How to get rid of acne scars and get smooth skin

Our skin is constantly exposed to the environment. Ultraviolet radiation, dust and dirt, frequent stress and hormonal imbalances negatively affect the condition and health of the epidermis. Constant makeup causes pores to become clogged with makeup residue, even if we wash it off thoroughly.

To stay healthy and clean, the skin needs daily cleansing and gentle care. There are a huge number of cosmetics, masks, peelings and scrubs for cleansing and moisturizing the face. But can home care completely rid the skin of impurities and give it freshness and beauty?

Unfortunately, home remedies are superficial and have short-lived effects. Cosmetologists have long proven that professional facial cleansing is necessary at least once a month. Only with the help of high-quality salon products and special tools can a positive and effective result be achieved.

Causes of acne

The content of the article

How many of us have encountered such a common problem as acne? Many people are familiar with this skin ailment, so it is worth refreshing your memory with some regularity about the causes and ways to prevent acne.

Reasons for appearance:

  • Improper skin cleansing or lack thereof
    . We spend every day in the bustle of the city, and it is difficult to imagine how many harmful substances settle on the skin.
  • Makeup
    . This is a continuation of the first point. We apply makeup every day, which can already cause discomfort to the skin, since not all cosmetics consist of high-quality components. Using a large amount of decorative cosmetics in the heat provokes the appearance of acne. And if you leave the make-up on overnight, it’s scary to imagine what kind of stress it will put on the skin.
  • Touching with dirty hands
    etc. It’s not even worth commenting here.
  • Rare change of bed linen and towels
    . Just imagine how much time our face is in close contact with the pillow... About a third of the day. And during this time, the settled dust, the remaining dirt on the face, do their job. When it comes to towels, the ideal solution is to use disposable paper towels. But it is recommended to change fabric ones every other day.
  • Increased production of hormones.
    Hormones enhance the work of the sebaceous glands, which is why the latter cease to function normally. fat cannot come to the surface, resulting in inflammation.
  • Poor nutrition
    . Proper nutrition is generally the key to solving many problems. Acne is no exception. By consuming unlimited quantities of heavy and fatty foods, sweets and alcohol, we deprive ourselves of the pleasure of clear and smooth skin. Don't underestimate the power of vegetables, fruits and the nutrients they contain.
  • Cancellation of oral contraceptives. The body gets used to receiving sex hormones from birth control pills, and reacts to stopping their use and changes in hormonal levels with rashes.

Getting rid of post-acne using subcision requires patience

Eliminating acne scars on the face using Maxim Vasiliev’s method is a complex and painstaking job. The surgeon works with each scar separately, and one procedure lasts up to three hours. But believe me, the result is worth it.

Expert comment:

“It is almost never possible to remove acne scars in one go.

If the problem is serious, then at one point, one on top of the other, up to five scars and pits are piled up. Sometimes there is less than 1 mm between them. You can't cut everything at the same time. Having lost their point of support, they will all fall at the same time.

Such scars are removed one by one and slowly. Moreover, I schedule each subsequent procedure at least two weeks after the previous one - after the bruises have completely healed.

So it will not be possible to completely and quickly remove acne scars. But it will work out effectively and forever. Agree, this is much more important.”

Maxim Vasiliev, plastic surgeon.

After we get rid of post-acne scars, the work is not finished. The time for perfection is coming.

How to get rid of acne

Contact a qualified specialist

. You should not self-medicate, as acne may indicate serious problems that cannot be missed now. A dermatologist will identify the causes and prescribe appropriate treatment, individually selecting methods.

Improving nutrition quality

. It’s corny, but it’s worth including vegetables and fruits in your diet. Some of them, in particular lemons and apples, contain substances that promote skin regeneration. And to cleanse the body from the inside, bran, dried fruits and legumes are ideal.

Proper skin care

. To choose a product, you need to make sure that it:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • suitable for your skin type;
  • does not contain soap;
  • has a neutral pH level;
  • contains exfoliating agents;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Steam baths

For steam baths, regular boiled water or herbal infusions and aqueous solutions with essential oils are used.

