Causes of acne on the chin in men, their treatment

Treatment of rash on the chin

A rash on the chin takes a long time and is difficult to treat, but often it ends with a successful result. Its type depends on the cause that caused the lesion on the skin

Selected by a specialist - a dermatologist, he takes into account the patient’s well-being and takes into account the results of laboratory tests

There are several methods that are actively used to treat this problem in modern medicine:

  • Zero therapy. It consists of completely stopping the use of any cosmetic products for facial care. You should also stop taking medications, especially those that contain corticosteroids;
  • Use of antihistamines. They are used in the presence of allergic reactions to certain types of allergens;
  • Use of antibiotic drugs. Sometimes medications may be prescribed that have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora. Preparations are used in the form of tablets, capsules and ointments;
  • Special creams. They are prescribed in cases where other methods have not yielded positive results. Creams such as Elidel or Pimecrolimus have a good effect.

Use of folk remedies

For chin rashes, folk remedies are often used. They help quickly eliminate unpleasant lesions on the skin, alleviate the condition and relieve unpleasant symptoms.

The following natural remedies have a good effect:

  • Infusion of marigold and chamomile. Pour 2 large spoons of chamomile and marigold into a container and fill a glass with hot water. The solution should be left for several hours, and then everything is filtered. The prepared solution should be used for washing in the morning and evening. The product has a good antiseptic effect;
  • Aloe lotion. Wash 1 large aloe leaf and place in the refrigerator for several hours. After this, you need to puree it in a blender or grater and squeeze out the juice. You need to moisten cotton swabs in the resulting product and use them to wipe the inflamed surface of the skin;
  • Birch decoction. Pour 1 teaspoon of birch buds into a container, add a glass of hot water, and boil for 10 minutes. After this, you need to leave for 20 minutes, strain through cheesecloth. Moisten a cloth or gauze in the resulting solution and apply it to the affected area for 10 minutes. This remedy has a good effect if the rash is caused by such an unpleasant disease as urticaria.

The best products from the pharmacy

Subcutaneous rashes, acne, pimples on the chin can be cured with the help of pharmaceutical products. They should only be prescribed by a specialist after a preliminary examination. Each medicine is selected depending on the cause that caused the problem.

Acne, rashes, small pimples on the chin can be cured using the following types of medications:

  • Antibiotics. These medications are used to fight bacteria that cause rashes, pimples, and blackheads. They prevent the development of the inflammatory process. They should only be prescribed by a doctor depending on the patient’s condition. Erythromycin, Metronidazole, Tetracycline, Doxycycline are considered the most effective;
  • Hormonal drugs. Often, rashes on the chin can occur as a result of hormonal imbalance. In these cases, you can use the following means - Jess, Diane-35, Yarina, Regulon;
  • Retinoids. They contain components derived from vitamin A. It is recommended to use them to eliminate acne and pimples that occur against the background of increased sebum production. The following drugs have a good effect - Roaccutane, Retinol Palmitate, Isotretinoin;
  • Colon cleansing products. Acne and rashes can occur due to disruption of the functioning of the stomach and intestines. They usually appear when there is an accumulation of toxins and harmful substances. The most effective ones include Lactofiltrum, Bifiform, Linex.

Fighting methods

Most often, treatment for acne on the chin of men is not required, but it all depends on the cause. If the rash does not go away within a few days, you should consult a dermatologist and try home treatment options. There are many different products that you can use. The most common remedies are zinc or salicylic ointment. Medicines will help reduce the inflammatory process.

Salicylic acid is used for spot treatment of acne. It should be applied directly to the affected area with a cotton swab to dry and disinfect inflammation. The product reduces the amount of sebaceous fat, which reduces the likelihood of complications. You can take antibiotics, but only if the problems are serious and a lot of purulent pimples appear. The drugs will quickly deal with bacteria, which will significantly reduce external symptoms. In a couple of days the inflammatory process will completely pass.

Any medications must be prescribed by a doctor. Therefore, before starting antibiotic treatment, you should consult a doctor.

Home methods

You can deal with acne on your own using simple and effective remedies that are easy to prepare at home. The simplest option for combating acne is tar soap. Regular washing with it destroys bacteria and reduces the risk of inflammation. In addition, the tar in soap dries out sebaceous secretions, which reduces the likelihood of re-breakouts.

