Lipoma (facial fat) on the face: what to do?
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Minocycline in the treatment of patients with acne vulgaris
Acne is a serious problem, but it can and should be dealt with. Modern medicine has
Hardware methods for removing papillomas and warts
Papillomas are small skin growths caused by a virus that infects the human body. Despite,
How to treat red spots on the face (itch and peel)
Xerosis, or dry skin. The tendency towards it is inherited or arises as a result
Eczema on the head - treatment, causes, symptoms
What is eczema Eczema is an inflammatory skin disease that manifests itself as a rash, itching, and redness.
Recommendations after the facial biorevitalization procedure
Biorevitalization: the mechanism of action of beauty injections A few words about how beauty injections work
Genital herpes. Clinical picture and approaches to therapy
Recurrent herpes of the external genitalia Typical recurrent herpes on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs, usually
Modern therapy of psoriasis taking into account its immunopathology
New opportunities for complex therapy of psoriasis 00:00 Oksana Mikhailovna Drapkina, executive director of Internet Sessions, secretary
Micropapillomatosis in women, on the labia: photos, treatment methods
Vulvar neoplasms are tumor diseases of the external genitalia. The formation of foreign bodies can occur
What are stretch marks on the body: what they look like, which doctor to see, treatment methods
Stretch marks are quite common, especially purple ones. They occur in 50% -80% of the population at different
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