Treatment of facial sores depending on their cause

How to cure a pimple on your face?

Fortunately, the skin on the face is well supplied with blood. Here, regenerative processes occur quite quickly, so wounds can heal in a few days if they are provided with suitable conditions for this:

  • If you have already squeezed out a pimple, you do not need to touch it with your hands again or try to cover it with foundation (this will prolong the healing process).
  • Periodically treat with medications or traditional medicine. The correct choice of methods of influence (we will consider them below) will help heal the sore as soon as possible.
  • Support the body with proper nutrition, taking vitamins and maintaining a proper drinking regime.

If possible, if a sore appears on the skin after squeezing out a pimple, you should consult a cosmetologist. A qualified specialist will tell you how to heal the problem area as quickly as possible and will be able to identify possible complications or prevent them.

Break the habit

Many people have the habit of squeezing out uneven skin surfaces, blackheads, and pores on the nose for no particular reason. Basically, the problem is localized on the face, since a person pays more attention to this part of the body.

To forget about problematic facial skin forever, you must first get rid of the bad habit. A couple of simple steps will help you touch your face less.

  • You should look in the mirror less often, especially up close.
  • Having found an interesting activity for all your free time, you will easily forget the desire to squeeze out blackheads.
  • Facial imperfections can be easily hidden by changing your hairstyle or adding an interesting touch to your appearance. Once you improve your appearance, you won't want to touch your face.
  • You should spend more time on yourself and your body. You need to do everything you can to love yourself. Buying nice lingerie will help.
  • A cosmetologist's advice is always helpful.
  • By eating healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals, you can avoid skin problems.
  • Regular hygiene, facial cleansing, peeling and moisturizing masks, creams are irreplaceable and important.

What to anoint with to make it go away quickly?

There are many recommendations from alternative medicine specialists that will help you quickly heal acne wounds in different parts of the body. A good result can be achieved using:

  • Aspirin. Its tablets need to be crushed, diluted with a small amount of water and applied to the problem area. When this mass dries, you should wash it off with warm water without putting undue pressure on the injured skin.
  • Aloe. Cut a leaf of this plant and wipe the problem area with the cut several times a day. This remedy will not only help cure sores, it can also be used to help the scabs fall off as quickly as possible.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Mix the most common baby powder with peroxide until you get a creamy mass. Use for spot application on wounds. Use 1-2 r. in a day. After drying, this product does not need to be washed off; it should simply be shaken off with a cotton swab.
  • Tea tree oils. This product should be applied to the sores so that they go away as quickly as possible.
  • Calendula tinctures. For accelerated treatment of sores, it is worth diluting 2 tsp. of this product in 1 tbsp. water and use the resulting solution to wipe your face.

You should not use several medications and folk remedies at once. Even the mildest of them in this case can only disrupt the condition of the epidermis and slow down recovery.

Types of acne and acne scars

Much depends on the color or texture of the skin:

  • Color. Scars may be red, skin-colored, or almost white.
  • Structure. If we consider the structure of the skin, they can be convex or concave.
  • Density. Scars can be of normal, high or low density.
  • Depth. They can be shallow or deep.
  • Peculiarities. With or without adhesions.

Types of Acne Scars
If we multiply the types of acne scars by the ways in which they can occur, we get dozens of different cases. If one more person had one type of scar, treating it wouldn't be as much of a problem as it would be if they had all of those types at the same time.

The most difficult scars to treat are white scars, as there are no effective treatments for discolored skin yet. There are also very complex cases when atrophic and raised scars are located nearby or there are deep scars.

What to do if you squeeze out acne?

Sometimes, even while squeezing out a pimple, it becomes clear that nothing good will come of this idea. If there is a visible sore or noticeable redness, this could potentially become an even bigger problem than the pimple itself. You need to act quickly and treat this area:

  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Miramistin.
  • Chlorhexidine, etc.

You should not use alcohol solutions of herbs or alcohol itself for primary treatment; it is also better to refrain from using iodine. Such an initiative may result in the appearance of an indelible dark spot that is ingrained into the skin.

Sometimes a sore on the face or body after squeezing out pimples remains for a long time and does not want to disappear. If you have severely picked at the skin, you will now have to resort to more serious means of targeted action.

