Retinol peeling Arcadia: who is this procedure suitable for?

Deep cleansing of the skin using retinol (retinoic) or yellow peeling is a popular procedure. The technique allows you to exfoliate the dead, non-functioning layer of epidermal cells, improve tissue health, improve skin functioning, whiten skin, and correct age-related changes. The intervention is performed with the help of retinol (retinoic acid), which gives the skin a characteristic yellowish color, provoking active peeling with subsequent renewal of the surface. Depending on the composition and aggressiveness of the effect, you can perform superficial, medium or deep cleansing. The procedure is carried out by cosmetologists, but light versions of yellow peeling can be performed independently. Russian retinol peeling Arcadia is a universal product that combines the work of a doctor in a responsible part with home restorative care.

Description of peeling

Retinol peeling Carrot's peel from the Russian beauty laboratory "Arcadia" was proposed by the manufacturer in 2011. The option is highly effective, successfully combined with comfort, minimal invasiveness of the procedure, and a soft, predictable post-peeling period.

The substance contains:

  • retinol (exfoliation, inhibition of aging, participation in the regulation of sebum secretion, protection against the destruction of collagen fibers, stimulation of the formation of fresh protein components of the skin, antioxidant protection);
  • beta-carotene or proretinol (supporting skin firmness, elasticity, preventing aging, protecting against vascular blockage);
  • retinol esters (vitamin A accumulation, prolongation of the beneficial effect of exfoliation);
  • ascorbic acid or vitamin C (anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, whitening effect, stimulation of regeneration, acceleration of collagen synthesis, improvement of vascular permeability);
  • tocopherol acetate or vitamin E (antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, restorative effect, stimulation of proper tissue functioning, absorption of vitamin A, prevention of oxidation);
  • Hesperdin (strengthening, protecting capillaries).

Note! The product has an orange color and colors the skin in a characteristic reddish tone, typical of a fresh tan. The tint appears immediately after the procedure and is gradually washed off.

Carrot's peel from Arkady is sold in sets containing:

  • peeling gel 10 ml;
  • restoring cream 10 ml;
  • cream with SPF30 10 ml;
  • concentrate with panthenol 2 ampoules of 2 ml.

Consistent use of substances according to the manufacturer’s protocol specified in the instructions for peeling will allow you to obtain the promised result without complications. You can buy Arcadia retinol peeling on the company’s official website, but you will need proof of professionalism. Each Carrot's peel set from Arkady is designed for 2 procedures.

Indications for use

Arcadia retinol peeling is indicated for any age starting from 18 years. Cosmetologists advise starting anti-aging exfoliation no earlier than 35 years.

There is no dependence on skin type. The procedure will be an excellent preventive or therapeutic measure. Yellow peeling will have a beneficial effect on the appearance and condition of the skin. Cosmetologists recommend a procedure using Arkady retinol peeling for:

  • treatment of acne of varying severity (from mild to moderate);
  • eliminating post-acne spots, hyperpigmentation;
  • preventing photoaging;
  • prevention, correction of age-related changes (wrinkles);
  • getting rid of hyperkeratosis;
  • regulation of impaired sebum secretion;
  • deep cleansing of pores (presence of sebaceous plugs, blackheads, comedones);
  • slowing down the aging process (loss of firmness, elasticity of the skin, ptosis);
  • returning your face to a fresh, healthy look.

The doctor will determine the possibility of solving existing skin problems in a particular case. The cosmetologist will assess the condition of the skin, recommend ways to combat disorders, and develop an individual treatment regimen.

Who is this method recommended for?

It is important to know what problems and skin defects the retinol peeling procedure will relieve in order to decide on the final choice of the most suitable exfoliation procedure.

Retinol peeling is recommended for:

  • pronounced hyperpigmentation;
  • age-related changes in the form of shallow wrinkles;
  • skin photoaging;
  • consequences of acne;
  • heterogeneous relief of the skin surface.

