All about biorevitalization: effect, features of the procedure, drugs

From this article you will learn how succinic acid affects the skin and how to use it correctly.

Succinic acid has recently conquered the cosmetology market. It acts at the cellular level and has almost no side effects. So it's not surprising that everyone likes her. The product is also unique in that it does not have to be taken as part of a mask. Even just taking pills gives an excellent effect. Let's find out how it affects the skin and how to use it.

How does succinic acid affect the skin?

Succinic acid
Succinic acid for women does not act in the same way as the drugs we are used to. It is also called “smart” because it recognizes which tissues are healthy and which are not. The drug focuses its action on the latter and restores them. At the same time, healthy cells remain intact. This property is actively used by cosmetologists. Penetrating into the skin, the active substance finds damaged, inflamed areas and begins to treat them. It also removes pigmentation using the same principle.

Succinic acid has a large number of different positive properties. It works as follows:

  • Activates the process of removing toxic metabolites and other harmful agents from the body
  • Delivers oxygen to cells, and therefore after its use the skin glows and takes on a healthy appearance.
  • Has general strengthening properties
  • Has an antioxidant effect and prevents the spread of cancer cells
  • Gives a good rejuvenating effect, especially if used together with mumiyo and hyaluronic acid
  • Helps eliminate scars and scars if they appeared not very long ago
  • Removes excess rashes, stops inflammatory reactions and infections, which makes it effective against acne
  • Improves the protective properties of the skin, allowing it to resist external influences
  • The product reduces swelling and enhances the effect of other beneficial substances
  • Provides complete facial care. It can be used regularly
  • Accelerates cellular metabolism
  • Deeply cleanses pores and eliminates blackheads

All these properties allow you to improve your skin and cope with most problems. It is noted that not every cosmetic can eliminate them. So it is the best alternative for most salon treatments.

Side effect of the drug

Biological supplement (succinate) is a substance naturally produced in the human body in a volume of about 200 mg per day. In addition, C4H6O4 is found in small amounts in cheese, wine, rye bread and pickled vegetables. Thanks to this, the human body is adapted to the supplement and therefore it does not cause harm . There are practically no side effects after taking the drug. In isolated cases, problems with the functioning of the stomach are possible, accompanied by:

  • increased acidity;
  • heartburn;
  • discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract or minor painful sensations;
  • impaired digestion of food;
  • excessive gas formation;
  • feeling of early satiety.

Cases of increased blood pressure with headache, dizziness, swelling, nausea and facial flushing are extremely rarely reported.

Succinic acid for skin rejuvenation: mask recipes

Facial rejuvenation
Succinic acid for women is used in courses. The course of use is one month. The procedure is carried out a couple of times a week. You will really like the result - your wrinkles will smooth out, fresh scars will disappear.

So, for the mask you will need:

Components for the mask

In any container, preferably glass, mix all the necessary ingredients. Basically, the mask is used to cover the entire face, but it can also be used for the neck. Then the effect will be even better. For a stronger effect, leave the product on for 20 minutes.

When the mask is washed off, do not treat the skin with anything else. All girls know that cream is often applied after masks. So in this case it will be superfluous. Let your skin rest. The duration of the course is 20 days and it is held once a season.

What is the procedure?

Biorevitalization of the face compensates for the deficiency of natural components - the very ones that nature provided us with during our youth. This is an absolute plus - the skin receives from the outside only those elements that are initially “native” to it.

By returning them to the dermis, we create a supply of moisture due to the fact that the gel with hyaluronic acid for the face acts as a “molecular sponge”. It restores the hydro reserve, attracts and retains water, providing a long-term moisturizing effect. Additionally, it helps to organize the chains of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the elasticity of the dermis framework. Thanks to this it is possible to achieve:

· effective prevention of aging;

· rapid facial rejuvenation;

· improving the appearance of the epidermis, greater smoothness and elasticity;

· color alignment;

· increased tone;

· solving the problem of age-related pigmentation on the face;

· launching deep restoration processes.

Mask with succinic acid against wrinkles on the face: recipe

Succinic acid works very well for women against wrinkles. The best effective remedy is obtained from strawberries. Take equal amounts of tablets and berries. That is, for two berries, there will be the same number of tablets. To ensure that the tablets mix well, dilute them in water. You don't need a lot, a tablespoon is enough. The berries need to be ground into a paste. Some people note that the skin feels tight after application. This can be easily fixed if you do it lying down. It is not necessary to keep the composition on your face for too long. 15 minutes will be enough.

