How to get rid of acne scars and get smooth skin

To remove acne scars, laser peels and resurfacing are used, but they only slightly improve the situation. It is impossible to completely get rid of acne scars using a laser.

So is it possible to permanently remove acne scars, smooth out craters and smooth out the skin? Or not?

Just a few months ago, not a single clinic could answer that this was possible.

Our surgeon, Maxim Vasiliev, developed his own method. It allows you to quickly remove acne scars almost completely, even out the skin to a healthy level and return it to its natural color.

Only the subcision method can effectively remove acne scars on the face.

Maxim Vasiliev’s method against acne scars is based on the subcision method - a special microtechnique for cutting scars. This method was first used in 1995 and works great even against the most old and deep atrophic scars.

Subcision is a painstaking method of correcting atrophic post-acne scars.

Subcision is performed under local anesthesia using a powerful microscope. Using a sterile syringe needle, the surgeon carefully and quickly cuts the so-called “strands” - separating the scar tissue from neighboring structures. The skin, which is no longer held in place, rises and straightens.

How to get rid of scars?

There are several methods of scar correction in Moscow :

  • chemical peeling (superficial, medium, deep) – professional technology helps to even out and correct skin texture through the use of preparations based on organic acids;
  • Microcrystalline dermabrasion (sandblasting) is an effective cosmetic procedure in which mechanical grinding of the skin to remove one or several layers;
  • laser rejuvenation and Clear Brilliant resurfacing – a manipulation for rejuvenating the face and body, based on the gentle impact of the Clear Brilliant fractional apparatus;
  • PRP plasma therapy Regenlab is an innovative method of cellular renewal of the face for scar removal, which uses the injection of the patient's platelet plasma;
  • collagen rejuvenation NITHYA (Nitya) - a beauty procedure based on the biological product Nithya, which restores natural turgor, slows down aging and significantly transforms the skin;
  • Facial mesotherapy is a microinjection injection into the skin of a cocktail of biological active substances (amino acids, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes) to restore the firmness and elasticity of the dermis.

In addition to the above procedures, our clinic performs camouflage of scars and scars with tattooing. The use of unique technology allows you to disguise scars, scars and noticeable wrinkles.

To sign up for a consultation and procedure, you need to write to the manager on the website or call by phone.

Our cosmetologists will select for you the safest and most effective method that will help maintain the beauty and youth of your skin.

How to remove acne scars on face 100%

Despite the fact that subcision itself shows good results in the fight against scars, it does not provide a 100% effect of smoothing the skin. Removing an acne scar by cutting it is only the first stage.

The second stage is the introduction of a drop of collagen or stabilized hyaluronic acid into the lacuna formed under the crater.

Initially, the injected drug creates the necessary volume and physically “pushes” the scar area to the skin level. Within 6 months, the gel is removed and replaced with its own collagen. Collagen fills the area of ​​the lacuna and takes on the function of maintaining the required volume.

As a result, the craters are significantly leveled with the healthy surface of the skin.

Difficult decoration

Scars spoil the appearance, become a source of psychological discomfort, and if we are talking about surgical scars - the “epilogue” of surgical interventions - then they can disrupt the functions of organs and tissues. Cosmetology, dermatology and plastic surgery jointly deal with scar issues.

Scar is connective tissue

, which is formed at the site of a violation of the integrity of the skin (due to mechanical trauma, burns, surgery, various dermatoses, etc.), accompanied by inflammation. It does not have a skin pattern and looks unnatural against the general background of the skin.

Of course, not every injury leaves a scar. Damage to the skin up to the papillary dermis

, as a rule, heals without a trace. And even if the skin is injured at the level of the papillae, under certain conditions it can heal without scars.

Photos "before" and "after"

Subcision is the most effective way to treat acne scars. The result “before” and “after” of one procedure. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

Correction of deep scars. Photos "before" and "after". Completed by: Vasiliev Maxim.

Laser resurfacing of post-acne scars. Performed by dermatocosmetologist Elena Vlasova.

Hard case

Keloid scars sometimes occur without any effect on the skin. Spontaneous keloids

- convex skin growths are therefore spontaneous because they manifest themselves without external causes.

There is a concept of keloid constitution

; By the way, it is relatively common among people of the dark race. In addition, experts talk about keloid zones, which are the most prone to the development of this kind of scars. These are the face, ears, neck, shoulder girdle, upper back and chest.

