Inexpensive folk remedy for nail fungus: how to successfully use apple cider vinegar

According to medical statistics, every third person on our planet suffers from onychomycosis of the nails. There is no complete guarantee against infection - if you have a reduced level of immunity, you can catch a mycotic infection in the pool, on the beach, or in a public bathhouse. Mycosis does not go away on its own; long-term treatment is required. The difficulty is that in the early stages it is impossible to visually determine the presence of the disease, and all bells have to be rung when the fungus begins to deform and over time “eat” the nail plate. Natural apple cider vinegar for nail fungus is considered the most effective method, which has virtually no negative effects on the body. However, when using such a folk remedy, it is worth remembering possible undesirable effects, contraindications and taking some precautions.

Effect of apple cider vinegar on fungus

Vinegar for nail fungus

The fungus is afraid of an acidic environment, so apple cider vinegar not only kills these microorganisms, but also prevents their reproduction. This is an excellent antiseptic that can quickly reduce symptoms of onychomycosis such as itching, irritation, and inflammation. In addition, the fruit acids contained in this product have a good effect on the structure of the nails.

Thus, apple cider vinegar:

  • acts against fungi of nails of hands and feet;
  • kills germs, bacteria and other harmful microorganisms;
  • strengthens the nail plate
  • relieves unpleasant symptoms of mycosis
  • fights inflammation

However, apple cider vinegar alone will not help if you do not maintain hygiene:

  1. Wash your feet and hands regularly;
  2. Change socks and clothes on time;
  3. Take a shower at least once a day;
  4. Do not use other people's hygiene items;
  5. Avoid weakening the immune system due to vitamin deficiency.
  6. Do not walk barefoot in the bathhouse, sauna, or swimming pool.

Moreover, this home remedy may not help in all cases.

Indications for use

Nail fungus
Nail fungus, or onocomycosis, is an infectious pathology, the development of which is provoked by different types of fungus-like microorganisms. Therefore, symptoms may sometimes change. The causative agents of the disease can persist for several years in the environment, and when favorable conditions appear, they begin to actively reproduce. This explains the possibility of human infection through indirect contact, that is, through objects on which epidermal scales with fungal mycelium remain.

The first signs indicating the development of onychomycosis:

  • thickening or thinning of nails;
  • discoloration of the affected area, and subsequently the appearance of a yellow tint;
  • white spots, grooves or blotches on the nails;
  • detachment of the nail plate from the bed;
  • deformation of the nail, in which it peels off and crumbles.

Subsequently, redness of the finger, itching, burning and an unpleasant odor appear. If left untreated, the nail completely moves away from its bed.

Onychomycosis primarily develops on the skin between the 3rd and 4th, as well as the 5th and 6th fingers, and then moves to the nails and feet.

When to use apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar will not always help treat nail fungus. In some cases it will provide little or no benefit. We are talking about advanced stages of the disease. If more than a fifth of your nail is damaged, vinegar can only be used as an aid. But a doctor needs to deal with such a fungus. Don’t be shy or afraid of dermatologists - no one will think that you are sick because you don’t pay attention to your hygiene. Anyone can get a fungus - it is a very contagious disease. But it is the doctor who must prescribe medications that will really help.

Another case where vinegar should not be used is open wounds. With fungus, a situation where part of the nail peels off and falls off in pieces is not uncommon. The result may be painful sores. Naturally, if acid gets into them, you will not only get increased inflammation, but also severe pain as a result of a chemical burn.

How to cure with lotions

Another way to treat fungus is to use lotions. The ingredients are the same, but instead of baths, pieces of cloth are applied to the affected area in a moistened solution.

Lotions are effective in the fight against fungal diseases on nails

More detailed information about lotions:

How to breed

The advantage of this method is that apple cider vinegar is not diluted. All you need is a container, liquid, a cotton pad and an adhesive bandage.

How to use the solution

Pour some vinegar into a container and soak a cotton pad in it. Then take it out and squeeze it out. Then apply it to the affected area of ​​the nail and secure it with an adhesive plaster. Put a clean sock on top.

