Herpes: causes of the disease and methods of treatment

Reading time 6 min.

Many people periodically or constantly face such a rather unpleasant problem as herpes. Rashes appear due to the penetration of a rather unpleasant virus into the body, which remains forever after infection.

It cannot be destroyed, but you can try to minimize its manifestations or quickly respond to rashes.

Official medicine today, despite its progressiveness, has not yet invented a drug that would immediately remove unpleasant rashes. With the help of various ointments, you can stop the source of the inflammatory process and gradually heal it.

Doctors can give general recommendations that can help ensure that herpes appears as rarely as possible. For women's health, the herpes virus can become dangerous over time.

According to experts, frequent rashes on the lips or other organs, first of all, indicate a weakened immune system, so the first recommendations relate directly to strengthening it:

1. Vitamin complexes prescribed by a specialist should definitely be taken to improve immunity.

2. Proper and healthy nutrition will help the body cleanse itself of toxins and harmful substances. It is imperative to remove excess refined and fatty foods by adding the maximum amount of fresh vegetables and fruits to your diet.

3. Regular walks in the fresh air are a must, even in the busiest schedule. Even office workers can take a short walk to the nearest park during their lunch break.

These recommendations are simple, but if you really follow them, you can significantly increase your immunity level and improve the health of your entire body. In this case, if herpes appears, it will be very rare, but mostly it still ceases to bother those who follow a healthy and active lifestyle.

Folk advice, of course, comes to the fore in the treatment of herpes. Many people have family secrets on how to very quickly and effectively get rid of unpleasant redness on the lips, which constantly itches and causes terrible discomfort.


According to the World Health Organization, up to 90% of the world's population is infected with the herpes simplex virus. It can remain in the body for a long time without showing itself at all. With a decrease in immune strength, the disease makes itself felt in the form of colds on the lips, rashes on the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, eyeball and genitals. Content:

  • Classification and clinic of herpes
  • Causes
  • Routes of transmission of the herpes virus
  • Prevention and treatment of the disease
  • Precautionary measures
  • Should you see a doctor?

Herpes is a common and very unpleasant problem. It is impossible to completely remove it from the body, but you can take the right preventive measures and prevent the development of the disease.

Herpes - what causes it?

The risk of contracting an infection arises from a very early age, because there are a huge number of adults around a small child, most of whom are carriers of herpes. Infection can also occur in the womb of an infected mother.

So, what can cause herpes on the lips? Children (and adults) often become infected through kissing, as well as through sharing utensils. If you are near a person with herpes who coughs or sneezes, there is a high risk of infection through airborne droplets. In addition, the virus is transmitted sexually (primarily this concerns HSV-2). People who receive blood transfusions are also at risk.

Fortunately, most people infected with the herpes virus (about 80%) have an inactive form of the infection. However, there are factors that provoke a relapse - then the “sleeping” virus begins to actively multiply. So, some people regularly suffer from sores on their lips - the hated “cold” can appear 5-10 times a year. The cause of recurrence of the disease may be:

  • diseases – endocrine, viral and bacterial;
  • hypothermia;
  • stress;
  • exhaustion of the body;
  • overwork;
  • injuries;
  • metabolic disorders.

In women, another provoking factor is menstruation.

Classification and clinic of herpes

Regardless of the type, the infection manifests itself with such unpleasant symptoms as itching, tingling and a burning sensation in the area where herpetic blisters and ulcers occur.

Currently, the following types of herpes are distinguished:

  • Simple or 1st type.

The inactivated virus is concentrated in the nervous system; when conditions favorable to it arise (decreased immune defense), it manifests itself in the form of skin rashes. They are small bubbles filled with a clear liquid containing thousands of viral particles. During this period, the patient is very contagious to others.

Most often, rashes appear in the area of ​​the lips or nose, accompanied by itching and burning. After a few days, the bubbles open, exposing the erosive surface. The ulcer gradually becomes covered with a crust and disappears without a trace within 5-7 days.

  • Genital or type 2.

Clinical manifestations are similar to the previous version. The main difference is the localization of the rashes. Bubbles appear in the genital area. Genital herpes affects both men and women with equal frequency, usually during puberty.

