Which threads are better than Kogi or Aptos: features and comparison

Should I have a facelift or non-surgical thread lift?

Which rejuvenation option to choose? Faced with visible signs of aging - a “floating” oval, nasolabial folds, wrinkles, jowls - we are often faced with a choice between a cosmetologist’s office or plastic surgery. Both methods of beauty and combating natural age-related changes have proven themselves in aesthetic medicine and are considered the most effective ways to “turn back time.” However, the indications for facelift and thread lifting still differ, and so do the results. Thus, these rejuvenation methods are not always mutually exclusive or leave room for choice. In this article we will look at when thread lifting can be done, and when it is no longer enough and it is better to give preference to SMAS.

When is a facelift done?

With ptosis of the oval face, when there is drooping of the soft tissues, the chin angles become less pronounced, and the skin loses its tone, the choice is no longer so great. A facelift is the only way to restore contours. Thread lifting involves the introduction under the skin using a flexible cannula needle of the thinnest absorbable or non-absorbable threads, followed by tension and fixation of soft tissues. Facelift (SMAS) is a serious plastic surgery during which the surgeon works not only with the epidermis, but also with the deeper subcutaneous muscular-fibrous layer. Lifting the oval of the face is carried out by detaching and moving deeper layers, resection of excess stretched skin that forms folds, with their subsequent fixation using sutures hidden in the natural folds of the skin in the area of ​​the ears. Facelift requires preparation, the rehabilitation period takes longer, but the effect is worth it! The range of indications for facial plastic surgery is more limited than for mesothreads.

General indications for facelift with mesothreads and surgery (SMAS)

  • Ptosis of the oval face and skin (“triangle of youth” is turned upside down);
  • Nasolabial folds;
  • Wrinkles on the forehead and around the lips,
  • Expression wrinkles around the eyes;
  • Age-related drooping of the corners of the lips and eyes;
  • The face looks tired and permanently swollen;
  • Unclear mental angles;
  • Asymmetry.

To one degree or another, both methods help to cope with these shortcomings. However, if a facelift allows you to visually look younger by 10-15 years, then a less radical thread lifting can make you look 5-7 years younger. After 50 years, if there are deep wrinkles, jowls, nasolabial folds, or significant sagging of the face, the wisest decision would be to undergo a SMAS facelift. After 40 years, a facelift with mesothreads or endoscopy of individual areas is usually sufficient.

What problems can you solve with Aptos threads?

  1. The desire to raise drooping eyebrows. This is relevant for those who do not take botulinum toxins or cannot use them due to contraindications.
  2. Cheeks that have slid down and hang over the nasolabial fold.
  3. And most importantly - sagging in the lower third of the face: a slid contour, jowls, a sagging chin.

Aptos Makeup: left - after, right - before
If problems of the forehead and cheeks can be solved by other methods - Botox, contouring, lipofilling, then in the lower third of the face the only alternative is surgery or heavy hardware techniques such as Altera or Thermage.

Types of facelift

In fact, the range of anti-aging lifts is quite wide. Cosmetologists and plastic surgeons at the Pirogov Clinic can offer their patients modern beauty options with minimal rehabilitation and impressive results.

More information on our website!

Thread lifting APTOS

A framework of non-absorbable or absorbable threads made of caprolactone and L-lactic acid is inserted under the skin using the finest needles. A facelift with threads usually requires 10-20 threads. The procedure is performed using local anesthetics. The effect of a face lift with APTOS threads lasts for 2 years. An additional benefit is that the procedure stimulates the production of your own collagen and elastin fibers, and your complexion is evened out. Rehabilitation restrictions (sauna, swimming pool, sports) are lifted 3 weeks after the procedure.

More information about thread lifting APTOS (APTOS)

Ligature lifting

A ligature facelift is called a “weekend lift” - rehabilitation after the procedure lasts only 1-2 days. Meanwhile, the result lasts for 3-7 years, depending on the individual anatomical features of the facial architecture.

The effect of such an operation is truly impressive, since it allows not only to “tighten” the oval, but also to make the cheekbones more pronounced, remove facial wrinkles, and lift the drooping corners of the mouth. The secret lies in the use of special non-absorbable ligature threads, which provide particularly strong fixation (reinforcement) as well as controlled tension (traction). The success of such an operation depends on the experience and qualifications of the cosmetologist or plastic surgeon.

More about ligature lifting

Endotin lifting

Minimally invasive facelift with endotins (plate-implants made of biocompatible polylactic acid) can be an excellent alternative to SMAS lifting, especially for those who strive for long-term results, but are not ready for surgery.

Endotin lifting is used to tighten individual areas that are most susceptible to aging and gravitational ptosis. The result of the operation lasts for up to 10 years, and rehabilitation lasts only 5-6 days.

