Gold threads for the face and neck: features and comparison with other mesothreads

As we age, our body changes. Changes affect every organ, every cell. Affect all processes.

One of the changes caused by age is called gravitational ptosis. To put it simply: this is sagging facial skin caused by impaired production of collagen and elastin.

You can fight ptosis using different methods. Today I want to talk about non-surgical thread lifting, suitable for people who are afraid of deep surgical manipulations/

What it is?

Our ancestors used gold in medicine back in the tenth century AD. The Tibetans were considered recognized masters of treating ailments with the help of this metal. Naturally, they didn’t even talk about lifting then. Facelift with gold threads as a method of correcting age-related changes appeared a little more than a century ago.

Over time, the method has not lost popularity. Moreover, it has established itself as one of the most effective.

Gold was not chosen by chance. This inert metal does not cause allergic reactions. And its ions effectively eliminate signs of aging.

The gold thread used in the procedure is a thin wire made of high-grade gold. Its diameter is 0.1 mm.

The threads are implanted under the skin. In the process, they form a golden mesh - a support for facial tissues.

The procedure eliminates wrinkles. The skin becomes smooth and velvety.

Because of its similarity to strengthening buildings with steel rebar, some refer to thread facelift as reinforcement.

About the results

Cosmetological gold threads are used for general skin rejuvenation, eliminating wrinkles, folds and stopping the aging process. The mesotherapeutic effect of gold reinforcement makes the skin firm, elastic and dense. Oxidation of gold in tissues stimulates skin regeneration and blood circulation, improves its nutrition, and removes toxins and waste. Gold activates the production of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin, improves the condition of the skin and the body as a whole.


Bruising and swelling are the most common consequences of gold reinforcement. These are natural phenomena that will go away on their own in a week or two. Discomfort at the sites where the threads are inserted also goes away quite quickly.

The first results from the procedure can be assessed already 1.5 months after the procedure. The full rehabilitation period lasts from two to three months. During this period, it is very important to restrain the manifestations of facial expressions, avoid exposure to heat, and control the amount of salt consumed (to avoid swelling). For the first few months after reinforcement, you cannot visit the dentist or hardware cosmetology office.


When is it appropriate to choose gold threads to correct changes? In different cases. The method allows you to work with various facial skin imperfections.

For example, gold threads are suitable for those who:

  • wants to slow down age-related changes. Such as loss of elasticity, wrinkles and folds on the face and décolleté.
  • wants to improve the structure and relief of the dermis. Stretched pores, bumps on the cheeks, forehead and temples are problems arising from pimples and acne, which can be eliminated with the help of threads.
  • suffers from pigmentation disorders. Pigment spots are not only caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays. Sometimes they are a consequence of hormonal and age-related changes. A lift with gold threads can eliminate them.
  • Already at 30 he thinks about possible age-related changes.

Rejuvenation schemes for ladies of elegant age

Here are the schemes that experts recommend:

Upper third of the face: botulinum toxin in wrinkles of the forehead, between the eyebrows, outer corners of the eyes and for the correction of ptosis (drooping) of the eyebrows. After 2 weeks, when the botulinum toxin “rises” - fillers into deep wrinkles, retraction in the temple area and for visual eyebrow lifting. After another 10 days - eyebrow thread lifting.

Middle third of the face: thread lift to correct ptosis. A month later - injection contour plasty: restoration of volume in place of lost adipose tissue, correction of the lacrimal, palpebromalar, midzygomatic groove, nasolabial fold. Botulinum toxin is rarely used in this area: to correct the so-called gingival smile, which exposes the gums.

Lower third of the face: botulinum toxin to relax the muscle that depresses the corners of the mouth and the subcutaneous muscle of the neck (allows you to slightly correct the lower jaw line). “Purse-string” wrinkles around the mouth are also corrected. After 2 weeks – thread lifting to eliminate ptosis. A month later - fillers in the oromental folds, purse-string wrinkles, ring wrinkles on the neck.


A facelift with golden threads cannot be called an operation. At its core, it is closer to cosmetic procedures. However, this does not mean that it has no contraindications.

It has. And the list is quite extensive:

  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation period
  • Age up to 30 years
  • Allergy to materials and medications used in the procedure
  • Oncology and some benign formations
  • Poor blood clotting
  • Endocrine system disorders
  • Skin infection
  • Inflammatory processes on the skin
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic diseases in the acute phase

Team of Doctors

But, of course, in each individual case, the doctor chooses specific methods and the sequence of their use, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s face. However, an integrated approach is always necessary, otherwise the result may be disappointing.

Thread lifting can be combined not only with the described techniques. After it, it is allowed to use laser (Fraxel), radio wave lifting (Thermage), biorevitalization, mesotherapy and other injection methods that speed up recovery.