You can brew a decoction with calendula. This plant has good anti-inflammatory properties. You need to pour a spoonful of dry herbs into a liter of boiling water and leave for 12 hours. After straining, you can use the decoction to wipe the areas of inflammation. You can make it even simpler - wipe problem areas with aloe juice. Cut leaves are most effective if they are placed in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 weeks.

You can get healthy skin only with an integrated approach. Cosmetics and medications, an adjusted diet and proper care are the main measures necessary to eliminate acne.

Simple chamomile helps in treatment. A decoction is also prepared from it (a spoonful of dry chamomile is brewed in boiling water). After infusion, the broth is filtered and used for washing or wiping.

You can make a medicated lotion at home and use it to wipe your skin:

  • dried mint leaves (1 spoon);
  • boric alcohol (1 tbsp);
  • lemon juice (1 l);
  • calendula tincture (1 tbsp).

First, brew mint in half a glass of boiling water and infuse for about 25 minutes. Afterwards, the infusion is strained and other components are added.

It is not recommended to use tar soap for a long time, as it can dry out the skin. Then, instead of disinfection and improvement, there will be more inflammation.

Pharmacy products

Medicines for the treatment of acne on the chin can be purchased at the pharmacy. A common remedy that has proven effectiveness is Vishnevsky ointment. Its smell is pungent and unpleasant, but despite this, the ointment is in demand because of the results of its use. In addition to the drying components of tar and castor oil, the composition contains a powerful antiseptic - xenoform.

If there is a lot of inflammation and white pimples appear that itch and itch, then you should definitely consult a dermatologist. If the rash is of an allergic nature, then an allergist will solve such problems. Acne caused by internal problems in the body's functioning is treated by a therapist. Some rashes may have a specific shape or color; only a doctor can find out what causes them. He will select the appropriate treatment.

Local treatment

Acne on the chin of men requires local treatment. Modern ointments contain antibiotics and active ingredients to effectively combat skin problems. First of all, when acne appears on the chin, you should use ointments with zinc or salicylic acid. These remedies quickly relieve the inflammatory process, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. The healing cream is applied locally to damaged areas so as not to dry out healthy skin.

The most common pharmaceutical ointments:

  • zeneritis with erythromycin;
  • baziron with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects;
  • antibacterial skinoren in gel form;
  • dalacin ointment.

Medicines are taken to reduce inflammation, disinfect and dry the skin by reducing the production of sebaceous oil.

Cosmetology products

Almost all well-known and little-known manufacturers produce a series of cosmetic products for the proper care of problem skin. The range of products on the market is huge, the most popular of them are:

  1. A series of several Clearasil products (Clerasil) not only helps eliminate acne, but is also a good preventative care option to prevent their reappearance. The most popular solution is considered to be a cream that can reduce the size and redness of pimples in just a few hours.
  2. The Garnier company offers many products with natural ingredients that help get rid of acne if their cause is not a serious illness.
  3. Nivea products offer a cream specifically for men that effectively dries out inflammation.

The Nivea series also has other products for problem skin types: washing gels and lotions.

To see how men get rid of acne, watch the video:

Types of acne on a man's chin

Pimples of various types and shapes can form on the chin. By assessing these parameters, the dermatologist can make a preliminary diagnosis.

  1. Red nodules without inflammation that appear over large areas of the skin are a sign of an allergy. If this is the case, the process of damage to the chin causes itching.
  2. Pimples with signs of inflammation. These formations appear on the skin during the development of a bacterial infection. It develops at the site of injury to the skin. This often happens after shaving with a low-quality razor, or when a man uses someone else's razor.
  3. Small white formations. They indicate clogged pores and accumulation of subcutaneous sebum.
  4. Acne vulgaris with suppuration or discharge. This is a sign of bacterial infection. You need to fight it using antiseptics.

The appearance of some pimples is accompanied by severe pain; even lightly touching them brings noticeable discomfort. The formation of others, on the contrary, does not manifest itself in any way.

Possible causes of acne on the chin

We have sorted out the types of acne, now it remains to find out the reason for their appearance. Sources of evil can be diseases of internal organs, lifestyle and improper skin care.