Efficiency of application

Arcadia retinol peeling is recognized as a fast, effective way to improve skin quality. The procedure is characterized by maximum comfort during the intervention period, in comparison with other options for the yellow type of exfoliation, and is characterized by a minimum amount of inconvenience during recovery.

To achieve optimal results, 2 sessions of retinol exfoliation are sufficient. In difficult cases (problematic, aging skin), a cosmetologist may prescribe a more intensive course of procedures. Positive changes are noticeable after the first intervention:

  • the face becomes fresher and takes on a healthy appearance;
  • freckles and age spots lighten;
  • pores are cleansed, the number of rashes is reduced;
  • the number of wrinkles is reduced, deep creases become less noticeable;
  • scars and stretch marks are smoothed out;
  • Pores are reduced, the problem of excessive oiliness and dry skin disappears;
  • tissues reach optimal tone, sagging becomes less noticeable, and a slight lifting effect is visible.

Retinol exfoliation procedures are carried out 1–2 weeks apart. It is recommended to perform the intervention on the eve of the weekend (preferably on Wednesday, Thursday), providing the skin with the opportunity for a calm recovery. Before the Arkady retinol peeling course, as well as in anticipation of any other yellow exfoliation option, preparation of the integument is necessary. The process will take 2–4 weeks.


The effect becomes noticeable a week after the sessions and lasts for six months. Moreover, this effect will only improve over time. The acid burns the keratinized top layer of skin and promotes the creation of a new layer, without wrinkles and other problems. The skin tone will become even, and blackheads and pimples will disappear.

The number of sessions depends on the age and characteristics of the skin. For some people, one time is enough, while others need to do three courses after twenty days and 40 days to get results. For them, the course of sessions lasts one and a half months.

To maintain the achieved effect, sessions should be carried out once a year or six months. After sessions, a recovery period is required, so it is better not to do sessions 12 days before special meetings or important events.

Professional and home treatment options

It is permissible to carry out yellow peeling yourself. To do this, you need to carefully study the rules for performing the intervention, stock up on the necessary materials, and strictly follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

To prevent complications and complaints, many manufacturers limit the free sale of chemical peels. You will have to make the composition yourself or choose an option from those available for sale.

A professional cosmetologist will perform the procedure in strict accordance with the protocol. Doctors must be trained to work with the substance used. The cosmetologist will assess the condition of the skin, select the correct scheme for applying the composition, and calculate the details of the course. The only inconvenience of professional performance: the duration of the session. It is recommended to discuss all the nuances and possible options with your doctor in advance.

About the product

It belongs to a type of chemical peeling, which means that the active acids in its composition act on the skin pores. This component is Retinol. In general, the mechanism of action of Retinol has features that distinguish it from other similar cleansers. For example, Retinol and its components do not harm the skin pores in any way or affect the functioning of proteins. Its effect extends more to basal keratinocytes with melanocytes, as well as fibroblasts:

  • So it gradually increases the level of mitotic activity of these basal keratinocytes;

  • It has a positive effect by normalizing all processes of differentiation with keratinization within the epidermis;
  • Also stimulates the natural synthesis of epidermal lipids;
  • Causes activation of the synthesis of components in the intercellular matrix inside the dermis;
  • Reduces skin production of melanin;
  • Stimulates natural angiogenesis;
  • It has a negative effect by reducing the total number of all atypical cells.

Yes, chemical peels act on a larger scale; their task is not only to remove dirt from clogged pores, but also to launch natural processes inside the skin. Retinol gradually slows down age-related changes, reduces existing pigmentation, improving the overall texture and, accordingly, the relief of the skin.

Cimel is considered a superficial peeling, its action does not extend below the dermis, and in its results it is more of a cleanser with a medium action.

According to the results of histological studies, the effect of Retinol is long-term, it lasts for another 4 months. Peeling safety has also been proven for patients with sensitive or painful skin, because Cimel uses Retinol itself, and not its acid, as in other types of chemical peels. In addition to it, the peeling contains kojic acid, thanks to its merits, pigment spots are gradually reduced.