Important information

Only squeeze out a fully mature pimple, which has a white head and does not hurt at all. They do this until red blood appears. The wound is treated with an antiseptic.

If a day or two after squeezing out a pimple, the acne wound swells, consult a doctor immediately to prevent the formation of a boil.

Constant stress and bad mood contribute to the appearance of skin rashes.

It should be noted that not everyone has perfectly smooth skin. Small errors do not spoil the appearance. There is no need to cover up defects with a ton of cosmetics. It does not allow the skin to breathe and makes the situation worse. Only through regular care will your skin become healthy and smooth. It is important to exfoliate and moisturize your face twice a week. A variety of masks made from natural ingredients are useful.

Can it be dried and reduced?

If you pick a pimple on your body or face too hard, the sore may remain on the skin for several weeks. Such an inflamed area brings enormous discomfort and is potentially dangerous - pathogenic microflora can easily enter the body through it and cause, at best, local suppuration, and at worst, spread with the bloodstream to different parts of the body. Therefore, to combat such diseases, doctors most often recommend using effective local medications:

  • Synthomycin ointment or Syntomycin liniment. This is a budget medicine that will perfectly suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria, which will in turn help eliminate inflammation and speed up healing. The drug should be used 2 times. for a day.
  • Retinoic ointment. This medicine, unlike the previous version, does not contain an antibiotic, but isotretinoin, a derivative of vitamin A. This ointment should be applied to the problem area in a thin layer twice a day.
  • Boro Plus Cream. This medicine contains only natural ingredients and has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. In addition, the drug activates skin restoration. You need to apply this product in a thin layer for at least 2 rubles. per day (more often if possible).
  • Zinc preparations - zinc ointment, salicylic-zinc paste, Curiosin gel, etc. Such products perfectly dry out pimples, neutralize inflammation and have a disinfecting effect.
  • Special medications for acne - Skinoren, Zinerit, Baziron, etc.

Usually, when using any of the selected products, the inflammation subsides after 1-2 applications and the wound gradually begins to heal. It is worth considering that each medicine can provoke reactions of individual intolerance - allergies.

How to make a wound less noticeable

The inflamed wound remains bright red for several days. To make your skin smooth and a pimple less noticeable, you can use a few tricks:

  1. Apply Visine to the wound.

  2. Treatment with nasal drops helps. Soak a small piece of cotton wool with vasoconstrictor drops, place it in the refrigerator for 10 minutes, then blot the affected areas with it.
  3. Herbal ice cubes are useful in any situation. A decoction of chamomile, calendula, and parsley is poured into ice molds and frozen. Inflammation and redness will easily go away if you wipe the skin with medicinal ice several times a day.

The following pharmaceutical products help:

  • Depanthol;
  • Pantoderm;
  • Sintomycin;
  • Metrogil;
  • Bee celandine.
  • Sledotsid;
  • Contractubex.

Depanthol renews cells in a short time. Pantoderm accelerates healing. Synthomycin eliminates inflammation, fights infection, and heals wounds. Metrogyl destroys germs, preventing them from spreading. Bee celandine has a disinfecting, restorative effect. Sledocid ointment and Contractubex gel prevent the appearance of scars and heal quickly.

How to get rid of back pain?

A sore on the back, of course, brings less aesthetic discomfort than a pimple mark on the face. However, it can turn into a serious problem - it can become inflamed and even fester. To make the pain go away faster, you can:

  • Get soap with tar and use it every evening for hygiene procedures. This remedy, by the way, will help prevent the formation of new acne. But you shouldn’t rub your back with a rough washcloth; it’s better to give preference to a soft sponge.
  • Treat with antiseptics - the already mentioned Miramistin or Chlorhexidine.
  • Lubricate it with drying, antiseptic and wound-healing agents. A good effect can be achieved by using sulfur or zinc ointment, as well as Erythromycin and Syntomycin ointments.
  • Lubricate with acne medications, for example, Skinoren or Curiosin.

If the sore does not seem to go away, despite all the measures taken, it is better to see a dermatologist. Non-healing wounds on the body are a rather alarming symptom.


On the Internet you can come across a question that worries many girls and women - I squeezed out a pimple, a sore appeared, how to quickly remove it? Cheap but very effective pharmaceutical products will help solve the problem.

