Who can benefit from milk peeling and how to do it at home

You will undoubtedly be pleasantly surprised when you find out how beneficial milk peeling is for your facial skin. In cosmetology, it is one of the most effective drugs for combating skin imperfections.

And that's why:

  • Lactic acid is an integral part of the skin's constituent components (natural moisturizing factor - NMF);
  • Moisturizes, brightens, soothes the skin, reduces inflammatory manifestations, and also has an exfoliating effect;
  • Refers to “summer” acids, that is, milk peeling can be used all year round;

Milk peeling is a targeted action on the skin with the aim of rejuvenating, moisturizing and superficially cleansing the skin, combating superficial wrinkles.

Indications and contraindications

However, milk peeling is a cosmetic procedure, and not a panacea for all facial imperfections. Therefore, it has both indications and contraindications.


Here are some facial problems you need to run to a cosmetologist for milk peeling:

  • photoaging;
  • dark spots;
  • decreased tone and dyshidrosis of the skin;
  • the appearance of superficial facial wrinkles;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • acne - comedonal form of I degree;
  • seborrhea.


Here's what milk peeling is incompatible with:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • presence of injuries on the face;
  • inflammatory foci in the active phase;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, neurodermatitis, rosacea and others);

Session Stages

If you decide to undergo milk peeling, it is recommended to prepare for the procedure in advance - you should avoid being in direct sunlight for at least two weeks. Sometimes daily use of a low lactic or fruit acid cream is required.

During the procedure, the cosmetologist carefully removes makeup and treats the skin with a preparation with a low content of active substance - this is necessary to preliminary soften the epidermis and remove keratinized scales.

Then the specialist applies concentrated acid to the face in two stages for a period of 10 to 40 minutes. The concentration varies from 30 to 90 percent and is selected individually, taking into account the condition of the epidermis and its sensitivity.

The specialist monitors the patient’s reaction to the drug; if signs of burns are observed, the solution must be immediately neutralized. If the reaction of the epidermis is normal, then in the following procedures it is possible to use a more concentrated drug.

The session ends by washing off the active substance with cold water and applying a moisturizing mask - most often an alginate algae mask is used. Then moisturizer is applied. Milky peeling is completely painless; some patients note a slight burning sensation in the first minute after applying the drug.

What happens during milk peeling

When using milk facial peeling, there is an increase in the intercellular matrix of hyaluronic acid and proteins, which are the structural elements of cells.

The procedure also helps to increase the thickness of the papillary layer of the dermis, which leads to an increase in the length of the dermal-epidermal junction. And this suggests the following: the exchange of oxygen, nutrients and waste between the avascular epidermis and the vascularized dermis will occur more actively.

One of the important properties of lactic acid is its ability to accelerate the process of cell renewal of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

This is of great importance for various dermatological diseases, which are based on a violation of the keratinization process.

In addition to all of the above, lactic acid is able to regulate the pH of the skin towards an acidic environment. It will be an excellent addition in the treatment of dermatitis, acne, and fungal infections.

ATTENTION! Preparations based on lactic acid should not be used if the blood pH is below normal (oily skin - pH <4.0, normal skin - pH <5.2, dry skin - pH <5.7). Changes in pH values ​​towards the acidic side can be observed with various skin diseases, for example, psoriasis.

Benefits of Ultraceuticals Products

Ultraceuticals milk peeling contains only completely safe ingredients.
The base is natural lactic acid. Normally, it is found in healthy skin and increases the production of ceramides, substances that form the barrier layer. The drug is completely biocompatible, has a mild effect, so the procedure is comfortable for the patient and well tolerated. Ultraceuticals peeling compositions have undergone multi-stage clinical trials and have proven their effectiveness in practice. They are used by cosmetologists all over the world.

Advantages and disadvantages

Lactic acid is an excellent product that helps make your skin look flawless and get rid of many problems. But still, peeling based on lactic acid will not get rid of all possible changes in the skin of the face, although it will help prevent and slow down their occurrence.

Cosmetologists include the following advantages of lactic acid-based peeling:

  • intensively moisturizes the skin;
  • easily removes dead skin cells;
  • smoothes superficial wrinkles;
  • skin tone improves significantly;
  • fights pigment spots;
  • the relief of the skin is evened out;
  • the rehabilitation period after peeling is minimal;
  • can be carried out all year round;
  • versatility of peeling for skin types;
  • pronounced comedolytic and bacteriostatic effect.

But milk peeling also has disadvantages:

  • although rare, an allergic rash to the components of the drug does occur;
  • deep wrinkles cannot be corrected.

