Papillomas patch: review, instructions for use, reviews of effectiveness

Plantar wart removal price

The cost of removing plantar warts in Moscow can vary and reach several thousand rubles.

Before removing the spine, you need to clarify the cost of the manipulation. Many clinics indicate a low cost in their price list. Most often, this means that the true price is veiled and at the appointment it turns out that you need to pay extra for anesthesia, bandaging, etc.

In our clinic, the price list indicates the full price of the intervention, i.e. no additional payments will be required.

Consultation with a doctor at the initial appointment - 1500 rubles

Removal of a plantar wart— RUB 1,500

Suda Epitact pads

This is a thin patch from a German manufacturer, 10 by 10 cm. The composition includes thuja extract - an effective remedy for removing warts, thorns and papillomas.

Suitable for treating growths in children, since the patch is hypoallergenic and does not cause irritation or swelling of the skin.

Method of application: a pad of the required size is cut out of the patch, which is glued to the wart. Change once every 3 days until the formation is completely removed.

Cost - from 2500 rubles.

Features, symptoms of plantar warts

The spine is a compaction on the plantar surface of the foot with a diameter of 2 to 10 mm (sometimes more). The formation resembles a small callus, which can be either flush with the skin or slightly raised above it. The presence of microscopic dark spots on the surface (thrombosed capillaries) is considered characteristic. Color – from white-yellow to brown. The wart is dense to the touch, pressing on it causes pain.

The spine differs from ordinary warts and papillomas in its higher density, as well as pain when pressed. This is due to the fact that, due to their location, they are always subject to pressure and stress, which causes them to become keratinized; in appearance they sometimes resemble small calluses. The same factor causes pain - when pressed, a dense wart presses on deeper tissues, causing pain (a comparison with a pebble in a shoe is appropriate here).

Removal of plantar warts should be carried out by a specialist. Attempts at self-removal, as well as treatment with folk remedies, are usually ineffective, because the spines are highly dense and have deep “roots.” Superficial removal (cutting with forceps after steaming, applying celandine, aloe, etc.) usually leads to relapse.

Prohibitions on use

Not all patients are suitable for these medications. If certain factors are present, it is not recommended to use the patch:

  • in case of intolerance to individual components of the composition;
  • if necessary, removal of nevi (moles);
  • minors - for children under 16 years of age, therapy is selected on an individual basis;
  • a history of renal or liver failure;
  • during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Violation of the manufacturer's recommendations specified in the instructions may cause unwanted side reactions. Each drug has its own list of possible non-standard manifestations of the body in response to therapy. Some patients during the course of therapy encountered redness, signs of irritation and itching in places where the material came into contact with the skin. The source of such symptoms is considered to be:

  • individual reactions to component components;
  • reaction of the dermis to the sticky part of the patch.

Dermatologists recommend paying attention to the condition of the skin when using the product. If the itching intensifies, developing from discomfort to pain, then therapy should be stopped immediately. Repeated treatment with an analogue can be started only after the traces of the inflammatory process have healed - after consulting a dermatologist.

Reasons for appearance

As mentioned above, the main cause of warts is the human papillomavirus (HPV). The presence of HPV in the body is quite common. But the mere fact of the presence of a virus does not necessarily mean the appearance of papillomas.

Predisposing factors are:

  • Poor foot hygiene
  • Sweaty feet
  • Skin trauma - abrasions, microcracks
  • High virus activity
  • Certain types of virus
  • Decreased antiviral immunity
  • Some common diseases that reduce the trophism (nutrition) of the skin of the foot are diabetes mellitus, polyneuropathy, arterial atherosclerosis

There are many types of human papillomavirus. Some of its varieties can cause the development of malignant tumors. The virus that causes plantar warts is not one of them. Spines never become malignant, but can cause other inconveniences - pain, cosmetic defects.

Useful tips

Before using salicylic patches, be sure to steam the warts. This is necessary so that the active substance of the drugs penetrates faster into the base of the benign formation. Water should be heated to +45−50 degrees. The duration of the procedure is usually 15−20 minutes. You can add baking soda or laundry soap to the liquid, passed through a fine grater.

It should be remembered that the patches only fight the external symptoms of the papillomavirus. The drug must be combined with antiviral drugs. Therapeutic ointments and gels will protect healthy areas of the skin and prevent pathology from spreading. In the fight against papillomavirus from the inside, medications in tablet form will help. Complex therapy allows you to quickly get rid of unpleasant tumors and the causes of their occurrence.

You also need to take care of your immune system. Experts advise including more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Vitamin complexes will also be useful. These measures will help maintain the body's protective functions and prevent unpleasant growths from reappearing.

Removal of plantar warts


When removing spines, you need to consider the following features:

1. Location on the sole increases the wound healing time (due to constant mechanical impact, sweating, etc.).

2. They are always removed deeply, forming a “crater”. Superficial removal is fraught with the risk of leaving the “roots” of the wart and recurrence.