Determining the root cause is extremely important. After all, external treatment of acne without addressing the cause is, by and large, meaningless.

Acne on the chin: which organ is wrong?

Often, with the problem of rashes on the chin, women turn to a cosmetologist. In turn, a competent specialist will always refer a client with such symptoms to an appointment with a gynecologist. The fact is that the production of sex hormones also depends on the functioning of the reproductive organs. Well, hormonal levels have a tremendous impact on the skin.

Women with diseases of the reproductive organs often experience acne. For example, with a disease such as polycystic ovary syndrome, there is an increase in the production of male hormones androgens and a decrease in the synthesis of female estrogens. Excess androgens entail changes in the properties of sebum. Sebum becomes more viscous and dense. This leads to the appearance of acne on the face, including the chin.

Representatives of the fair sex have variable hormonal levels. The level of certain female hormones changes depending on the menstrual cycle, as well as during pregnancy. In fact, many women notice that acne appears just before menstruation and this is natural. As a rule, after the end of menstruation, the rashes stop bothering you.

Thyroid diseases also play an important role in the occurrence of acne. Thus, with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland - thyrotoxicosis, an increase in the viscosity and density of sebum occurs. In addition, in patients with thyrotoxicosis, heat production increases, which is why they sweat heavily. This further aggravates the problem and promotes acne.

Do not underestimate the influence of the digestive organs on the condition of the skin. During normal functioning of the digestive tract, beneficial substances from food are absorbed, and harmful substances are excreted. If there are problems with the digestive system, harmful substances remain in the body. And in order to expel them out, other excretory systems, for example, the skin, are connected. All this, of course, does not have the best effect on the cleanliness of the skin.


Probably all women have heard that nutrition affects the condition of the skin. But for some reason, few people take this postulate seriously. And very much in vain. It is reliably known that the abuse of such products as:

  • Chocolate;
  • Flour products;
  • Spicy and smoked dishes;
  • Fast food;
  • Fatty fried foods;
  • Dairy products with a high percentage of fat;
  • Coffee.

If the acne on your chin is, as they say, tormented, try at least for the sake of experiment to be on a diet for one month. This means a healthy, nutritious diet excluding the above foods. You will be surprised, but after a month the skin condition will improve significantly, the skin will become less shiny and the number of acne will also decrease.

Improper skin care

Acne on the chin affects women with oily and combination skin types. Rashes appear in the so-called T-zone, where the largest number of sebaceous glands is noted. This is the forehead, nose, chin. The skin needs to be cleansed regularly. But at the same time, you should not go to extremes and overdry it, this will lead to dehydration of the skin and aggravate the situation.

In each specific case, cosmetologists and dermatologists will help you choose the right cosmetic products. But there are general recommendations for owners of combination or oily skin:

  1. Cleanse your skin with foams or gels twice a day;
  2. Use a toner after cleansing to close skin pores;
  3. Give preference to light texture moisturizers - emulsions, fluids;
  4. Choose cosmetics carefully, check the ingredients for comedogenicity;
  5. Choose products containing salicylic acid and zinc;
  6. Change your face towel frequently and never share it with anyone;
  7. Get rid of the habit of constantly touching your face.

Causes of acne breakouts on the face

The main reasons common to all people:

  • skin diseases;
  • excessive secretion of subcutaneous fat;
  • diseases of the digestive organs;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • external factors - polluted air, dirty water;
  • climate change;
  • poor nutrition;
  • stress;
  • improper skin care, especially poor makeup cleansing;
  • allergy;
  • heredity;
  • working in hazardous conditions (dust, pollutants or chemicals).

The reasons may be individual, depending on age and gender.

Among women

The most common cause of rashes may be the approaching period. This happens due to hormonal changes that affect fat secretion.

Excessively severe acne may indicate gynecological diseases or other hormonal imbalances. For example, hyperandrogenism is excessive production of male hormones.

In men

Acne can occur in avid sports fans due to the use of steroids or glucocorticoids.

The second reason is hyperandrogenism - an excess of androgens stimulates the production of excess subcutaneous fat and, as a result, clogged pores and acne.

