Alena Sobol teaches how to properly massage the face Zogan Asahi

Every woman dreams of finding a recipe that will allow her to remain young and attractive for as long as possible. Representatives of the fairer sex use all means to achieve the desired goal: expensive creams, anti-aging procedures. The bravest ones even go under the plastic surgeon’s knife. Of course, they don’t spare money for this, because we are talking about youth, which is priceless.

Meanwhile, there is one method that does not require any money. This is a legendary Japanese massage, which was developed by image maker Yukoko Tanaka, using the ancient technique of Zogan Asahi as a basis. Recently, more and more Russian women have been taking note of this method, and all thanks to the famous blogger Alena Sobol, who reveals to them the secrets of working independently with their faces, helping to prolong their youth.

Technique for performing a rejuvenating massage in 10 minutes + video training

Before you begin the massage, you should apply a rich cream to your hands and then rub it on your hands. All the steps described below must be repeated three times, and after completing each of them, make smooth movements to the collarbones from the ears. This drains the lymph. The technique is as follows:

  1. Press your palms to your temples. Next you should draw a line from them to the collarbones.
  2. Press your fingers in the center of the forehead, then, pressing firmly on the skin, move in both directions.
  3. Repeat the same steps as in the previous paragraph, only gently and from the outer edge of each eye to the inner.
  4. Move your fingers from your eyes to the bridge of your nose and return back.
  5. Press firmly on the chin area.
  6. Rub the base of the nose thoroughly, then the bridge of the nose itself. Press your cheekbones with your palms and move from them to your temples.
  7. Press your palms from your cheekbones to your temples.
  8. Return to your chin and make circular movements towards your nostrils.
  9. Next, you should place your hand under your cheekbone, as if your face were falling on it. Place your right hand perpendicularly, applying strong pressure.
  10. Fold your palms into a house shape, support your chin with your thumbs, and place the rest near your nose. Spread your palms to apply good pressure to your face
  11. Rub your forehead vigorously using all fingers except your thumb.

Here are some videos from Alena Sobol herself.

Here the girl demonstrates the correct execution of this technique, which allows you to significantly rejuvenate your face:

A technique for eliminating and preventing the occurrence of wrinkles under the eyes according to the method of a famous Japanese yoga instructor:


Even the most progressive cosmetologists agree that facial massage is a unique procedure that, with the right approach, can replace plastic surgery and hardware methods. Without the use of special equipment or expensive cosmetics, massage brings amazing results.

It should be noted that facial massage is a universal procedure. In its various variations it is used for:

  • Anti-aging skin;
  • Acne treatment;
  • Elimination of puffiness;
  • Treatment of neuritis;
  • General relaxation of the body;
  • Improved vision and speech function;
  • Regular facial care.

As for the Asahi massage, described in Alena Sobol’s videos, it has a powerful tonic and rejuvenating effect. Thanks to the active outflow of lymph, the cells are saturated with useful substances, freeing themselves from toxins and excess fluid. Thus, all metabolic processes in them are accelerated.

Already after the first massage procedure, described in videos with Alena Sobol, painful swelling disappears, a beautiful natural blush appears on the cheeks, and the mood noticeably improves. A full course of procedures, consisting of fifteen to twenty sessions, restores elasticity to the skin, smoothes out wrinkles, and makes the oval of the face clearer and more beautiful.

You can find out more information about this massage by watching this video:

And the best part is that every woman can achieve this result on her own. The massage algorithm is described in detail in Alena Sobol’s videos, and mastering it will not be difficult. After just a few sessions, you won’t have to look at the monitor – your hands will remember what they’re doing.


Theoretically, Japanese facial massage is a simple procedure. It completely eliminates any risk. Such a session does not include any painful or simply unpleasant manipulations. Intense twisting, squeezing or striking movements are excluded from the arsenal of Japanese massage therapists, whose goal is to create beauty.