More about endolifting

Endoscopic facelift

A facelift using the latest endoscopic technology leaves no scars. The advantage of this method is that it is minimally traumatic - the procedure takes place without traditional surgical incisions with excision of excess skin. Thin endoscopic instruments are inserted through small incisions of 1.5-2 cm, and no hair shaving is required before surgery. After tensioning the fabrics, they are securely fixed. The result of an endoscopic facelift lasts 8-10 years. This method is ideal in cases where it is necessary to eliminate sagging eyebrows, remove nasolabial folds, and deep wrinkles on the forehead. However, endoscopic lifting may not be suitable for patients who experience drooping (ptosis) of the facial contour with significant excess skin and fatty tissue.

Read more about endoscopic facelift

SMAS lifting

This plastic surgery has no analogues. Only SMAS lifting allows you to achieve a dramatic rejuvenating effect for 10-15 years. Before surgery, the patient must undergo a comprehensive medical examination of the body to identify possible contraindications: low hemoglobin levels, high blood sugar, intolerance to general anesthesia. If the indicators are normal, and there are enough aesthetic indications for the operation, then a facelift can be done after 40 years, after 50, even after 60. The duration of the operation is 3-4 hours. The precision approach and skill of plastic surgeons at the Pirogov Clinic allows us to reduce the length of hospitalization to just 1 day, after which we calmly discharge patients home with individual recommendations for the rehabilitation period. We evaluate the early results at a follow-up examination after 2-4 weeks, when light hematomas disappear and the scars in the ear area begin to heal.

More about SMAS lifting

Experts' opinion

Facelift, “thread lifting” is one of the most effective and safe, and, as a result, most recommended by cosmetologists for patients of almost all ages. At the same time, each patient must clearly understand: effectiveness depends on the correct choice of threads and the method of their introduction, and the thread lifting procedure itself requires high skill and considerable experience from the doctor. And therefore, the choice of a clinic and a doctor should be approached with maximum responsibility. Both your beauty and your health depend on it.

Thread lifting: pros and cons

If there are certain medical indications (skin quality, severity of age-related changes, face without excess adipose tissue), a cosmetic procedure can be a worthy alternative to plastic surgery.

Pros of thread lifting

  • minimally invasive, scar-free cosmetic procedure;
  • enough to eliminate mild grade I ptosis of the oval face, remove nasolabial lines and wrinkles;
  • local anesthesia;
  • a temporary alternative to surgery if you are not ready for it;
  • the price of a facelift with threads is lower than that of plastic surgery;
  • minimal contraindications (suitable for patients with decompensated diabetes mellitus);
  • short rehabilitation.

Cons of thread lifting

  • short-term result;
  • If you decide to have SMAS in the future and have previously had non-absorbable threads installed, the plastic surgeon will have to remove them during surgery;
  • less pronounced effect;
  • not so beneficial in the long run.
  • not suitable for overweight patients and over 60 years of age.

Benefits of the procedure

The price of kogi threads for face lift is affordable. Due to their versatility, they are suitable for all skin types. But this is far from the only advantage of the procedure:

  • High level of comfort. When the threads are inserted, the patient does not feel severe pain or discomfort;
  • The effect occurs immediately after the procedure, there is no need to stay in the clinic after its completion;
  • Short recovery period, from 7 to 14 days;
  • Lifting with Cog threads lasts longer than with linear threads;
  • Practicality, for a lift, 4-6 threads are enough for the entire face;
  • Safety: threads are non-toxic, non-carcinogenic, and do not cause adverse reactions.

The thread installation procedure takes approximately 30-50 minutes.

SMAS facelift: pros and cons

Pros of facelift

  • The rejuvenation is so pronounced that after the operation they don’t believe your passport age;
  • Long-term effect;
  • You do not experience pain during the operation. Even after the intervention, they are not very pronounced - the face does not hurt, and discomfort can be reduced with the help of ultraphonophoresis and painkillers;
  • You can reduce swelling after a facelift and shorten rehabilitation using a lymphatic drainage massage procedure;
  • The effect will be pronounced even in patients with full faces;
  • In one operation you can cope with all aesthetic imperfections.

Cons of facelift

  • There are strict contraindications (including anesthetic ones);
  • Need preparation;
  • Not the easiest and fastest rehabilitation;
  • Risks of surgery (damage to the facial nerve);
  • The price of the operation is higher than that of the procedure with mesothreads.

Cost of thread lifting with kogi threads

The total cost of the procedure depends on the number of threads inserted.

Make an appointment with a cosmetologist to discuss in detail all the details of the procedure and find out the exact cost.

NamePrice for 1 thread
COG (Kogi) threads (notched), for 1 pc. (from 1 piece to 3 pieces) 4,000 rub.
COG (Kogi) threads (notched), for 1 pc. (from 4 pieces or more) RUB 3,500

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