands from the back and outer side from the fingers upward, so that there is an outflow of blood and the veins do not protrude too much on the hands.

Then you need to shake your hands for 30 seconds - this movement promotes the outflow of blood and so that your hands are not too sinewy.

Next stage: massage, rubbing each finger in a circular motion.

Massage your palm with your thumb to get rid of wrinkles.

At this point we complete the procedure, wash off the scrub, and moisturize our hands with cream.


Depending on the location, arthrosis is of two types:

  1. joints of the hands and fingers.
  2. small joints of the foot, big toe.

Arthrosis of the joints of the hands and fingers

Arthrosis of the hands is often found among typists, pianists, programmers, and secretaries. The disease affects the interphalangeal joints. With arthrosis of the fingers, the joint tissues dry out and crack. Subcutaneous small nodules often appear in the joints of the hands. Usually they don't disappear anymore.

As the disease progresses, the bone tissue becomes denser and growths appear on it. They cause severe pain when moving your fingers. In advanced cases, a person loses the ability to move the hand and fingers.

Symptoms of the disease: crunching in the joints when moving the fingers, pain in the fingers after exercise, seals on the joints of the fingers, swelling of the periarticular tissues.

Doctors at the Health Workshop treat arthrosis of the hand using non-surgical methods.

Arthrosis of the foot joints

Ballerinas, dancers, gymnasts, wrestlers, and jumpers are susceptible to arthrosis of the feet. The disease affects the joints of the toes. Bone growths appear on the small joints of the foot. Because of them, it is painful for a person to move his foot. As the disease progresses, the deformation of the joints is very noticeable, the person practically cannot move the foot.

Arthrosis of the big toe is the most common type of arthrosis of the feet. When the disease occurs, a “bone” forms in the area of ​​the thumb joint. Osteoarthritis of the big toe occurs due to wearing tight shoes.

Symptoms of arthrosis of the foot: pain in the foot after physical activity, crunching in the joints when moving, an increase in the size of the joints. When walking, a person limps and rests on the outer edge of the foot.

When treating arthrosis of the foot, doctors at the Health Workshop use laser therapy, magnetic therapy and other methods.


Arthrosis can be primary and secondary.

Primary arthrosis appears due to problems with the cartilage tissue of the joint, namely:

  • genetic disorders in the composition of joint cartilage tissue;
  • joint hypermobility;
  • dysplasia, flat feet, wide feet.

Secondary arthrosis is the result of joint damage and other diseases. Among its reasons:

  • injuries, microtraumatization of joints;
  • acute and chronic arthritis, synovitis;
  • metabolic disorders, lack of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals;
  • gout, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis;
  • diabetes mellitus and other diseases of the endocrine system.

Masks with soda for hands - proven recipes

  1. Whitening hand mask with a slight peeling effect

For the mask you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda,
  • 2 tablespoons coarse table or sea salt,
  • 2 tablespoons of cleanser or just soap shavings.

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, add a little water and gently massage your hands with this mixture, making movements as if washing. Then add warm water to a cup and put your hands in it. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Recommended for you:

Homemade baking soda scrub for skin: face, body, head, preparation and use

After this, you need to dry your hands and apply a nourishing cream. It is desirable that the composition contains components such as: hyaluronic acid, extracts of natural oils, snail mucin.

It is better to do the entire procedure at night and after applying the nutrient, put on cotton gloves for at least 10 minutes.

This way you can achieve several goals at once. The microrelief will be smoothed out, small wrinkles will disappear, the skin will be saturated with moisture and will look well-groomed.

If you carry out this procedure at least 2-3 times a week, after a month the lightening effect will become noticeable. This mask is especially useful after working in the garden; your hands will recover instantly after it.

  1. Hand mask whitening and moisturizing
  • 1 glass of linden blossom or chamomile infusion,
  • 1 glass of milk,
  • 2 teaspoons baking soda.

Mix the infusion, cooled to a comfortable temperature, with milk and add sodium bicarbonate. We lower our hands for 15-20 minutes.

