Rice flour face mask: secrets of oriental beauties

In this article you will learn wonderful recipes for rice face masks. They came to us from the beauties of Asia, where rice is not only a traditional food product, but also a recognized means of beauty and youth.

Until now, Japanese women use rice powder not only to brighten their faces, but also to protect them from the harmful effects of makeup, sun rays and other influences that can age a woman ahead of time.

In modern cosmetology, rice is used as an effective ingredient in various face and body care products. Centuries of experience in the use of this cereal crop have proven that rice-based products have an anti-aging effect, restoring tone, radiance and health to our skin. These features are used by the most recognized brands in their skincare lines.

Benefits of rice mask

Rice is famous for its beneficial effect on the entire body, saturating every cell with vitamins and microelements. By regularly eating it, a person gets rid of toxins, cholesterol and excess weight.

The culture of using rice flour in cosmetology was borrowed from Asian countries. Chinese women were the first to discover the fantastic properties of this product in facial skin care.

Masks based on oriental grains make the skin elastic, velvety, smooth, without wrinkles. Eastern women with the impeccable condition of their faces prove that rice is the best thing that nature has come up with for female beauty.

Rice compositions are especially useful for fading and dehydrated dermis. Their effect can be compared to the effect of Botox, they are so effective.

The most popular anti-aging mask made with goat milk. Goat milk can be replaced with high fat sour cream or cream.

In 1 tbsp. rice flour, pour in 2 tbsp. l. milk or sour cream. Let the flour soak in, then add 1 tsp. honey. Apply the mask to the face and neck and leave for 20 minutes.

Regular use of rice formulations will lead to excellent results:

  • Aging and wrinkle formation will slow down.
  • Silicon will have a tightening effect.
  • Amino acids will promote the production of collagen, which will affect the elasticity of the epidermis.
  • The combination of starch with B vitamins will help restore an even, radiant color.
  • Potassium will help moisturize the epidermis, giving it youthful freshness.

In addition, rice does not cause allergies because it does not contain gluten. Therefore, women with very sensitive skin can use this gift of nature without fear.

Features of application

For optimal results from the procedures, you need to adhere to some rules for their implementation:

  1. Any skin care product is applied to a clean, prepared face. You can first wash your face with a decoction of medicinal herbs and/or plants and steam your skin.
  2. You need to be careful about the selection of ingredients used in the preparation of masks. The ingredients must be fresh and suitable for the type of epidermis.
  3. Those with dry skin types should take into account that cereal absorbs moisture well and dries it out even more.
  4. Cereal does not cause allergic reactions, but masks may contain irritating components. Before initial use, you should always carry out a tolerance test; a small amount of the prepared mixture is applied to the wrist or the outer bend of the elbow.
  5. The standing time usually does not exceed 20 minutes, unless otherwise specified in the recipe.
  6. To preserve the beneficial properties of the grain, it is recommended to cook until half cooked.
  7. When buying ready-made rice flour, make sure that there are no bugs in the bag.


Not only for fortune telling - a face mask made from coffee grounds.

Recipes of oriental beauties

Every woman at home can prepare such compositions that will help cope with a specific epidermal problem.

To use products with this product, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. Masks should be done every other day. Course - 10 sessions. Before application, the skin must be steamed over a decoction of herbs.
  2. Then you can take a break for a month, then repeat it again or prepare a different composition.
  3. For prevention, it is recommended to apply the mask once every one and a half weeks.
  4. The procedure time is no more than 25 minutes.
  5. You can make your own rice flour by grinding washed and dried grains in a coffee grinder.
  6. Rice flour needs time to infuse, about 10 minutes.
  7. Wash off with a decoction of herbs or milk.
  8. After boiling the rice, a healthy broth remains. It is poured into ice cubes and wiped on the face in the morning.