In cosmetology practice, there are cases when the removal of small defects (say, pinpoint papillomas in the décolleté area) causes the formation of keloids the size of a coin! Taking certain medications, such as isotretinoin, can also cause the formation of keloid scars.

Before undergoing a chemical peel or laser resurfacing, your doctor should ask you about your keloid susceptibility. True, it is very difficult to predict whether a scar will appear at the site of exposure or not. Fabrics can behave unpredictably.

Getting rid of post-acne using subcision requires patience

Eliminating acne scars on the face using Maxim Vasiliev’s method is a complex and painstaking job. The surgeon works with each scar separately, and one procedure lasts up to three hours. But believe me, the result is worth it.

Expert comment:

“It is almost never possible to remove acne scars in one go.

If the problem is serious, then at one point, one on top of the other, up to five scars and pits are piled up. Sometimes there is less than 1 mm between them. You can't cut everything at the same time. Having lost their point of support, they will all fall at the same time.

Such scars are removed one by one and slowly. Moreover, I schedule each subsequent procedure at least two weeks after the previous one - after the bruises have completely healed.

So it will not be possible to completely and quickly remove acne scars. But it will work out effectively and forever. Agree, this is much more important.”

Maxim Vasiliev, plastic surgeon.

After we get rid of post-acne scars, the work is not finished. The time for perfection is coming.

Types of scars

Normotrophic scars are most often located at the same level with the skin, they are less noticeable, easiest to correct and differ mainly in shade - they are somewhat lighter than the skin.

Atrophic scars occur after an inflammatory process or injury; they are not as elastic as normal tissues and have a concave surface. A typical example of atrophic scars is stretch marks and post-acne.

Keloid scars can have different shapes; they are elastic, dense, usually with a smooth surface. The appearance of keloid scars can lead to unpleasant sensations: burning, itching, even pain. Typically, such formations protrude above the surface of the skin. They have clear boundaries. Keloid scars can grow and appear again after removal. Most often they form on the outer surface of the shoulder, in the sternum and upper torso. Difficult to correct.

Hypertrophic scars protrude above the surface of the skin. Most often they have a pink tint, and are formed due to the large area and depth of the wound, contamination of the surface or other unfavorable conditions for the healing of damaged tissue. It is mature connective tissue covered by a layer of epidermis. Within six months after its appearance, hyperkeratosis gradually disappears, and the progression of the scar stops.

Just getting rid of acne scars on your face is not enough. Removing red spots

The first thing we offer after working with scars is a course of biorevitalization with 3% hyaluronic acid. This procedure very well lightens stagnant spots and evens out skin tone.

Finally, after six months or even a year, the time for the laser comes. The fact that we raised the bottom of the scar almost to the level of healthy skin will save it from aggressive resurfacing. Surface or medium grinding will be sufficient.

Please note that it is not the scar that is polished, but the skin surrounding it: as a result, it partially lowers to the level of the scar. The skin is evened out.

Removal of scars using chemical peeling

During this procedure, the dermatologist applies a chemical solution to the area of ​​skin where the scar has formed.

Depending on its composition, the peeling agent can affect only the top layer of the skin - the epidermis or penetrate into its middle layer - the dermis. Very deep procedures are not currently performed due to their traumatic nature and the availability of more gentle alternatives that give the same effect.

After some time of exposure to chemicals, the top layer of skin peels off along with the cells that form the scar. Shallow scars disappear in one or two procedures; in other cases, more sessions are required.


Laser scar modeling with a fractional erbium laser (laser dermabrasion). The procedure removes scars, “craters” of pores on the skin, and any consequences of post-acne. It is performed under anesthesia; the age of the scars does not matter.

Maria's review:

“When I was young, I suffered a lot from acne. They passed, but by the age of 25 my face had turned into one endless scar. Without exaggeration, white and red scars were piled one on top of the other.

Those who know will understand: even just to leave the house you need to carefully apply concealer, foundation and powder, but as a result you look no better than a young old woman.

There is no quick way to remove acne scars. Unlike acne, they do not go away on their own. Dealing with scars turned out to be more difficult than acne. I burned them out with chemical peels and with a laser - it helped, but I was not able to completely get rid of acne scars.

What I have after a year and a half of treatment with Vasilyev Maxim is very similar to a miracle - there are almost no signs of acne visible, the skin is smooth and beautiful.

How much patience a doctor must have who works for so long with such jeweler precision and brings the work to perfection. Thank you"!

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