Fordyce granules and permanent lip makeup. Photos before and after, reviews
Fordyce granules and permanent lip makeup. Photos before and after, reviews
Fordyce granules Fordyce granules are hyperplastic sebaceous glands that tend to form on
what effect does cosmetics have on health?
Concept, main symptoms and methods of treatment of benign brain tumor
Types of skin cancer There are 3 types of common malignant skin tumors. They differ as
Abscess, boil on the lip: what to do, how to treat it - treating an abscess at home
What to do and how to treat an abscess on the lip inside and outside? First of all
Diathesis in infants: description and treatment tactics
Diathesis in newborns during breastfeeding
Pediatrician (working with children in the first year of life) Murzina Oksana Yuryevna Experience 22 years
'The Mother's Plaque and the Christmas Tree' title= 'The Mother's Plaque and the Christmas Tree'
Carefully! Ringworm (microsporia)
Initial appointment with a dermatologist 1200 ₽ Call of a dermatologist at home 4000 ₽ The disease appears in
The most common cause of redness of the foreskin and head of the penis is a sexually transmitted infection.
Causes of lumps and lumps on the penis and how they are treated
The penis is the male external genital organ, consisting of a head, a body and a root. If
Face mask
Problems and contraindications for using cosmetic clay and masks – don’t overdo it
Throughout the history of mankind, women have been pursuing beauty and healthy skin. In our time
swelling of the eyelids
What remedies will help quickly eliminate swelling of the eyelids?
How to remove swelling from the eyelids? Swelling occurs due to the accumulation of a large volume of fluid in the intercellular
Cosmetic oils for the face instead of cream: rating, 10 best reviews, application, how to use
Cosmetic oils for the face instead of cream: rating, 10 best reviews, application, how to use
Home » Face Category: Face But, in recent years, the oil has returned to store shelves
Image 1: Temperature - Clinic Family Doctor
Low-grade fever: what to do when it stays at 37°C
Since childhood, we know that there is a normal temperature, and there is a “bad” one. Below normal
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