To treat a damaged wound, you need to blot it with a cotton pad soaked in Salicylic acid or Peroxide. Alcohol and iodine will also give the desired effect. It is not advisable to use the latter to avoid serious burns.

In case of incomplete squeezing of the abscess, it is necessary to apply a cotton pad with Vishnevsky ointment. It is advisable to leave it overnight. In the morning, Zinc ointment is applied pointwise to the wound. It effectively dries and relieves swelling.

Until the skin has completely recovered, it is forbidden to apply foundation or powder to it. Otherwise, the situation is likely to worsen.

What to do if they don’t heal for a long time?

If a sore on the forehead, cheek or back does not want to heal after squeezing out a pimple, perhaps it is still worth showing it to a specialist dermatologist or at least a cosmetologist. In the arsenal of an experienced person there will be tools that will help speed up tissue regeneration. At home, to lubricate the wound without severe symptoms of inflammation, you can use:

  • Cream Bepanten. This medicine is based on dexpanthenol, a derivative of vitamin B5. Its use perfectly stimulates regenerative processes and has an additional positive effect on skin health.
  • Gel Solcoseryl. This medication has a rather unusual composition (the component is obtained from the blood of calves) and is widely used in cosmetology, surgery, etc. Its regular application protects tissue, stimulates recovery, accelerates and improves wound healing.

If the wound remains inflamed, it is better not to try to treat it further at home. After all, such a defect in the skin can lead to quite serious health problems - inflammation of the facial nerve, furunculosis and even sepsis. And oncologists warn that long-term non-healing wounds can be a symptom of cancer.

What are the causes of skin cancer?

The most common cause of skin cancer is exposure to ultraviolet rays from sunlight.

About 90% of skin cancers, excluding melanoma, are associated with exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

Therefore, exposed areas of the skin that are exposed to greater insolation are most often affected. The prevalence is highest among outdoor workers, athletes and sunbathers and is inversely related to the melanin content of the skin. Thus, patients with fair skin are most at risk.

Skin cancer is characterized by development against the background of various pathological conditions. Skin cancer often occurs against the background of burns, rough scars, or in places of chronic injury. Malignant skin tumors can also develop years after radiation therapy. Patients who take immunosuppressive therapy and certain targeted therapies also have an increased risk of developing the disease.

It should be noted that the risk of skin cancer increases with age.

Scar Prevention

To prevent scars from appearing at the site of acne sores, after stopping the inflammatory process, the already mentioned Solcoseryl can be applied to the skin, but a more comprehensive and effective effect will help to achieve:

  • The well-known drug Contractubex.
  • Zeraderm ointment.
  • Kelofibrase cream.
  • Gel Dermatix etc.

In order to get results from the use of such medications, it is worth selecting them with the help of a qualified specialist. A cosmetologist or dermatologist will assess the depth of damage to the epidermis and suggest which products will cope with the problem in a particular case.

Which procedures are best to choose?

Aesthetic medicine offers many methods for removing acne scars, but not all of them are effective. The basic rule of cosmetology is that there is no universal method that would work on all scars at the same time. Therefore, if a specialist advertises a specific method, such as fractional laser, as the best for treating all scars, this indicates incompetence.

A patient's scars are rarely uniform, so it is impossible to use one method for treatment. Most patients have several or even several dozen scar options, which means that it is necessary to use several methods and correctly combine and change them.

The choice of treatment methods depends on what kind of scars the patient is diagnosed with. There are several methods, they can be mixed. The five most important ones used in various configurations are:

  • fractional ablation laser resurfacing;
  • use of RF microneedle;
  • surgical laser treatment;
  • administration of platelet-rich plasma (as an auxiliary procedure);
  • use of chemicals.

Laser Skin Resurfacing
This kit can treat most scars. Of course, for the effectiveness of the procedures, the method of combining these procedures, the frequency and settings, and the quality of the devices themselves are important. All of this matters, and a specific course of action is chosen for each case.

How to speed up the healing of herpes?

