Cream Emolium - my review, analysis of the composition, pros and cons

Emolium creams were developed by the world's largest pharmaceutical corporation. Products are produced in various series. They all belong to the group of dermatological cosmetics. Creams from a well-known manufacturer have different purposes and are used for children and adults. The products do not contain dyes or hormones. Creams undergo mandatory full testing, which confirms their use for the care of sensitive skin.



active substances:
paraffin oil
triglycerides of fatty acids (caprylic and capric)
shea butter
macadamia oil
sodium hyaluronate

EMOLIUM P triactive cream for children

Cream for children
active substances:
Evosina® Na2GP
corn oil triglycerides
sodium hyaluronate
rapeseed oil
paraffin oil

EMOLIUM special cream

active substances:
paraffin oil
shea butter
corn oil triglycerides
macadamia oil
Arlasilk® Phospholipid GLA
sodium hyaluronate

Emolium special face and body cream - reviews


I bought this cosmetics for my child because... he has a skin disease and something unimaginable happened this winter. The skin became like papyrus and looked weathered, all peeling off. What have I not tried? I accidentally came across these products and literally after a week or two the baby’s skin was unrecognizable) Smooth, soft, moisturized, no dryness, flaking or other terrible things. Now I only wash my child with them, but simply because I’m afraid of a reaction to all sorts of baby products again. I think that if there is no special need, you can get by with regular gel and moisturizing milk. It is still better to use pharmaceutical products when indicated...



Result after first use



Good day to all. I want to share with you my review of the special body cream “Emolium”. This is simply an excellent product for children with atopic dermatitis or simply very dry skin. At one time, my baby’s cheeks and forehead began to get rough, spots appeared on the chest, in general, typical signs of atopic dermatitis... I decided to try Emolium and lo and behold, literally from the first use I noticed a positive result, the cheeks became softer, and the redness began to go away! I used Mustela before, it is also good, but I liked Emolium better in terms of its action, it turned out to be much more powerful and, most importantly, the results are visible faster. They are about the same price ~ 1200 rubles, but it's worth it. I hope that my review was useful to you, good health to your children! I recommend!



moisturizes, softens, relieves irritation, nourishes, suitable for skin from the 1st day of life


no for me

I have been using Emolium cream for about a month and I never cease to admire the effectiveness of its action on the skin. I bought the cream for my child to get rid of rashes and dry skin. The cream showed effective results on children's skin and solved existing problems at that time, which I would like to share in this review. So, EMOLIUM cream is a pharmaceutical product. Accordingly, I bought it at the pharmacy. At the time of purchase, the price of the cream was 120 UAH. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that we are talking specifically about Emolium SPECIAL cream. There is a regular basic baby cream Emolium and it differs from the SPECIAL one. In the special Emolium series, the concentration of active elements is increased compared to the basic series, and this cream is intended for very dry skin, as well as those prone to irritation and allergies. The cream is produced in Poland, the manufacturer is Sanofi. The cream is sold in a cardboard box, which contains detailed instructions detailing the product. But on the tube with the cream itself you can familiarize yourself with the main aspects regarding the composition, characteristics of the active elements, area and method of application of the product. I would like to dwell on the features of the cream’s composition. It contains a whole storehouse of nourishing oils and lipids that are beneficial for the skin. A distinctive feature of the SPECIAL EMOLIUM cream is the presence of those same lipids in it, or they are also called fatty acids or simply fats. When applied to the skin, these fats form a film and create a protective layer, which is especially necessary for children's skin under 3 years of age. After all, babies have very delicate skin and epidermis, that is, the top layer of skin is exposed to aggressive factors from the external environment: dust, dirt, temperature changes. From which it follows that children's skin is very sensitive, pimples of an allergic nature often appear on it, such skin quickly loses moisture, dries and flakes, and can even form crusts. Undesirable manifestations on the skin can be avoided if you properly care for it: protect it and moisturize it. I have seen in practice that Emolium special cream does an excellent job of protecting and moisturizing. At a time when my child had numerous skin rashes and peeling, the cream managed to soothe sensitive skin in an incredibly short time, get rid of pimples, nourish the skin and soften peeling. I was also pleased that the effect of the cream is long-lasting, incomparable to ordinary baby cream, which can only soften the skin for a short time. Under the influence of the cream, the skin looks healthy, moisturized and elastic. And despite the fact that Emolium is designed for children's skin, I am happy to apply it to my skin as well. Why not, adult skin also needs to be moisturized, especially during the heating season, when the air in the apartment is excessively dry. The texture of the cream is oily, so I apply it mainly at night; I try not to use it during the day so as not to walk around with an oily sheen on my face. I also use the cream calmly under the eyes and forever, it does not lead to puffiness, and it provides excellent hydration. Now I’ll focus on the moment of applying the product. As I already wrote, the cream is very greasy and oily, so you need to apply a very small pea amount and rub it over the skin. Volume of the cream: It is absorbed gradually, after application it leaves a greasy trace, the same lipid layer that I wrote about above. The cream is somewhat difficult to distribute due to its fat content. It cannot be called airy and easy to apply; the product must warm up under your fingers, then it becomes more meltable and easier to distribute. According to the manufacturer's recommendation, Emolium should be applied twice a day for greater effectiveness. One application was enough for me, since the period of action is long, as I also mentioned above. I have the most positive impressions from the cream, so I confidently recommend that mothers and all owners of dry, sensitive and allergy-prone skin take a closer look at it.



