Plaque psoriasis: description of the disease, symptoms, treatment methods

Psoriasis: photo of the initial stage

Different types of psoriasis start differently. The disease begins with pink or red spots, which then grow and become covered with silvery, dry scales.

Look at the photo of what psoriasis looks like on different parts of the body.

Early stage psoriasis on the hands

Psoriasis on the legs (initial stage)

Nail psoriasis - initial stage

Psoriasis on the body in the initial stage

Onset of psoriasis in children

Psoriasis: initial stage (on the head)

Psoriasis: symptoms (photos)

The first symptoms of psoriasis most often appear at the age of 15-25 years. However, the disease can manifest itself at any age.

Red spots on the body

Nail damage

Fever, malaise

Severe forms of psoriasis are accompanied by fever

Deformation of toes and hands

Preventive measures

Prevention of the disease requires compliance with simple rules. Firstly, you need to protect your nervous system, because stress factors can trigger psoriasis. Secondly, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system and lead a healthy lifestyle:

  • exclude fried, salty, fatty foods from the diet and eat healthy;
  • do not smoke or drink alcohol, as this may worsen symptoms;
  • take care of your skin - avoid frostbite, prolonged exposure to the scorching sun, avoid mechanical damage;
  • wear underwear made from natural fabrics.

Psoriasis on the body (photo)

The disease affects almost every part of the body and manifests itself in different ways.

Psoriasis on hands

Psoriasis on legs

Psoriasis on nails

Psoriasis in children

Psoriasis on the head

Treatment of psoriasis

Dermatologists and scientists recognize that psoriasis is one of the diseases that needs to be studied more carefully and new effective treatment methods must be sought.

Among the treatment methods, the following give results.

Ultraviolet therapy 311 nm

Ultraviolet lamp for the treatment of psoriasis (311 nm)

The 311 nm method is safe, has no contraindications and has been used all over the world since the 60s of the last century. Suitable for the treatment of psoriasis in pregnant women and children over 3 years of age.

For therapy with this method, a lamp with a wavelength of 311 nm . Psoriasis spots need to be exposed to light for a few minutes to a couple of hours. Sessions are held every other day.

Gives results in the treatment of vulgar (ordinary), seborrheic psoriasis, as well as on the palms, soles and hair. Out of 100 patients, 97 recover from the disease.

PUVA therapy

PUVA therapy cabin

The method has many contraindications and side effects. Cannot be used by pregnant and nursing mothers. In addition, the patient must undergo a complete examination for concomitant diseases.

Treatment with this method takes place in two stages . First, the patient is given a drug (increasing susceptibility to UV rays), then irradiated in a special cabin with long-wave ultraviolet radiation.

Studies indicate the effectiveness of the method (90-97%). However, it is not suitable for everyone and is sometimes even dangerous to health if used incorrectly.

Ointments and shampoos for psoriasis

Ointments and shampoos are not always safe for treating psoriasis. Some have contraindications and side effects, especially drugs containing hormones - glucocorticoids.

Ointments give results in the treatment of vulgar (ordinary), palmoplantar psoriasis. Shampoos are used for the treatment of seborrheic psoriasis and psoriasis on the scalp . Often, after stopping the drug, the disease returns with renewed vigor.

Tablets for psoriasis

Tablets for the treatment of psoriasis have contraindications and side effects . They are prescribed only by doctors and require strict adherence to instructions.

Used for all forms of psoriasis, including severe and advanced disease. They give results in complex therapy , together with external agents.

Folk remedies against psoriasis

Treatment with folk remedies at home is safe, has no contraindications or side effects (if used correctly).

External and internal therapy are used comprehensively . Decoctions, tinctures of medicinal plants, and vitamin preparations are taken internally. External remedies - ointments (often on a solid oil basis) prepared independently, baths, rubbing with plant juice.

Folk remedies are used in the treatment of all types of psoriasis. The result appears after a month (minimum) of continuous treatment.


Pustular psoriasis is a severe form of the disease that requires examination by a doctor. Symptoms:

  • red, inflamed spots with blisters (pustules);
  • sometimes their localization is only on the palms and feet, sometimes on other parts of the body;
  • fever, high temperature, malaise.

Pustular psoriasis can occur due to infections, improper external treatment, and withdrawal of corticosteroid medications. Treatment is carried out only by a doctor. For internal therapy use:

  • antipyretic drugs;
  • corticosteroids;
  • vitamin A analogues and others.

Effective in external therapy:

  • zinc ointment with hydrocortisone;
  • corticosteroid creams;
  • ointments with analogues of vitamins A, D3.

In case of a stable course of the disease, PUVA therapy, Re-PUVA therapy, and ultraviolet irradiation at 311 nm are used. Sanatorium-resort treatment (Sochi, Pyatigorsk) also gives results

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