In war, all means are good, or how to get rid of acne, acne spots and scars

What is post-acne?


– these are the atrophic consequences of acne (scars or dark spots in areas of rash), indicating the depth of skin damage, the strength of inflammation in a particular area and the insufficient ability of the epidermis to self-regenerate. The area of ​​occurrence of such marks is extensive: they can appear on the cheeks, on the forehead, on the nose, on the shoulders, back or chest, and less often on the hips and buttocks.

Reasons for the appearance of post-acne

Stagnant spots due to post-acne are most often formed under the influence of the following factors:

  • Protracted moderate to severe acne: deep inflammatory foci are present on the skin for a long time, undermining the resources of the epidermis and causing irreparable damage to it.
  • Mechanical damage to the skin: when trying to get rid of post-acne on their own, patients often damage the skin by squeezing out pimples - a stagnant spot or scar often remains at the site of mechanical action.

Types and stages of post-acne: what it looks like

Externally, post-acne appears in the form of stagnant spots of different colors or scars of various shapes:

  1. Enlarged pores
    are the most common signs of problematic skin after acne. Wide pores can be corrected with appropriate care for oily skin types.
  2. Red, purple or blue marks
    indicate vascular changes in the skin that occur as a result of mechanical pressure on the tissue when trying to squeeze out deep-seated rashes: comedones, pimples or blackheads. Most often, red marks and bruises remain on the skin in patients with a predisposition to spider veins (with weak capillaries).
  3. Brown spots or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (dyschromia)
    occur due to the influence of ultraviolet radiation on injured areas of the epidermis - excess accumulation of melanin turns the skin dark.
  4. Atheromas (sebaceous gland cysts) and milia (whiteheads)
    are secondary changes in the epidermis that form dense nodules - cysts.
  5. Scars (atrophic, hypertrophic)
    are a natural reaction of the skin to deep inflammatory foci. Scars come in different depths, shapes and sizes, and getting rid of them is the most labor-intensive and long-term process. At the site of inflammation, connective tissue appears, located in the deep layers of the epidermis.

There are two types of scars, the manifestation of which depends on the level of natural collagen during the healing process of inflammation:

  • Low levels of collagen in the skin provoke the appearance of an atrophic hollow scar. These scars are round (the shallowest), rectangular (deeper) and chipped (the deepest V-shaped scars) in shape.
  • High levels of collagen lead to a hypertrophic scar, which can subsequently grow. That is why skin with scars has an uneven relief: atrophic scars are usually sunken, in the form of pits or craters, while hypertrophic scars are convex.

The etiology of post-acne symptoms depends on the depth of the damage: hyperpigmentation occurs due to injuries to the epidermis, while scars appear due to deep damage to the dermal layers of the skin.

Why does bone tissue atrophy?

There are several reasons why bone tissue changes:

  • presence of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity
  • injuries of the jaw apparatus
  • age-related changes
  • tumors
  • acquired and congenital anomalies
  • individual characteristics of the body
  • complex tooth extraction

All this affects the condition of the gums, into which, if desired, an implant can be installed, but it is not necessary, because during wearing and operation the risk of its displacement and loosening is very high. In addition, degenerative processes intensify, during which the gums recede even more, which leads to exposure of the artificial root.

According to existing rules, when installing an implant, which is the basis for prosthetics of a chewing tooth, the width of the bone tissue cannot be less than 7 mm, and the minimum height is 10 mm. If during an examination by a doctor at the Shifa clinic it is determined that the size of the bone tissue does not correspond to the required size, then gum augmentation surgery is especially indicated for such a patient. Before surgery, oral diseases must be eliminated and dental plaque removed to avoid infection.

Can acne marks go away on their own?

Acne spots can go away on their own, but it can take a very long time. Corrective care and beauty salon treatments will help speed up the lightening of spots. Scars will not resolve on their own and will be more difficult to get rid of than spots: the most effective method of smoothing the relief of the epidermis is skin resurfacing. In particularly advanced cases, post-acne treatment is carried out only by clinical methods.

How long does acne last?

The speed of getting rid of stagnant spots and scars depends on the method of treating post-acne: at home or through cosmetic aesthetic procedures, followed by maintaining the normal condition of the skin with corrective care. On average, evening out the tone and texture of the skin after acne takes from 1 to several years, depending on the intensity of post-acne.

Is it possible to quickly remove acne?

An integrated approach (cosmetic procedures + corrective home care) is the most effective way to quickly get rid of post-acne. A course of salon procedures in combination with effective products, for example, based on acids, retinol, keratolytics, will give a noticeable positive result. But even in this case, the time investment will be impressive: unfortunately, it will not be possible to get rid of traces of lingering acne in a couple of weeks.

Recommendations after removal

Regardless of which tooth you removed or just its root, you must follow the rules of the rehabilitation period. Then healing takes place quickly and without complications.

  • Do not eat for 2-3 hours after surgery.
  • Eliminate hot and solid foods from your diet for 7 days.
  • Carefully walk around the socket when brushing your teeth.
  • Do not pick out the blood clot and try not to disturb the hole with your tongue until it is completely healed.
  • Don't rinse your mouth.