copes well; is inexpensive;


not suitable for the t-zone of the face;

The doctor prescribed it after hormonal ointment, the skin after it was smooth and beautiful, but it caused acne on the T-zone. I recommend it, at such a price I did not expect such quality. But use with caution in the T-zone of the face. Odorless, pleasant to use, but a little sticky.



Does not contain parabens and dyes. Quickly absorbed. Really moisturizes the skin well.


Quite a high price.

My child is prone to allergic reactions almost from birth. Now my daughter is 7 months old, we have been using emolium special cream for 3 months. So we still haven’t identified the allergen, my daughter gets it from time to time and her skin becomes very dry. Itching and peeling appear. The cream moisturizes the skin very well, relieves redness, and eliminates itching. The Emolium series is very diverse. We also tried the bathing emulsion from this series, but since we bathe the child often and the bottle is small, it is used up very quickly. I liked the Emolium special cream more and it was designed specifically for very dry skin.

Lady Marmalade

Kilometers of articles have been written about atopic dermatitis, I will not repeat myself, I will just give a brief excursion, since those who are looking for reviews on Emolium have already come across this diagnosis closely.

Atopic dermatitis in children is a systemic disease. There are many reasons for it and not all have been established by medicine, the consequences are also very different, and, believe me, skin rashes are not the biggest evil.

How to understand that a child has atopic dermatitis

My son had rashes on his cheeks for several months. They became brighter and paler, but did not completely go away. Whatever we smeared on them, whatever we drank from antihistamines and sorbents... nothing helped. The pediatrician couldn't say anything specific. Finally, it dawned on me that it could be AD, I associated the rashes with constant sores and understood which doctor I should go to with atopic dermatitis. See an allergist!

The allergist confirmed my guesses and prescribed a whole range of treatments:

  • immunomodulator, we were just drinking
    Broncho-munal was agreed with the pediatrician, so we decided to leave it and finish the course. By the way, I highly recommend reading my

    review of Bronchomunal, I wrote it a long time ago, and added it quite recently, it could easily be called “Notes of an ardent former opponent of immunomodulators”))) Maybe my experience and conclusions about this drug and others like it will help someone.

  • Tevalukast tablets (or Montelukast, or other analogues);
  • Special cream Emolium
  • diet within reason
  • Well, and spend more time in the fresh air.


I am writing a separate review for Tevalukaste. And now about Emolium.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that we are talking specifically about a drug called Emolium special cream. Not just Emolium cream, not Emolium emulsion for bathing, but Emolium special cream.

Special cream Emolium is a modern emollient intended for the care of very dry skin and for dermatological skin care for diseases associated with increased dry skin, including atopic dermatitis, ichthyosis, psoriasis, eczema, lichen planus, as well as as an additional therapy with topical corticosteroids.

This is what the cream looks like. The price of a tube is 160 hryvnia. As for me, this is a big deal, sorry.

The consistency of the cream seems light when it is squeezed out, but in fact it is very greasy! I tried it on myself. I have normal skin, sometimes prone to dryness, and even dry in winter. That's why I don't like products that dry out, and I like those that nourish and moisturize. Emolium lay on my cheeks with a greasy sticky film despite the thin layer of application.

Well, okay, I didn’t come up with it myself, but the doctor prescribed it...