As you can see, the disadvantages are minor. We can say that there are none at all: allergies can happen to everything, and to combat serious age-related changes, there are medium and deep peels.

By the way, you can find out what type of aging your skin will change in order to choose the right care!

Brand Mediderma

Mediderma company has a wide range of chemical peels, including milk peels. Mediderma produces about forty types of chemical peels, ranging from superficial to deep.

Any product from this manufacturer is a first-class and high-quality drug, created using the latest technologies, as well as in accordance with European standards for the manufacture of cosmetic and pharmaceutical products.

Here are a few products from this company:

1.Milk peeling “LACTIPEEL”

This product is based on lactic acid and is an ideal product for moisturizing and cleansing the skin. Its effect is delicate, but at the same time its penetrating ability does not decrease.

It is this that allows beneficial components to penetrate the layers of the dermis and moisturize the skin at a deep level. It is best suited for dry and dehydrated skin, smoothes and tightens wrinkles, and has a brightening effect. Cost: 2500 rubles.

2.Peeling “Argipeel”

Contains: allantoin, lactic acid, arganine, urea. This peeling is suitable for pigmented and particularly sensitive skin. As a result, it significantly improves skin microcirculation, reduces the depth of static wrinkles and improves overall skin tone. Cost: 900 rubles.

How to do milk peeling - step by step

Preparatory stage

On the eve of the procedure, you must avoid the solarium and hide your face from the sun's rays.

For three days, cosmetologists advise using lactic acid-based creams for gradual adaptation and, as a result, minimal side effects after the procedure.

Carrying out the procedure

  • First, clean the skin. To carry out the procedure, a prerequisite is the presence of clean skin, which ensures uniform application of the drug to all areas of the skin.
  • Toning. It is necessary to degrease and tone the skin.
  • Pre-peeling. A special gel is applied to the face to prepare the skin for the application of lactic acid.
  • Direct peeling. The drug is applied to the skin of the face, except for areas around the eyes and mouth, with a fan-shaped brush and cotton swabs. The drug should be applied in stages (forehead, temple, cheeks, then neck and décolleté, chin, around the mouth, nose, area around the eyes), in one or two layers with an interval of 10 minutes.

Exposure time depends on the expected depth of penetration of the drug (layers of the epidermis, dermis) - 2-20 minutes.

  • Neutralization process. By applying a special composition, peeling is neutralized and water balance is restored.

Important! You can wash off any remaining products from your face only with cool water. Warm and, especially, hot water combined with lactic acid can cause skin irritation.

  • Moisturizing and calming stage. To restore, calm, activate regeneration processes, as well as eliminate swelling, use appropriate masks and creams. Immediately after the procedure, be sure to apply a cream that contains SPF 30 or more.

Further skin care

You need to give your skin rest and the opportunity to recover. In the first few days, it is recommended to apply exclusively a moisturizer with an SPF of at least 30.

To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to take a course, which on average consists of 3 – 10 sessions with an interval of 8 – 14 days. This peeling can be repeated several times a year.

The recovery period lasts only a few days, but you must strictly follow the cosmetologist’s recommendations to achieve the maximum effect of the procedure.

Cosmetic line TianDe

Tiande is an international brand that has established itself in the beauty industry. It is a collection of cosmetics developed on the basis of recipes of ancient oriental medicine and at the same time incorporating the latest developments of scientists.

The Tiande brand produces more than 500 types of products, which include face, body, hair care products, decorative cosmetics, peelings and much more. The main producers are quite large state-owned enterprises in China, which have international quality certificates.

Here is one of the products from this company: Universal peeling “Milk”.

  • It contains: protein, vitamin complex, whole milk and alpha hydroxy acids.
  • This product helps to effectively cleanse the skin, improve blood circulation and metabolic processes.
  • Whitens, evens out the overall skin tone, nourishes, moisturizes, returns natural color and increases skin elasticity.

Cost: 240 rubles.

Side effects

Like all cosmetic preparations, milk peeling has its side effects:

  • Severe redness, which is most often observed in those with sensitive skin. This can be easily corrected with Panthenol cream;
  • A burning sensation during peeling, which disappears during the neutralization stage;
  • After the procedure, slight peeling of the skin is observed in the first 2 to 4 days;
  • Minor redness of the skin, which goes away on its own within a few days;
  • It is extremely rare that burns can occur as a result of an unprofessionally performed procedure.

How is the recovery period going?

After peeling, slight redness is observed, which may last for several days. Over the course of a week, the epidermis actively peels off; it is necessary to endure this period and, if possible, not touch your face with your hands. It is also undesirable to use cosmetics at this time.

