Inexpensive ointments for chickenpox - which is better to choose

  • What is Calamine lotion?
  • Indications for use of Calamine lotion
  • Action of Calamine lotion
Anyone who has ever encountered chickenpox or other most unpleasant dermatological diseases probably knows about Calamine lotion . This is literally a panacea for itching and burning, infection of wounds and the traces remaining after them. But Calamine is applicable not only for chickenpox, and it is useful to know when else this remedy from your home medicine cabinet may come in handy.

Indications for use

Calamine lotion is used if you have one of the following problems:

  • itchy skin;
  • chickenpox;
  • rubella;
  • eczema;
  • insect bites;
  • psoriasis;
  • sunburn.

Also, it is used in the complex treatment of many skin diseases: dermatitis , herpes zoster , urticaria , herpes and others. Can be used to treat postoperative wounds.

Action of Calamine lotion

What result does a patient seeking medical help expect for each of the above diseases? Briefly, the effect of the drug can be described as follows:

  • antibacterial - disinfects and disinfects the surface of the skin,
  • drying - dries out rashes,
  • decongestant - reduces swelling,
  • anti-inflammatory - relieves irritation and inflammation,
  • antipruritic - relieves itching and burning, similar unpleasant symptoms,
  • regenerating - activates regenerative processes in skin cells,
  • protective - creates a protective layer over damaged skin that prevents the action of irritating factors.

The drug is multifunctional. All of the above actions of Calamine lotion occur simultaneously. What patients especially value Calamine for is its soothing effect on irritated skin - the lotion perfectly cools the skin. The action of the lotion is soft and gentle, which allows it to be used for the youngest patients, for example, with such “childhood” diseases as chickenpox.

Regular use of Calamine for diseases from the list of indications allows you to shorten the duration of the disease as much as possible and facilitate its course. Discomfort is minimized, the risk of bacterial infection and all kinds of suppuration is eliminated, as a result of which the damage heals in the shortest possible time.

However, with lotion, as with any medicine, you need to be careful. A contraindication to the use of Calamine is considered to be individual intolerance to its individual components, as indicated by worsening symptoms upon first use.

It is better to discuss the prospect of using Calamine lotion, especially in the case of complex diseases with dermatological manifestations, with a medical professional. You can resort to using lotion for insect bites and sunburn on your own, but complex treatment will always be as effective as possible.

Calamine lotion, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The instructions for the lotion for chickenpox , as well as other conditions when it can be prescribed, provide for external use of the medicine only.

How to properly use the medicine in this pharmacological form:

  • Shake the bottle well and repeatedly;
  • apply lotion to cotton wool or cotton pad;
  • Gently apply the medicine to areas of the skin where itching or rashes are observed;
  • wait a while for the applied medicine to dry.

The procedure can be repeated several times a day.

The drug in the form of an ointment is used very rarely, but is no less effective. It is used more often in veterinary medicine than in medical practice. Chickenpox ointment is applied several times a day.

The daily dose of tablets is 2 pieces. Accepted 2 times.

What is Calamine lotion?

In post-Soviet countries, Calamine lotion is not as popular as in the West.
At the same time, it’s worth trying to use it once, as it will displace brilliant green, iodine, and potassium permanganate, which are more common in the fight against dermatological diseases. Calamine lotion is a proven product based on zinc oxide and the same calamine from which the name comes. Calamine is a hydrous zinc silicate mineral. That is, the main therapeutic effect of the lotion is entirely due to zinc. The drug comes from Israel, where, among other things, calamine is extracted. Its other deposits are considered to be Greece and Sardinia, Transbaikalia, and partly the coasts of North America and North Africa.

A drug based on calamine and zinc oxide is prescribed in the treatment of dermatological diseases of various etiologies, but mainly infectious ones. Its additional components are:

  • distilled water,
  • liquefied phenol,
  • glycerol,
  • sodium citrate,
  • medical clay.

The following are excluded from the composition of the drug:

  • hormonal substances
  • alcohol,
  • allergens.

The most popular form of calamine is lotion. It was also present on the shelves in the form of gels and ointments.

Calamine lotion is distinguished by its versatility, effectiveness in treating skin diseases, and ease of use. Due to its properties, Calamine lotion is capable of displacing the green stuff that is so familiar to us from the home medicine cabinet. The range of its actions is an order of magnitude wider, and its undeniable advantage is its colorlessness. To use the lotion, the bottle with it must be shaken thoroughly, this will ensure uniformity of the mass. Then a cotton pad is moistened with it and problem areas of the skin are treated with light, gentle movements. The lotion must dry on the surface of the skin to fully determine its effect.

Frequent use of lotion is not necessary. It is important to follow the doctor's recommendations, but usually calamine is not used more than four times a day.

Calamine price, where to buy

You can buy Calamine lotion in a pharmacy in Moscow for 400-600 rubles; you can buy a similar medicine in St. Petersburg for about the same price. Colorless chickenpox ointment costs the same as lotion. The most expensive pharmacological form of the drug is Calamine tablets.