Exposure to ordinary steam

  1. Before steaming, the skin must be cleaned of cosmetics, the hair must be gathered into a ponytail for convenience, and a bandage or hoop must be placed on the head to secure the bangs.
  2. Water in a volume of 2 liters should be boiled and poured into a convenient wide container, preferably glass. You can also use an iron bowl.
  3. After this, sit comfortably in front of the bowl, throw a large towel over your head. It should completely cover the space between the tilted head and the container of water.
  4. Place your face at a distance from the bowl so that the steam does not burn your skin. The impact should be soft.
  5. After waiting the required time, pat your face dry with a clean and dry towel.
  6. Proceed with the following procedures. If you do not plan to do so, apply moisturizer to your skin.

Women with enlarged facial pores need to narrow them back after this procedure. To do this, you need to purchase a special tonic or lotion in advance. It is also helpful to rinse your face with cold water.

Water with herbs and oils

The steaming procedure using herbs and essential oils is useful. It is carried out in a similar way, but it has a number of features.

Herbs and oils are selected depending on skin type and existing problems:

  • chamomile helps eliminate inflammation;
  • rose or rosemary are gentle on sensitive skin;
  • lemon, mint and thyme reduce the intensity of sebaceous gland secretion.

You can use your own collection and drying of herbs, or buy ready-made formulations at the pharmacy. They need to be placed in water in the proportions specified by the manufacturer, and after boiling, cook for another 1 - 2 minutes.

Steaming your face with herbal decoctions can soothe the skin, moisturize it and solve problems of dryness or excess oiliness.

Essential oils are added to the already boiled, hot liquid immediately before steaming. For 1 liter of water, 3-5 drops are enough.

Steam baths with soda

Adding soda to the water for steaming your face is recommended for those with oily skin prone to acne. Soda is a natural antiseptic and as a result of this effect it disinfects the epidermis, relieves inflammation and creates an alkaline environment on the surface of the skin, eliminating oily sheen.


The Russian bath is a classic method of steaming the skin of the face and the whole body, which was used in ancient times. The procedure is repeated several times during each visit to the steam room. Between them, you can cleanse your face or apply various masks, preferably with natural ingredients.

Give preference to a classic Russian bath. Dry steam is often used in saunas. The pores, as necessary for cosmetic procedures, do not open.

Chemical peeling of the face

Chemical facial peeling is a procedure in which the patient's dead skin cells are removed using organic fruit acids or mechanical treatment. Acidic substances help deeply cleanse the skin and remove harmful substances, resulting in smoother, healthier and more radiant facial skin.

The procedure is divided into 3 types:

  • superficial peeling - removes the top skin cells, suppressing the primary manifestations of acne;
  • middle peeling - removes epidermal cells to the basement membrane, helping to solve dermatological problems and problems of age-related changes;
  • deep peeling - affects the basement membrane, allowing you to remove serious facial imperfections; the effect lasts for about a year.

Photos "before" and "after"

Subcision is the most effective way to treat acne scars. The result “before” and “after” of one procedure. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

Correction of deep scars. Photos "before" and "after". Completed by: Vasiliev Maxim.

Laser resurfacing of post-acne scars. Performed by dermatocosmetologist Elena Vlasova.

Ultrasound therapy

Ultrasound therapy is a gentle facial cleansing technique in which the doctor uses a special device that interacts with sound vibrations on the skin. Ultrasonic cleansing is aimed at cleansing the surface layers of the skin, gently exfoliating dead skin cells and cleansing contaminated pores.

This method of cleaning is suitable for patients who do not have serious problems with the epidermis, since the procedure is aimed only at the external manifestations of the problem, but does not destroy the cause of its occurrence

The effect of ultrasound helps only with minor facial dirt, relieves minor inflammation, evens out fine wrinkles and improves blood circulation. After the procedure, the complexion significantly improves, the skin looks fresh, healthy, radiant, soft and moisturized.

Ultrasonic cleansing is meant as a complex therapy, which includes not only cleansing the skin using ultrasound, but also the use of additional cosmetics - all kinds of creams, masks and serums. Comprehensive care will allow you to achieve better results, since with ultrasonic facial cleansing, the stratum corneum of the epidermis becomes much thinner, which allows the active substances of the products to penetrate from its surface into the deeper layers of the skin.

Types of facial cleansing

Modern cosmetology parlors in Minsk offer many procedures not only for rejuvenation, but also for cleansing facial skin. Before going to a cosmetologist, many people get confused and don’t know which facial cleansing to choose.

There are many methods of cleansing, which differ not only in technique, but also in cost.

