There are only two situations in which Vaseline does not harm our skin - Om Activ

  • For diseases and damage to the skin

Dermatologists prescribe petroleum jelly and cosmetics containing it to patients with eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, as well as burns and diabetic complications on the feet.
But it is important to understand that it does not treat the skin, but only alleviates the condition - it heals microtraumas and prevents infections from getting into them. The action of Vaseline is as follows: it creates a protective film on the skin that prevents moisture from evaporating. Does this mean that Vaseline can be used to keep the skin hydrated? Absolutely not. The evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin is a natural process that is best not to disturb. Moreover, Vaseline is contraindicated for those with dry skin.

  • During the cold season

You can use Vaseline in the fall, winter or early spring before going outside for a month. Or apply it throughout the cold period, with breaks of several days - only on the coldest or windiest days.

What are the benefits of Vaseline for facial skin?

Vaseline contains petroleum jelly, paraffin and ceserine. Thanks to its use, it is possible to protect the skin from the negative influence of various factors. This product is actively applied after deep peeling or laser resurfacing, because its action helps prevent infections.

Since Vaseline lays on the skin in a fairly dense layer, it prevents the evaporation of moisture. Therefore, the skin manages to recover without interacting with the environment.

In addition, the use of Vaseline perfectly protects the skin from dry air, frost, and wind. With its help, you can quickly eliminate irritation and cope with increased peeling.

Many people wonder why boxers put Vaseline on their faces. In fact, this simple remedy helps make the skin much more elastic, which significantly reduces the risk of cuts.

Precautionary measures

The basic safety rule is not to use Vaseline oil unnecessarily, in excessive quantities. Be sure to wash it off your face and don’t leave it on until the morning. When distributing the product over your eyelashes and eyebrows, make sure that it does not get into your eyes: the oily film is difficult to wash off. When taken orally, the course of treatment should last no more than 5 days, otherwise problems with the intestines are possible. Before doing this, it is important to consult a doctor.

Attention! There are no restrictions on external use, but there are contraindications for internal use. These are pregnancy, intestinal obstruction, acute inflammation in the abdominal cavity, etc.

Is it possible to apply Vaseline to the skin around the eyes?

Since the skin in this area contains virtually no sebaceous glands and is extremely dry, Vaseline can play the role of an additional protective factor. Many girls use it instead of cream before going out. Indeed, Vaseline prevents moisture loss and maintains the health of the epithelium before applying moisturizer.

However, you should not use this remedy too often. The fact is that Vaseline can lead to disruption of metabolic processes in this area. Regular use of such a product may cause swelling.

What does Vaseline help with: use in cosmetology

Vaseline has an oily structure, and therefore can be easily distributed over the surface of the face and other areas. This remedy is actively used to soften the epithelium on the knees or heels. To do this, it is quite enough to cover the rough area with the composition, and this should be done before going to bed.

Vaseline is also actively used to treat cuticles, because it has pronounced softening properties. This product is often used to remove makeup, because it perfectly removes even stubborn makeup.

In the cool season, many girls prefer to lubricate their lips with Vaseline. It is especially important to do this if cracks appear on them. Vaseline can also act as an effective night cream.

Use for smoothing wrinkles

Vaseline's effectiveness in eliminating wrinkles is due to its ability to create a protective barrier on the skin.
Thanks to this, it is possible to prevent moisture loss and, as a result, dehydration of the epidermis. In addition, Vaseline does not cause allergies and is absolutely safe for the body. This product is not absorbed into epithelial cells and does not interact with other cosmetic products. Due to the unique properties of Vaseline, many well-known brands produce cosmetics based on this product.

For acne

Thanks to the use of Vaseline, you can easily deal with scars that often occur after acne.
This is due to the pronounced wound-healing properties of this product. In addition, Vaseline stimulates collagen synthesis, which is also very beneficial for the skin. Thanks to its softening properties, this product makes the skin much more elastic. This helps prevent the appearance of unsightly stretch marks.

For the treatment of herpes

Vaseline helps soften the skin without having drying properties.
Thanks to its use, it will be possible to provide protection against infection. But it is this factor that affects the duration of herpes. To cope with this problem, just apply a small amount of Vaseline to the affected area.

Use for dry face at night

To combat excessive dry skin, you can apply Vaseline to your body and lips. Thanks to this, it will be possible to create a kind of barrier that will help prevent moisture loss. This feature of Vaseline helps protect the epithelium from peeling and cracking.

Harm and contraindications to the use of the product

Manufacturers of medical and cosmetic petroleum jelly warn that it should not be used on the skin of the face and body if you are hypersensitive to the substances contained in the product. As a result of increased sensitivity, the epidermis may react with an allergic reaction - redness, itching or rash.

Cases of allergies to Vaseline are rare: unpleasant symptoms can be disturbing if you use an expired product to care for your facial skin. Therefore, when purchasing, you should check the release date indicated on the tube or jar and do not use the product after the expiration date.

Reference! Since Vaseline does not penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and does not enter the systemic bloodstream, it is not capable of harming the body or causing dangerous side effects.

However, if abused or used incorrectly, Vaseline clogs pores, impairs the removal of sebum and water evaporation, and disrupts the processes of mutual exchange in the body. A dense shell that does not allow the skin to “breathe” increases the oiliness of the skin and provokes swelling of the face.