The procedure is done before bedtime. The lotion should remain on all night. Repeat these steps every day for two weeks. And after this time has passed, a day later until the fungus disappears.

Methods of use

Vinegar can be used in a variety of ways to treat nail fungus. Choose the appropriate option depending on your preferences and ease of preparation.


Vinegar baths are a great option for those who have 30 minutes of free time. After them, not only do your nails become healthier, but your skin also softens, your feet stop sweating a lot, and the unpleasant odor and itching disappear.

The simplest bath with vinegar is done like this: pour 150 ml of 5% apple cider vinegar into 5 liters of hot water. Keep your nails in this solution for about 20 minutes. Wipe dry, trim the affected nails at the root, and put on clean socks or gloves.

Baths with vinegar and other ingredients have also proven themselves to be excellent:

  • Bath with vinegar and essential oils. They help remarkably not only against nail fungus, but also against other dermatological problems. When adding essential oils, you should remember that they are not suitable for everyone, as they are a fairly allergenic product. If you experience itching, red spots or a rash, immediately wash your skin with plain water and apply an allergy cream - for example, Allergosan. Add no more than 3-4 drops to the bath - this will be enough for a therapeutic effect.
  • Baths with vinegar and soda. Add 1 tablespoon of soda and 50 ml of vinegar to 1 liter of water. While the reaction takes place, keep your nails in the bath for 25 minutes. Dry them thoroughly and do not wash them for at least 3 hours.
  • Bath with vinegar and celandine. To prepare this bath, you need to purchase a collection of celandine at the pharmacy and pour 1 spoon of the herb into a glass of boiling water. Let it brew and pour in 4 liters of hot water. Add 100-150 ml of natural apple cider vinegar. Do these baths for 2 weeks every day for 30 minutes, and the result will not be long in coming.
  • Baths with vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of peroxide to hot water per 1 liter of water. Leave your nails on for 20-30 minutes. Wipe dry and apply antifungal cream.


The lotion is a wet compress that is applied for a short time. For the vinegar lotion, you will need a medical cotton swab or a regular cosmetic cotton pad. Dip it in vinegar and apply it to the nail plate damaged by the fungus. Keep it this way for as long as possible - at least 1-2 hours until the vinegar evaporates. This option is good because it allows you to achieve faster results due to pure vinegar. For a better effect, you can add onion juice, peroxide or a little soda.

Applying vinegar to nails

Treatment of nail fungus with vinegar

Lubrication is a quick way to stop the development of nail fungus, but the effect of this treatment should not be expected quickly. The purpose of lubrication is to briefly apply vinegar to the damaged nail. Unfortunately, the effect of such treatment will be noticeable if you perform the procedure at least 10 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

However, you should not immediately dismiss this method of using vinegar. Lubricate healthy nails and you will stop the development of the disease.

Ointments and their active effects

Treatment of toenail fungus with a bite allows you to use special ointments, which also have an effective effect. To prepare such an ointment yourself, you should prepare 100 g of Kalanchoe, 10 g of honey, add 1 tsp. vinegar, as well as 30 ml of eucalyptus oil. Mix all these components thoroughly and store for 3 days in the refrigerator. It is recommended to apply the finished product to the affected area of ​​the nail. This treatment of nail fungus with vinegar essence is very effective.

The second recipe involves mixing a chicken egg, butter, and vinegar. The egg should be poured with vinegar and stored for 4 days in a dark place. After this, the film is removed from the egg and butter is added. As a result, you will get a real ointment that is worth covering the nail with. For a better effect, experts recommend putting a bandage on the nail.

The simplest ointment is considered to be a mixture of vinegar and glycerin in a one to one ratio. This composition can be applied every day to the sore spot until the disease disappears.

Recipes with apple cider vinegar against nail fungus

In folk medicine, there are several dozen recipes for nail fungus, and many of them contain natural apple cider vinegar. Let's look at the most famous recipes.

