What to do if a mole appears again after removal
Malignant melanoma has a reputation for being completely unpredictable, but compared to other
Treatment of ectropion at the Moscow Eye Clinic - reviews and prices
Blepharoplasty surgery for eversion of the eyelid (upper and lower) - ectropion
Causes Symptoms of eyelid ectropion Diagnosis Treatment of eyelid ectropion Advantages of treatment of eyelid ectropion in MGK
Chickenpox (varicella, chickenpox) in children and adults
Chickenpox (chickenpox) in children and adults: symptoms, complications, how not to get infected
2018-01-09 Source Manifestations Complications Vaccines Chicken pox (varicella, chickenpox) is acute and highly contagious
Cosmetic oils - properties and applications, table
Types and properties of oils Skin oils are divided into three types: essential, basic and
Leg wraps for loose skin
Ways to tighten sagging skin on the thighs and buttocks at home
Why does the skin become loose? The causes of sagging body skin can be the following: aging. You do not
plantar wart schematically
Removing warts surgically: how does it work?
The appointment is conducted by: Antipenko Vyacheslav Vladimirovich - Surgeon Make an appointment Spike, or plantar wart
Tips on the soles of the feet
Chicks on legs: causes and treatment methods
Beautiful hands A serious ailment among diseases of adults and children is pimples on the hands
White dots under the eyes (blue spots on the eyelid): how to get rid of milia at home using folk remedies (castor oil), how to remove, photo of pimples
White dots under the eyes (blue spots on the eyelid): how to get rid of milia at home using folk remedies (castor oil), how to remove, photo of pimples
Recipes for eye masks against milia Masks are an affordable and effective cosmetic product against
effect of erbium laser on skin
New generation laser rejuvenation using erbium laser produced by Asclepion Laser Technologies
Recovery process Erbium laser is used in cosmetology to eliminate scars on the skin, reviews of
Oatmeal and honey face masks: recipes and instructions for use
An effective mask made from oatmeal and honey, this is a unique healthy remedy that is very easy to prepare.
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