Stretch marks and stretch marks Laser removal 6 clinics in Moscow since 1994

It is generally accepted that stretch marks or stretch marks on the skin can appear exclusively in women after childbirth. However, this opinion is erroneous. Striae are nothing more than atrophic scars that are formed as a result of “micro-tears” of skin tissue with a lack of elastin and collagen synthesis in both women and men under certain conditions.

Most often, stretch marks on the skin are localized in places where it is most stretched: on the abdomen, waist, lateral surfaces of the body, buttocks, inner and lateral surfaces of the hips and shoulders, and mammary glands. Can be either single or multiple; both pale pink and bluish-burgundy; both wide and narrow. They have both a retracted relief and can be positioned flush with the skin.

The mechanism of formation of stretch marks is described in detail on the website in the article “REMOVING STREAMS, STRETCH MARKS.”

What are stretch marks? Why do they arise?

Stretch marks (or stretch marks) are a problem that worries many men and women. As a rule, stretch marks occur during sudden weight gain or loss, during pregnancy, and during the period of active growth in adolescents. In such cases, high skin tension causes rupture of the collagen and elastin fibers of the dermis, which leads to thinning of the skin in the area of ​​the stretch marks. Before After 1 procedure

Also, the occurrence of stretch marks may indicate a severe hormonal disorder associated with increased secretion of the hormone cortisol or long-term use of steroid drugs. The most likely areas for stretch marks to be located are the chest, abdomen, and thighs. How to remove stretch marks forever? The only way is laser skin resurfacing. Removing stretch marks with a laser is a fairly comfortable procedure that will give a visible effect after the first session.


  • Pronounced effect. Patented AcuPulse technologies make it possible to destroy scar deformations of any density, depth, etc. with maximum effect.
  • Patient comfort. Powerful and very fast pulses of laser energy can reduce pain to a minimum. This is the most powerful and at the same time the most gentle of all CO2 lasers.
  • Fast rehabilitation. Post-procedure recovery in patients occurs almost unnoticed, and caring for the treated area is very simple.
  • No complications. If you follow your doctor's recommendations, no side effects are observed.

How does laser work to treat stretch marks?

Laser resurfacing is the only procedure that can significantly reduce the depth and severity of stretch marks and eliminate them forever.

During laser resurfacing, the top layers of skin are removed along with scar tissue, wrinkles, and stretch marks. At the same time, reparation (healing) processes in the treated areas are activated, new young collagen and elastin are formed, which causes the restoration of the normal structure of the dermis.

The newest approach to laser resurfacing is the emergence of the method of fractional photothermolysis. Unlike traditional laser resurfacing, when the entire layer of the epidermis was completely removed and a long recovery period was required, fractional lasers act selectively. In this case, the laser radiation is divided by a special laser attachment into many beams, each of which, in turn, creates a tiny depression in the skin in the form of a column or cone. As a result of the procedure, an alternation of zones with untouched areas of skin and evaporation points at regular intervals is formed on the treated area of ​​skin. By preserving intact skin around injured areas, healing of microtraumas and skin restoration are accelerated. This is due to the almost complete absence of side effects when using fractional lasers.

Traditional laser resurfacing Fractional laser resurfacing

Laser techniques and their capabilities

When removing stretch marks on the skin, two main tasks are usually solved:

  • Firstly, direct laser exposure to atrophic stretch tissue to stimulate the synthesis of elastin and collagen, its restructuring and compaction.

For this purpose, procedures are performed without damaging the skin surface, but at the same time affecting all layers of the epidermis and dermis:

  1. non-ablative laser photothermolysis using the Palomar 1540 laser, which exerts its effect at the level of the stratum corneum of the skin;
  2. thermal lifting using Fotona Nd:Yag and Palomar DeepIR devices, working at the level of the deep layers of the dermis.

Such procedures do not require pain relief or recovery period. They are carried out in courses - from 2 to 5 sessions (depending on the severity and prevalence of atrophy processes). Swelling and redness of the skin after manipulation disappear within 24 hours.

  • The second important task that must be solved when removing stretch marks is the correction of body contours, sagging and sagging skin in the area where multiple stretch marks are localized.

To accomplish this task, procedures are carried out to damage the skin surface in order to reduce the skin flap and renew the skin - these are classic and fractional laser resurfacing with different depths of exposure using the Fotona Er: Yag device. The rehabilitation period after such procedures can range from 5 to 10 days. A course of treatment usually requires 1-2 procedures.