During pregnancy

Acne during pregnancy can appear due to a sudden production of hormones and can be a completely normal condition.

Sometimes skin pyodermatitis may develop during pregnancy. This disease appears sharply and acutely during pregnancy or immediately after childbirth.

Read how to get rid of the causes of whiteheads on the face.

Papulopustular acne on the face. Detailed treatment.

In a baby

The appearance of acne can be a normal reaction to changing living conditions. The baby's skin begins to get used to the world around him, and the body itself may contain a large amount of maternal hormones.

These pimples look like white or yellow dots and usually go away on their own within a couple of weeks. If they do not fester and do not cause inconvenience to the baby, there is no need to worry.

An allergy to a product eaten by the mother or to a mixture can also manifest itself in this way.

Miliaria may look like pimples, but appears due to excessive wrapping of the child. In this case, it’s enough just to avoid overheating and the pimples will go away on their own.

However, large or purulent papules may indicate a serious illness. In this case, be sure to consult a doctor.

In any case, under no circumstances should a child be squeezed out. Treating your face with alcohol or anti-acne products is also a bad idea. The baby can be bathed maximum twice a day with mild soap.

In teenagers

During puberty, testosterone production increases significantly, which regulates the production of subcutaneous sebum. At this age, the body is especially susceptible to psychological trauma, which also has an extremely negative impact on the dermis.

Children aged 12-14 years are terribly fond of all the “harmful things” - fast food, sweet soda, sweets. This creates additional stress on the digestive organs, which negatively affects appearance.

How can herpes be dangerous?

Herpes can cause many complications. Some of them are life-threatening.

  1. Bacterial complications. Most often, bacteria simply attach to the virus and the blisters fill with pus. If the blisters have already burst, then the ulcers become covered with pus, the pain in the lip becomes unbearable and a crust does not form.
  2. Herpetic stomatitis is a lesion of the oral mucosa. The disease begins with a sharp increase in temperature, salivation and sharp pain when chewing food. There are many blisters in the mouth, similar to herpes on the lips.
  3. Herpetic eye damage begins with pain in the eyes and lacrimation. A person cannot open his eyes due to severe pain. A dangerous condition that can result in blindness.
  4. Herpes of the esophagus. Occurs when herpes spreads from the lips. There are difficulties when swallowing, severe pain, refusal to eat and weight loss.
  5. Herpetic pneumonia and herpetic hepatitis occur in people with immunodeficiency and occur together with bacterial and fungal processes.
  6. Herpetic damage to the nervous system occurs in the form of meningoencephalitis and is the most severe form of herpes. It begins with a sharp headache, nausea and vomiting, high fever, movement disorders and convulsions. The disease is unfavorable.

Photo: To avoid complications, you need to start treating herpes in a timely manner.

Acne prevention

If you have problem skin, you need to take care of it daily. Here is your approximate beauty routine (for specifics, contact your cosmetologist).

Caring for problem skin

  1. 1
    Cleansing the skin - 2 times a day (morning and evening), regardless of whether you use decorative cosmetics or not.
  2. 2
    Moisturizing and nourishing the skin with products that have a mattifying effect.
  3. 3
    Intensive skin cleansing - 2-3 times a week.
  4. 4
    Use cleansing mineral masks 1-2 times a week.
  5. 5
    Visits to a cosmetologist are once a month, and more often if necessary.

You will learn why pimples appear on your cheeks and how to deal with them by watching our video tutorial.

How does the virus become infected?

The virus can be infected in different ways: airborne droplets, contact (through shared towels, cutlery, through kissing), sexual intercourse, self-expression (when the virus from ulcers enters healthy mucous membranes and infects them). You can become infected through a blood transfusion and a child can receive the virus from the mother in utero. The incubation period (from the moment of contact until the first signs appear) is 2-14 days. A person becomes contagious as soon as sores appear on the lip, and is contagious to others until the scabs fall off .

Photo: One of the most common ways of transmitting herpes is contact.

How to treat

If you notice acne on your chin, you need to take a number of measures. To begin with, it is worth remembering that they should absolutely not be touched, crushed, pierced or picked apart. Violation of the texture of the tubercle can lead to the spread of streptoderma, infection of wounds, and the formation of scars. The ban on touching with dirty hands is especially strict.

