"Stefalin" - ointment for papillomas, moles and warts: composition, instructions for use, manufacturer

It’s amazing, but in the age of advanced technology and advancing medical capabilities, people are forced to deal with the ineffectiveness of pharmacological drugs. The windows of pharmacy chains are filled with all kinds of medicines, some of which work with little effectiveness or do not bring results at all. It is because of this that alternative or traditional medicine is gaining high popularity among the population. There are an abundance of wonderful and very effective recipes or ready-made effective potions that can be purchased and used at home. This is exactly what “Stefalin” ointment for moles and warts belongs to.

Removal of tumors without surgery. Is it possible to?

Skin growths like moles, papillomas or warts often bring psychological and sometimes physiological discomfort to people. The formations are injured on clothing, bleed, and cause pain.

There are more than enough opportunities to remove papillomas at home. At the same time, the most common and inexpensive are preparations for external use, which dry or cauterize the problem area.

Radio wave removal

Radioknife is another effective means for removing moles and papillomas. But it can only be used if the doctor is sure that malignancy of these tumors has not occurred. In addition, the radioknife is contraindicated for pregnant women and people who have a heart rate sensor in their body. High-frequency waves evaporate nevus or papilloma cells. Healthy tissues are not harmed. The operation is painless and lasts no longer than 25 minutes. There is no bleeding, so there is no need for postoperative wound care.

True composition

The composition of the “Stefalin” ointment is kept in the strictest confidence, and, unfortunately, it is not possible to find out all the secrets of the original recipe. If you believe the manufacturer’s statements, then an old recipe is used to make the miracle ointment.

Ointment for removing tumors consists of two parts - infusion and herbal powder. The second part of the collection is a powdery composition. It is this powder that is the active element in the ointment.

The recipe for “Stefalin” ointment belongs to the Ukrainian Negrich family, which currently lives in the Zaporozhye region. The recipe is not disclosed to the public, because it has been passed down from generation to generation for many decades.

In order to somehow dispel consumer doubts, he indicates collections of inflorescences and roots of plants that were used to make the medicinal composition.

Here is a list of herbs that can be seen on the Stefalin packaging:

  • Ivy - restores skin elasticity, has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
  • Burdock - deeply nourishes the skin, giving it freshness.
  • Celandine is often the main component in the treatment of dermatological problems.
  • Spring cleanser - relieves irritation of sensitive skin.
  • Field Yakutia is a healing agent used for skin wounds.
  • Ranunculus anemone is a regenerative remedy.
  • Common aspen - kills bacteria and prevents the development of the inflammatory process.
  • Alpine sundew - direct effect on neoplasms.

It is also stated that some of the ingredients were brought specially from the high mountain slopes of other countries.

Collections are collected for the production of ointments against papillomas in different seasons and stages of plant growth. This makes it possible to derive the greatest amount of benefit. All herbs are used for production without the use of alcohol, and some of the herbs are dried and processed, after which they end up in a ready-made infusion. The fast-acting hyperactive components of the ointment have an excellent ability to penetrate to the very root of the tumor.

What advantages does “Stefalin” have?

The ointment, reviews of which are positive and satisfactory, has a number of advantages, for example:

  • The process of removing a tumor does not cause any pain at all.
  • If you follow the rules and instructions, there will be no scars left on the skin.
  • The price of the drug is significantly lower than hardware methods for removing tumors.
  • The effect exerted works specifically on the formation - papilloma or wart, without injuring nearby tissues (if the ointment is applied correctly).
  • Over the entire period of product sales, isolated episodes of allergic reactions were observed, which indicates that the drug was well tolerated.
  • Ease of use makes it possible to carry out the removal procedure at home.
  • The naturalness of the composition is a great advantage of the ointment.

When purchasing a product on the Internet, each buyer can consult with an expert using an online chat, where it is possible to discuss all the details of the tumor removal procedure.

Why remove tumors

Moles and papillomas can pose a real threat to human health and even life. For example, a nevus can degenerate into one of the most aggressive types of cancer - melanoma. Usually the tumor progresses rapidly, since the body’s response is weak or absent altogether. Strong immunity can suppress the development of the papilloma virus. Often, the growths that appear disappear on their own without a trace. If the immune response is insufficient, the tumor will not disappear. It may even increase in size. In place of one papilloma, several appear at once. The growths can become injured and become infected. In addition, papilloma can cause the development of squamous cell carcinoma and other types of cancer. Removal of moles and papillomas can be carried out only after consultation with a doctor.

If there is a suspicion of malignant degeneration of the nevus, it must be eliminated with extreme caution and only in a medical facility. After the procedure, tissues are necessarily sent for histological examination. The same is done with suspicious papilloma. In this case, the optimal way to remove the tumor is surgery. Fortunately, not all nevi and papillomas are dangerous. They rarely develop into melanoma or other types of cancer. Most often, patients remove moles and papillomas for aesthetic reasons.


It is not without its drawbacks. Before purchasing a product, it is advisable to explore all its pitfalls.

For the first time on the Internet, sales of “Stefalin” ointment for moles started in 2009. This is surprising and immediately noticeable why the ointment is sold via the Internet and is not available for purchase in pharmacy chains to this day. This circumstance calls into question the quality of the product offered. In addition, the manufacturer does not provide a production license or evidence of the quality of its product, which, as a rule, cannot but worry consumers.

The folk recipe presented on the market, which is used in the manufacture of “Stefalin” ointment for papillomas and moles, has never been subjected to laboratory research. Therefore, it is unknown what effect the ointment can have on the body.

