Genital condylomas of the perineum and external genitalia: choice of treatment method
Very often, patients with dermatologists become patients who have condylomas, papillomas or warts. Data
Your child has microsporia
Ringworm is the general name for a group of skin diseases that manifest as characteristic rashes that
Human papillomavirus in men: diagnosis, symptoms, treatment
HPV occurs in men at approximately the same frequency as in women. Wrong
People with acne, gastritis and stomach ulcers need to follow a diet. Not really
Symptoms of acne (acne) Increased oiliness of the skin of the face and scalp (increased sebum production); Small
Stretch marks and stretch marks Laser removal 6 clinics in Moscow since 1994
It is generally accepted that stretch marks or stretch marks on the skin can appear exclusively in women after
Newborn acne: what Dr. Komarovsky advises
Allergic rash in a newborn Allergy in an infant is an unfavorable immune response of the child’s body
Diaper powder or diaper cream: which is better for a newborn?
Oil Folk remedies Care and treatment Children's skin is different from adult skin: it is thinner and
Rating TOP 7 best remedies for blackheads: which one to choose, reviews, price
We tried a lot of remedies for blackheads, trusting advertising or recommendations. But! There is no result. If
A burn is an injury that leads to disruption of tissue integrity. They are distinguished by the type of traumatic
Surgical removal of lipomas, atheromas, hygromas and skin fibromas
What is atheroma? Atheroma is a benign growth of tissue on which increased sweating is observed.
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