The first contact with infection can occur in three ways:

  1. Latent – ​​without clinical manifestations.
  2. In the form of rashes on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and nasopharynx.
  3. ARVI with low-grade fever, headache, weakness and malaise.

After this, the herpes virus penetrates the nervous system and can manifest itself the next time either 1 month or 10 years after the initial infection. The main factor in its activation is a decrease in immunity, which is why it is so important to carry out preventive measures.


During the period when the body is affected by herpes simplex type 2, genital herpes appears. In this case, the following are observed:

  • - burning of the skin;
  • - redness of the genitals;
  • - rashes;
  • - increased temperature and general weakness (already at the initial stage).

In carriers of the infection, and this is half of the people, the nature of herpes is recurrent. The disease usually shows recurrence after about 6 months.

Herpes needs treatment, otherwise complications may arise. In pregnant women, the fetus may be infected. And the manifestation of this disease in the cervix leads to infertility. There are many other consequences.

Traditional treatment of herpes should be carried out according to a specific, experimentally proven scheme and be aimed at destroying the virus in several stages.

The first step is to direct your efforts:

  1. - to reduce the severity of the disease;
  2. - to reduce the duration of the itching sensation;
  3. - to reduce pain;
  4. - to get rid of fever.

At the next stage, the time required for complete healing of the affected areas should be reduced. After this, traditional treatment of herpes and treatment of herpes with folk remedies provide for a reduction in severity and recurrent nature during the course of the disease.

The final stage of treatment is the elimination of the infection, after which herpes does not appear again. In the medical treatment of this infectious disease, local antiviral drugs are used.

Helpful: Is it possible to cauterize herpes rashes?

When they are used, the herpes simplex virus is destroyed in the body, that is, the very cause of the disease is eliminated. For a more effective effect of such medications, it is recommended to use them at the first detection of rashes.

There is a special vaccine that is proposed to be used to prevent herpes. Using it will help prevent the spread of the virus.

There are different methods aimed at treating herpes with folk remedies. It is worth noting that traditional medicine has rich experience in this area. All methods are tested, and their effectiveness is confirmed by practice.

It is necessary to note the main directions:

  1. — external use of medicines;
  2. - use of vitamin decoctions;
  3. - treatment of herpes with folk remedies using herbs that have anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects.

The manifestation of herpes on the lips is very common. As soon as the manifestation of such a disease is noticed, treatment of herpes with folk remedies should immediately begin.

Remedy No. 1

To do this, apply an ice cube made from frozen natural coffee to your lips. Treating herpes on the lips with this method will help prevent the spread of the disease.

Remedy No. 2

To effectively treat herpes on the lips, you can prepare a healing mixture.

You will need:

  • - yogurt without sugar - half a teaspoon;
  • - instant coffee - teaspoon;
  • - flour - a tablespoon;
  • - natural honey - a tablespoon;
  • - garlic - two cloves.

You need to finely chop the garlic. Mix all ingredients well. It is necessary to lubricate the affected areas once a day. The ointment stays on the lips for a certain time, after which it falls off on its own. It is recommended to repeat the procedure.

Remedy #3 - Using Products

Some products will help you get rid of herpes quickly.

Treatment of herpes with folk remedies recommends including in the diet:

  1. - large amounts of milk;
  2. - beans;
  3. - eggs;
  4. - meat dishes;
  5. - fish;
  6. - garlic, which activates the body.

It is NOT RECOMMENDED to use products containing:

  • - nuts, especially peanuts;
  • - sunflower seeds;
  • - processed grain.
Remedy No. 4 - using earwax

You can treat herpes with folk remedies using earwax. You need to remove it with a cotton swab.

Remedy No. 5

Treatment of herpes on the lips can be carried out using Kalanchoe juice. The affected areas are lubricated with it. There are also more original remedies that will help a person suffering from herpes become healthy.

Remedy No. 6

Prepare hot tea. Dip a spoon into it. We wait until the spoon warms up. A heated spoon should be applied to the affected area. This procedure must be carried out several times throughout the day. You only need to use a spoon that is made of silver (you can use stainless steel). During each session, a heated spoon is applied approximately ten to fifteen times.

