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Why does a child have a red mole?
Almost every owner of a mole that rises above the level of the skin has encountered unpleasant sensations in the area
How to quickly get rid of toenail fungus at home
Treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies: the best and most effective recipes Onychomycosis is difficult to treat
Treatment of hematoma on the leg
Choosing an ointment for bruises: quick effect and safety of use
A hematoma is an accumulation of blood in the tissues of the human body, and its occurrence is caused by damage
Causes of small pimples with a purulent head in children: what to do
Why do acne appear on the body Main reasons: Allergies. This may be the body's reaction to
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How dangerous is Demodex mite to the eyes and how is it treated?
Demodicosis is a dermatological lesion of the skin of the eyelids by the Demodex mite. This is an arthropod if hygiene is not observed and
Video Papillomas on the eyelids and their treatment
Removal of skin lesions by diathermocoagulation
It is worth talking about some indications for tissue coagulation in more detail, since the incidence rate is growing,
The whole truth about side effects after contouring
The whole truth about side effects after contouring
The whole truth about side effects after contouring Injection methods of rejuvenation every year
Effective whitening face masks at home with quick results
Effective whitening face masks at home with quick results
Home » Face Category: Face Skin color is by no means a measure of beauty. But when
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Chinese patches for weight loss: instructions and reviews
Before an important event, women are usually concerned with the question of how to remove a couple of centimeters from the waist
Oncological educational program. The difference between skin cancer and melanoma: how to recognize them and what to do next?
Causes of skin cancer Currently there is no clear answer to the question of what causes it
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