How to get rid of wen on the eyelids? Drug and surgical treatment

Wen on the eyelids are lumps or lumps of varying degrees of severity and size. There are several types of wen, and in the vast majority of cases they are harmless , unless there is a possibility of their degeneration into malignant formations.

Removing such formations is the work of a cosmetologist .
But before such a procedure, it is necessary to be additionally examined by a dermatologist and ophthalmologist. Keep in mind! They must confirm that the lipoma is not dangerous and its removal will not lead to complications.

What are wen on the eyelids?

A fatty tissue (lipoma) is a benign formation in which adipose tissue is formed.

As a result of such processes, protruding seals of different sizes are formed under the skin.

These formations are yellowish in color and are usually lighter than the base color of the skin.

Lipomas can range in size from a few millimeters to one and a half centimeters.

Seals are divided into two types: milia and xanthelasma.

Milia are yellowish formations in the form of small pinpoint compactions.

It is worth noting! Xanthelasmas are flatter and larger than milia; moreover, unlike them, such formations necessarily grow over time.

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Lipoma (fat) is a benign tumor that develops in adipose tissue. The tumor often does not have clear boundaries and appears as single or multiple nodes. By affecting the intermuscular connective tissue, lipoma can lead to muscle atrophy.


Wen may not cause discomfort or pain : they do not have nerve endings.

Stay up to date! Pain can still be felt under large lumps, as they compress the nerve endings in nearby tissues.

If the formations are located very close to each other, their contents under the skin can merge into one formation.

The color of lipomas is always close to yellow . Self-opening is not typical for such formations.

Signs of lipomas

A newly appeared lipoma of small size is often discovered by chance, since the neoplasm is painless and does not manifest itself for a long time. Patients experience discomfort only when touching lipomas located along the nerve trunks.

Wen can be 1–20 cm in diameter, sometimes larger. When palpated, these are subcutaneous formations of medium density, surrounded by a connective tissue capsule, mobile, not fused with neighboring tissues. The skin over the wen can be easily moved in all directions.

Lipoma is most often diagnosed in women aged 30 to 50 years. Wen can appear anywhere there is adipose tissue: on the face, scalp, back, legs or arms, mammary glands, intermuscular fascia. Rarely, lipomas affect the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and tendon sheaths of joints.

Wen never appears on the feet and palms.

Over time, lipomas increase in size, and when they compress nearby organs, they can cause discomfort. Also, a feature of lipomas is that when the patient’s body weight decreases, lipomas do not decrease, but, on the contrary, sometimes increase.

Hereditary predisposition is the cause of multiple lipomatosis - increased fat deposition in the intermuscular spaces and subcutaneous tissue. In this case, fat deposits are localized throughout the body, almost without affecting the head, shoulders and legs below the knees; their number can reach fifty pieces.

Based on their structure and location, the following types of lipomas are distinguished:

  • Lipofibromas are formations that are soft to the touch and consist only of adipose tissue.
  • Fibrolipomas are a little denser to the touch and consist of adipose and connective tissue. This type of lipoma appears on the thighs and calves.
  • Myolipomas are dense formations; their structure includes smooth muscle fibers.
  • Angiolipomas are composed of muscle, fatty tissue and thick-walled blood vessels. This type of lipoma affects internal organs: liver, kidneys.
  • Myelolipomas are formed by adipose and hematopoietic tissues. Rarely encountered in practice, they most often affect the adrenal glands.

Are wen dangerous if left untreated?

Wen, being a benign phenomenon, poses only an indirect danger (subject to degeneration into a malignant tumor).

Know! In some cases, encapsulation of the compaction is possible - this is the cessation of its interaction with other nearby structures and with immunoglobulins.

As a result, pathogenic microorganisms will begin to multiply in the cone over time. As a consequence, the development of inflammatory processes and suppuration in the wen.


A specialist can easily recognize superficial lipomas, but those located in internal organs are difficult to detect.

Lipoma is often confused with atheroma; only a doctor can distinguish between them. Atheroma is a cyst of the sebaceous gland of the skin; it occurs when its excretory duct is blocked. Inside the atheroma there are drops of fat; formations often become inflamed and fester.

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Differences between atheroma and lipoma:

  • Atheroma is located in the connective tissue section of the skin (dermis), while lipoma is a subcutaneous formation.
  • Atheromas form only on the sebaceous glands, so they rarely occur on the legs, arms, and mammary glands.
  • Atheroma is not a tumor.

To treat atheroma, the surgical method, laser photocoagulation, laser excision of the cyst shell, and laser evaporation of the cyst shell from the inside are used.