Vinegar and baking soda compress

Apple cider vinegar compress for fungus

Take a small piece of gauze or a handkerchief, wet it generously with vinegar, and sprinkle baking soda on top fairly thickly. Apply the compress to the sore nails and cover with a bandage. Wrap the top with cling film or put on a bag. Secure the compress again. It must be done every other day for several hours. Pay attention to how you feel - you should not have any unpleasant feelings. If there is burning, pain or itching, remove the compress and wash the skin with water.

Compress with celandine

Brew a strong solution of celandine, for which take 1 tablespoon with the top of the herb and pour half a glass of boiling water over it. Leave for 30 minutes, then dip a cotton pad into the solution. Place the disc on your nail and pour a little pure vinegar directly into the compress on top so that excess liquid does not drain off. Bandage the compress and keep it on for 2-5 hours without removing it. You can leave it overnight. Also, a solution with celandine is good for a preparatory or preventive bath against fungus.

With sea salt

Sea salt perfectly strengthens nails, provoking their growth and strengthening the nail plate itself. To prepare a bath with sea salt and vinegar, you will need about a glass of sea salt per 5-7 liters of water and a glass of vinegar. The bath should be hot. If there are scratches or other damage to your feet, you will feel it immediately. If unpleasant or painful sensations appear, the bath should be stopped. A solution of salt and vinegar can also be used for compresses that are placed on the nail overnight.

Vinegar and baking soda are an ideal remedy for nail fungus

How to treat shoes?

Vinegar treatment of shoes is the most popular way to prevent fungus. It is simple, safe and proven. Follow this sequence:

  • Any shoes must first be cleaned and dried;
  • Moisten a cotton swab with concentrated essence and wipe the inside along with the insoles;
  • You need to leave a moistened swab inside the shoes and close them in a plastic bag;
  • Keep it like this for 1.5-2 days. After a couple of hours you can put on your shoes.

Nail fungus is an insidious disease. You have to fight with her for a long time, and she loves to come back again. Be persistent! A competent approach using complex treatment together with apple cider vinegar reduces its duration. Let your nails be healthy and strong!

Author Irina Kosarovskaya, especially for the website


Vinegar is a food product that every person consumes, so there are no contraindications for its use. The only point worth paying attention to is the possibility of irritating sensitive or damaged skin. In this case, limit the use of vinegar and avoid getting it on your skin.

It should also not be used on young children. Such patients should be examined by a doctor and prescribed special medications appropriate for their age.

When using this product, remember - this is not a panacea for nail fungus, but an auxiliary remedy. Under no circumstances should you refuse treatment with traditional medications or ignore the dermatologist’s prescriptions.

With vodka, egg white


  1. Alcohol.
  2. Egg white.
  3. Vinegar.

Preparation: mix egg white with alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. Add 1 tbsp vinegar. Mix well to form an ointment.

Application: Apply to a cotton pad and wrap it around your finger. Secure with adhesive tape or bandage. Put a warm sock on top. The procedure is done at night. It lasts all night. In the morning, remove the cotton pad and rinse your foot under warm water.

Result: Removing nail fungus with apple cider vinegar, alcohol and egg begins to work quickly. Pathogenic microbes are instantly destroyed, all that remains is to wait for a healthy nail to grow back.

Pros and cons of treatment

Like all other traditional medicines, vinegar has its pros and cons. For some it will help to quickly get rid of mycosis, but for others it will not be suitable at all. Still, before using this technique it is useful to know the pros and cons:

  1. Cheap remedy.
  2. Always available at home.
  3. Has no contraindications.
  4. Destroys fungus and accelerates nail growth.
  5. Ideal for complex therapy.
  6. Can be used as prophylaxis.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the small therapeutic effect and visible results only at the initial stage of the fungus.

Can it be used to combat fungal infections?

Fungus does not only appear on nails. It can also spread to the skin. In this case, the question arises: is it possible to use apple cider vinegar in the fight against this type of fungus?

Alternative recipe: vinegar, alcohol and hydrogen peroxide for nail fungus.

Mycosis on the skin of the body

Apple cider vinegar also shows high effectiveness for foot skin fungus and other lesions on the body. Baths are especially relevant in these matters if mycosis appears on the arms and legs. If using this method is inconvenient, you can use ointments, lotions and compresses.

