Transient or borderline conditions of newborns
The transition from intrauterine development to life in the outside world is associated with major changes in practically
Achatina snail in cosmetology, what cosmetologists hide
The French have always been a little more adventurous than other Europeans. And when it comes
Mesoscooter for face photo
Mesoscooter for face, neck, décolleté: rules for choosing and using a dermaroller at home
A mesoscooter for the face is a small device consisting of a handle and a roller with many
Lokoid ointment: indications and instructions for use, where to buy without a prescription
Lokoid ointment: indications and instructions for use, where to buy without a prescription
For the treatment of psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases, various ointments are used, including
Human skin. Moles, acne, pigmentation, itching and other changes on the skin.
From birth, every person is endowed with a special color of skin, hair and eyes. It's connected with
Sampling for Fungal Nail Infection: 5 Things You Need to Know
Causes of mycosis of the nails Mycosis of the nails and feet develops as an inflammatory process, the cause of which is
Ointments based on beeswax for psoriasis
Effect of cream-wax against psoriasis Indications for use Contraindications Composition of cream-wax Method of use Price
The use of flaxseed flour in cosmetology. Recipes for cleansing and rejuvenating face masks made from flaxseed flour
The use of flaxseed flour in cosmetology. Recipes for cleansing and rejuvenating face masks made from flaxseed flour
Flax is an amazing plant containing fatty oils that have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face and neck.
New growths on the skin
Swelling, growth, formation on the child’s body
Our skin has a complex structure and consists of various cells, and elements that
Itching of a child's palms at night. A child’s palms itch: causes, diagnostic methods, treatment. Burn and itch
What is itchy palms? Unpleasant sensations that are caused by internal nonspecific or external irritants.
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