Chinese ointment Yiganerjing for psoriasis: reviews, composition, instructions for use

Medicinal ointments and creams that are made in China are known to many people for their effectiveness and unique healing properties. According to reviews, Yiganerjing for psoriasis is a popular product that is actively used to eliminate the symptoms of various skin diseases. Previously, Yiganerjing underwent clinical testing and research, proving in practice its effectiveness in the treatment of psoriasis and other skin diseases. In terms of its composition and properties, Chinese cream is unrivaled.

About psoriasis

Psoriasis or scaly lichen is a chronic non-infectious skin disease, the main manifestations of which are peeling and rashes in different parts of the body. The disease has an undulating course, with periods of remission, that is, temporary improvements and periods of exacerbations. Pathology can appear at any age, but most often occurs in patients of the younger age group.

Signs of psoriasis

Doctors do not recommend self-diagnosis. If you have skin problems, you should urgently consult a dermatologist, especially since psoriasis can be easily confused with eczema, and these diseases are treated differently. However, it is useful to know the symptoms of psoriasis:

  • inflamed red spots on the skin of the scalp, elbow joints, knees, less often on the lower back;
  • rashes are accompanied by severe itching and peeling;
  • the size of the spots may vary;
  • surface scales have a silvery tint;
  • with exacerbation, suppuration and cracks appear in the area of ​​the affected skin;
  • in some cases, nails are affected, pinpoint depressions and even spotting appear on their surface;
  • 10 to 30% of patients with psoriasis complain of joint pain, also called psoriatic arthritis.

Causes of the disease

Despite the rapid development of medicine, the causes of psoriasis are still not fully understood. Immunological changes in the body (autoimmune aggression), central nervous system disorders, and metabolic disorders can become a kind of catalyst. In addition, genetic predisposition, decreased immunity after a long course of any disease, and stress contribute to the appearance of psoriasis. Today, among the common causes of psoriasis are the following:

  1. Genetic theory of psoriasis development or heredity. The likelihood of developing psoriasis is much greater if the patient's immediate family suffers from the same disease. This occurs because there are certain groups of genes that are responsible for the development of psoriasis.
  2. Neuropsychic stress. Many experts believe that psoriasis can be caused by severe emotional distress. Long-term stress is considered a serious factor, which is also the cause of exacerbation of psoriasis at the first stage.
  3. Hormonal imbalance. The trigger mechanism in the development of skin pathology can be changes in the functioning of the endocrine system.
  4. Metabolic disorders or exchange theory of psoriasis development. Problems with metabolism, namely certain vitamins and microelements (for example, silicon), contribute to the appearance of psoriatic plaques.
  5. Parasites or parasitic theory of the development of psoriasis, which are caused by certain intestinal parasites. In the course of many laboratory studies, it was revealed that among patients who suffer from psoriasis, carriers of all kinds of parasitic infections were identified. Scientists suggest that a large role in the appearance of psoriasis is played by the ingestion of roundworms, lamblia, bovine tapeworm, etc. It is believed that the toxic products that these parasites secrete are powerful allergens, which causes an imbalance in the functioning of the immune system.
  6. Viral infections.

General information

Chinese ointment for psoriasis is made on the basis of traditional medicine recipes, so it contains only natural substances. The mechanism of action of the ointment on the skin is to inhibit bacteria that contribute to the development of various skin diseases. That is, suppression of the most dangerous and aggressive microorganisms, which are considered the number one enemy for the skin - staphylococcal bacteria and fungal infections (candida bacteria).

Properties of Chinese cream

The first thing worth noting is that Yiganerjing ointment for psoriasis inhibits the spread of pathogens that cause the development of all kinds of pathologies. Now we are talking about staphylococcal bacteria, which contributes to the development of fungal skin diseases. The second thing that is important to pay attention to is that the drug is characterized by therapeutic and anti-inflammatory effects. Reviews of Yiganerjing for psoriasis emphasize that the remedy:

  • makes the skin silky and soft;
  • promotes its restoration;
  • fills the skin with beneficial vitamins;
  • improves blood flow in affected areas of the skin;
  • does not cause side effects;
  • makes the skin smooth and eliminates the “post-acne” effect.



Psorium is a homeopathic remedy for psoriasis. The medicine does not contain hormonal components, antibiotics or various artificial additives. The cost of the medicine is about 800 rubles.

The drug contains extracts of chamomile, calendula, rose hips, yarrow, wheat germ, St. John's wort, and aloe. Other active ingredients of the medicine are natural honey, beeswax, essential oils and vitamins.