Mycosis on the body is not a problem for vinegar-based ointments

Fungal infection on the face

Also, all recipes are suitable for treating fungus on the face. Only in this case, it is important to remember that under no circumstances should you increase the dosage of vinegar in the solution. The skin of the face is quite delicate, so burns can easily occur.

On the scalp

On the scalp, fungus causes even more discomfort. This is due to the fact that treatment in the scalp is very inconvenient. Apple cider vinegar is also used in such cases. Lotions and compresses are used, sometimes ointments. However, in order to quickly get rid of the problem and not put up with discomfort, it is best to consult a doctor.

Forecasts at different stages of the disease

Any disease develops in at least three stages: initial, moderate and advanced. When using vinegar at the initial stage of nail fungus, the probability of complete cure reaches 70%. Almost all patients during the experiment by the end of the second week noted a noticeable improvement in the condition of the nail plate.

Bath for nail fungus with vinegar

In the middle stage, the method of using vinegar played a big role. Compresses and lotions brought the greatest results; baths improved the general condition of the nails, but did not cure the fungus. Lubrication did not give any visible result.

In advanced stages of the fungus, vinegar improved the general condition of the nails in 10% of patients, but recovery did not occur within a month. We can conclude that with a strong fungus and a large lesion, this method does not give results. The disease at this stage requires an integrated approach and the use of special antimycotic drugs.

Other life hacks for manicure

In addition to tricks with vinegar for nails , we have collected more tips for you that will help you create the perfect manicure yourself.

  1. To make the polish last longer than usual, apply 2 layers of base coat. This will protect your nails from damage when doing everyday housework. This way you will reduce the chances of breaking your nail when washing dishes or doing laundry, for example.
  2. It is better not to cut the cuticle, but to push it back with a special orange wood stick. You can buy these at any cosmetics and home goods store.

  3. Use cotton swabs if you accidentally spill polish over the edge of the nail plate onto your finger. This way you can carefully remove the unevenness without erasing the coating from the nail.
  4. Paint the free ends of your nails with polish. This is exactly the place where he starts to climb off first.
  5. Do not file your nails in an unnatural shape. If they are naturally rounded, then changing to a square cut will make them brittle.

  6. Before applying, warm the bottle of varnish in your hands. This way it will become more liquid and plastic, and will be more evenly distributed over the plate.

As you already know from this article, it is not at all difficult to prepare for creating the perfect manicure. Vinegar for nails will be a great help with this . We are sure that with these wonderful life hacks all your friends will envy your nails. What tricks do you have in store for this case? Tell us in the comments.


Prevention with vinegar

After you have undergone treatment and seemingly defeated the fungus, there is always a risk of relapse. Unfortunately, the situation when symptoms return after a month or two is not uncommon. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures for 2-4 weeks. They include:

  • More frequent changes of underwear and socks.
  • Shower regularly.
  • During active physical activity, it is necessary to maintain hygiene.
  • Do not wear underwear and socks made of artificial materials.
  • Maintain temperature conditions in clothing.
  • If there is a lack of vitamins, take a general strengthening course.
  • Take a bath with vinegar every day for 2 weeks, then every 3 days.

Following these rules will help defeat the disease and prevent its return.

Compresses against fungus

Compresses against fungus, as a rule, have an effective effect against fungus. However, their use is complicated: they must be kept for 4 hours. But there is not enough time for such procedures. In this case, the course ends when the affected areas of the nail are cut off and the nail itself is restored.

With celandine


  1. Apple cider vinegar - 2 l.
  2. Dried celandine - 50 g.

Preparation: Pour vinegar over the celandine. Place in a cool place and let the solution infuse for one month. Then strain the resulting liquid to remove any interfering herbs.

Author's note

Vanin Timofey

This compress takes a long time to prepare. So, just in case, prepare in advance and store in the refrigerator, in this state it will keep for up to two years.

Application: Apply a compress to the affected nail 4-5 times a day. Keep for 4 hours.

Result: Pathogenic microbes are destroyed. A healthy nail will begin to grow without damage.