Benefits for appearance

Since the acid has the properties of rejuvenation and restoration, it is used in medicine and cosmetology. According to cosmetologists, the drug works great for beauty and health. It is a strong antioxidant that helps cleanse the body of poisons and toxins.

Succinic acid:

  • improves blood circulation;
  • renews the body from the inside;
  • whitens skin with pronounced pigmentation;
  • makes the skin toned;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • reduces rosacea on the face;
  • has a strong moisturizing effect.

According to cosmetologists, this is a kind of “sponge” that draws out harmful substances, thanks to which the cells are filled with energy. Succinic acid is useful for hair, as it will make it easier to style. The curls also acquire a better structure and do not get tangled during combing. To eliminate a specific problem of strands or scalp, you should choose a suitable recipe and apply it according to the specified rules.

Mask with succinic acid for wrinkles around the eyes: recipe

Eye mask
Succinic acid for women can be used for any skin type. It makes excellent homemade masks or creams.

There are several very good recipes:

  • The very first one is a simple care mask. Use it enough once a week to ensure your face always looks fresh. It is prepared like any other, simply - first grind 2-3 tablets into powder. They also need some water. Dilute until a soft paste forms. The composition is applied with a cotton pad. By the way, nothing needs to be washed off. The composition is completely absorbed into the skin. In addition, no additional facial treatment is needed.
  • The second recipe is suitable for rejuvenation. The composition includes the well-known mummy. It is also important that the composition requires an oil base. Almond or olive oil is used for this. Take two tablets for preparation. The mask is applied with massage movements and then left on the face for half an hour. It is not absorbed into the skin, so you will need to wash it off. Do not apply any cream after use, the skin should breathe and rest.

Cosmetological use

Succinic acid is included in a large number of finished cosmetic preparations. In addition, this ingredient can be included in home remedies to maintain beauty and youth; for this, tablets are purchased at the pharmacy.

Peeling mask

This mask will thoroughly cleanse the skin, tighten pores, and remove acne and redness. To prepare it you will need:

water; drug in tablets.


Crush 3 tablets into powder. Add a little water to form a paste. Apply to cleansed face. Leave for a quarter of an hour. Rinse with water. Apply nourishing cream.

To prepare the nutritional composition you will need the following components:

olive oil; succinic acid.


Crush 2 tablets into powder. Combine powder and 2 tbsp in a container. l. oils Mix. Apply to face. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Remove with a napkin.

To prepare the composition you will need:

blue clay; milk; pills.


Pour 3 crushed tablets into a container. Add 3 tbsp. l. clay. Add enough milk to form a paste. Apply to skin. Leave for half an hour. Rinse off.


To prepare tonic you will need the main product and water. Place 2 tablets of acid in ¼ glass of water and stir. The prepared solution is used to wipe the skin with a sponge.

To prepare the cleaning composition you will need the following components:

honey; ground coffee; pharmacy tablets.

Preparation and use:

Melt honey in a fireproof container. Add 1 tbsp. l. ground coffee. Stir. Add 3 tablets crushed into powder. Mix. Apply to skin in circular motions. Rinse off with warm water.

Succinic acid for facial skin: recipes for use against freckles and pigmentation

Not everyone knows, but succinic acid for women is effective against pigmentation, as well as freckles. The product acts on the pigment and lightens it. As we have already said, the substance recognizes such cells as sick and actively treats them. To prepare, you only need a couple of tablets of the drug and a little white clay. It is recommended to take a tablespoon.

In general, any clay can be used; only white clay can effectively even out skin tone. First, the clay powder is diluted with milk or water to make a thick mass, and then tablets are added to it. Mix everything very thoroughly so that the mass is homogeneous.

By the way, clay often crumbles and cracks when used. This is a normal effect, because moisture leaves it. The product allows you to effectively eliminate pigmentation and oily shine. By the way, if you add a drop of rosemary or lemon oil, the result will be even better.

How does biorevitalization differ from mesotherapy?

Both procedures are based on injections or hardware administration of drugs. But meso-cocktails are made up of a large amount of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, plant extracts and other components. The percentage of hyaluron content in them is much lower than in biorevitalizants.

What is better: mesotherapy or biorevitalization?

There can be no clear answer to this question. Everything is determined by the individual needs of the skin. Note that with biorevitalization, the effect is visible from the first visit to the salon. With mesotherapy, it is cumulative, and there may be no noticeable changes after one treatment.

