Queen of cosmetics. Preparing mint skin care products

Mint is perhaps the most popular ingredient in creams, lotions and other products that help maintain the beauty and youth of the skin.

The active substances of the plant are essential oil and menthol. In addition, mint contains ascorbic acid (gives the skin smoothness, tones), vitamin A (gives the skin elasticity and youth), flavonoids (moisturize, promote cell renewal) and tannins (accelerate healing, eliminate redness and oily shine). Thanks to such a powerful and multidirectional effect, mint will be useful for both young, oily and problematic skin, and dry, aging skin. You can use mint in any form - fresh, dry and even frozen. It is better to store the picked plant in the refrigerator, wrapped in a damp cloth. For cosmetic purposes, mint is harvested in June–July.

Do it yourself. DIY cosmetics Read more

Facial cubes

Recipe. Take a bunch of fresh mint, lemon, a glass of still mineral water, and an ice tray. Remove the mint leaves from the sprigs and wash thoroughly. You can also use dry mint from bags, but now, during the high season, it is a sin to do so. Grind the leaves in a blender. Mix with lemon juice and a glass of mineral water. Mix everything thoroughly, then pour into molds with tight-fitting lids and place in the freezer.

Effect. They will help you cheer up, feel fresh and active. Tones and tightens the skin.

Fragrant rules. How to choose quality essential oil? More details

Methods of application

Cosmetic compositions are prepared both from fresh plants and from their dry parts. But maximum effectiveness can only be achieved by using fresh leaves and stems.

Mint is used in liquid products, creams and masks. To create healing liquids, they prepare: decoctions, infusions and tinctures. It is most useful to use ether; it is impossible to prepare it yourself; it can be purchased at pharmacy chains.

But it makes sense to prepare the oil that is being prepared for adding to creams yourself, according to the following recipe:

  • Wash the prepared leaves, about 200 grams of them, in cold water, and then dry them;
  • Grind the raw material so that the juice is released from it;
  • Place the leaves together with the juice in a glass jar and add olive oil there so that it covers the main raw material;
  • Close the container tightly and leave it like that for a day;
  • After settling, strain;
  • Repeat the procedure with new leaves 5 times, while filling them with previously settled oil.

After preparing the oil component, it can be used on the face for a year, but if stored in the refrigerator.

For acne

A mint tincture will save you; it is made from mint leaves, which have a positive effect on the entire skin of the face. Preparation:

  • Take 100 grams of leaves, they need to be separated from the stems and flowers, placed in a glass container, and crushed with a wooden rolling pin.
  • Add 1 liter of vodka to the jar and shake the container.
  • Seal the container hermetically and leave to infuse for 1.5 months, but do not forget to shake.
  • Strain, pour back into the jar and wait a week.

The tincture should be used to wipe the areas of inflammation; within a week there will be significantly fewer of them.

A mint bath will help relieve inflammation and deeply cleanse the pores; you need to use it:

  1. Collect 20 grams of mint and linden leaves, 30 grams of chamomile (flowers) and 40 grams of oak bark, mix them and add water;
  2. Place the prepared raw material on the fire, wait for it to boil;
  3. Pour the prepared broth into a container for taking a bath.

After the mixture has cooled to room temperature, you need to sit over the container and cover your head with a towel; keep your face under it for 5 minutes.

Mint face masks

Such products with a mint component are mainly aimed at prolonging the youth of the skin.


An excellent remedy for aging epidermis. It is prepared on the basis of mint infusion; first, its leaves are crushed, then poured with cold water and brought to a boil. After cooling, mix with cream and yolk (it is better to take it from a home-made egg). The product is applied to the entire face, left for 15 minutes, and washed off.

Epidermis of aging skin


Honey and starch together with mint decoction are taken in equal proportions, crushed strawberries are added to them, its volume is adjusted depending on the type of epidermis.

Do not leave this product on for more than 10 minutes; after use, rinse thoroughly so that no excess remains.


Its composition will help get rid of blackheads and eliminate impurities, so you need to prepare it like this:

  1. Crush fresh mint leaves in a mortar or finely chop them;
  2. Leave for a quarter of an hour and then apply the juice and leaves to your face.

It is advisable to leave the mask on overnight, and in the morning rinse it off with cool water, then walk over the skin with cotton pads soaked in tonic. This product is suitable for any type of epidermis.

Cleansing mint mask will help get rid of blackheads

Body spray

Recipe. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fresh chopped mint, green tea, a glass of still mineral water and 2 tbsp. spoons of aloe juice (freshly squeezed). Prepare half a liter of green tea, add chopped mint to it. When infused, strain and cool. Then add mineral water and aloe juice. Mix everything well and pour into a container with a spray bottle. Can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Effect. This spray perfectly refreshes the skin and saturates it with antioxidants. It is convenient to take it with you to the beach or even to work.