IMPORTANT! In addition, the capabilities of Fotona technologies make it possible to carry out a unique laser procedure, FOTONA SCULPTOR, using the sequential combined effects of two neodymium and erbium lasers in one session. A unique combination of this effect stimulates collagen reconstruction and initiates neocollagenogenesis, ensures restructuring, compaction and alignment of stretch mark tissue, leads to a general reduction in sagging and improvement of skin elasticity, a synergistic tightening effect in areas where multiple stretch marks are treated!!!

What are the advantages of the erbium laser ER:YAG 2940 nm Harmony XL (Israel)?

The erbium laser is recognized throughout the world as the safest and most effective for combating stretch marks. In our center we use the latest fractional erbium laser Harmony XL (Israel).

The main advantages of the fractional erbium laser are:

  1. The gentle effect of the erbium laser on the skin allows procedures to be performed without anesthesia, even on large surfaces.
  2. The rehabilitation period is half as long compared to a CO2 laser
  3. No dividing (demarcation) lines between the untreated and treated surfaces of the skin
  4. This is the only laser that makes it possible to perform procedures on dry, thin skin.

Advantages of laser stretch mark removal in our clinic in Moscow

  • Exposure to any of the above lasers is absolutely safe for health;
  • Laser striae removal procedures are performed on an outpatient basis, do not require preparation or anesthesia, and are performed without surgical intervention;
  • Laser methods for removing stretch marks are carried out on any part of the body. This procedure is even suitable for affecting the skin of the mammary glands, without having a direct negative effect on the gland;
  • The first visible results after laser stretch mark removal procedures are noticeable literally after the first session. Next, there is a gradual improvement in the condition of the skin;
  • A short rehabilitation period or its complete absence (depending on the technique used);
  • A large arsenal of laser equipment from the world's leading manufacturers and a professional team of doctors at our clinic allow us to comprehensively and effectively carry out laser procedures for the removal of stretch marks and stretch marks on the skin.

What other approaches to treating stretch marks exist?

Before the advent of lasers, various types of medium and deep peels were used to treat stretch marks. However, a long rehabilitation period and a high risk of infection limit the range of application of this method. Today, superficial-medium peelings are used to correct small stretch marks. Coral peeling is the most effective.

How to get rid of stretch marks without resorting to laser? There are various methods, it all depends on the severity of the problem. Along with radical treatment of stretch marks using laser resurfacing, preventive methods should not be excluded to prevent the spread and formation of new stretch marks: the use of tightening and firming creams at home, various body wraps, body mesotherapy, biorevitalization. These procedures accelerate the restoration and healing of the skin after laser resurfacing, nourish and moisturize the skin.

To treat sagging skin, which is often combined with stretch marks that occur after childbirth, a thermolifting body procedure is recommended. The result is due to the stimulation of collagen synthesis in the area between the stretch marks, which leads to a narrowing of the stretch marks in width and thickening of the skin.

If you are tormented by the question: how to get rid of stretch marks and this unpleasant cosmetic defect has become your constant companion, make an appointment with a dermatocosmetologist.

The cost of laser resurfacing, based on the type.

Laser resurfacing of face and body TOP CO2

Side areaRUB 16,500
StomachRUB 21,450
Scar, scar beyond 1 cm (sq.)RUB 1,650
Scar, scar for 1 sq. cm (double grinding along the scar)RUB 1,850
Anesthesia (application) small zone500 rub
Anesthesia (application) large area1,000 rub.

Laser resurfacing L-Rubin face and body

Side areaRUB 19,800
StomachRUB 19,500
Scar, scar beyond 1 cm (sq.)RUB 1,550
Scar, scar for 1 cm (sq.) double grinding along the scarRUB 1,700
Anesthesia (application) small zone500 rub
Anesthesia (application) large area1,000 rub.

Laser resurfacing of face and body Extra – Rubin

Side areaRUB 19,800
StomachRUB 25,750
Scar, scar beyond 1 cm (sq.)RUB 1,980
Scar, scar for 1 sq. cm (double grinding along the scar)RUB 2,100
Anesthesia (application) small zone500 rub
Anesthesia (application) large area1,000 rub.

Some of the intermediate results of laser abdomen resurfacing can be found here:

How does the procedure work?

So, you have decided to remove stretch marks and have chosen a fractional laser for this purpose. The doctor will set up the device and select the treatment parameters that optimally correspond to the size and depth of the defect. At the first stage, the skin is thoroughly cleansed, then application anesthesia is used - a special cream that reduces sensitivity.