Face mask with succinic acid and white clay: recipe

White clay
With this mask, succinic acid eliminates pigmentation, tightens wrinkles, and also relieves puffiness and signs of fatigue.

In this case, the mask is also made from two tablets and white clay. The mask itself is not much different, you just need to add five drops of rosemary. With its help, the composition will become softer and have a better effect on the skin. That is, it will not only act as a remedy for pigmentation, but also puffiness.

DIY succinic acid tonic: recipe

Do-it-yourself tonic
You can also prepare a tonic yourself that uses succinic acid for women.

The preparation is very simple and is done as follows:

  • Take distilled water - 50 ml and put it on fire
  • Next add succinic acid. Soften two tablets
  • Add 5-6 drops of essential oil. Use rosemary, rose or ylang-ylang

Use toner morning and evening after washing your face. For the latter, use foam or gel rather than soap. The composition can be stored in the refrigerator, but not longer than a week. By the way, if you add a small spoonful of alcohol to it, the shelf life will increase.

You will need:

Amber mask with coffee grounds

First, melt the honey in a water bath, and grind the grains with tablets into powder. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to your face for 10 minutes.

Succinic acid scrub: recipe

Scrub with succinic acid
Deep cleansing of the skin is possible with the help of special scrubs that contain succinic acid for women. You will need a couple of tablets that are added to your regular cleanser. The powder will not dissolve in it and will become something like an abrasive. By the way, you can also add them to the finished scrub. This way its effect will be enhanced.

It is important to apply the product to clean skin. First wash your face with warm water and remove all makeup. Scrub the skin with massage movements, and then rinse off the entire composition. At the very end, apply moisturizer.

You need to use the scrub 2-3 times a week. But the amount is considered large for dry skin. Just one procedure will be enough for her.

What problems can be solved

The use of succinic acid at home will bring the desired result only with constant use.

  1. It affects all layers of the skin, restores and regulates vital processes not only in active cells, but also in those that have already lost activity. Thus, under the influence of amber, the cellular composition is rejuvenated, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin becomes elastic. Treated surfaces are less susceptible to the aging process.
  2. This procedure helps to get rid of dermatological problems, remove the effects of acne, “drown out” the source of irritation, and normalize metabolism.
  3. Amber-based compositions relieve puffiness, age spots, and stretch marks. Thus, the skin color becomes more even and acquires clear contours.
  4. Peeling with succinic acid at home has an effect on the prevention of colds and strengthens the immune system.
  5. Helps eliminate toxins and radioactive substances.
  6. It has a beneficial effect on the strength of vascular walls and improves blood circulation.

Long-term “collaboration” with succinic acid is suitable for all skin types and different age groups. This is not only regular skin care, but also an effective technique for preventing many dermatological problems and diseases.

Peeling with succinic acid at home: recipe

Succinic acid for women is quite suitable for peeling. It can be suitable even for sensitive skin because it is very gentle.

It is carried out as follows:

  • First of all, the skin is prepared. Remnants of cosmetics are removed from it. You also need to wash your face with a cleanser. At the end of the procedure, steam your face by holding it over the steam.
  • Then we proceed directly to peeling. To do this, crush three tablets. Dilute the resulting powder with water until a thick paste is obtained.
  • Apply the finished mixture to your face and massage lightly. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse off.

By the way, amber peeling is considered the most gentle of all other means. If you have oily skin, then the procedure can be done once a week. For dry ones, using once a month will be enough.

Procedure for cleaning with amber in the salon

Amber facial cleansing does not require a preparatory period and can be performed at any time of the year. This saves a lot of time and is convenient for busy patients. The entire peeling process does not take more than 30 minutes and is painless.

Amber peeling involves several stages:

  1. Cleansing the epidermis of dirt, dust particles and fatty deposits of the glands. At this stage, the skin is treated with a tonic and degreasing solution. At the discretion of the cosmetologist, vacuum or hardware cleaning may be additionally performed.
  2. Vaporization – helps to expand pores and soften fibers. In a word, make it as easy as possible for the acid to reach the inner layers of the skin. Both warm compresses and steam inhalation can be used for this. The time of thermal exposure depends on the type of skin: for dry, thin skin it is 7 minutes, for oily skin it is about 20 minutes, and for normal skin it is 10–15 minutes. To get rid of excess moisture, you need to blot your face with a paper napkin. If there is rosacea on the face, vaporization is not carried out, and pore expansion is achieved with a special gel mask.
  3. Applying a peeling product - distribute the preparation in an even layer onto the prepared skin. Keep the composition on the face for up to 15 minutes, then rinse with water.
  4. Additional hydration and nutrition - succinic acid perfectly cleanses pores, increases the ability of the epidermis to absorb nutritional components, so it is recommended to apply a moisturizing or nourishing mask after cleansing.
  5. At the end of the procedure, sunscreen with a high level of SPF is applied.