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Terms of use

The contents of mint are beneficial for all ages; it is used to tighten the skin and eliminate rashes from the skin.

The mint plant is beneficial, but only if used wisely. There are several cases when its use is not advisable:

  • If you are hypersensitive and do not personally perceive the components, you should not test your skin and wait for allergic reactions; as soon as rashes appear, the use of any mint-based product should be stopped.
  • The same applies to people with high blood pressure. It may be that after using a cosmetic mint mask or lotion, a person’s blood pressure increases noticeably.
  • Girls who are preparing to become mothers or who are breastfeeding should not use mint products.
  • Patients with varicose veins may, after frequent use of mint for cosmetic purposes, notice a decrease in the tone of their veins.

Reducing the tone of the veins when using mint for cosmetic purposes.
Usually peppermint is mentioned in recipes for the face, but you can use its meadow analogue, it has a better effect on acne. But if it comes to numerous rashes, then you should first contact a dermatologist, and after his approval, use mint as an additional remedy to combat the problem on the face.

Rubbing and application of compositions based on this plant can be carried out no more than 2 times a day, and if it comes to dry epidermis, then the frequency of application can be no more than 1 time per week.

You can’t keep a mint-based mask on for a long time, because along with excellent pore expansion, it also dilates blood vessels.

Any products with mint are applied to a cleansed face, to properly prepare it you need:

  1. Wash with a suitable cleanser (foam or gel);
  2. Use a steam bath or nebulizer and steam your face;
  3. Cleanse the skin with a scrub or gommage.

When choosing cosmetics for yourself, you should not purchase all skincare products with mint, so as not to cause addiction.

Beneficial features

Healing ester contains about 30 active elements used to care for oily, aging skin:

  • menthol has antiseptic properties, blocks inflammatory processes, neutralizes bactericidal microflora, strengthens thin capillaries, stimulates blood flow, saturates the integument with useful components at the cellular level;
  • isovaleric ester tones the skin, normalizes breathing processes, tissue nutrition, whitens pigmentation, helps reduce the number of wrinkles;
  • phellandrene gives a characteristic pungent mint aroma with notes of citrus, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores, evens out bumpy texture, and increases the tone of the integument;
  • pinene affects blood flow, activates tissue regeneration processes, helps reduce the number of wrinkles, and also reduces sebium synthesis;
  • piperitone is used for oily, porous skin, restores structure, stops inflammatory processes, has a slight whitening effect;
  • dipentene cleanses the skin of toxins, softens keratinized epithelium, has a bactericidal effect, eliminates oily sheen, and increases skin elasticity and firmness.

The unique properties of the ether restore oily, fading dermis and normalize intracellular processes. But if the recommended dosage is exceeded , it can lead to irritation and sensitivity .

Attention! Do not use simultaneously with homeopathic medicines, the oil neutralizes the effect of medicines.

How to prepare mint

Mint can be grown in your garden. It is very convenient, it will always be at hand. Experts advise harvesting mint before flowering, in June or July. It is convenient to cut the plant with a knife or scissors. Dry it under a canopy, or in a room with plenty of fresh air. If the plant crumbles, it means it has dried out. It can be placed in glass jars or cotton bags and used in winter. If you do not have the opportunity to grow mint, you can buy it at a pharmacy or at the market from a herbalist.

The benefits of ice

  1. Stops the aging process, prevents the formation of age wrinkles.
  2. Treats age spots.
  3. It has a visual rejuvenating effect: smoothes the skin, eliminates fine wrinkles.
  4. Cleanses the skin, tightens pores.
  5. Gets rid of acne.
  6. Eliminates various types of rashes, dermatitis, relieves itching due to eczema.
  7. Cold constricts blood vessels, after which a compensatory increase in blood flow occurs, and thus improves the delivery of beneficial substances contained in the ice prepared according to the recipes below.

What does peppermint tincture help with?

The properties of peppermint in the form of an infusion have a medicinal effect on a wide range of ailments. It is used for:

  • chronic fatigue and increased irritability;
  • overexcitement and sleep problems;
  • tachycardia and angina pectoris;
  • migraines and headaches arising from muscle tension;
  • runny nose, cough and sore throat;
  • dental inflammations;
  • stones in the gall bladder and ducts;
  • flatulence and food poisoning;
  • hypertension.

Taking peppermint tincture is recommended for nausea and vomiting. Also, its properties have a good effect on hangover syndrome, as they help relieve most of the unpleasant sensations.

Brand cosmetics

Those who do not have the time or desire to prepare mint cosmetics at home can always use branded products based on it. A small rating will introduce you to the range and approximate prices.