Advantages of the method

Today, different materials are used for facelifts. Gold, fibers based on lactic acid, synthetic thermoplastic polymers and polycaprolactone.

Most materials give short-term results. The maximum a patient can expect is 4 years.

A frame made of gold threads will keep you youthful for 9-15 years.

And this is not its only advantage:

  • Gold improves blood circulation.
  • Gold prevents the formation of free radicals.
  • The procedure has a positive effect on complexion. Eliminates acne and pimples.
  • There is no need for general anesthesia.
  • The depth of manipulation eliminates injury to blood vessels.
  • Changes are noticeable within 14 days after implantation of threads. The maximum effect is revealed within 4-7 months.

How does the procedure work?

It is important to check the reputation of the clinic before proceeding and read reviews about the doctor’s work. You can only trust an experienced plastic surgeon or dermatocosmetologist who works exclusively with certified materials. The patient must make sure of the quality of the gold threads and check the expiration dates. The package is opened during the procedure. Reinforcement takes place on an outpatient basis, despite low trauma, minimal punctures, thread lifting is carried out only in a medical institution.


  1. The skin is cleaned using professional products. After makeup removal, treatment with an antiseptic is carried out and repeated several times to prevent side effects.
  2. Local anesthesia is administered and pain relief will minimize discomfort. The patient will feel tension in the threads under the skin and a slight burning sensation, but the manipulations do not cause pain.
  3. A special marker is used to mark lines, the diagrams of which serve as a guide when installing the threads.
  4. Using a triangular needle, a puncture is made, through which a thread is implanted to a depth of 3 mm. The doctor stitches the skin in different directions to form a mesh frame, the cell size is 1.5x1.5 cm.
  5. After the threads are tightened, the needles are removed.
  6. The puncture sites are carefully treated with an antiseptic solution, and sterile patches are applied.

Depending on aesthetic goals, installation is carried out from 1.5 to 3 m, the entire procedure takes from half an hour to 60 minutes. The patient does not need to stay in the medical center and can return home immediately after completion.

Staging schemes:

  • forehead area, bridge of the nose;
  • cheekbones, nasolabial triangle;
  • neck, décolleté.

Healing period

After the procedure, swelling, hematomas, and painful sensitivity are observed. During the first 2 weeks, bruising may persist and the temperature may rise. It is not possible to evaluate the results immediately; the effect is noticeable after 2–4 weeks, the tone and texture are evened out, the skin becomes elastic and toned. It gradually increases over six months and lasts from 5 to 10 years.

The disadvantage of gold threads is that they are installed for life, and removal causes many difficulties even for experienced surgeons due to the soldering of the material to the tissues. It is important to follow your doctor's recommendations to prevent side effects.

Recovery period:

  • the sterile patch is removed 1–2 days after implantation, until complete healing, the puncture areas are treated with an antiseptic alcohol-free solution;
  • skin care is carried out with professional cosmetics, without aggressive components and abrasive particles, it is not recommended to try new products so as not to provoke an allergic reaction;
  • you will have to sleep on a high pillow in a supine position for about a week;
  • For a month, you need to monitor your facial expressions, avoid making sudden chewing movements, and avoid playing sports, visiting the solarium, swimming pool, sauna, or the beach.

Alcohol consumption and smoking negatively affect the healing process. If, during normal course, swelling and bruising disappear within 10–14 days, if the regime is violated, it can persist for a month. After the effect has subsided, you can use absorbable threads that create a natural collagen framework.

Precautionary measures

To receive high-quality cosmetology services, it is very important to pay special attention to the choice of a specialist.

The final result depends on the doctor and his experience. When treated by a non-professional, patients are more likely to suffer from severe side effects and complications.

It is necessary to make sure that you have a higher medical education, license, and certificates to carry out such manipulations. The package with threads is opened immediately before the procedure; all instruments and materials used must be sterile.

Following the doctor's recommendations reduces the likelihood of unwanted consequences. Hyperemia of the skin, swelling of the tissues, and discomfort will disappear in a short time, and the patient will feel much better.

Side effects

If all manipulations are performed correctly, undesirable effects occur extremely rarely. However, the appearance of:

  • allergic reaction;
  • facial expression disorders;
  • facial oval deformations;
  • itching, peeling of the skin.

If a clinical picture occurs, you should consult a cosmetologist; additional treatment may be necessary.

Preparing for surgery

The procedure for thread lifting of the oral zone is preceded by a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist. The doctor verifies the need for manipulation and collects anamnesis to identify possible contraindications. If the decision is positive, the cosmetologist sets a day for the manipulation and gives recommendations on preparing for the session.

The patient is required to remain healthy. A week before surgery, avoid taking medications that affect blood quality. It is recommended to give up alcohol and smoking. It is advisable to lead a full healthy lifestyle. If you are prone to swelling and bruising, additional measures are taken to prevent their formation during thread lifting of the oral area.

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