  • Combats the symptoms of lichen planus.
  • Normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Stabilizes the activity of the immune system.
  • Dries out psoriatic plaques.
  • Prevents the spread of psoriatic rash.

The medicine is used in the treatment of eczema and psoriasis. The cream must be applied to the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day. The duration of use of Psorium is limited to 1 month.

Important information: Lactofiltrum for psoriasis: how to take the drug?

Homeopathic medicine is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to its active components. Among the side effects, only allergic reactions are possible.


Chinese ointment for psoriasis includes the following natural ingredients:

  • Monnier root. This component is often found in medications prescribed by doctors to increase potency. The root contains a large amount of a substance that acts as an aphrodisiac. The natural component also has a positive effect on the skin. It has an anti-inflammatory, soothing and anti-allergic effect, which makes it possible to eliminate negative symptoms and improve skin condition.
  • Sweet honey locust extract, which contains a large amount of useful substances, for example, vitamin K, flavonoids, ascorbic acid. This component is often added to cosmetic preparations to create hair and skin care products. The extract improves water-lipid metabolism in the epidermis and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Kochia is a plant that has a supply of useful substances that tone and help eliminate burning and itching. The extract of this plant is widely used to treat eczema, dermatitis and other skin diseases.
  • Amur velvet is a perennial plant that has healing properties. The extract obtained from the cork tree (this is also the name of this plant) has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and analgesic effects.
  • Lotus extract has long been used in medical practice, because it has a beneficial effect on the skin, protecting it from the negative effects of environmental factors.
  • Mulberry root quickly relieves swelling and inflammatory processes.
  • Holly extract has a disinfectant effect, helps strengthen the protective qualities of the skin, restores normal cell functions and improves the regeneration of damaged tissues.
  • Ash root is a natural substance that eliminates the inflammatory process and improves cell regeneration. The main component of the root is menthol, which has a cooling and sedative effect. It helps to minimize itching and irritation, eliminate soreness and tone the epidermis.
  • Vaseline, as an additional component, which not only gives the medicinal cream the desired consistency, but also ensures its more convenient application to the skin.

Indications for use

It should be noted that this drug is universal. It can be used among patients of any gender and age, and is often used in pediatrics. Since the drug contains no steroid components, the cream is not capable of causing addiction or severe side effects.

In addition to psoriasis, the drug has proven itself well as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for the following dermatological pathologies:

  • dermatophytoses and seborrheic dermatitis;
  • eczematous manifestations;
  • various forms and course of psoriasis;

  • lichen, onychomycosis;
  • development of candidal paronychia;
  • burns, prickly heat in children;
  • insect bites, vitiligo;
  • ichthyosis, mycoses, etc.

The Chinese drug is often recommended for use as a means for intimate hygiene for women. It actively relieves itching, irritation and dryness of intimate areas. In addition, the drug suppresses painful microflora, which is the root cause of the development of the inflammatory process. Experts note the particular effectiveness of the ointment in the treatment of candidiasis, since the herbal components contained in the cream eliminate negative symptoms that interfere with the patient’s normal functioning.

In addition to its therapeutic effects, the cream is often used as a prophylactic agent. Its additional advantages are clinical indicators, natural composition, absence of severe side effects, gentle effects on the immune system and the patient’s body as a whole.

Effect of the drug

Before using the ointment, it is important to study not only the composition of Yiganerjing, but also the effect of the ointment:

  • suppresses the symptoms of skin diseases (dryness, tightness, itching, inflammatory processes);
  • has an antiseptic effect;
  • improves and restores blood microcirculation in soft tissues;
  • quickly softens affected skin areas;
  • promotes painless removal of the stratum corneum;
  • aligns the surface layer of epithelial tissue;
  • prevents the occurrence of various complications;
  • nourishes the epidermis with the necessary complex of vitamins and minerals;
  • reduces the severity of skin diseases;
  • disinfects affected skin areas;
  • prevents secondary penetration of infections;
  • smoothes the surface of the skin.

How to use the product?

According to the instructions for use, Yiganerjing is used externally only. The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas. If necessary, the drug can be lightly rubbed into the skin, but without strong force. It is best to apply the ointment three times a day to a previously cleaned surface. The duration of the course of treatment directly depends on the nature of the skin lesions and the duration of the disease. You can repeat the course after 2-3 weeks to prevent the appearance of symptoms of psoriasis and other skin diseases. The main advantages of the Chinese Yiganerjing ointment include the fact that after undergoing a course of treatment based on it, you do not need to follow strict diets, and also:

  • the drug does not reduce the protective functions of the skin;
  • practically does not cause an allergic reaction;
  • does not contain hormonal substances;
  • absolutely harmless and safe for patients of any age.

