Why do white spots appear on the body after sunbathing?
Sometimes after sunbathing you may notice the appearance of white spots on the skin. Most people don't realize
Alena Sobol teaches how to properly massage the face Zogan Asahi
Every woman dreams of finding a recipe that will allow her to stay young and healthy for as long as possible.
How to get rid of wen on the eyelids? Drug and surgical treatment
Wen on the eyelids are lumps or lumps of varying degrees of severity and size. Exists
My great acid experience, part 3: TCA salon peeling (before and after photos, general results, skin now)
Trichloroacetic acid TCA 15%, 25%, 35% Peeling TCA (Mediderma) – a classic medium peeling, is
Does apple cider vinegar help you lose weight and get rid of cellulite?
Vinegar wraps are an excellent home cosmetology product for skin rejuvenation and elasticity.
How to remove facial wrinkles and prevent their reappearance
Causes of wrinkles Wrinkles on the face are a problem that occurs not only in adulthood.
Genital herpes. Author of the article: obstetrician-gynecologist Galimzyanova Tamara Gabdulkhaevna.
Recurrent herpes of the external genitalia Typical recurrent herpes on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs, usually
The eyelids are flaky and itchy - causes and treatment of itching
You can often tell from a person's face whether he or she has health problems.
Why spots appear on the testicles in men and what to do
Redness of the scrotum may be a sign of some dangerous disease that requires timely diagnosis and treatment. Reasons
Cyst on the tonsil: causes, symptoms, treatment features
Benign tumors of the pharynx, which include a cyst on the tonsil, are quite common, especially in
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