Preparing for the session

A preliminary visit to a cosmetologist will be a prerequisite for a successful preparatory stage. The doctor will collect an anamnesis, prescribe additional tests if necessary, perform an allergy test, assess the condition of the integument, and indicate a list of measures that must be performed. Typically the list includes:

  • refusal to tan (for fair-skinned people up to 2 weeks, for dark-skinned people up to 4 weeks);
  • using products with fruit acids in home care, conducting 1–2 sessions of mild peeling (the glycolic version is often used), including cosmetics with a low content of retinoids;
  • preliminary mesotherapy (biorevitalization) for excessive dryness and flabbiness of the integument;
  • preventive treatment for a high tendency to herpes and other diseases with a high probability of exacerbation after exfoliation.

Retinol exfoliation is not done during pregnancy, at the stage of planning conception. This must be taken into account when preparing for the course. The intervention is also not carried out on damaged, irritated skin. Before the session, it is recommended to protect the skin from microtraumas.

important! Retinol peeling Arcadia is preferably carried out in the autumn-winter period. This will simplify the recovery task. When performing the intervention in the summer, you will have to use cosmetics with increased ultraviolet protection and avoid being in the sun.

During the preparation period, it is important to avoid systemic retinoids, vitamin A, and surface application of high concentration substances.

Progress of the procedure

The Arcadia retinol peeling process is clearly regulated, but the cosmetologist performing the session can vary the time frame depending on the condition of the patient’s skin. This is the main danger of performing such procedures independently. Not everyone will be able to “guess” the required parameters.

Before the procedure, the cosmetologist performs a visual inspection of the skin. After thorough superficial cleansing, the skin assessment is complemented by examination using a special lamp and magnifying glass. If viral warts, active herpes, or molluscum contagiosum are detected, the procedure is not performed.

Apply to clean skin using a special Carrot's peel brush. Affects the base surface, neck and décolleté. The substance is also applied to the eyelids, retreating 2-3 mm from the eyelash edge. Peeling is not applied to the eyebrows; they are removed from the hairline.

The treated surface is covered with film. The patient is left in this state for 15–60 minutes (determined individually by the cosmetologist). During the period of intense exposure, no serious discomfort occurs. A slight tingling sensation and mild hyperemia may occur. After the selected period, excess product is removed from the surface with a napkin. The skin is not rinsed with water or smeared with anything additional.

The cosmetologist stipulates the rules of skin care and behavior during the recovery period. The components of the Carrot's peel kit, intended for home use, are given to the patient. The client goes home with a “beautiful” yellowish mask on his face.

Healing period

The patient will have to remove the peeling themselves. The timing of the final effect will be determined by the cosmetologist. The time interval varies between 2–6 hours. It is recommended to follow the instructions determined by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Carrot's peel from Arkady is washed off with plain water. After delicate cleansing of the surface, it is recommended to wipe the skin with a mild tonic that does not contain acids or alcohol. For the first 3–5 days, step 2 is used as a day cream: a product with SPF from the set. For night care use step 3: restoring cream. For increased skin sensitivity, use a concentrate with panthenol.

In the first 2–3 days, mild edema may appear (usually in the eye area), hyperemia, swelling, and a feeling of skin tightness. The covers acquire a shade of fresh tan. There is an impression of recent long-term exposure to the sun: the sensation is similar to an insolation burn.

Peeling begins on days 2–3. Itching may occur. The skin peels off in small pieces or comes off in large layers. Help the process: do not scratch or rip off scabs. This can lead to tissue injury.

The cosmetologist will warn against:

  • tanning (30 days after the procedure);
  • use of abrasive and chemical products (3–10 days);
  • cosmetics containing alcohol, fruit acids (3–7 days);
  • eyebrow and eyelash coloring (2–3 days).