The Vimontal Clinic carries out operations of any complexity using advanced equipment. This allows you to provide assistance with maximum comfort and safety.

How to get rid of post-acne on your face at home?

Stagnant spots left by acne are most often removed in a beauty salon, but with the help of pharmacy cosmetics with active formulas aimed at intensive restoration and renewal of the epidermis, it is possible to significantly improve the condition of ex-problem skin at home.

How to remove post-acne using skincare products:

  • Sebum-regulating products (washing gels, tonics and lotions) will help solve the problem of enlarged pores, keep them clean and prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes and new rashes.
  • Whitening creams and serums for daily care will help get rid of pigmentation.
  • Homemade acid-based peels are effective for any manifestations of post-acne, even out skin tone and texture, and promote accelerated cell regeneration.
  • Masks based on natural clay also help narrow pores, control sebum synthesis and prevent the emergence of new imperfections.

To lighten pigmentation, pay attention to creams and serums with components whose action is aimed at suppressing melanin synthesis: kojic acid, arbutin, glabridin, ascorbic acid, azelaic acid.
Alexander Prokofiev, medical expert of the La Roche-Posay brand

Application of Azelik® gel for acne

A specialist can tell you how to remove dark spots and acne marks. The method must be chosen based on the condition of the skin and the general clinical picture. Each procedure has its own indications and contraindications that are important to consider.

To reduce the risk of post-acne, it is necessary to start acne treatment on time. After comedones, as a rule, scars do not remain. Azelik® is a 15% azelaic acid gel that can be used in the fight against mild to moderate acne. After application to the skin, the drug exhibits antimicrobial activity against propionibacteria and Staphylococcus epidermidis; it helps reduce the concentration of free fatty acids5. The anti-inflammatory effect of the gel is based on the ability of azelaic acid to reduce the metabolism of neutrophils and reduce their production of free forms of oxygen5.

The best anti-acne products La Roche-Posay

Corrective cream-gel against imperfections and post-acne


Cream-gel for problem skin against post-acne

Effectively exfoliates dead epidermal cells and promotes skin renewal. The product intensively moisturizes and corrects post-acne spots.

RUB 1,187 more details

Cleansing foaming gel for oily and sensitive skin


Cleansing foaming gel

With regular use in the morning and evening, facial skin becomes noticeably clearer, sebum production is reduced and the risk of post-acne formation is reduced.

951 rub. more details

Micro-exfoliating gel for post-acne washing


Micro-exfoliating gel

Reduces pronounced imperfections and post-acne, prevents the reappearance of imperfections.

RUB 1,218 more details

Lotion for tightening pores and smoothing the skin surface


Pore ​​tightening lotion

Effectively cleanses pores, prevents them from clogging and the emergence of new foci of inflammation.

RUB 1,468 more details


This scar cream contains margosa, emblica officinalis, calamus, lodhra, turmeric, madder cordifolia, kafal and aloe vera, processed in sesame oil, beeswax, holy basil, borax. Clearvin is suitable not only for treating scars and stretch marks, but also helps remove age spots, acne, and dark circles under the eyes. "Clearvin" heals, nourishes the skin, removes fresh scars and scars. The product stimulates tissue metabolism well, softens the skin, renews it and improves microcirculation. The cream should be applied to the skin two to three times a day - the first results will be noticeable after five to six weeks.

RealCosmetics, Russia

Clearvin is an effective multifunctional cream for problem skin, containing extracts of rare and unique herbs.
Herbs are of great value and are beneficial in solving skin problems and helping to overcome skin imperfections. An excellent cream smoothes the skin and maintains elasticity. Natural antioxidants, vitamin E and herbal microcomponents improve blood circulation, preventing the formation of dark circles under the eyes. The cream makes your skin soft, smooth and gives a healthy color. from 54

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Preventing the appearance of post-acne

The main task in caring for problematic acne-prone skin is not to aggravate its condition and not to provoke new rashes and the formation of a permanent spot or scar on the face.

Below are recommendations from experts that will help minimize the occurrence of imperfections and damage from them.

  • Competently and promptly treat acne of degrees II and III;
  • Do not expose stains to physical, chemical or mechanical stress;
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure;
  • It is good to moisturize problem skin;
  • Wash regularly using sebum-regulating anti-inflammatory agents;
  • Do not use alcohol-containing cosmetics in your arsenal (it can aggravate the skin condition);
  • Use mattifying cosmetics to control oily skin.

Chill and talk more

After tooth extraction, especially if we are talking about complex or atypical removal of any teeth, especially wisdom teeth, you need to apply cold, which will help reduce the severity of swelling.

It is necessary to apply cold to the cheek in the projection of the extracted tooth for several hours after the operation according to the following scheme: 5 minutes of cold and 10 minutes of break. This procedure will be effective only in the first few hours after removal, and in the future, in order to reduce swelling, it is useless. However, it may help reduce the severity of pain. Applying heat is strictly prohibited, otherwise the likelihood of purulent complications is high.

Taking antihistamines will help reduce the severity of swelling, but you should first consult your doctor.

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