If the procedure is performed at home and without proper medical supervision from a specialist, there is always a danger of incomplete removal of the tumor. In this case, the likelihood of degeneration into a malignant tumor greatly increases.

A liquid nitrogen

Effective methods for removing moles and papillomas include cryodestruction. The procedure uses liquid nitrogen, the temperature of which reaches -196 °C. This substance freezes the liquid in the altered cells, after which they are completely destroyed. The procedure is painless, so there is no need for anesthesia. After using liquid nitrogen, crusts may remain at the site of the growth. They are completely rejected after two weeks. As a rule, there are no scars at the site of removal of a mole or papilloma. Unfortunately, this method cannot be used if a tumor biopsy is required.

Instructions for use of ointment "Stefalin"

The packaging of the ointment contains instructions with the rules for using the drug.

For example, to get rid of a wart on a finger, the manufacturer advises applying the composition to the area of ​​skin with the growth once a day. The same steps must be taken when trying to remove other tumors. It is recommended to perform the procedure some time before the expected sleep.

It is advisable to use the product after performing hygiene procedures, because after applying the ointment composition to the skin, this place must be protected from water for approximately four hours.

Enlarged moles and warts can be treated up to twice a day.

It is not recommended to apply the ointment to the skin that is located next to the tumor.

Immediately before starting to apply Stefalin, it is necessary to carefully but gently mix the contents of the small bottle until it has a homogeneous consistency.

A hanging mole must be handled with extreme caution. Before applying the ointment, it is recommended to stick an adhesive plaster to healthy skin to protect it from accidental contact with the treated hanging mole.

If the ointment does end up on the surface of a healthy area, it is necessary to remove the product from the skin as soon as possible to avoid unpleasant sensations. A prolonged reaction of the ointment on healthy tissue provokes burns.

A break in use should be made every three days of treatment. After this time, treatment is resumed. The course usually lasts seven days.

If it was not possible to remove papillomas at home the first time, as stated in the instructions, you need to take a break and then start removing the tumor again using the “Stefalin” product. The process will be considered complete when a pinkish depression without any suspicious inclusions remains at the site of the mole or papilloma.

Moles and papillomas

Moles are commonly called pigmented formations on the skin. Doctors gave them another name - nevi. They are formed from pigment cells. In fact, a mole is a benign tumor. Most often it is located between the epidermis and dermis. Sometimes one or more moles can be found on the mucous membranes. For example, in the mouth or vagina. Nevi can be of different colors: brown, purple, black, blue, red and others. Sometimes moles are colorless. The reasons for their formation are as follows: Some papillomas, in appearance, are similar to colorless moles. Sometimes they grow and resemble cauliflower. These tumors most often form on the face, neck and chest. The cause of such growths is the human papillomavirus. Infection occurs as follows:

  1. Sexually.
  2. Autoinfection. For example: during hair removal or shaving.
  3. Infection of the baby during childbirth.
  4. By everyday means. The virus enters the body through microscopic abrasions or cuts in the skin.

In most cases, the reason for removing moles and papillomas is aesthetics, not health. The patient simply does not like the appearance of the growth or it is too noticeable to others. In some cases, neoplasms are traumatized by clothing or a chain around the neck. This forces the patient to see a doctor to get rid of the growth.

Contraindications and possible complications

Before using Stefalin ointment, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

The product is prohibited for use during pregnancy, as well as for nursing women and children under 14 years of age. You cannot apply the ointment at the same time to several tumors whose size is significantly larger than average (more than 3-5 mm in diameter).

Removal of large tumors must be done one by one, regardless of the time required. If annotation rules are violated, side effects may occur, for example:

  • An allergic reaction in people with individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Redness and burning of the skin where the ointment is applied.
  • Burns to nearby tissues if the ointment is applied incorrectly.

At the first signs of complications, you should immediately consult a dermatologist.

Features of using ointment

When removing tumors using mole ointment, it is important to focus on the following points:

  • For some time after applying the ointment, it is likely that there will be slight redness in the surrounding areas of the skin, as well as minor itching. These manifestations are normal.
  • Scratching the skin in the area where the itching is concentrated is prohibited.
  • At the same time, it is allowed to remove no more than five small moles and ten papillomas.

It is important to realize the following: each neoplasm reacts to the ointment in its own way (some moles are very hot, and some warts will not even itch).


High-frequency current is often used to combat tumors. This method of removing moles and papillomas is quite painful, so the doctor must use anesthesia. During the procedure, the doctor brings a special needle to the head of the growth, which conducts an electric current. A spark occurs between the device and the skin. It burns the neoplasm cells to the very foundation. There is no blister after the procedure. But a scar forms on the surface of the skin, which resolves over time.

How long to use the ointment?

At the first stage, the drug is used until the first crust forms, which begins to appear on the fifth or seventh day of treatment. The crust will come off spontaneously or, at the patient’s discretion, it can be removed by softening it in warm water.

After the first crust, removal must be completed. To do this, the ointment is applied a second time to the bulge for up to six days, a three-day break is taken, and again a crust forms at the site of the neoplasm. It is not recommended to remove this crust so that there is no scar left on the skin.

When the second crust falls off, not very large roots will be noticeable in this area. Their shade may vary slightly. Subsequently, at the third stage, the ointment is applied to them. The treated skin fragment tightens over time and regenerates on its own.

Over time, the color of the skin will even out, mainly due to exposure to the summer sun during tanning.

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