Causes of lumps and lumps on the penis and how they are treated

The penis is the male external genital organ, consisting of a head, a body and a root. If a healthy representative of the stronger sex does not have sexually transmitted or other diseases of the genital area, including allergic ones, then there are no spots or formations on any part of the phallus.

If large or small red dots appear on the penis, this is a serious reason to consult a doctor - a dermatovenereologist or urologist. Because soon other symptoms of the pathology may appear, and if left untreated, the man will not only experience discomfort in the groin, but also reproductive dysfunction, including infertility.

Contact dermatitis

This type of disease occurs under the influence of an irritant. These include medications, certain foods, laundry detergents, cosmetics, condoms, underwear, and so on.

With contact dermatitis, the lump looks like a reddish bump, in the area of ​​which there is itching.

This lump is not dangerous if treatment is started on time. If the infection is not eliminated, then a bacterial infection joins the disease.


Symptoms of this disease are:

  • Peeling;
  • Redness;
  • Itching in the lump area;
  • Edema.

The most common cause of redness of the foreskin and head of the penis

The most common cause of redness of the foreskin and head of the penis is a sexually transmitted infection.

The introduction of STI pathogens into the tissues of the genitourinary tract causes the development of inflammatory phenomena in them - hyperemia, swelling, pain.

The development of inflammation is facilitated by weakening of the body's immunity against the background of hypothermia, stress, alcohol abuse, and taking antibiotics.


A lump on the male genital organ can also be a cancerous tumor. The following types of cancer are distinguished:

  • Papillary cancer;
  • Nodular cancer;
  • Ulcerative cancer.

Cancer looks different. Usually its shape is clear and its size is large.


Penile cancer has symptoms such as:

  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • Burning;
  • Pain appears during urination;
  • Severe pain syndrome.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Both pimples and Fordyce granules located on the penis can increase in size, change their shape, and also cause pain when touched . This manifestation occurs when the sebaceous glands become inflamed. They may become harder to the touch, resembling in appearance pimples with an abscess on top.

Other reasons for the appearance of pimples on the male penis are:

  1. Molluscum contagiosum . This is a papule (dense nodule), pinkish or flesh-colored and round in shape. It does not cause pain upon palpation. Its dimensions can most often be from 2 to 10 millimeters, but sometimes reach several centimeters. If you press on the formation, a curd mass is released from it. It is possible that it may appear on the shaft of the phallus, with several such blisters appearing nearby. It is transmitted through close contact between bodies, including during sex. The disease received this name due to the fact that inside the papule there are bodies similar to a shell in which the mollusk hides. This manifestation is safe. Does not require treatment. After a few months it goes away on its own.
  2. Neurodermatitis . The occurrence of the disease is associated with disorders of the nervous system or genetic factors. When one of the forms of this disease (giant neurodermatitis) manifests itself, fairly large red bumps (up to one centimeter) form on the root of the organ, on the scrotum and in the inguinal folds, which rise above the surface of the skin. These red bumps on the penis itch very strongly and unbearably . Often, scars remain in places where scratching occurs. An additional infection is likely due to the presence of wounds.
  3. Genital herpes. Viral infection. The mucous membrane of the genital organs is affected. Transmitted through intimate contact. Pimples in the form of bubbles and ulcers appear on the head of the penis. They are often quite painful.
  4. Human papillomavirus infection. The virus is transmitted during sex. Most often, papillomas appear on the frenulum of the penis and its head, and are sometimes found on the scrotum. Their primary form of manifestation is smooth flesh-colored pimples that do not cause pain. They then grow into genital warts. With weakened immunity, rapid growth of such warts is possible.
  5. Scabies. A contagious skin disease caused by a microscopic mite. Severely itchy nodules may appear on the skin of the phallus or scrotum.

READ ALSO: Pimple on an intimate place in women: causes and treatment, what to do

Pimples on the skin of the penis can also occur with other pathologies. Some of them are contagious and can only be transmitted sexually, while others, like the acrochordon (skin growth), are harmless. There are also chronic skin diseases , which in rare cases appear isolated and on the genitals, for example, lichen planus.

Mechanical injury

Perhaps the lump was formed due to a mechanical impact, which resulted in internal bleeding. The causes of such an injury can be: bruise, blow, unsuccessful sexual intercourse, clamping.

A small lump can be treated at home. In case of a large hematoma, specialist help is recommended to avoid sexual dysfunction.


Symptoms of mechanical injuries to the penis are as follows:

  • Change in skin tone;
  • Pain syndrome.

What to do if lumps appear on the penis

If a lump has formed on the penis, you should not press it yourself or make absorbable lotions. This can provoke further growth and inflammation.


