The best facial peels: rating of the most effective and professional products

We all want our skin to look radiant and healthy. But over time, it becomes rougher, its color fades, wrinkles and age spots appear, and the pores become dirty. To correct such cosmetic inconveniences, they resort to a procedure such as facial peeling - we will tell you which one is better to choose in our article.

  1. What is it needed for
  2. Salon treatments that really help
  3. Phototherapy
  4. Vacuum cleaning
  5. Fractional laser
  6. Chemical peeling
  7. Physical peeling
  8. Mechanical cleaning
  9. What is the best and most effective facial peeling?
  10. Classification by degree of impact
  11. Surface
  12. Median
  13. Deep
  14. Which facial peeling is best done depending on individual characteristics?
  15. Young
  16. Mature
  17. Problematic
  18. Restrictions
  19. Top 10 in the ranking of the strongest facial peelings from famous companies
  20. Ultra Gentle Exfoliating Gel Ultraceuticals
  21. Peeling Gommage with vitamins E from Christin
  22. Gigi Peeling regular
  23. Pure Ritual Peel Black
  24. Herb Clear Gel Pure by Cefine
  25. Kart Papaya Peeling
  26. Lactolan Peeling from Holy Land cosmetics
  27. Top Secrets Gommage Action Biologique by YSL
  28. Baviphat Peach All-in-one Peeling Gel
  29. Oxygen Botanicals Deep Pore Cleanser pH
  30. What to choose

What is it needed for

Cell death occurs every month, so it is necessary to regularly remove dead particles. In another way, this can be called exfoliation, which means cleansing the surface layer - the epidermis. Nowadays there is such a huge selection of both cosmetic products themselves and methods of using them that you can easily make mistakes and even harm your skin. It is necessary to take into account its type, individual characteristics and contraindications.

Salon treatments that really help

Currently, beauty salons offer several ways to solve this problem. All of them are in demand and have their pros and cons. Let's look at the most popular and effective:


It works by using a pulse of light to destroy bacteria that lead to acne. The number of freckles and rosacea also decreases. A course of about 10 painless sessions is carried out.

Vacuum cleaning

All impurities are “pulled out” from the skin, the pores are cleaned and due to this we observe a lymphatic drainage effect. The cells are saturated with the necessary active substances and a fairly rapid process of recovery and rejuvenation occurs.

Fractional laser

After such a hardware procedure, all unevenness, acne marks, scars and even small expression wrinkles will noticeably smooth out. However, you will have to sacrifice your time and sit at home for several days, because the upper layers of the skin will peel off intensively, slight redness and a “crusty” sensation will appear. Also, every 1.5-2 hours you need to lubricate your face with cream and avoid makeup for the rehabilitation period.

Chemical peeling

A popular and effective method of rejuvenation using phenol and acidic agents that actively initiate the regeneration process. The most famous is superficial or light. It is based on fruit acids. Its advantage is that there will be no redness, and the result will exceed all expectations - the skin will not only become better, but the functioning of the sebaceous glands will also be restored. It can be done regardless of the season, but in the first days it is advisable to protect yourself from the sun and not sunbathe. The deep method is used less frequently, as it severely damages the tissue, but is considered the most effective.

Physical peeling

It is carried out using different techniques, so it is divided into several types:

  • cryopilling (use of dry ice or liquid nitrogen. During the session, the epidermis is exposed to low temperatures, after which the pores become narrower, the complexion is refreshed, the regenerative abilities of cells increase, collagen is produced more actively and blood circulation in the body is improved);
  • grinding (here the beam penetrates deeper than with laser exfoliation. Very effective for dull skin);
  • microdermabrasion (helps get rid of redness and wrinkles. The advantage of this method is that the recovery period is very short).

Mechanical cleaning

This procedure takes place in several stages: cleansing, steaming with a special product, removing inflammation using a special stick (Uno Spoon) and hands. It comes in three types:

  • scrub (a well-known option, you can easily use it yourself);
  • gommage (does not contain solid particles);
  • brossage (peeling with attachments of different diameters, depending on the sensitivity and type of skin).