  1. Mint-Lemon is a moisturizing fluid with a matte effect from Bernard Cassiere. France. $40.6.
  2. Anti-inflammatory lotion for oily and combination skin from the series above from Bernard Cassiere. (France). $38.6.
  3. Alginate anti-aging cooling mask with chlorophyll from Algoline (France). $25.8.
  4. Aroma-Termal mint-lavender - thermal water from Pleyana (Russia). $13.8.
  5. Toner Mint is an antibacterial bio-tonic for the face against acne from Lavera (Germany). $12.4
  6. Mint and green tea - cleansing milk from Indian Khadi (India). $11.2.
  7. Foam face wash with mint, lemon and vetiver from Vedica (India). $10.2.
  8. SOS with mint extract - collagen hydrogel mask from Beauty Style (Russia). $2.6.
  9. Cream comfort with flavones from Belkosmex (Belarus). $2.5.
  10. Magic Duet - a magical duet of mint and watermelon (scrub) from Markell (Belarus). $2.2.

Branded cosmetics with mint extract in their composition most often evoke positive emotions and reviews, despite the high risk of allergy. So be sure to try something from this TOP.

Reviews from people

On the forums you can find many reviews of girls who use mint essential oil to care for their face and hair.

The user writes about methods of use for skin, hair, and body.

The girl uses the oil to prepare thermal water, which refreshes and moisturizes the skin in the summer season.

The review describes how to use it to treat acne and tighten pores.

The participant draws attention to the need to use courses and uses them to care for oily dermis.

Home Recipes

Mint can be used not only for the skin of the face, it also helps maintain the skin of the eyelids in good condition. To prepare a healthy decoction you need to take in equal parts:

  • Pansies;
  • Chamomile;
  • Linden;
  • Mint.

The plants are mixed together, filled with water and placed in a steam bath, then cotton pads are moistened in this decoction and applied to the eyelids.

Peppermint lotion will help relieve fatigue at the end of the day and prepare your skin for bed. To create it, you need to cook decoctions of mint, parsley and chamomile, add 50 ml of fresh cucumber juice to them. After shaking, the product can be used and wiped over the skin twice a day.

Cleansing scrub

It will help rid the epidermis of dead cells and stop excessive peeling. Take plantain, chamomile and mint, chop them and pour boiling water over them, leave to steep for a few minutes, and then add starch to them.

The mixture is applied to the skin in an even layer, then, when washed off, it is rolled over the face.

A cleansing mint scrub will help rid the epidermis of dead cells and stop excessive peeling

Mint in cosmetology. Journey for beauty

  • Active components

Menthol is a component of mint essential oil.

Mint is a perennial herb native to temperate climates and has about 25 species. This is the oldest medicinal plant; people have been using all its types for centuries. Peppermint is specially cultivated as an essential oil and medicinal plant. Peppermint oil is obtained by distilling the dried top leaves. There is evidence that menthol was already known in Japan 2000 years ago, but in the West there is no evidence of its isolation until the 18th century. Menthol has a slight local anesthetic and antiseptic effect; when it gets on the skin and mucous membranes, it stimulates cold receptors.

Advantages and disadvantages

Peppermint essential oil has healing properties and widely used for restoration, rejuvenation, and treatment of the skin. The natural product transforms the face, gives the skin an even color and a smooth, elastic structure. It is worth considering not only the positive qualities of the ether, but also recommendations for use and possible disadvantages.


  • suitable for all skin types, a pronounced effect can be achieved, including in the care of oily, problematic, porous, aging dermis;
  • can be used throughout the year, does not have photosensitivity properties, and is actively used even in the hot summer;
  • used not only to restore skin elasticity, treat acne, antifungal and regenerating properties are used to care for curls, in the treatment of herpes, to increase lip volume;
  • economical consumption , to obtain the desired aesthetic effect , only 2-3 drops per 10 ml are enough ;
  • the oil is affordable, and you can also prepare the healing product yourself at home;
  • combines with base oils, floral, woody, citrus esters, and other ingredients of natural cosmetics.


  • if the dosage is violated, skin irritation is possible;
  • not used for individual intolerance.

A little history

The name mint comes from Lat. "ment" meaning "thought". The unique properties of ether were known to the ancient Greeks and Romans. The beneficial properties of the medicinal plant were mentioned in their works by Hippocrates and Avicenna. In Ancient Egypt, dishes and wine were given characteristic fresh menthol-citrus notes, and aromatization with oil had a beneficial effect on digestion.

In ancient Greek mythology, Mint was one of the nymphs endowed with healing powers. According to legends, at the site of her death, fragrant grass with small purple inflorescences grew. Among the Romans, it was used by students of philosophers; wicker wreaths with mint were worn to concentrate attention and enhance mental abilities.

In Russia , beauties used aromatic herbs to take care of their appearance. We infused water with fresh leaves to cleanse the face and give a healthy, even tone. When added to vegetable oil, a real elixir of youth was obtained; the product transformed the skin and made it look younger.

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