Mask recipes

  • To prevent the skin on your face from losing its freshness, prepare the following mixture: 2 tbsp. rice flour, mix with 4 tbsp. l. natural yogurt. Add 2 tbsp. puree green apple pulp, pour in grapefruit juice. After 10 minutes you can apply it to your face.
  • The following composition will help get rid of wrinkles: boil 3 tbsp. brown rice, drain the broth, pour in 30 ml of milk, mash well.
  • Milk and honey mask: mix 100 g of flour with 35 ml of fat milk, after steeping, add a spoonful of honey and cottage cheese.

They claim that wrinkles will decrease after just 5 sessions.

Mask with honey

It has a powerful whitening and tightening effect. How to cook step by step:

  1. Boil 4 tbsp. l. cereals Drain the broth, but do not pour it out.
  2. Rinse the cooked rice and grind in a blender.
  3. Add 3 tbsp. l. flower honey, pour in 1 spoon of milk.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly, add 1 tsp. pearl powder.
  5. Wash off the mask with rice water.

How to reduce the oiliness of the epidermis

In this case, rice masks will also help, especially rice scrub: take 1 tbsp. l. kefir and rice flour, mix, then walk over your face in a circular motion. Do not rinse for 15 minutes.

For oily skin, the oatmeal mixture will be useful. It will tighten and deeply cleanse the dermis. You need to take 2 tsp. oatmeal and rice flour, pour in 2 tbsp. kefir

Oily skin often experiences inflammation. The following composition will help remove inflammation and smooth out deep wrinkles: take two tbsp. l. rice flour, aloe vera juice, add a teaspoon of honey. After 5 minutes you can apply it to your face.

Lifting for oily skin can be prepared as follows: mix milk with flour, honey and sugar. Apply to face in circular motions, not forgetting neck and décolleté.

Another option: 100 g of flour, mixed with 3 tbsp. granulated sugar, pour in 30 ml of milk, add 20 g of honey. Gently massage the mixture onto your face, neck, and décolleté, then leave to absorb for 20 minutes.

Rice mask for dry skin

Dry skin is good because there are almost no pimples on it and no oily sheen is visible. But with age, it can become covered with fine wrinkles. A soft homemade mask will help to avoid this phenomenon: pour a little milk into the cooked rice, add a spoonful of banana puree. Apply a homogeneous mixture to the face. After 20 minutes, wash with rice water.

A composition of 1 tbsp will deeply moisturize the epidermis. boiled grains, with 2 spirulina tablets, 5 drops of olive oil. Crush the tablets, mix with grains, grind with a blender, add oil, mix.

From sour cream, boiled cereal and honey, taken 1 tbsp. spoon, you can get a rejuvenating mixture for dry dermis. This mask will have an anti-age effect.

Anti-aging recipes

Age is not a problem if you periodically apply this mixture to your face and neck: take 2 tbsp. plain and rice flour, add a third of a glass of sugar, add a spoonful of honey and milk. Apply the paste to your face, and after 15 minutes wash with warm water, then apply cream.

Anti-aging formulations should be applied at the first signs of fading:

  1. Grind the boiled cereal, mix with heavy cream (a spoonful of rice and 0.5 spoonful of cream).
  2. Add a spoonful of olive oil and honey.

This mixture can even be applied under the eyes to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles.

If you add a few drops of lemon juice to this composition, you will get an excellent whitening mask.

With age, the oval of the face becomes less clear. A tightening mask will help tighten the oval, even out the relief: 1 tbsp. flour, 3 tbsp. cosmetic clay, 1 tbsp. banana puree, 1 tsp. avocado oils. Pour green tea over dry ingredients to form a paste. Then add the remaining ingredients into the paste and mix thoroughly. After 10 minutes, cover your face with the mixture for 15 minutes.

Elixir for face

An even more effective remedy is fermented rice water. It is also very easy and simple to prepare, but requires a longer time to “ripen”.