Remedy No. 7


  • - cologne;
  • — alcohol (70%);
  • — valocordin.

The cotton wool is moistened with cologne, valocordin and alcohol. It is applied to the affected area. It is worth warning that pain will be felt. But after the procedure, the herpes dries up perfectly.

Useful: Use of mumiyo in the treatment of herpes

Remedy No. 8

Throughout the day, herpes ulcers are smeared with egg white, as a result of which the affected areas dry out. This procedure is carried out several times during the day.

Remedy No. 9

Required: - ash - tablespoon; - honey - half a tablespoon; - garlic - three cloves. Mash the garlic. Next, mix all the ingredients.

Remedy No. 10

It is worth noting that when treating cold sores on the lips and genital herpes, you can use only ash without additional ingredients.

Remedy No. 11

You will need:

  • - garlic - 1 clove;
  • - Apple vinegar
  • and honey - in equal parts.

Treatment of herpes with folk remedies, such as garlic without additives, is very effective. Cut a clove of garlic and rub it on the affected area. It's best to do this before bed. After you have lubricated the sore spot with garlic, it is recommended to also spread a mixture of vinegar and honey on the rash.

Remedy No. 12 - for the manifestation of herpes after hypothermia

Herpes can manifest itself after severe hypothermia. In this case, it is treated with simple table salt. Grains of salt are applied to the rash areas. A similar method of treating herpes is carried out repeatedly throughout the day.

Remedy No. 13

You need to have: - garlic; - apple; - potato. Treatment of herpes with folk remedies using this method is carried out as follows: all ingredients are ground, mixed, and applied to the affected area in the form of a compress.

Remedy No. 14

Herpes therapy involves the use of not only the above-mentioned Kalanchoe juice, but also aloe juice. Treatment of herpes with folk remedies using aloe juice is very simple. A leaf is torn off from this plant and the affected area is smeared from time to time. Preventive measure: this bitter juice, diluted with honey, is taken before meals, a teaspoon.


- treatment of herpes with folk remedies should be combined with traditional methods;

- You need to consult a medical specialist.

To quickly restore tissue and prevent the progress of a secondary infection, some medicinal herbs are used. These techniques are effective in herbal treatment of herpes on both the genitals and lips.

Remedy No. 15

Use viburnum infusion. Take ripe berries - 4 tablespoons. They fray. Fill with a glass of water. The product is infused for four hours. Treatment of herpes with herbs prescribes drinking this remedy several times throughout the day. A single dose is half a glass.

Remedy No. 16

To effectively counteract the virus, treatment of herpes with folk remedies is used using the following choleretic plants: - tansy; - immortelle; - celandine.

Remedy No. 17

Herpes rash on the lips goes away after using violet tricolor juice. The affected areas are lubricated with this juice. You will need:

  • - calendula flowers - 1 part;
  • - olive oil - 10 parts.

Often the treatment of herpes with folk remedies in the genital area and on the lips is carried out using calendula ointment. The ointment is prepared independently.

The ingredients must be mixed in these proportions. The affected areas are thoroughly lubricated with this product. This must be done several times throughout the day. The affected areas can also be lubricated with pure calendula juice.

Useful: Herpes on the lips: treatment with folk remedies

Remedy No. 18

Places where herpes rashes are noticeable are treated with aspen leaves. The juice is squeezed out of them and these areas are lubricated.

Remedy No. 19

Treatment of herpes with folk remedies is also carried out using the following composition:

  • - crushed ash leaves
  • - 2 tablespoons;
  • - crushed garlic
  • - 4 tablespoons;
  • - natural honey - 6 tablespoons.

The ingredients are mixed. The ointment is applied to the points where herpes appears three times a day. Keep for 2 hours (no less).

Remedy No. 20

The affected areas are moistened with mint decoction. A tablespoon of this plant is poured into a glass of water. Cook for 15 minutes. Treatment of herpes with folk remedies using a decoction is very effective.

Remedy No. 21

Use lemon balm infusion. Two tablespoons of this herb are poured with boiling water. You will need two glasses of boiling water. The product should sit for 2 hours. Then it is filtered. This medicine should be taken for several weeks, and regularly.