With herpes, unsightly sores appear on the skin - blisters, which are replaced by unpleasant crusts. Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely eliminate the virus that causes the disease. However, there are methods that will speed up the course of the disease and help the skin recover faster. In particular, doctors recommend treating herpes with:

  • Antiviral drugs for internal use.
  • Antiviral ointments for topical application.
  • Taking immunomodulators (Viferon or Interferon, Imunofan, herbal medicines - with echinacea, etc.).

You should not apply cold or heat to the rash sites, this can only lead to an even greater spread of painful blisters.

What ointment should I use to remove rashes?

It is best to lubricate the elements of herpes using ointments with antiviral components, for example with:

  • Acyclovir, valacyclovir, famciclovir. Such ointments suppress the replication of the virus; it is advisable to use them at the first signs of the development of the disease - with itching and burning, even in the absence of blisters.
  • Acyclovir in combination with hydrocortisone. This ointment is called Zovirax Duo-Active and can not only suppress the activity of the virus, but also quickly neutralize pain and discomfort.
  • Acyclovir in combination with interferon and lidocaine. This ointment is called Herpferon, and it helps stimulate the immune system, suppress the reproduction of the virus, and neutralize pain and itching. It is believed that its use prevents the formation of new rash elements and helps speed up healing.

The use of ointments really helps to improve the condition of a patient with herpes. But still they do not speed up the healing process too much.

In order for wounds to heal easily after an illness, it is important not to injure the crusts left after the bursting of the bubbles. Otherwise, scars may remain on the skin.

What does scar removal mean?

Any method of removing scar changes must cause tissue remodeling. In some cases it is aimed at filling the hole, as with atrophic scars, and in others it is aimed at smoothing the tissue. It is important that the methods used are not only effective, but also safe.

How does a laser work on a scar?

An example of the low effectiveness of the procedure is the treatment of scars with hyaluronic acid preparations. There is no point in treating atrophic scars with hyaluronic acid, especially at the first stage. The filler does not regenerate the scar, but camouflages it, and not for long.

In modern aesthetic medicine there is also a shift away from dermabrasion and peeling. Bad peeling will be ineffective, and strong peeling will be dangerous.

It is also advisable to avoid methods that require a large number of procedures. Examples: microcentesis, non-ablative laser, picosecond laser, retinoids. These methods still somehow work with fresh scars, but the number of sessions in relation to the effects is inadequate.

Skin cancer treatment

Treatment is carried out taking into account the stage of the process, the location of the tumor, and its histological structure. Radiation, surgical, and medicinal methods are used independently or in the form of combined and complex treatment.

For surgical treatment of small skin tumors, scarring is usually cosmetically acceptable. If the tumors are very large, a skin graft or flap is used for reconstruction to achieve the best cosmetic result and facilitate healing.

Radiation therapy and surgical treatment are alternative methods for stage I skin cancer. This takes into account contraindications to surgery, the high degree of surgical risk and the location of the tumor.

Recommendations of an oncologist at the Dawn Clinic on skin cancer

The Oncology Department of the Rassvet Clinic provides the full range of diagnostics of tumor lesions of the skin, including biopsy and modern pathomorphological diagnostics. In the surgical department of minor oncology, it is possible to carry out surgical treatment using various types of plastic defect replacement.

We also work in partnership with a radiation therapy center, which allows us to provide modern radiation therapy techniques.

With a widespread process, modern chemotherapy and targeted therapy are possible. Treatment can be carried out even in very weakened patients, and our team of specialists provides all necessary accompanying therapy.

Additional recommendations from a doctor at the dawn clinic for the prevention of skin cancer

Since many forms of skin cancer are associated with ultraviolet exposure, a number of measures are recommended to reduce it:

  • Use sunscreen. Ultraviolet radiation is a proven human carcinogen. Regular daily use of sunscreen SPF 15 or higher reduces the risk of developing skin cancer by approximately 40%.
  • Use a sunscreen with broad-spectrum UVA/UVB protection, applied as directed (30 minutes before sun exposure, reapplied every 2 hours after swimming or sweating).
  • Wear protective clothing: long-sleeved shirts, trousers and wide-brimmed hats.
  • Avoid visiting a solarium. Those who ever sunbathed indoors had a 67% higher risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma and a 29% higher risk of developing basal cell skin cancer.


Absalyamov Ruslan Ildarovich oncologist

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