To prepare such water, take rice and add water (in a ratio of 1:4). Next, all this is left for fermentation (fermentation) for 1-2 days, it depends on the room temperature. In warmth, fermentation processes begin faster. The readiness of fermented water is determined by the characteristic slightly sour smell and gas bubbles appearing on the surface of the water.

During fermentation, the infusion is enriched with antioxidants, minerals and enzymes. And during fermentation, such a unique substance as Pietra appears in it. The component has a powerful anti-aging effect and starts the process of cell self-rejuvenation.

It is recommended to strain the infusion before use. To stop the fermentation process, the resulting substance must be boiled for 1-2 minutes over high heat.

Fermented rice water is added to skin care masks and toners. This component significantly enhances the effectiveness of homemade cosmetics.

Benefits of rice water

As soon as you boil the rice for a side dish, do not pour out the water. When washing, it can replace ordinary water. What are the benefits of rice water? It perfectly nourishes, tones, softens, penetrating deeply into the epidermis.

How to make rice water

There are three options:

  1. Boil the rice grains, drain the broth;
  2. In the evening, pour two tablespoons of grains with warm water;
  3. Two tbsp. pour grains into 6th tbsp. l. water, boil, wrap and leave for an hour. You will get a very healthy fermented liquid

Rice tonic

Rice water prepared using the third method will make a miraculous tonic. Store it in the refrigerator, but no more than 4 days. Use to wipe your face twice a day. A natural tonic will enrich the dermis with minerals, vitamins, and give it a fresh look.

Rejuvenating washbasin

Prepare another magical remedy from the decoction: 4 tbsp. l. liquid, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and flour.

Mix the mixture well and leave overnight. In the morning, apply to your face and leave for a quarter of an hour. This is an excellent remedy for rejuvenating the dermis.

Important benefits

White rice is no less healthy, and you can easily find it in any kitchen. Many of us, when boiling this cereal as a side dish, unfortunately, simply pour out the remaining water after cooking and do it completely in vain. After all, during the cooking process, the valuable nutrients of rice pass into the water, giving the liquid simply magical properties.

Indeed, the benefits of rice water are impressive. Here are the main ones:

  • promotes cleansing and rejuvenation of the entire body;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • increases energy;
  • cures disorders of the digestive system (eliminates diarrhea);
  • soothes irritated skin;
  • activates blood circulation;
  • stimulates the production of natural collagen;
  • useful for enhancing lactation;
  • protects skin from harmful ultraviolet rays.

In addition, the decoction is perfect for strengthening and nourishing hair, it promotes hair growth, makes hair beautiful and shiny.

What women talk about

Many women who have used the oriental product for facial rejuvenation leave the most enthusiastic reviews. Ladies of all ages claim that they now look younger than all their peers.

Particularly impressive are the reviews from women who could not boast of a beautiful complexion. After 10 procedures, the grayish, dull color disappears, the skin becomes radiant and youthful.

Some ladies give their own recipes, for example: flour, spirulina and the yolk of one egg, mix, apply to the face. The skin becomes velvety, wrinkles disappear.

According to reviews from many girls, they liked Korean fabric masks. The fabric mask is already ready for use. Just read the instructions and then do everything as it says. They are convenient, fast acting, and do not require rinsing.

Finally: an effective rice flour face mask will help you stay young and seductive for a long time, so it’s time to use any of them to take care of your appearance

What are the beneficial properties of homemade rice masks?

  • 1. Good hydration.

Potassium and starch contained in rice help to better retain moisture in the skin.

  • 2. Anti-inflammatory effect.

The property of rice flour to soothe irritated skin has been used for a very long time in many countries. Especially in those countries where, due to climate, this problem is particularly relevant.

  • 3. Rejuvenating effect.

Rice contains biotin. It regulates the balance of fats and proteins, produces collagen and an enzyme that is required for carbohydrate balance.

  • Whitening effect.

Starch, or rather the substances contained in it, have a lightening effect.

  • Ultraviolet protection.

Ferulic acid and allantoin soften any effects of the sun, making tanning safer and easier.

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