With sea salt

Apple cider vinegar for foot fungus is often used in conjunction with sea salt. It improves the effectiveness of the procedure. To prepare the desired solution, add 4 tbsp. l sea salt into the product obtained in the recipe above. In this case, you need to add salt after straining the liquid.

Recipes for folk remedies with honey


  1. Honey.
  2. Apple vinegar.

Preparation: Mix honey and vinegar in a 4:1 ratio. The liquid obtained for the compress should be stored in the refrigerator.

Application: Apply a compress to the affected area 3-4 times a week. Keep it for 4 hours as well. After the procedure, rinse your feet and dry.

Result: Pathogenic bacteria are destroyed. The nail plate is restored and a new healthy nail grows.

Other folk remedies for treating fungus:

Use in children, pregnant and lactating women

Vinegar foot baths against fungus are not recommended for all categories of citizens. Thus, this drug is contraindicated for the treatment of children under ten years of age. The reason for this is the high sensitivity of the skin to an acidic environment.

Also, the described product is not recommended for use for medicinal purposes by expectant and nursing mothers. Hormonal changes in the body in pregnant women cause increased sensitivity of their skin to any aggressors, which may be an acidic environment.

Causes and symptoms of fungus

Symptoms of the disease and photos:

  1. change in plate thickness - thickening or thinning;
  2. unpleasant odor;
  3. swelling, hyperemia, pain of the nail folds;
  4. the appearance of stripes or spots of different colors - white, yellow, black;
  5. delamination and destruction of the plate, deformation.

In the later stages, the plates move away from the bed, become mobile, and severe pain is felt when moving. Deformed plates make it difficult to wear shoes. For women, the troubles increase due to the inability to wear open sandals, as their appearance suffers. Onychomycosis is usually accompanied by skin infection, in which the limbs itch, peel, and the skin peels off. Vinegar essence, which is available in any home, can be a real salvation at the initial stage of treatment for nail fungus.

The causative agents of onychomycosis are opportunistic; they are constantly present near humans. What factors contribute to the development of the disease:

  • decreased immunity;
  • constant contact with a sick person and his things;
  • wearing and using someone else's clothing and hygiene products - washcloths, slippers, manicure and pedicure accessories;
  • ignoring hygiene rules;
  • increased sweating of the extremities;
  • visiting beauty salons with poor antiseptics.

It is easy to become infected with onychomycosis. It will take a long time to cure nail fungus with vinegar, as well as any antifungal agent. Often, infection is detected when the pathogen has penetrated deep into the nail plates and their destruction is obvious.

Precautions during treatment

Despite the positive effect that acetic acid has in the fight against fungus, precautions must be taken when using these traditional medicine methods.

Even in the weakest concentration, vinegar exhibits its acidic properties. Therefore, if you handle it carelessly or fail to comply with the dilution proportions, you can get a chemical burn and add another one to your problem.

Also, you should not use vinegar as a remedy for fungus:

  • during pregnancy;
  • against the background of severely reduced immunity;
  • There are abrasions, wounds, cuts and cracks on the skin.

Nail preparation

Treatment of toenail fungus with folk remedies should be carried out after preliminary preparation. This will allow the medicine to penetrate inside more effectively and neutralize even deep-lying mushroom threads. Preparing nails for the procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Washing affected areas.

Use soap or another detergent to thoroughly wash infected nails. It is recommended to clean each nail in turn with a special brush, which will help remove particles of dirt from the base of the nail plates.

  1. Steaming

Clean nails should be placed in hot water (as far as the skin can tolerate) for 20 minutes. This will soften the layers of the epithelium and increase the conductivity of the skin and nail to the applied product. You can add a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to the water, which will first neutralize the fungal spores on the surface of the nail plate.

  1. Removing infected areas.

Using sharp scissors and a nail file, you should get rid of the infected parts of the nail that can peel off painlessly. If the fungus has spread from the nail to the epithelium, it is necessary to remove the rough layer of skin from the feet.

After the described preparation, you can begin the actual treatment! Vinegar-based remedies to treat this ailment should be used if the body does not have allergic reactions to its composition. Otherwise, you can seriously harm your skin, causing irritation.

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