Which doctor should I contact: a urologist, venereologist or phlebologist.

Basic tests to identify the cause of the appearance of lumps on the penis:

  1. Urethral swab.
  2. Scraping for microscopic examination
  3. Blood test: general, for syphilis, HIV, to determine antibodies, the number of circulating immune complexes.
  4. Allergy tests.
  5. Dermatoscopy is the study of the structure of cones under a microscope.
  6. Histology - analysis of the cellular structure of the formation after a biopsy.
  7. Microscopic analysis of the contents of the cones, culture for bacteria. Biomaterial is taken by scraping or puncture.

Dermatovenereologist Lenkin Sergey Gennadievich tells what bacterial culture from the urethra is and how it works

In case of Peyronie's disease, an ultrasound of the penis with Doppler sonography is performed. The same procedure is carried out if lymphangitis is suspected.


Treatment methods depend on the type of formation. In some cases, no intervention is required. Below we have briefly described the methods of treating the main types of lumps on the penis.


In case of massive skin lesions, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed: Erythromycin, Ciprofloxacin, Cephalexin. Single follicles are lubricated three times a day with antiseptic agents: fucorcin, chlorhexidine, erythromycin and tetracycline ointment. For staphylococcal folliculitis, Bactroban ointment is prescribed, for fungal folliculitis, Ketozoral is prescribed.

Tetracycline ointment is an antibiotic used for purulent infections of soft tissues, furunculosis, acne, etc. Cost from 38 rubles


You cannot open boils on the penis yourself. This should be done by a urologist or genital surgeon. Regular surgeons often make large incisions, so it is better to contact a specialized specialist.

Opened boil -

After opening, the contents are sent for bacterial culture, drainage is left in the wound, washed daily with antiseptics and bandaged until the pus is separated. The patient is prescribed a broad-spectrum antibiotic, Longidase.


The atheroma is removed surgically: it is removed through an incision along with the capsule and a bandage is applied. In case of inflammation, the capsule is removed later.

Bed of removed atheroma -

Lipomas are also removed surgically.

Scheme of surgical excision of atheroma: 1 – skin; 2 – scissors; 3 – clamps; 4 – atheroma; 5 – excised skin flap; 6 – subcutaneous tissue

Peyronie's disease

A slight degree of curvature of the penis and small soft plaques are treated conservatively with physiotherapy and collagen-dissolving drugs such as Lidase. Large plaques can only be corrected surgically. The seal is excised and the defect is replaced with a skin flap.

Urologist-andrologist Nikolai Konstantinovich Soloviev tells how to treat Peyronie’s disease without surgery

Contact dermatitis

Treatment methods for contact dermatitis depend on the factors that trigger it. Antiseptics, corticosteroids and wound-healing ointments are prescribed: Triderm, Sinaflan, Akriderm, Advantan.

Triderm is a drug with antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects for external use. Price from 630 rubles

Molluscum contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum bumps on the penis disappear after 1-3 months under the influence of the immune system. You can leave them alone and abstain from sexual intercourse all this time, or contact a venereologist. The doctor will carefully remove the bumps with tweezers and treat the wounds with an antiseptic. Cryotherapy, electrocoagulation, laser, and podophyllotoxin applications are also used for removal.


This is an incurable disease caused by the characteristics of the immune system. Symptoms can be reduced with anti-inflammatory and glucocorticosteroid ointments such as hydrocortisone.


Dermatofibromas on the penis are not removed unless absolutely necessary, since a section of very dense tissue forms under them, which will also have to be excised. After removal, relapses are possible.


Hematomas resolve on their own, in rare cases they fester. To speed up the healing process, ointments with heparin, Troxevasin, and Badyaga cream are prescribed.

Troxevasin is used for the treatment and also for the relief of varicose veins and other symptoms of venous insufficiency. Price from 210 rubles


The treatment regimen for lymphangitis includes anti-inflammatory drugs, Longidase injections, venotonics, Troxevasin ointment, and Disfectaza rectal suppositories. Good results are obtained by electrophoresis with Longidase and other physiotherapy procedures that prevent the proliferation of connective tissue and improve blood flow.

Longidaza is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of diseases accompanied by connective tissue hyperplasia. Price from 1700 rubles

Papillomas, condylomas, angiokeratomas

The optimal method for removing warts from the skin of the penis and glans is a radio knife. It does not leave scars and acts strictly on education without affecting healthy tissue. Clinics most often use cryotherapy and electrocoagulation. Removal of warts is accompanied by immunomodulatory therapy aimed at deactivating the virus. It is impossible to completely remove it from the body.