3. “Home treatment” with folk remedies is undesirable, because with it, it is not possible to achieve the optimal depth of exposure, or, on the contrary, extensive chemical burns occur with various substances used for these purposes.


There are several methods for removing spines. They all boil down to the destruction of the wart, but this is achieved through various methods of influence, which can be divided into three groups:

  • Destruction (destruction using laser, radio waves, electrocoagulation)
  • Chemical destruction using various substances (liquid nitrogen, salicylic acid, alkalis, etc.)
  • Surgical excision

Let's take a closer look at these methods:

Destruction methods are the most effective, because they destroy the wart completely and with high precision. The radio wave method should be considered the most optimal. It involves the most gentle and at the same time deep removal of the spine. During laser removal, the depth of penetration may not be sufficient to destroy the “roots” of the wart, which can lead to recurrence. When removed with an electrocoagulator, excessive damage to surrounding tissue occurs, which leads to longer wound healing and the formation of a rougher scar.

Chemical destruction is not very effective in treating plantar warts, but is more suitable for removing small papillomas on other parts of the body (i.e. those small formations that rise above the surface of the skin). Plantar warts are located almost flush with the skin and spread quite deeply inward. Therefore, the effect of a chemical on them is either not enough to completely destroy the wart, or, on the contrary, it is too extensive and causes chemical burns of the surrounding tissues, sometimes with the formation of long-term non-healing ulcers.

Surgical excision is rarely used for two reasons: firstly, extensive excision involving healthy tissue is simply not necessary and unreasonably increases the volume and invasiveness of the intervention. Secondly, the plantar surface of the foot is subject to constant mechanical stress (plus sweat production, limited “ventilation” of the wound due to shoes). All this greatly increases the risk of suppuration under the sutures. Surgical removal is advisable in cases where the wart is suspicious of a malignant formation and a high-quality histological (under a microscope) examination of the removed material is required.

Operating principle

In modern cosmetology and dermatology, a patch for papillomas is in great demand. Reviews about this product are in most cases positive. High efficiency is due to carefully selected composition. It is salicylic acid that has a powerful softening principle of action, and sulfur dries out the growth. With the combined effect, a gradual elimination of papillomas occurs, as well as restoration of the skin. Qualified doctors note the following positive qualities of the papillomas patch:

  1. Disinfectant.
  2. Antifungal.
  3. Softening.
  4. Anti-inflammatory.

The universal composition of the drug has a powerful dissolving and exfoliating effect, which is very important for maintaining the integrity of the upper layer of the epidermis.

How does the removal itself take place?

At the appointment, the doctor clarifies complaints, the duration of the disease, conducts an examination, and clarifies the presence of concomitant diseases and allergies to medications.

If the diagnosis is confirmed and there are no contraindications, intervention is performed. After treating the skin with an antiseptic, local anesthesia is administered with a thin needle. This may cause some pain (like any injection), but then the removal itself is completely painless. After making sure that the anesthetic has worked, the doctor destroys the wart with a radio wave scalpel. After removal, the wound is treated with fucorcin and a bandage is applied. The entire intervention takes 2–3 minutes.

Urgo Coricide

The drug is usually used to treat calluses, but it can also be used against warts in children.

The medical patch has a keratolytic effect . It softens the surface of the growth and gradually dissolves the roughened tissue, which subsequently peels off easily. The drug does not dry out warts. It maintains an optimal level of humidity and prevents microcracks from forming. Therapeutic adhesive plaster helps damaged tissues quickly recover. The medication suppresses the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and stops the inflammatory process.

The Urgo Coricide adhesive plaster has a thin foam disk on an adhesive strip. The flesh-colored product is practically invisible on the skin. The patch is applied to the growth with a soft disc. There is no additional need to fix the strip. The adhesive plaster is used daily. During the course of treatment, 3-5 procedures are usually performed. Before purchasing a medical product, you should consult a specialist.

Where can a plantar wart be removed in Moscow?

We can definitely say that spines need to be removed in a clinical setting; the intervention should be carried out by a qualified surgeon who has extensive experience in treating such pathology. In Moscow, this can be done by Dr. Igor Vitalievich Elshansky. He will remove the formation using the optimal radio wave method. The intervention is painless, performed under local anesthesia, and after the manipulation the patient can immediately go home. The clinic has all the conditions for qualified removal.

Don’t expect the wart to “go away” on its own, don’t try to remove it yourself, contact a professional!

Positive and negative characteristics

The classic patch for removing papillomas has numerous advantages that dermatologists and their patients have already appreciated:

  1. Painless process of removing growths.
  2. Affordable price.
  3. Efficiency.
  4. The composition does not contain components hazardous to humans.

Among the main disadvantages are:

  1. The patch must be worn around the clock, which does not always look aesthetically attractive.
  2. It is simply impossible to get rid of the growth in just a few days, since the minimum course of therapy lasts 1-2 weeks.

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