What is superficial peeling?

Chemical peeling is called superficial, in which only the stratum corneum of the epidermis is damaged, while there is practically no irritation, peeling or redness on the face. Typically, acids with a concentration of up to 20% and a pH of at least 2 are used. Professional preparations that meet these requirements may include types of acid such as salicylic, glycolic, azelaic, lactic, etc. Superficial chemical peeling is an indispensable procedure for people who do not want the temporary discomfort of redness and flaking of the skin.

As a result of chemical peeling of the face, the skin takes on a more even and attractive tone, becomes smooth, soft and velvety. In combination with additional cosmetic procedures - applying creams, masks, serums, massage, etc., chemical facial peeling demonstrates impeccable results. In this case, there is no need to comply with the terms of skin restoration after chemical peeling of the face. Immediately after the procedure, you can apply makeup and return to your daily routine.

What is the best and most effective facial peeling?

It is impossible to make an unambiguous choice, because everything is individual and depends on the final goal. For some, it is enough to refresh the skin color, then even a slight form of peeling will help. But for some this will be insufficient and to no avail. Some of the options are universal (for example, light), however, according to experts, the more effective of them is deep. After it, the epidermis is completely destroyed, and desquamation of the papillary sublayer of the dermis occurs. Simply put, almost all layers, like scars with wrinkles, are corroded and new skin begins to grow. This procedure requires anesthesia and is done only on the recommendation of a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Classification by degree of impact

Depending on the strength of the action on the dermis, peeling is divided into types:


The upper dead cells are removed. The rejuvenation of the tissue begins, it becomes more even and smooth.


Acts on the deep layers of the epidermis. Post-acne, stretch marks and other similar damage are eliminated. The recovery will not be long.


The most aggressive and effective method, it creates a powerful lifting. It is advisable not to resort to this method without indications, because the epidermis is removed. And rehabilitation will take about six months.

Types of procedures

The cleansing procedure is divided according to the method of exposure and depth of penetration.

Only a competent specialist (cosmetologist) can determine which type of cleansing will be most effective when examining a patient.

Method of influence:

  1. Chemical.
  2. Mechanical.
  3. Physical.

Penetration depth:

  1. Surface.
  2. Median.
  3. Deep.

Which facial peeling is best done depending on individual characteristics?

Now, to choose the right type, you need to understand the intricacies of the whole process. You need to start from the problem that needs to be eliminated, from the type and age of your skin.


Here you should choose gentle options:

  • easy chemical or mechanical cleaning;
  • scrub;
  • cryopilling.


You can use more crude methods of cleansing:

  • vacuum;
  • dermabrasion;
  • median;
  • laser resurfacing.


It can be dry and oily. In the first case, it looks rough and can thicken, so it is important to moisturize it. Chemical exfoliation is suitable here. Since lactic and pyruvic acids will stimulate the production of their own - hyaluronic acid, thereby protecting the body surface from dehydration.

In the second, it is characterized by shine and the appearance of pimples. Recommended:

  • diamond (helps eliminate inflammation now and also prevents its occurrence in the future);
  • coral (contains components such as mineral salts and medicinal herbs);
  • almond (will reduce the level of sebum production. But immediately after applying this procedure, it will “pull” all inflammation out);
  • salicylic (it will relieve inflammation and destroy germs).

Top 10 in the ranking of the strongest facial peelings from famous companies

Exfoliation can be done both in the salon and at home. The most important thing is to choose the right product. Almost all of them are hypoallergenic, and toxic components are softened by gentle ingredients.

Ultra Gentle Exfoliating Gel Ultraceuticals

A gel containing glycerin and eucalyptus, which makes the effect very delicate. Exfoliates the skin well, but does not dry it out. Used for normal and combined type.

Peeling Gommage with vitamins E from Christina

A product suitable for many. Contains chamomile, vanilla extract and Dead Sea salts. It promotes not only the elimination of old dead cells, but also regeneration and increases elasticity.