This mask is good because it contains several useful components.

Herbs relieve irritation, soothe, and saturate with moisture. Chamomile has a weak whitening and sedative (on the nervous system) effect.

Milk whitens, softens due to natural fats, and moisturizes.

Expert opinion


Sodium bicarbonate softens the stratum corneum, exfoliates, and facilitates the penetration of beneficial substances from the aqueous solution through the lipid layer of the epidermis.

  1. Mask - “wash” for sensitive skin of hands

Even those with sensitive skin need peeling products, and sometimes it’s just scary to look at the compositions of cosmetics on store shelves with dimethicones, laureth sulfates and other “harmful things”. Regular baking soda will help out perfectly in this situation. All that is needed is to balance the composition with mild means and take a small amount of sodium bicarbonate.

  • 1 teaspoon of soda,
  • 1 cup oatmeal, ground into flour,
  • 1.5-2 glasses of warm water.

Pour water over oatmeal and add soda, mix everything thoroughly. Hold your hands in the resulting mixture for 10-15 minutes, and at the end of the procedure, gently massage the resulting mixture.

Expert opinion


If your hand skin is very dry, you can add ingredients that have nourishing and moisturizing properties. Try adding a few drops of wheat germ oil, parsley essential oil, flaxseed oil, and olive oil.

Risk factors

Risk factors for the disease include:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • heavy physical labor, heavy load on the finger joints;
  • overweight, excessive alcohol consumption;
  • long-term wearing of uncomfortable tight high-heeled shoes;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • hypothermia of the feet.

If your work often puts stress on the joints of your fingers and toes, or you have relatives who suffer from arthrosis of small joints, you should think about prevention. We will talk about it at the end of the article.

Antifungal baths

Usually, when dealing with fungi on the nails, it is not recommended to take any warm, wet baths, but there is one bath that, on the contrary, allows you to cope with this problem. If your nail plates are generally very susceptible to fungal infections, then this bath can also be done for preventive purposes.

A soap and soda bath is exactly what you need to fight fungus. To make it, you need to stir 1 tbsp in 250 ml of warm water. soda and flakes of grated soap. The procedure takes fifteen minutes. Then the hands are thoroughly dried. For therapeutic purposes, you can perform a course of ten daily procedures. And for preventive purposes, it is enough to do one procedure per week.

Stages of arthrosis of small joints

There are three stages of the disease.

  1. The first stage of the disease is accompanied by periodic pain in the joints of the fingers or toes during active movement or work. The pain subsides after rest. The joints may begin to crack, and swelling may form near them.
  2. Second stage of arthrosis. The disease progresses, the pain intensifies and becomes constant. Moving your fingers causes pain. Heberden's and Bouchard's nodes form in the joints. Their appearance is accompanied by burning and pain. After a few months, the redness and swelling disappear, and the nodules become hard.
  3. The third stage of arthrosis of small joints is the most serious. The fingers and toes become deformed and are almost impossible to move. The area around the affected joint becomes red and swollen. Sharp pain in the joints is felt not only when moving, but also at rest. A person walks with difficulty, going up and down stairs becomes a challenge for him.

Antifungal effect

Hand fungus is a serious disease that causes discomfort and is contagious. To quickly defeat the disease, it is important to recognize it at the initial stage.

Changes in color, thickness, shape of the nail plate, brittleness and splitting of nails, itching and pain - these are the alarm signals sent by the body infected with the fungus.

If you notice these symptoms and there are no special antimycotic remedies at home, use baking soda baths as first aid.

Sodium bicarbonate helps fight fungus by providing a complex effect:

  • cleans the surface of the nail;
  • removes bacteria and fungal spores, prevents their reproduction;
  • exfoliates damaged plate cells due to the peeling effect.

After getting rid of symptoms, soda baths are used to prevent relapses.

Attention! When solving dermatological problems, soda can only be used as an additional remedy, after first obtaining permission from a doctor.

Methods for treating nail fungus with soda.

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