How to use Emolium, instructions for use

We needed to smear Emolium 1-2 times a day as needed. That is, if you saw that your cheeks turned red again and peeling began.

We regularly smeared our cheeks with Emolium for almost three weeks. The result was zero. With the same success, I could not smear them with anything or continue to smear them with regular baby cream, as I did before Emolium.

As a result, I made the following conclusions:

  1. Emolium will help if it is peeling on the skin that is bothering you, and not rashes. We just had rashes.
  2. Emolium is needed as a complex therapy with corticosteroids, or, more simply, with hormonal ointments. I found exactly the one that suited us
    hormonal ointment. I’m writing about her again

    separate review.

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Dark Angel


I have been suffering from atopic dermatitis for two years now. Now I have a long period of remission, I am glad about it. Of course, atopic dermatitis requires treatment and is quite expensive. Emolium

The dematologist prescribed a special one for me.

This is what Emolium looks like:

۞۞۞Composition of emolium cream:۞۞۞

100 grams of special Emolium cream contains

  • paraffin oil - 8 g
  • shea butter - 6 g
  • urea - 5 g
  • corn oil - 3 g
  • macadamia oil – 3 g
  • glycerin - 3 g
  • Arlasilk Phospholipid GLA – 2 g
  • sodium hyaluronate -2 g
  • allantoin - 0.25 g
  • lactic acid - 0.1 g
  • water takes up 67.65 grams

Of course, I was very pleased with the urea in Emolium. But in principle, I try not to think too much about the composition of medications and creams.


I bought special Emolium cream twice. Before that I just bought Emolium. As far as I remember, regular Emolium is a little cheaper than special Emolium. I bought the last tube of special Emolium six months ago and it cost about six hundred rubles.

۞۞۞Using Emolium:۞۞۞

I apply this cream to my hands about twice a day. I apply it not just like that, but after contact with water. After water, hands are always very dry and Emolium perfectly moisturizes them.

۞۞۞Consistency and smell:۞۞۞

The cream is a little oily in my opinion, but not too much:

It is not absorbed quickly, but not for long. After about seven minutes it is almost completely absorbed:

The skin is a little shiny and moisturized to the touch.

The smell is neutral.

۞۞۞ I would like to say and warn:۞۞۞

Emolium, even a special one, is not able to cure dermatitis. No, it will not relieve redness, no, it will not calm the itching, if only a little, and no, it is not able to remove spots of atopic dermatitis. Unfortunately, only hormonal creams can do this.

So why is he being discharged? Emolium is prescribed to moisturize the skin during treatment. After contact with water or simply moisturize and protect from dryness, because with dermatitis the skin dries very much. Therefore, you should not expect a miracle from Emolum.

What is the difference between Emolium and Emolium special? Which cream is better to choose?

So why do I recommend it? With dermatitis, my skin was constantly dry and now it is dry. Therefore, constant hydration is needed. And Emolum copes with this perfectly. The skin becomes more hydrated.

But if you choose between Emolium special and just Emolum, then I would give preference to the latter. Still, Emolium special is a little greasy and takes longer to absorb, but the results are the same. And regular Emolium is cheaper.

A remedy for dermatitis and allergies, which did not bring me relief from dermatitis, but slightly relieved the itching.

Tablets that cleanse and help the stomach. But why don’t they have any effect against acne and dermatitis?

Very cheap vitamins that have a good effect on the body as a whole!

Effect on the body

Moisturizing. Emolium line products provide a comprehensive effect in four directions:

- contribute to the restoration of the water-lipid layer of the skin;

— replenish the lack of lipids in the deep layers of the skin;

- provide proper skin hydration: prevent moisture loss, and also deliver substances that bind water in the skin;

- soften and soothe the skin, restoring its comfort.

Studies conducted under dermatological control have made it possible to select active substances that are both safe, effective, and also have a long-lasting effect in all of these areas.


The cream provides comprehensive care for dry and very dry skin and is an oil-in-water (O/B) emulsion. Thanks to its rich formula, it protects the skin from the negative effects of the environment, deeply nourishes, provides natural hydration, softens and gives the skin elasticity.

EMOLIUM P triactive cream for children

Triactive cream Emolium P has both a softening and moisturizing effect. Thanks to the combination of patented active substances, it quickly softens and soothes the skin, replenishes the lack of lipids in the stratum corneum of the epidermis, and continuously restores the water-lipid layer of the skin.