The appearance of the skin allows you to maintain a normal lifestyle during the recovery period, just do not forget to apply sunscreen before going outside. It is not recommended to resort to other cosmetic methods in the first weeks after peeling, or to visit the gym or sauna.

How to perform milk peeling at home

Peeling based on lactic acid is one of the most delicate, so it can be done even at home. Before carrying out this procedure, carefully read and become familiar with the stages of peeling.

Carefully! Be sure to follow all instructions listed. Before applying peeling, you need to do a tolerance test . To do this, apply a small amount of the drug to the inner surface of the forearm and observe the reaction. If after a few minutes there are no negative reactions in the form of severe burning or itching, then you can safely begin the procedure.

To prepare the peeling you will need lactic acid , it can be purchased in the form of a solution with a concentration of 40% and 80%, and water .

How to calculate how much acid and water you need to take to get the desired concentration? Let's start with the fact that it is not recommended to use peeling at home with a concentration of more than 20%. A 4% or 10% solution is best.

How to obtain a solution with the desired concentration of lactic acid

Let's consider the example of a 40% lactic acid solution.

  • To get 10g of 4% peeling, you need to take 1g of acid and 9g of water (4x10:40).
  • To get 10g of 10% peeling, you need to take 2.5g of acid and 7.5g of water (10x10:40).

After preparing the product, you need to clean and tone the skin, then apply peeling for 2-5 minutes and use cool water to rinse the product off your face and moisturize with cream.

Regular use of milk peeling will make your skin moisturized, radiant, and help get rid of fine wrinkles, acne and age spots.

Advantages of this procedure

When talking about milk peeling, one cannot fail to note the advantages that set it apart from other similar cosmetic procedures. Perhaps the main advantage is that the use of lactic acid practically does not cause discomfort or pain.

After the manipulations, the client does not need to sit at home for a long time and be afraid to go out. There is no such active peeling of the skin as with other types of peeling, since the keratinized cells disappear in the form of completely invisible layers.

Short rehabilitation period is one of the advantages of the procedure

The milk peeling procedure in cosmetology often does not require preliminary preparation at home, since the manipulations are quite gentle. Quite often, this event is included in a set of preparatory measures for any radical cosmetological manipulations.

If we compare lactic peeling with similar manipulations that involve the use of other acids, then lactic acid does not dry out at all. On the contrary, the substance supplies the skin structures with the necessary moisture, activates cell protection and restoration.

Lactic acid does not dry out the skin

This acid is not sensitive to sunlight, so it is advisable to use it in any month of the year. You need to remember that in the summer it is best to use sunscreen with a protection factor of SPF 30. You also need to carefully listen to the advice of a cosmetologist - this way you will protect yourself from unwanted effects. It is best to avoid the sun and not overheat.

You will be able to notice the first changes after the first peeling - the skin will be pleasant to the touch, its surface will be evened out, and the shade will become healthy. Consider an important factor: using lactic acid for this type of peeling will not correct serious skin defects.

The first procedure is enough to see the first changes

Since the effect of peeling is gentle and gentle, there is no need to purchase a huge amount of skincare cosmetics. All you need to do is get some nourishing cream and sunscreen.

After the procedure, you can use products that contain lactic acid.

Milk peeling is optimal for various parts of the body; it is designed to solve a wide range of problems - everything depends on the concentration and pH of a particular drug.

In general, the acid used does not pose a particular danger to those with dark or dark skin, since heavy pigmentation caused by the procedure occurs very rarely. Since peeling does not involve the use of abrasive particles, it is suitable for clients who have sensitive skin that is susceptible to such influences.

This procedure is suitable even for dark-skinned people.

Benefit and action

Lactic acid is related to our skin and is therefore considered safe for it.

It can bring many benefits - maintain the correct pH balance, increase the immunity of the epidermis, and promote its hydration.

The advantage of milk cleansing is safety and at the same time effectiveness .

This cleansing will give a decent exfoliating effect, moisturizing, rejuvenation, evening out the overall tone of the face, whitening the epidermis, and a slight mattifying effect due to gentle but effective cleansing.

This procedure has an antimicrobial and protective effect . Another advantage of peeling is its softness.

This procedure does not require large expenses, a long recovery period and special care after cleansing. This is explained by the fact that the concentration of lactic acid in home remedies or products presented on store shelves is very low.

This makes the home cleansing procedure more gentle and safe, although the results from such products will not be visible immediately after cleansing .

The skin will respond slowly and gently to the same gentle procedure. For a more active, obvious effect, it is better to contact cosmetologists ; only they will be able to carry out the cleansing procedure correctly and without consequences.

This is what the face looks like in the photo before and after the procedure:

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