modern facial peels
The best facial peels: rating of the most effective and professional products
We all want our skin to look radiant and healthy. But with
Night peeling Vichy Idealia - soft and radiant skin
About the manufacturer VICHY is a French luxury brand. They produce hypoallergenic and medicinal cosmetics
Diaper rash in a child: 9 most common causes
15 Best Home Remedies for Diaper Rash in Babies
What not to do In the hope of speeding up recovery, parents often make mistakes that only
giving up alcohol
Causes of sores on the head and methods of treating them
What is eczema Eczema is an inflammatory skin disease that manifests itself as a rash, itching, and redness.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT).
Tuberculous lupus and other manifestations of skin tuberculosis
Etiology of the disease The causative agent of skin tuberculosis is Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which was first discovered in 1882
A hypertrophic scar developed a month after mole removal
Scars after mole removal: you can minimize the risk of their appearance
03/07/2018 There is a risk of a scar appearing on the skin after surgery. The smaller the area and depth
Correction of post-traumatic pigmentation after aggressive laser procedures
My story, “Look, no matter how much you have to walk under a veil all your life,” is
Dangers of atheroma on the face. Diagnosis and treatment
What is atheroma? Despite the fact that the pathology looks similar to a skin tumor, it
Facial peelings Compliment - review of products, features of use at home
To remove the stratum corneum of the skin, peelings are used in cosmetology. They come in different types -
Non-invasive carboxytherapy Arabia for professional skin care
Non-invasive carboxytherapy is a physiological method of saturating cells with oxygen through exposure to carbon dioxide. At
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