In addition to atheroma, lipoma should be distinguished from the following formations:

  • Hygroma is an accumulation of fluid in the cavity of the periarticular bursa.
  • Lymphadenitis is inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  • A dermoid cyst is a benign formation caused by improper tissue fusion due to a malformation of the body during the prenatal stage.
  • Malignant tumors.

To diagnose fatty tissues that are inaccessible to a doctor for palpation, radiography, ultrasound, and X-ray computed tomography are used. If a lipoma is suspected of being malignant, a puncture aspiration biopsy method is used, when a fragment of the wen is selected with a thin needle and examined under a microscope.

How to get rid of it?


Drug treatment is an auxiliary method that will help get rid of small bumps (up to three centimeters).

In such cases, for external treatment you can use dimexide ointment, ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment.

Important! As a result of the action of the active components of such products, self-opening of the seal may occur.

The drugs also have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effects.

The method of injecting into the cones that promote resorption more

The procedure is performed only once in a hospital setting to avoid infection.

Folk remedies

Among the traditional medicines for wen, you can try the following:

  1. Wen are lubricated with iodine , in which a cotton swab is moistened. The procedure is repeated once a day for a week . The method is suitable for removing only small cones and when there is a predisposition to their self-opening.
  2. Using a meat grinder, chop a small onion, after which laundry soap is grated. You should get the same amount of shavings in volume as onion gruel. Both components are mixed, wrapped in a bag of gauze or natural fabric and applied to the formation as a compress. It must be applied overnight for several days, so the compress should be additionally secured with a bandage.
  3. In a ratio of 1 to 5, tincture of burdock or golden mustache and vodka are diluted . The product is infused for a week; the seals should be lubricated with it up to four times a day.
  4. Gauze is soaked in freshly squeezed aloe juice , which is applied to the wen once a day for 5-10 minutes. The effect of using aloe is usually achieved within a month.

For reference! By themselves, such drugs are relatively safe and their use does not have serious side effects.

But care should be taken to avoid contact with the eyes, as this can lead to chemical burns to the mucous membrane and cornea.

What is the danger?

Atheroma refers to a benign tumor (not cancerous). However, if it is not removed in time, it can become a source of chronic infection. And this will certainly lead to complications. Even if there is no bacterial infection, atheroma can swell and become inflamed. One of the serious complications is rupture and subsequent infection. This danger leads to an abscess or cellulitis.

Inflammation of the formation is characterized by redness of the skin over the formation, enlargement, swelling, pain when touching the atheroma. A grayish substance with an unpleasant odor is often released. In these cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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Prevention and actions after treatment

Preventing the appearance of wen comes down to the following actions:

  1. Compliance with hygiene rules. The face should be washed with soap every morning and before going to bed. This is also necessary after carrying out any work or actions that lead to contamination of the facial skin.
  2. If the skin is too dry, it is recommended to use moisturizers . This applies to both women and men, regardless of age.
  3. Smoking and alcohol abuse can lead to disruption of various mechanisms and systems of the body, including a negative impact on fat metabolism processes. To reduce the risk of developing wen, smoking and drinking alcohol should be limited.
  4. The more deviations a person has from normal weight (obesity), the greater the likelihood of the formation of such seals. Therefore, it is necessary to keep yourself in shape and try to lead a moderately active lifestyle.
  5. All endocrine diseases and gastrointestinal pathologies must be treated promptly , as they affect the functions of fat metabolism.
  6. The diet should not contain food rich in animal fats in large quantities.
  7. People with oily skin are recommended to use scrubs to cleanse their skin once a week.

Troubleshooting methods

Even a harmless wen should not be tolerated or treated on your own.

  1. Firstly, if removed incorrectly, an infection can occur.
  2. Secondly, there is a risk of the onset of an inflammatory process in the surrounding tissues.
  3. Thirdly, the consequence of improper removal of a lipoma can be the acquisition of a spot and even a scar that disfigures the appearance.

Only a dermatologist or cosmetology specialist is able to provide qualified assistance safely and efficiently.

It is recommended to treat a small wen with conservative methods, such as ointments. The most successful methods in the fight against wen are:

  • mechanical removal;
  • laser;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • conservative.

Moreover, the conservative method, as the simplest and most inexpensive, is the most common. After all, there are many effective ointments to solve the problem, including the popular and affordable ichthyol ointment.

This is a wonderful drug, which, according to user reviews, has a beneficial effect not only on lipomas, but also on inflammation, acne, and blackheads.

The success of the product has been proven by many years of its use, recommendations from dermatologists, advice on social networks, and is due to the presence of beneficial qualities of the ointment that cannot be enumerated.

However, it would not be superfluous to note that the effectiveness of the drug is directly dependent on the stage of the disease and the individual characteristics of the body.

If the disease is pathological, with growths and large lesions, a surgical treatment method is recommended.

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