Many beauty salons offer a gluconic-amber facial peeling procedure. Its difference is that the peeling agent contains gluconic acid. Its action is aimed at additional moisturizing and smoothing the relief. Therefore, the procedure is ideal for dry or mature skin.

How to dissolve and add succinic acid to face cream?

Cream with succinic acid
Succinic acid enhances the effect of regular creams. So it can enhance the effect of daily care products. This is very easy to do, especially since you don’t have to add anything to the packaging itself.

  • To begin, dissolve the succinic acid tablet well in a teaspoon of water. Place the mixture in a glass because it will take a couple of hours
  • When the tablet dissolves, feel free to add the cream. Approximately 20 ml will be required

That's all! Your cream will now be more effective. Store it in the refrigerator to prevent it from spoiling.

Succinic acid for women: contraindications

Succinic acid is also good for women because it has a minimum of contraindications:

  • First of all, it’s worth talking about allergies. As a rule, it does not appear, and therefore the product is absolutely safe for any skin. Typically, an allergic reaction occurs when the skin is too sensitive. So it appears extremely rarely, in most cases the drug is well tolerated.
  • If you have any damage to your skin, for example, acne, then do not use the product. Until they pass, it is better to refuse to carry out any procedures.
  • You should not use the drug during pregnancy either.

Most often, side effects appear only when women take pills and do not use them as part of masks. The fact is that they use too much and this is an overdose. Well, this is where side effects appear.

Cost of the biorevitalization procedure

The price for this service depends on a number of factors: the region of the Russian Federation, the qualifications of the cosmetologist, the salon’s pricing policy, the solvency of its target audience, and hardware equipment.

The minimum price threshold for biorevitalization using a high-quality drug starts from 5,000-7,000 rubles per session. Often, when concluding an agreement for repeated courses, salons offer clients discounts.

Skin care after the procedure

Post-treatment recommendations speed up the recovery process and prolong the success achieved.

· Do not use decorative cosmetics for 2 days.

· Use care products approved by a cosmetologist.

· Do not touch the skin with your hands, do not press on papules, pimples, etc.

· Arnica-based preparations are suitable for getting rid of hematomas.

· If the cosmetologist recommended taking antiviral drugs 3 days before the procedure, then they are taken the same amount after its completion.

· Within 7 days, refuse eyebrow correction or hair removal of the treated area.

· Do not go to fitness, sauna, or swimming pool for the same amount of time if biorevitalization was injected.

· Taking a bath is replaced by a warm shower.

· Limit exposure to the sun for 14 days.

· It makes sense to stop drinking alcohol at first. It dehydrates the body and worsens the effect of the procedure.

After a couple of days, all traces of manipulation are visually smoothed out. And the freshness and youth of the skin delights from 3 months to a year, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

Succinic acid for the face: reviews from cosmetologists

Cosmetologists claim that succinic acid gives a very good effect for women. Good reviews are due to two facts:

  • First of all, the product is inexpensive. Its price is very small, and the effect is amazing.
  • Even if it is not as expected, the costs are still not large. In addition, negative reactions occur very rarely.
  • Succinic acid makes other substances that are part of the mask work.

But there are also some negative aspects. If you want to remove a large and old scar, then nothing will work. The remedy will not cope with it. The remedy is also powerless for serious age-related changes. Among other things, in addition to acid, it is always important to take additional care of your skin. Without this, you will not achieve any effect.

Indications for use

Succinic acid is used in cosmetology for:

  • low density, poor elasticity of fabrics;
  • uneven color, relief;
  • loss of elasticity, age-related changes;
  • swelling, pastiness.

The substance can also be used for prevention. It prevents aging, improves the condition and appearance of the skin. These characteristics make succinic acid in demand in the cosmetic industry and for home use. You can make masks, tonics, creams, and other caring products with it yourself. The main thing is regularity of use; the procedure can be done in courses.

To achieve maximum results, 0.5-3% acid is used to prepare masks.

Succinic acid for the face: user reviews

Succinic acid for women is a universal remedy, and there are quite a lot of positive reviews about it. We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of them:

Review 1

Review 2

Review 3

Review 4

Review 5

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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