Remedy No. 22

Take 2 tablespoons of arnica flowers and pour boiling water over them. For this amount of arnica flowers you will need half a liter of boiling water. The product needs to sit for 2 hours. Next it is filtered. Used in the form of compresses.

Remedy No. 23 - for frequent manifestations of herpes

To do this, you will need to preserve celandine juice. In May-June, celandine juice contains a large amount of healing substances. The collected grass (along with roots) is ground in a meat grinder. The juice is squeezed out of the pulp and poured into bottles. In this case, there should be 2 cm left to the top edge of the bottle. The container is closed very tightly.

The juice will begin to ferment, so after 2 weeks you should open the bottles and release the gas. Treatment of herpes with folk remedies using celandine juice is used in the form of lubricating the affected areas. The procedure is carried out several times during the day. In this case, no bandages are applied to the lubricated area.

Remedy No. 24

Treatment of herpes with folk remedies includes the use of raspberry branches. Raspberry branches are washed, cut, crushed, and turned into pulp. This is a very effective remedy, since the raspberry plant contains many polyphenolic substances. And they are known to suppress the herpes virus.

Remedy No. 25

When treating herpes with folk remedies, they always use fresh juices. This greatly helps the body cope with the disease, as they have a positive effect on the immune system.

The composition is prepared from a mixture of the following juices:

  • — beet tops (fresh);
  • - apples;
  • - parsley;
  • - carrots.

The mixture of juices is drunk throughout the day, and in small portions.


There are many provoking factors leading to exacerbation of the disease. In addition to the weakening of immune forces, there are a number of other reasons:

  • Emotional stress, physical fatigue, stressful situations.
  • Long-term insolation.
  • Surgical interventions.
  • Taking immunosuppressive drugs.
  • Hormonal imbalances.

In addition, there may be a combination of several negative factors leading to the activation of infection in the body. During illness, it is important to isolate yourself from others.

Prevention and treatment of the disease

A herpetic infection can resolve on its own without treatment, but in this case the recovery period will be longer and range from 1 to 3 weeks. If you start taking medications on time, the disease will go away faster and easier. Treatment should begin when the first symptoms appear - burning and tingling, in places typical for the virus.

Also, do not forget about preventive measures. Try to plan your day correctly, get enough sleep, and avoid stressful situations. On sunny days, use protective creams, and in the cold season, moisturizing hygienic lipsticks.

The following groups of drugs are used to treat herpes:

  • Antiviral agents in the form of ointments and tablets. The most commonly used are Acyclovir, Penciclovir, and Valaciclovir. When using them, the duration of the disease can be reduced to three days.
  • Painkillers and antipyretics. They are used to relieve unpleasant symptoms: high fever, itching and burning. If such manifestations occur, you can take paracetamol or any NSAID (Nise, Nimesil, Ibuprofen).
  • Folk remedies also help combat discomfort during illness. Gel with aloe vera extract, witch hazel and lemon balm have proven themselves to be effective in treating infections.

Healing garlic

In folk medicine, a lot has been said about the beneficial properties of garlic. It also helps in the fight against herpes. If you prepare freshly squeezed juice from several cloves, and then simply lubricate the affected area with it, you can significantly speed up the healing process of all existing blisters.

You don’t have to squeeze out the juice, but just rub the rash well with a clove of garlic cut in half. This procedure can also lead to burns, so you should apply a little honey and apple cider vinegar on top of the garlic.

A problem such as herpes has existed for a very long time and will not go away soon, so you should know small but very effective recipes that will help get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of such a problem. An active lifestyle and maintaining normal immunity can also become a certain insurance against such rashes. You need to be careful about your health.

Precautionary measures

In order for the disease to pass in a mild form and its complications to appear, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Rule #1. Avoid touching your face with your hands, especially in the area of ​​blisters. Otherwise, you risk spreading the infection to a larger area of ​​skin.
  • Rule #2. During illness, be especially careful about your personal hygiene.
  • Rule #3. Isolate yourself and try to avoid close contact with people, especially the elderly and children.
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