It is necessary to adjust your diet: give up fatty, salty, sweet, smoked and spicy foods. It would not be superfluous to exclude peelings, deep cleansing gels, scrubs, and new cosmetics. Often, aggressive drugs dry out the skin and create a favorable environment for the proliferation of pimples.

Video: Causes of acne on the chin

Treatment of acne begins with the elimination of intestinal dysbiosis, for this purpose the enterosorbent Enterosgel is used. Due to its delicate gel-like structure, it is delicately distributed on the surface of the membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, collects and removes toxins, pathogenic bacteria

An important difference between Enterosgel and other sorbents is that harmful substances are firmly bound to the gel and are not released in the underlying sections of the gastrointestinal tract. Other enterosorbents may miss some of the adsorbed toxins, maintaining inflammation in the intestines and skin

It is also worth remembering that other finely dispersed sorbents act like a vacuum cleaner, absorbing not only allergens, but also essential microelements and beneficial microflora. Enterosgel acts in a targeted manner, absorbing mainly harmful substances.

The first step in the fight for healthy skin is proper nutrition.

Until the exact cause of the problem is identified, you can use gentle folk recipes. The only note is that there must be absolute confidence in the absence of allergic reactions to the components.

Treatment with folk remedies

Decoctions and infusions of herbs will help calm inflammation and resolve small pimples on the chin. People try not to use alcoholic options unless acne is caused solely by pollution.

The juice is squeezed out of aloe and diluted with a few drops of water. Wipe the chin with the resulting mixture 2-3 times a day using a cotton pad.

Prepared from herbs:

  • decoction 1 tbsp. plants are filled with 1 glass of water. Cook for 15 minutes over low heat or water bath;
  • infusion. 1 tsp herbs pour 0.5 cups of boiling water. Leave for 15-20 minutes.

The solution obtained by any option is filtered after cooling to room temperature. Next, use one of the methods.

Cosmetic treatment

This stage of eliminating acne from the chin should begin with careful daily cleansing of the face. Washing is carried out with warm water in the mornings, soft foam in the evenings. It is necessary to completely remove makeup and rinse the skin with cool water upon completion of the procedure. It is better not to use cosmetics for problem skin before consulting a specialist.

Effective skin cleansing

A cosmetologist's office may prescribe deep professional cleaning using manual, ultrasonic, ozone or other methods. Sometimes cryotherapy, a course of darsonvalization, chemical peelings, laser resurfacing, and vitamin mesotherapy are useful. Strong disinfectants will be used. In some cases, steaming is carried out, which allows you to open the pores and remove the contents of the tubercles.

Cosmetic procedures are not performed during inflammatory stages. Also, most of them are prohibited for pregnant women, teenagers and those with thin skin. The selection of procedures is carried out strictly individually.

Drug treatment

Drug therapy begins only after examination and diagnosis in a doctor’s office. Depending on the identified problems, antihistamines, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets and ointments. In case of endocrine and gynecological problems, one has to resort to hormonal drugs. Rarely, broad-spectrum or narrow-spectrum antibiotics are required.

Ointments suitable for external application:

  • Baziron. Successfully copes with different types of bacteria, suitable for different types of acne;

Popular products Klenzit, Skinoretin, salicylic acid, Retasol, Dalatsin have similar principles of action.

Acne on the chin from overeating and gastrointestinal problems is most often treated with the use of enterosorbents (activated carbon, Smecta, Polysorb, Enterosgel) and probiotics (Hilak Forte, Normabakt). Even such safe medications should not be abused without control - overdoses can lead to vitamin deficiencies.

Preventive measures

To forget about rashes in men forever, you need to choose the right treatment and follow all the recommendations every day. A balanced diet that sufficiently contains useful substances and vitamins, giving up bad habits (especially smoking) and changing your lifestyle will help significantly bring recovery closer. If the pimples are large, hard and painful, then you should not self-treat. A positive result from therapy depends on the root cause of the disease, and only a doctor can find out.