For this reason, it is recommended to apply Vaseline-based masks more often than 1-2 times a week. Having completed 10-12 procedures, you can repeat the course of rejuvenation or softening of the skin no earlier than after 2-2.5 months.

Recipes for masks based on cosmetic Vaseline

To make your skin softer and more beautiful, you can use recipes for effective masks. However, this remedy should be used for at least six weeks - only in this case will it be possible to achieve tangible results. In this case, the skin should be treated every day or every other day.

So, the most effective recipes include the following:

  1. Anti-wrinkle mask. You need to squeeze the juice out of aloe leaves. Then mix a small spoon of Vaseline with 15 ml of the resulting juice and place in an airtight container. Apply part of the mixture to the skin. After 20 minutes, blot your face with a cotton pad and rinse with cold water.
  2. Multifunctional tool. This face mask made with castor oil, honey and petroleum jelly helps make your skin softer and softer. To prepare it, take a couple of drops of iodine, add 12 g of castor oil, 3 small spoons of honey and 7 g of Vaseline. It is recommended to mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to the face. After 2 hours, blot the skin with a napkin.
  3. Rejuvenating mask. To make it, beat half the yolk, add 5 g of salt, half a spoon of honey, 40 ml of chamomile infusion and the same amount of almond oil. Mix all ingredients well. Then melt a couple of tablespoons of Vaseline using a steam bath and mix with the remaining ingredients. Place the product in a cool place for 10 minutes. This mask is applied before bedtime. After waking up, be sure to blot your skin with a napkin.

Description of the substance

Vaseline in cosmetology
In 1859, oil was discovered in Pennsylvania. Observing its extraction, the young British chemist Robert August Chesbrough noticed that the pumps were constantly becoming clogged with some kind of black jelly-like substance that smelled unpleasant. However, this mass was later used by workers as a remedy for burns and cuts.

This interested the chemist, and he began studying the substance, which, as it turned out, was a combination of complex hydrocarbons and minerals.

After distillation and purification of the substance, the scientist obtained a colorless gel, which he named “petroleum jelly.” As a result of medical studies that the chemist conducted on himself, it was found that the product is able to protect against infection in wounds and helps restore the skin.

In 1870, the scientist opened the first plant that began producing Vaseline.

"Oil Jelly" was not particularly popular because of its name. Buyers were concerned about the oil's flammability. Therefore, the scientist had to come up with a new name, based on the German word “wasser” - water and the Greek “elaion” - olive oil. In 1878, the invention was patented as a trademark.

In the modern world, the substance is still extracted from oil, after processing which produces a colorless or light yellow fat-like mass without taste or smell. It is used not only for medical purposes, but also for cosmetic, industrial and technical purposes.

What is the difference between petroleum jelly and petroleum jelly?

Vaseline oil is a purified fraction of oil, which is obtained after distilling off kerosene. It is a colorless oily liquid that is used to soften ointments. The only difference between oil and Vaseline is its consistency. So, oil has a liquid structure, and Vaseline has a solid structure. At the same time, the oil has all the properties of Vaseline.

Vaseline is an excellent cosmetic product that helps make the skin softer and smoother. Regular use of this product helps protect the epithelium from negative factors, prevents moisture loss and activates the process of collagen production.

Where to buy and how to store

It is best to buy medical or cosmetic oil at a pharmacy. It is sold in dark glass (less often plastic) bottles with a capacity of 25 to 100 ml. The average price is from 30 to 70 rubles. The cost depends on the manufacturer and volume of the bottle.

Attention! Make sure that the product is intended for external or internal use. This is indicated on the bottle or packaging.

The oil can be stored for up to 5 years at a temperature not exceeding +25 °C. Seal the bottle tightly after each use and keep it in a dark place. Vaseline products have a low cost, so they are not counterfeited. Monitor the expiration date and storage conditions.

If you choose Vaseline instead of an oily liquid, know that it can be natural and artificial. The first is obtained from the paraffin resins of plants, the solid - from oil. Natural has antimicrobial properties, but it is very sticky. For this reason, the artificial analogue is sold and used more often.


Anna: I really like using Vaseline to care for the skin of my lips in cold weather. It reliably protects its cracks and peeling. Therefore, in winter this product definitely takes its rightful place in my cosmetic bag.

Veronica: I regularly make masks with the addition of Vaseline. These homemade skin care products help make my skin softer, smoother and silkier. The main thing is to apply them regularly and strictly follow the instructions.

Maria: For a long time I couldn’t get rid of small facial wrinkles. Oddly enough, Vaseline helped me. This excellent product protects and smoothes the skin, prevents moisture loss and even promotes collagen production. The main thing is to use it correctly.

Chemical composition

Depending on the composition, Vaseline can be:

  1. Natural. The source for the substance is deciduous paraffin resins, which have been purified and bleached using special substances. The mass is viscous, transparent, tasteless and odorless, and has an antibacterial effect. The substance is difficult to wash off and leaves a sticky feeling after application.
  2. Artificial. Ceresin and paraffin are used to produce the substance. Also contains perfume oils. Has lower viscosity compared to the previous type. Can be technical, medical and cosmetic.
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