The price of Calamine lotion for chickenpox in Ukraine is 300-400 hryvnia. You can find lower prices in online stores.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Lotion Calamine Cook La Cook 100ml Mirrolla Lab LLC
    313 RUR order
  • SkinSave calamine cream 35ml NanoTek Pharma LLC

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  • Calamine SkinSave lotion 100ml NanoTek Pharma LLC

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  • Calamine lotion fl. 100ml LLC "Pharmetrix"

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  • Lotion for face and body 5D Calamine 100ml Poseidon LLC

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Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Calamine cook la cook* (lotion 100ml)Mirrolla Lab LLC

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  • Calamine Lotion (100 ml) Ben Shimon Floris Ltd.

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What is the difference?

Tsindol is a suspension in which the active ingredient is zinc oxide

. This medicine dries, disinfects and has an astringent effect. Being a dermatotropic agent, Tsindol effectively reduces the severity of skin lesions by creating a protective film on the surface of the epidermis. Under the influence of the resulting film, the affected skin is softened, and the risk of moisture loss and infection is reduced.

In addition to zinc oxide, Tsindol contains a number of excipients: starch, glycerin, talc, ethyl alcohol and distilled water. Glycerin provides viscosity and promotes additional hydration of the skin, ethyl alcohol disinfects, and talc and starch are used as inert fillers.

Tsindol is produced by several enterprises in Russia.

Calamine lotion is a drug produced in Israel. The active substances in this medicine are calamine (powder of iron oxide and zinc carbonate

) and
zinc oxide
. As auxiliary components, this product contains glycerin, purified clay, sodium citrate, bentonite and water. Due to the work of the active ingredients, the lotion has a soothing, drying and disinfecting effect. It, like Tsindol, is capable of creating a film on the surface of the skin that protects against moisture loss and the development of infection.

When choosing which product to purchase: Tsindol or Calamine, you should take into account that the list of indications for use of Calamine is wider. In addition to treating chickenpox, diaper dermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases, Calamine, unlike Tsindol, can be used to relieve itching from insect bites. Therefore, any excess drug that may remain after treatment can be used by all family members during attacks by mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects.

It should be especially noted that both drugs can be used at any age, which is especially important for chickenpox, since this disease most often affects young children. However, Tsindol contains ethyl alcohol, which in itself and especially in combination with zinc oxide quite powerfully dries the skin. With prolonged use of Tsindol, there may be a feeling of tightness, and the skin may begin to peel off under the influence of the drug. In children, the skin itself is prone to dryness, so this side effect occurs often. At the same time, calamine does not contain alcohol, so it does not dry out the skin unnecessarily.

What's better for chickenpox?

The traditional method of treating chickenpox rashes is to treat the blisters with an alcohol solution of brilliant green, in other words, brilliant green. Despite the fact that brilliant green really dries and disinfects well, dermatologists increasingly recommend replacing it with equally effective, but less aggressive preparations containing zinc. So what is preferable to use for chickenpox: Calamine or Tsindol?

Both dosage forms: Calamine lotion and Tsindol suspension have a light semi-liquid structure, making them convenient to apply to the affected surface. Also, both drugs have a similar effect and do an excellent job of drying and disinfecting blisters and erosions in chickenpox. Both medications are applied to the skin with a cotton swab several times a day. The use of Tsindol and Calamine on mucous membranes is contraindicated.

Another difference between Calamine and Tsindol is that when applying the former, a cooling effect is observed. Due to its cooling, Calamine perfectly relieves itching and irritation from inflamed skin. Since severe itching is a common symptom of chickenpox, Calamine’s ability to relieve it is another tangible advantage.

When comparing prices for these drugs, it becomes obvious that Tsindol is several times more profitable than Calamine and almost everyone can afford to buy it. But, despite the fact that these drugs are very similar in composition, indications and mechanism of action, if possible, it is better to choose the second one between Tsindol and Kalamine. Calamine effectively combats itching sensations by cooling the skin. This drug can be used for a long time without fear of dryness. Calamine also perfectly eliminates chickenpox rashes and promotes their healing without scarring.

To be fair, it should be noted that Tsindol is also a worthy drug and does its job well: it dries, heals, and provides antibacterial prophylaxis. Therefore, if necessary, it can be a good replacement for the expensive Calamine.

Herbal ointments

Such means include:

1. Alpizarin (suppresses the spread of viral infection, the active ingredient is Indian mango leaves). 2. Gossypol (cotton seeds and cotton plant - the basis of the drug). Gossypol slows down the spread of viral infection. 3. Kelofibrase (relieves inflammation, contains camphor, heparin). Prevents scar formation. 4. Aldara (imiquimod, interferon inducer). An excellent regenerating agent. 5. Helepin (lespedeza kopeck extract), inhibits viral activity. 6. Dermatix (silicon-containing polymers and inorganic divalent silicon oxide). The drug has a remodeling, softening, antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory effect. Eliminates redness and severe itching.

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