About shaving

The most common cause of acne on a man's chin is shaving. According to experts, inflammation can be avoided if you do everything correctly. You need to do the following:

  • before starting the process, you need to rinse your beard several times with hot water or apply a warm towel to your chin, this will steam the skin, make it softer and make shaving much easier;
  • after applying the foam, you need to wait some time for its components to be absorbed and begin to act;
  • During shaving, moisten the razor with hot water more often and remove shaved hairs.

At the end of the procedure, the face is rinsed with cold water to provoke a spasm and close the pores. Thus, it will be possible to avoid pathogenic organisms getting into them.

To learn why pimples appear after shaving, watch the video:

Which doctor should I consult?

First of all, they contact a therapist and ask to schedule an examination. If the doctor finds abnormalities in health through analysis, he will refer you to specialists to confirm the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Cosmetologist – corrects aesthetic and medical skin problems. A cosmetologist-esthetician does not diagnose or treat diseases. The goal is comprehensive care. A cosmetologist eliminates the causes that lead to skin defects.

Dermatologist – diagnoses and treats skin diseases.

Gynecologist – diagnoses and treats female reproductive organs. Since gynecology is related to hormones, there is a specialist. For acne, additionally consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Gastroenterologist – treats diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

Nutritionist – deals with issues of rational and healthy nutrition for healthy and sick people. Selects a personal diet. Metabolic disorders, excess weight, allergic reactions, problem skin - the competence of the doctor.

Endocrinologist – treats and diagnoses failure of the endocrine system. The task is to eliminate the disease and its consequences. The doctor restores metabolism, hormonal balance and more.

Allergist – diagnoses and treats allergic diseases, which are based on the immune system’s response to external irritants. The task is not so much to cure an allergic person, but to teach the correct behavior.

Small rash on the face - traditional methods and prevention

You can fight acne with traditional methods that have been proven over the years. Decoctions, infusions, steam baths and massage with aromatic oils are used.

  • Steam bath. To prepare a bath, you need to take in equal parts: chamomile, string, nettle. Mix these ingredients and pour boiling water. Bend over the container with the broth and cover your head with a towel. Sit over the steam for 10 minutes. This time will be enough for the sebaceous plugs to soften and the pores to open. This procedure can be carried out by adding baking soda to the broth. After the procedure, wipe the rash with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Herbal lotions. They are prepared independently from medicinal herbs. There are several types of lotions that are good for getting rid of minor rashes on the skin:
  • from calendula. For this you will need: boiling water – 0.5 l., calendula flowers – 20 g. Pour boiling water over the flowers, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Keep refrigerated. Wipe your face three times a day. If it is not possible to prepare the infusion yourself, then you can buy it at the pharmacy;
  • from aloe. An excellent healing and anti-inflammatory agent. Take a glass of crushed aloe leaves and squeeze the juice out of them using gauze. The juice must be diluted with boiled water at a ratio of 2:1 - two parts juice, one part water. Wipe your face morning and evening. Keep refrigerated;

  • from potatoes. Grate the potatoes on a fine grater and squeeze the juice from the root vegetable. Apply skin health lotion with a cotton pad three times a day. To relieve inflammation and clean pores, you can use lotions and compresses.
  • Lotions using soda. Soda should be diluted with water to a paste and applied to inflammation. Leave the lotions for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Green tea compress. Pour 100 grams of boiling water over a tablespoon of tea leaves, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Soak clean gauze in the infusion and place on your face for 20 minutes.
  • Face masks. Masks prepared independently will help improve the condition of the skin, especially if there is a small rash on it:
    • protein. Prepare a mash from the white of one egg, which is applied to the face and left for 15 minutes, then washed off with water. The procedure must be repeated every other day;
    • lemon Place lemon cut into small slices on your face for 10 minutes;

  • honey Honey is melted in a water bath and applied to the face - for this mask 15 minutes is enough;
  • garlic Chop the garlic and apply olive oil to cleansed facial skin, then crushed garlic. Cover your face with clean gauze soaked in warm water and keep the mask on for 10 minutes. Rinse with water, wipe with calendula lotion;
  • from oatmeal. For this mask you will need: flakes crushed to flour - 1 tbsp, 1 egg white. Mix flour with egg white until smooth and apply to face. The mask is left until completely dry. Then wash off with warm water;
  • from black clay. Clay diluted with water is applied to the face until it becomes sour cream. Keep for 20 minutes.
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