Facial cleansing can be of the following types:

  • Mechanical.
  • Chemical.
  • Vacuum.
  • Laser.
  • Ultrasonic.
  • Galvanic.
  • Brushing.
  • Hollywood.

Mechanical facial cleansing

This peeling method is also called manual or manual, since during the procedure a specialist manually cleanses the epidermis of impurities. Using a special metal spoon, the cosmetologist carefully removes pus from the deep layers of the dermis. If it seems that mechanical cleaning can be done at home, but this is not so. During the procedure, the cosmetologist observes a number of conditions:

  • A bright lamp and a magnifying glass are pointed at the patient's face. This way even small skin imperfections are visible. Even with the best home lighting you will not be able to achieve this result.
  • Before starting the procedure, a special cream or steam effect is used, which helps to expand the pores.
  • Cleaning is carried out in absolute sterility. After removing impurities and pus from the pores, the face is treated with an antiseptic so that infection does not spread under the epidermis.
  • At the end of the procedure, the dermis is again treated with a bactericidal agent and covered with a special cream that tightens the pores.

Mechanical facial cleansing is one of the most popular methods among other methods. It is recommended for those who suffer from problematic and oily skin, which is prone to the appearance of blackheads, blackheads and acne.

When cleansing the face manually, unpleasant and painful sensations are possible, and after visiting a cosmetologist, inflammation and redness may appear at the site of acne squeezing. It is best to resort to this procedure on the weekend, when no events are scheduled.

But despite this, the method is effective.

Chemical facial cleansing

Dry cleaning is considered a less painful method of cleansing. It is indicated not only for acne, but also for scars and uneven skin surfaces. Cleansing is carried out at a deep level using various acids. Based on the skin type and its condition, the cosmetologist himself selects the concentration of the substance. The effect is achieved due to a mild burn, which passes quickly, but helps remove keratinized tissue.

There are three levels of chemical purification:

  • Superficial . Due to the low concentration of acidic substances and the short duration of application of the serum to the skin, the epidermis is not only not damaged by acid exposure, but also does not require long-term cell recovery after the procedure.
  • Average . Regeneration of the skin takes about a week or two, since cleansing is performed with more aggressive acids.
  • Deep . The technique is used as a last resort when it is not possible to achieve the effect by other means. Solutions with a high acid content are used for cleaning, and the recovery period can last several months.

Chemical peeling is a very effective method in the fight against skin imperfections. However, it is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, patients with herpes, cancer, as well as with a large number of wounds, cuts and ulcers.

Vacuum facial cleansing

Very often, vacuum facial cleansing is recommended for patients with oily and problematic skin, because cleansing can be done even in the most difficult to reach places. The procedure is considered the most gentle and painless, as it is performed using a special vacuum tube that draws out pus and impurities from the pores.

Vacuum cleaning is carried out in several stages:

  • Using special means, the outer layer of the epidermis is cleansed.
  • A mask is applied to the skin to expand the pores.
  • Cleaning is carried out using a vacuum apparatus.
  • The face is treated with a product that nourishes and restores the epidermis.

Vacuum cleaning not only does not leave pinpoint inflammation on the face, but also effectively fights blackheads, pimples and their marks, and also improves blood circulation and evens out the appearance.

Laser facial cleansing

For excessive acne, clogged pores and blackheads, the laser cleaning method is used. The main advantages of the technique are cleansing the epidermis at the cellular level, as well as starting the production of collagen, which is vital for skin elasticity. Laser beams also even out the relief and smooth out shallow wrinkles.

The essence of the procedure is to treat problem areas of the skin with a laser device. The procedure is not recommended to be performed more than once a month, and after cleaning, a recovery period is required.

Laser resurfacing is strictly contraindicated for those who have:

  • Allergy to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Period of menstruation.
  • Increased acne.
  • Progressive stage of herpes.
  • Diabetes.
  • Oncological diseases.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing

The procedure is carried out using a special device that acts on problem areas with ultrasonic waves and pushes contaminants to the surface. Immediately before cleansing, the face is treated with a special gel, and then a nourishing cream is applied to soothe the dermis.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is an ideal solution for those with dry and overly sensitive skin. To achieve the best result, you need to undergo about 3-4 sessions.

The technique has many advantages:

  • Ultrasonic waves cleanse the epidermis at a deep level.
  • The procedure is absolutely harmless and does not lead to injury.
  • Cleansing does not cause inflammatory processes on the skin and does not require a recovery period.
  • Ultrasonic treatment creates low-frequency vibrations that produce additional tissue massage.