On the day of the procedure, you should also not be exposed to heat (bath, hot shower), drink alcohol, exotic food, play sports, or wear makeup.

After 7–10 days, the peeling is completely completed, all unpleasant sensations are eliminated. At this time, repeated intervention is recommended.

Cost of exfoliation in the salon

Arkady's retinol peeling as a professional intervention performed by a cosmetologist is estimated at 4–6 thousand rubles. The price includes a full range of products, including home care products.

The specified amount is charged for 2 consecutive procedures of the yellow exfoliation option.

Patients often think that the intervention is elementary: everyone can cope with the application of the substance. This is a misconception. Not only the process of distributing the composition is important, but also the exposure time frame, which may differ depending on the current condition of the skin. Mistakes are fraught with various complications.

Prices for services

Name of servicePrice
Primary appointment (examination, consultation) with a dermatovenerologist1800 rub.
Repeated appointment (examination, consultation) with a leading specialist dermatovenerologist2000 rub.
Primary appointment (examination, consultation) with a leading specialist dermatovenerologist2300 rub.
Dermatological retinoic peeling5200 rub.

Precautionary measures

Arkadia retinol peeling is not performed if contraindications are found:

  • period of pregnancy, lactation;
  • individual intolerance to components;
  • exacerbation of dermatological problems;
  • herpes;
  • violation of the integrity of the integument;
  • severe liver disease;
  • taking vitamin A, retinoids.

The procedure is not performed in case of a fresh tan, low immune status, active course of any disease, or during the period of planning conception.

There are no serious complications after Carrot's peel from Arkady, if the substance is used correctly. Mild hyperemia, swelling, swelling, and itching are possible during the period of tissue detachment. Active peeling takes 2–3 days and later begins on the neck.

Attention! The appearance of severe burning, pain, and the development of profuse redness while waiting for the peeling to take effect should alert you and make you think about the incorrect course of the process.

Possible complications

Most often, this type of peeling is well tolerated by the skin, but sometimes complications arise in the form of:

  1. Peeling and itching that disappear within 2 days;
  2. Swelling of the face, which goes away within a few days;
  3. Rashes on the surface of the skin that appear in patients with liver diseases, therefore, before the procedure, they are advised to use appropriate medications - hepatoprotectors;
  4. High sensitivity of the epidermis, which is associated with a particularly long recovery period, which is not typical for this technique;
  5. Exacerbation of herpes infection, successfully treated with antiviral drugs.

Advantages and disadvantages

Arcadia retinol peeling is considered more comfortable compared to similar procedures using formulations based on retinol or its derivatives.

In this case, the option has no less noticeable effect. Carrot's peel Arcadia acts more gently at the time of exposure to the composition, during the recovery period after the intervention.

The disadvantage of Arcadia retinol peeling is the difficulty of purchasing the substance for home use for a wide range of buyers. The procedure kit is designed for 2 sessions. It is not possible to purchase the product for 1 intervention.


The main advantage of retinoic peeling is the ability to use the products even on sensitive skin, since they have a gentle, gentle effect, minimizing the risk of complications, trauma and pain. The rejuvenation effect is noticeable after 2 procedures. The method is most effective if hyperpigmentation is actively combated. Complete rehabilitation after the procedure occurs on the fourth day. The product can be used even in summer, and if the skin does not have a tan.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors often do the yellow version of exfoliation. The option offered by Arcadia receives positive and negative reviews. In most cases, they want to work with a brand product. The substance acts gently and brings good results.

The cosmetologist did not like the option from Arkady.

The cosmetologist liked the version of the Arcadia brand.

Patient reviews

Many people do yellow peeling: the procedure is popular among patients. Reactions to intervention vary. Most patients do not like the process, the recovery period, but are satisfied with the results. Not everyone has the desire to repeat the procedure.

There is an effect, but the scale was expected to be larger.

The patient complains of allergies.

The patient did it and has no desire to repeat it.

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