EMOLIUM special cream

The special cream provides comprehensive care for dry and very dry skin and is a water-in-oil (W/O) emulsion. It contains more moisturizing and lipid components, which additionally nourish and protect the skin from drying out. A special cream soothes and restores comfort to the most sensitive skin.

Triactive series

Emolium cream of the triactive series is intended for the care of skin that is characterized by increased dryness, which is caused by various reasons. It is indicated for use in exacerbation of diseases such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, seborrhea, including those with risks of secondary infection.

In addition to sodium hyaluronate, the product contains components that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, they help relieve itching, which often accompanies skin diseases. This:

  • Stimu-Tex® AS, Panthenol. Substances accelerate the healing of damaged skin areas and reduce discomfort.
  • Evosina® Na2GP. This substance is extracted from lichen. It has an antibacterial effect.
  • Rapeseed oil. It nourishes the epidermis and increases skin elasticity. The vitamin E content helps reduce inflammation and irritation on the skin.

The special balanced formula of the emolium cream in this series ensures intensive regeneration of the skin. This occurs by replenishing the lack of lipids. When using the cream, the epidermis is nourished and moisturized for a long time.

Emolium cream from this series is suitable for newborns from the first day of life. To guarantee a pronounced effect, the product should be used in accordance with the instructions for use. Additionally, in this series the manufacturer offers an emulsion for bathing.

Component Properties

Macadamia oil, shea butter, paraffin oil saturate the skin with fatty components and regenerate the water-lipid layer.

Corn oil triglycerides and allantoin soften and soothe the skin.

Sodium hyaluronate, urea, glycerin moisturize and help retain moisture in the skin.

Arlaailk®Phoapholipid GLA, corn oil triglycerides, macadamia oil enrich the skin with intercellular lipids.

Products from the Emolium series are hypoallergenic and do not contain dyes or fragrances.

Recommendations and warnings

To achieve the desired effect, Emolium cream must be used twice a day. It is applied in a thin layer to damaged skin areas with increased dryness. There is no need to rub it into the skin; the product should be absorbed naturally. The cream can be used in the complex treatment of various diseases. Thanks to it, it is possible to increase the effectiveness of treatment and stabilize the condition of the skin.

The only contraindication is individual intolerance to any component in the product. To determine hypersensitivity, you need to apply a small amount of the product to the inside of your wrist. If irritation occurs, use of Emolium cream should be discontinued.

Adverse reactions of the body during allergic reactions to components appear as a burning sensation on the treated skin. Spots on healthy skin or hives may also appear.

To prevent problems, it is important to use any Emolium brand products in accordance with the instructions for use. If negative side reactions occur, it is necessary to take antihistamines and select an analogue for replacement.

My application experience

I have resorted to using Emolium cream several times. This was a necessary measure, since my dermatitis worsened and there was severe peeling. This product not only clogged the pores and left behind a bunch of blackheads, it also created stickiness, which created an unpleasant sensation. It didn't help with peeling either. The little things stuck out through the cream and were not going to disappear anywhere. There is not even any talk about any moisturizing and nourishing effect. Because the effect of the cream ended exactly when I washed it off.

Advantages and disadvantages

Now let’s move on to the most interesting point of my review - this is an analysis of the positive and negative aspects of the Emolium cream that I was able to find. After all, we all know that every product is useful in some ways, but in others it can cause discomfort and even cause harm to the consumer. And if it seems to you that everything in the product is simply wonderful, then most likely you simply did not attach importance to something.

Unfortunately, positive aspects here, or to be more precise, there are only two:

  • Has a protective effect;
  • Easy to spread.

But disadvantages here:

  • leaves behind stickiness;
  • fatty;
  • clogs pores;
  • irritates damaged dry skin;
  • does not fulfill promises made to manufacturers;
  • not the best composition;
  • high price.

Consistency and smell

The cream is greasy, very greasy, reminiscent of Alice baby cream, tick-tock and others like them. After using it, I had a logical question: what is the point of overpaying 10 times just for a rich cream ? It leaves behind a stickiness that doesn't go away. Therefore, it must be covered on top with some other cream or product that will mask this stickiness.

Otherwise, all the hair, wool, fibers, dust, etc. will quickly stick to your skin. In addition, oily skin creates an unkempt appearance. Its neutral smell is practically unnoticeable. The color is white without any foreign shades or impurities.

We must pay tribute to the spread of the cream really well, while your fingers seem to glide over the skin.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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