Galvanic facial cleansing

One of the best cures for oily skin and acne is galvanic cleansing. The result is achieved by exposure to low-frequency current pulses that interact with the product applied to the skin. The procedure is carried out according to a certain algorithm:

  • The facial skin is treated with a chemical composition that has antiseptic properties, and also softens fat deposits and expands pores.
  • A cosmetologist treats the face with an ultrasound device, which removes impurities and pus out and exfoliates dead cells.
  • Using cleansing wipes or tonics, dirt and soapy water are washed away.
  • Under the influence of positive ions of ultrasound, the pores narrow and the acid-base balance is restored.

In addition to combating skin imperfections, ultrasonic cleansing is aimed at restoring blood flow and metabolism in the epidermal tissues, as well as activating the sebaceous glands.


Brushing or brossage is a facial peeling using a device with special removable attachments. Each of them performs a specific function:

  • Brush . Pile of varying degrees of hardness provides gentle cleansing and removes dead epithelial cells.
  • Stone . The hard attachment allows you to achieve soft skin through the so-called polishing of the facial surface.
  • Video clip . Using a roller tip, the relief is leveled, smoothness and elasticity are increased, as well as tissue softening and restoration.
  • Pumice . Pumice nozzles can combine all of the above functions in one.

The procedure helps normalize blood circulation and speed up metabolism. Sebum removal occurs in a gentle manner, wrinkles, scars, acne and blackheads disappear. Thanks to this, cells are more quickly saturated with oxygen and nutrients.

Brushing is recommended for those with age spots, shallow wrinkles and scars, gray complexion and uneven skin texture, as well as acne and pimples.

We do all types of facials

Hollywood facial

The main advantage of Hollywood peeling is its versatility. The procedure can be performed at any age from 18 to 50 years, as well as for any skin type: dry, oily, normal and problematic. Cleansing has not only aesthetic, but also preventive and healing properties.

However, before the procedure, it is necessary to undergo a week-long course of skin preparation so that it gets used to the effects of concentrated acid and is not injured during cleaning. To do this, you should wipe your face daily with solutions containing glycolic acid.

The cleansing procedure itself is carried out in the following way:

  • First, the skin is cleansed and toned.
  • An active drug or acid solution is applied to problem areas of the skin, which is washed off after 5 minutes.
  • If necessary, the application of the solution is repeated.
  • The face is washed and nourished with moisturizer.

After the procedure, discomfort, peeling, swelling and a mild allergic reaction may occur, so patients need to undergo a recovery course. Every day, the skin must be moisturized and nourished with rich creams and its surface protected from ultraviolet radiation. Also, you should not visit solariums or sunbathe in the bright sun for some time.


Mesotherapy is a fairly serious way to combat skin imperfections. The procedure consists of injecting under the skin with strong chemical components (antibiotics and immunostimulating drugs), which help destroy harmful bacteria and cope with clogging of pores due to the large secretion of sebaceous secretions from the skin. This type of therapy is recommended for patients with a pronounced problem of acne and pimples.

Mesotherapy is not recommended for persons under 25 years of age, as well as for patients suffering from highly sensitive skin. In general, injections do not cause significant harm to health and effectively eliminate the causes of skin rashes.

Thus, different cosmetic procedures are aimed at different skin problems, have their pros and cons, and in order to determine the right therapy, you should consult a specialist.

What is a defect?

Sustained changes in the epidermis that occur after prolonged acne as a result of its squeezing, unprofessional treatment or its complete absence are called post-acne syndrome.

This problem occurs after a long inflammatory process with purulent contents and the subsequent addition of microbes and bacteria. As a result, the skin turns on a self-recovery mechanism when the connective tissue begins to grow and thus tries to close the resulting depressions in the epidermis. Most often, the edges of such depressions are tightened, but the depressions remain, forming peculiar pits on the skin.


Gels and masks with a warming effect are applied to steam the face at home. They are also used in beauty salons. Similar products are present in the lines of many brands: Garnier, Mixit, Mary Cay, Nivea and others, including professional facial cosmetics.

Thermal masks also effectively open pores, like hot steam in a bathhouse.

This is a convenient product that quickly and effortlessly opens up pores. It is applied in a thin layer to the face, excluding the area around the eyes. Each manufacturer indicates how long the composition needs to be left on the face in the instructions.

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