Gigi Peeling regular

This is a new and modern facial peeling product. Perfect for those who suffer from rosacea. Good for regular use.

Pure Ritual Peel Black

In addition to the smoothing effect, it also has the ability to remove toxic elements. This function is performed by the volcanic stone powder included in the composition.

Herb Clear Gel Pure by Cefine

Suitable for any time of year. Due to the content of polyglutamic acid and plant extracts, the risk of injury is eliminated.

Kart Papaya Peeling

This is an Israeli professional cosmetics that will last for a long time, since the gel must be applied in a very thin layer. Contains papaya extract and has a very pleasant fruity smell.

Lactolan Peeling from Holy Land cosmetics

Combines the effects of gommage and enzymatic peeling, made on the basis of cheese and whey. Therefore, it will very delicately, but at the same time efficiently cleanse your face of dead cells.

Top Secrets Gommage Action Biologique by YSL

Provides careful and gentle care. Enriched with vitamins and natural oils, does not contain abrasive (solid) particles.

Baviphat Peach All-in-one Peeling Gel

This line of Korean cosmetics has a gel texture and a delicious peach scent. Able to slightly lighten age spots and freckles.

Oxygen Botanicals Deep Pore Cleanser pH

Normalizes sebum secretion, removes pollution from pores and narrows them. Has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect.

Facial scrub.

The principle of operation is mechanical removal of dirt and dead cells. The scrub is a base containing solid particles that have a mechanical effect on the skin, freeing it from keratinized scales. The base can be a gel, emulsion or other substance. But the main active ingredient in these cosmetics is abrasives.

Abrasives used in scrubs can be of different origins; usually, they are crushed shells of various seeds: apricot, peach, almond. It can also be cereal grains or synthetic substances: polished polyethylene granules, round in shape.

It is worth noting that synthetic granules have a more delicate effect compared to their natural counterparts, since they do not have sharp edges. Therefore, using everything only natural in the 21st century, in its own right, is not an obvious solution.

The size and shape of the solid particles used depends on the skin type. Large and hard, used for oily skin, round and polished, for sensitive skin. It is especially worth noting that scrubs also contain other active ingredients: oils, plant extracts, etc. This combination allows, in addition to exfoliation, to nourish the skin with valuable substances, increasing the effectiveness of the scrub.

You can read more about the types of active ingredients used in cosmetics in the articles.

Cosmetics for facial skin, from antioxidants to phytoestrogens.

Facial cosmetics, from moisturizers to cell extracts.

Before using the scrub, the skin must be moisturized. It should also be taken into account that the application force should depend on the skin type. For sensitive and dry skin, the effect should be more delicate compared to oily skin care.

What to choose

After listing such a variety, the question arises: what is the best professional facial peeling? The answer is almost the same as with choosing a service in a salon. It all depends on preferences, what problem you want to solve and individual indicators:

  • products based on milk components are most effective for dry and sensitive skin;
  • if you are concerned about age spots, then chemical exfoliation will be effective;
  • Enzyme cleansing is effective in the fight against oily shine and impaired sebum secretion;
  • a product containing salicylic acid is suitable for problematic types prone to inflammation;
  • if you want to achieve an even and radiant tone, you can try microcrystalline grinding (you can learn more about this technique in the video below, which describes the operation of the device and the procedure itself).

If you decide to rejuvenate and cleanse your skin, we will be happy to help you decide on the choice of product. Our First Moscow Store of Customs Goods is not only a large assortment, but also saves you time and money, thanks to high-quality replicas and originals of branded product lines.

The result of peeling.

Fruit acids are mainly used for skin rejuvenation in anti-aging care. Peeling with fruit acids gives the following results.

Regular use of peelings allows you to correct wrinkles.

Reduce pigmentation.

Level the microrelief.

The skin takes on a healthy, radiant appearance.

Salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory and comedogenic effects. In most cases it is used to care for oily skin.

PHA acids, in addition to exfoliation, moisturize the skin and strengthen antioxidant protection. As a rule, they are used to care for sensitive, dry or aging skin.

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