Next, the problem area is treated using a special nozzle. Laser radiation targets only the selected treatment area - this is one of the most important advantages of this treatment method.

After the session, the skin turns a little red. After just a few hours, the redness subsides and the stretch marks begin to fade. After about a week and a half, you can evaluate the final result of the impact.

To find out prices and make an appointment for laser stretch mark removal in Moscow, call us or use the form on the clinic’s website.

Popular questions

What complications can this procedure have?

There are no specific complications, this is a safe technique, the intensity of the effect is clearly controlled, so there is nothing to worry about. If in doubt, you can read numerous positive reviews. After the session, the skin may look somewhat swollen, the places where there were stretch marks are pink. This goes away quickly without any additional interventions. Lasers are now used to perform many cosmetic procedures, treat skin diseases, remove various tumors, etc. This type of hardware treatment is recognized throughout the world as effective and safe. It does not leave scars, so you will be pleased with the aesthetic result.

Is it possible to shower after laser treatment?

In the first couple of days, it is better to avoid getting water on your skin. Then you can take a shower. But it is important that during water procedures you do not damage the crusts that form in the area affected by the laser beam.

Causes of problems

Various skin defects, such as scars, are aesthetic problems that many people face. The causes of their occurrence are most often hormonal changes, various diseases, surgical operations, and injuries. As a rule, the weaker half of humanity suffers greatly from stretch marks. However, modern medicine can come to the rescue and effectively correct scars of any type and at any stage. It is advisable to begin treating such formations as early as possible, because scar tissue tends to sprout with blood vessels 3-4 months after its occurrence, and then sprout with nerve endings, as a result of which the scar becomes part of the body.


I tried for a long time to decide on this procedure and finally signed up. There were a little discomfort during the procedure, but the result was really noticeable after the first session. The skin noticeably tightened, the scars smoothed out and became less noticeable. I'm pleased with the result.

Angelina, 36 years old

After pregnancy, I wanted to get back into shape, including improving the appearance of my skin, so I turned to Beauty Land for a laser stretch mark resurfacing procedure. I won’t say that the procedure is the most pleasant feeling, but the result is worth it. Personally, it worked out very effectively for me. I finally got rid of my complexes about my stomach. Thanks a lot!

Nadezhda, 41 years old

I lost a lot of weight and still have stretch marks on my hips and stomach. I contacted Beauty Land with this problem. I can say that very competent specialists work here - they consulted me before the procedure and told me about all the nuances. In the end, everything went well, I’m happy with the result - the method really works.

Alexandra, 34 years old

Remove stretch marks with laser at a competitive price in Voronezh at Beauty Land Laboratory

Our aesthetic cosmetology center has extensive experience. The procedure is carried out by experienced and highly qualified specialists. The advantages of our clinic include:

  • high degree of efficiency;
  • speedy recovery;
  • absolute safety;
  • healthy tissues are not affected;
  • sterility;
  • highly qualified doctors;
  • flexible pricing policy.

Our company offers the lowest prices in the city. Before the session begins, an agreement is signed, which stipulates all the circumstances of the operation. Sign up for the service, get high-quality service and effective results.

Types of stretch marks

For reasons of occurrence:

  • after sudden weight loss or weight gain;
  • after pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • with a lack of collagen fibers;
  • with hormonal imbalance.

By recency:

  • fresh (up to 1 year): have a pink and sometimes reddish tint;
  • old (one year or more): lighter than the surrounding tissues, less often - almost the same color as healthy skin.

By relief:

  • convex: they resemble scars, but, unlike them, they easily “fall” inward under mechanical influence;
  • retracted: are elongated depressions on the surface of the skin;
  • located at the same level with the skin (very rare).

Can the relief of already formed stretch marks change? Yes, retracted ones can become convex due to hardware vacuum or cupping massage procedures. But what is absolutely certain is that once stretch marks appear, they will not disappear on their own. And if you are concerned about this defect, you should contact a professional. Home remedies are ineffective. At best, you will achieve less pronounced marks from fresh stretch marks. Folk remedies cannot cope with old ones.

Our specialists

Metelkina Natalia Evgenievna


Tskhovrebova Tinatin Guramovna


Kuzovkina Nadezhda Viktorovna


Moreva Liliana Mikhailovna

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist of the highest category

Kukhtina Olga Gennadievna Cosmetologist - esthetician

Call right now at 8 (473) 254-11-11 or come to us at Voronezh, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya 17.

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