Dermatovenerologist Sergey Gennadievich Lenkin talks about methods for removing condylomas on the penis


Penicillin drugs are traditionally used to treat syphilis: Extencillin, Bicillin-3, Retarpen. The course of treatment takes 2-3 months. In parallel, immunomodulatory agents and vitamin complexes are prescribed. You need to see a doctor as soon as the primary lump swells.


This disease occurs as a result of pseudofollicular and follicular complications. It occurs due to severe male sweating, pressure and friction in the area of ​​​​the diseased neoplasia. Due to this, bacteria enter the formation. It turns red and irritation occurs. Visually, furunculosis on the penis looks like a lump-shaped seal. It can cause itching, pain and discomfort. Then pus appears in it. It can be eliminated through surgery, but it can also resolve on its own.


Symptoms of furunculosis on the penis include:

  • Enlarged lymph nodes;
  • Fever;
  • Pain syndrome of a strong nature;
  • Itching;
  • Strong discomfort, pain.

Treatment of skin thickening (oleogranuloma) of the penis

Conservative treatment is possible, but it is ineffective and is used only during the preoperative period to determine the localization of the inflammatory process. Patients are prescribed antibacterial therapy, physiotherapy, and it is recommended to use ointments and baths with antiseptics.

Also, oleogranuloma is treated radically, that is, operations are performed. The simplest is the operation of circular excision of the foreskin (circumcision). It is used in the presence of limited areas of oleogranuloma located on the body of the penis. During this one-stage operation, the skin defect is closed with local tissue.

For extensive lesions, more complex manipulations are used to remove oleogranuloma. They are already carried out in two stages. Such frauds are called the Reich-Sapozhkov operation. At the first stage, the tissues covering the penis are eliminated, it is immersed inside the scrotum with the head removed. In the second stage, the penis is separated from the scrotum and plastic surgery is performed using local tissues. To avoid impotence, the patient may need penile prosthesis (surgical intervention to help restore erectile function). In particularly difficult cases, when gangrene spreads, the penis is amputated.

Since oleogranuloma is a self-created disease, no preventive measures are provided. It should be understood that this procedure should be carried out in a trusted place, equipped with all sanitary conditions, since it relates to plastic surgery. Otherwise, erectile dysfunction, psychological disorders and complications may occur.


Atheromas are cysts that arise from blocked sebaceous ducts. Their contours are smooth and clear. They are located in the pubic area and at the base of the male organ. They appear due to hormonal imbalance, sexually transmitted diseases, mechanical damage, sexual dysfunctions, poor hygiene, injuries, and uncomfortable underwear.

The course of the disease is painless, it is possible to open the lump on your own.


Symptoms for atheroma will be as follows:

  • The presence of discomfort and itching;
  • Edema.

Pimples on the penis: treatment methods

Let's consider options on what to do and how to get rid of pimples on the penis . Therapy for formations on the penis depends on the disease that caused them:

  1. The process of treating inflamed Fordyce granules is performed very successfully at home . This does not require additional effort. It is necessary to wash the phallus several times a day with warm water using tar, or better yet, laundry soap. Disinfection of pimples should be carried out with an antiseptic available in the home medicine cabinet - iodine, brilliant green or peroxide . You should not squeeze out pimples on the penis. If they break through on their own, perform additional processing. A decoction of herbs (St. John's wort, calamus root and chamomile flowers), which is used to wash the granules several times during the day, also has a good effect. Tea tree and fir essential oils are used as an antiseptic. If a burning sensation occurs after treatment, it is recommended to apply an additional thin layer of mustard oil.
  2. When treating neurodermatitis, it is necessary to reduce the manifestation of neurotic reactions. Both psychotropic and sedative drugs, as well as antidepressants and tranquilizers, are used.
  3. Herpes is completely incurable . However, in the fight against it during the next exacerbation, the drug Anciclovir helps well.
  4. An effective means of combating scabies mites is 5% Permethrin in the form of lotion, ointment or gel. The product is rubbed into the skin and hair of the entire body, but not into the head of the penis. Once absorbed, it does not wash off for 8 to 14 hours. May be repeated after 6 days to get better results.

READ ALSO: Treatment of subcutaneous acne


It is impossible to foresee everything, but for the genitourinary system and its functioning it is necessary to follow a few simple recommendations:

  • Maintain hygiene of the genital organ;
  • Be selective in sexual relations and protect yourself with condoms;
  • For any minimal deviations from the norm upon visual examination of the organ, visit a doctor;
  • Use only hypoallergenic hygiene products;
  • Avoid synthetics in underwear.

Exercising to generally strengthen the immune system will also serve as a support and prevention of various internal viral and bacterial agents, keeping them in a latent state.

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