It is important to note that the drug promotes the healing of skin lesions, eliminates allergy symptoms, soothes itching, and relieves swelling. In addition, Yiganerjing accelerates the regeneration of damaged cells, while making the skin soft.

Yiganerjing (Iganerjing). Instructions for use

According to the instructions for the drug, the product is used according to the following scheme:

  • Open the product, squeeze a little onto the skin, spread over the affected area of ​​the epidermis. The skin should be clean and dry.
  • The product is not only possible, but also should be applied not only to diseased areas, but also to go slightly beyond their boundaries.
  • Apply the cream with gentle rubbing movements.
  • Leave the product to absorb into the skin for half an hour.

It is very important to continue to use the medicine even after symptoms disappear. To consolidate the result, therapy must be extended for another 10-14 days. The skin must be dry before application to increase the effectiveness of the cream.

Be sure to use the product regularly. One-time or inconsistent use will not lead to the expected results.

Who should use with caution?

Studying the instructions for use of Yiganerjing, you will notice that the cream should be used with extreme caution by people who suffer from diabetes. In this situation, Chinese ointment is used in small quantities. The use of Yiganerjing should be limited to those patients who have an individual intolerance to one or more of its constituent components. In all other situations, Chinese ointment is an effective remedy in the fight against skin diseases.

Where to buy Yiganerjing psoriasis cream

You can buy the product in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Minsk, Kyiv and any other city through the online store. By purchasing goods this way, you get a number of advantages:

  • eliminating the purchase of counterfeit ointment;
  • answer to all your questions;
  • convenient delivery and payment method;
  • affordable price.

You cannot buy the cream at the pharmacy yet. If you find the drug on pharmacy shelves, you should make sure that there are product quality certificates.


Clinical researches

Iganerzhing ointment was tested in France three years ago. As a result, the drug underwent successful clinical trials, which involved about 1000 people who had previously been diagnosed with psoriasis at different stages. For 21 days, participants actively used the cream according to the instructions. As a result, 95% of people experienced complete relief from the chronic non-infectious disease. The remaining test participants had positive dynamics.

Literally all patients noted a significant improvement in the condition of the skin after regular use of the cream and gave extremely positive reviews about Yiganerjing for psoriasis. Based on the results of clinical studies, we can conclude that the cream undoubtedly helps not only to relieve many unpleasant symptoms of psoriasis, but also to cure the disease in its early stages.

The issue of efficiency - expert opinion

Igor Kalinovsky, dermatologist:

“Psoriasis is a complex disease; it is very important to stop the appearance of plaques at an early stage. This can be done with the help of effective medications. In this case, it is not easy to restore the water balance, relieve inflammation, and act on the source of the pathology. What can Iganerging cream do? If you go to the drug registration website in our country, you can get information that Yiganerjing is not on the list of drugs for the treatment of psoriasis. This is a cosmetic product with an unclear final effect. The only active ingredient is Vaseline. Thanks to it, the skin is moisturized and protected from the influence of negative factors. Plant extracts work, but slowly. This cream can be used at the final stage of treatment of psoriasis, but not at its peak. The cosmetic product is advertised as a medicine. The cost of the drug on our website is several times higher.”

Release form

Yiganerjing psoriasis cream is made in the form of a cream and is packaged in 15 gram tubes. The instructions for use say that this volume is enough to alleviate the condition of the skin in one course of treatment. It will be quite difficult to find it on pharmacy shelves, since the drug is supplied to the territory of the Russian Federation in limited quantities.

Contraindications for use

There are no contraindications for the drug, other than individual hypersensitivity to the components. The drug can be used in complex treatment (together with traditional antipsoriatic therapy) or independently. The use of the drug does not affect driving or mental abilities.

The cream has no other contraindications, it is practically harmless, however, before starting to use it, it is recommended to conduct an allergy test by applying a small amount of cream to the wrist area. In the absence of a positive result, the drug against psoriasis can be used without fear.


According to reviews, many patients who have been treated for psoriasis have great confidence in Chinese medicine, and especially after using Yiganerjing. There have been cases of improvement in the condition of the skin literally after a week: itching and redness disappeared. The skin became smooth and even. Quite often, reviews of Yiganerjing for psoriasis are left by people who initially did not believe in the positive outcome of the treatment. The Chinese medicinal drug is also purchased for prevention. Many people believe that Yiganerjing for psoriasis is a scam, but reviews of the positive dynamics of treatment tell a different story. In any case, before using the cream, you should consult your doctor.

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