In her videos, Alena Sobol outlined the massage technique in great detail. She advises using natural vegetable oils (for example, apricot, almond or wheat) during the session. An ordinary baby cream based on natural ingredients is also suitable. Baby oils like Johnson's Baby, she says, are completely unsuitable for such a massage.

Facial massage begins with stimulation of lymph flow. To do this, you need to press your hands tightly to your temples and move along the contour of your face and neck down to your collarbones. After repeating this movement three or four times, you should move to the forehead. By lightly pressing your fingertips on the middle of your forehead (do not press your fingers too hard - the pressure should be noticeable, but not cause discomfort), you should use them to describe the same “route” as in the previous movement.

Then you need to move on to the area around the eyes. The skin in this place is extremely vulnerable and sensitive - Alena Sobol especially focuses on this point. Under no circumstances should you put too much pressure on your eyelids - this can injure thin skin. All movements are made in a circular manner - this is how the periocular muscles are worked out. The eyelid skin massage ends with the same lowering of the hands to the collarbones, which stimulates the outflow of lymph from the massaged tissues.

After this, you need to move on to the area around the lips. The muscles in this place are very strong and tough, so they need to be massaged very intensively. They should be kneaded with slow circular movements with fairly strong pressure (however, you must remember that no discomfort or pain should be allowed).


The Japanese anti-aging mass from Alena Sobol is unique in itself. It requires a fairly small investment of effort and time. So, a girl will need to devote no more than 10 minutes a day to self-massage, while after a month noticeable results will be visible. It is worth noting that in order to develop a massage technique, Alena Sobol spent several years in Japan, studying and revealing the secrets of beauty.

The technique allows you to look 10 years younger. Within a month you will be able to see the following results:

  • Flabby facial skin acquires visible elasticity and becomes significantly healthier
  • Nasolabial folds disappear
  • Skin wrinkles and relief are significantly reduced
  • Disappearance of facial wrinkles near the lips, under the eyes, and also on the forehead
  • Wrinkles disappear under the lower eyelids
  • Acne, blackheads and inflammation disappear
  • The contours of the chin and cheeks take on natural contours.

It is worth noting that if you do such a massage, then the need to visit beauty salons disappears. Also, now there is no need to inject Botox, do all kinds of injections and surgical facelifts. In addition, anti-aging creams become unnecessary. The effectiveness of the technique can be compared with facelifting, but this procedure is much more pleasant, it is free and takes much less time.

About the technique

As already mentioned, the massage described in Alena Sobol’s videos is called Asahi. This unique massage technique originated a very long time ago. However, previously it was used mainly for health purposes. All kinds of massage manipulations were used to treat diseases of the joints and spine, as well as many other ailments. Its cosmetic effect was discovered a little later.

What is this technique? This is an unusual facial massage, which is performed using special massage lines. It was previously believed that vital energy circulated along these lines (which is why in traditional Japanese medicine they are called energy meridians). Now doctors have proven that lymphatic channels pass along these lines, the stimulation of which brings healing and cosmetic effects.

The photo shows hand movements during the procedure

As you know, lymph is a vital transport agent. It is she who delivers amino acids and minerals to the cells, while removing toxins, salts and excess fluid from the tissues. By providing a lymphatic drainage effect, facial massage thereby promotes the normal functioning of cells, which, in turn, affects the appearance.

Of course, the procedure described in the videos with Alena Sobol differs from traditional Japanese technology. It is more adapted to the needs of women, for whom the anti-aging effect is a priority. According to the blogger, just ten minutes of massage a day will help visually rejuvenate your face by as much as ten years.

Perhaps this statement is somewhat hyperbolic, but reviews show that the result still occurs. Moreover, everyone around him notices him, pleasantly surprised and envious of the amazing metamorphoses that happen to a person. What is this effect expressed in?

Indications and contraindications

You should perform Japanese massage from Alena Sobol if you have the following problems:

  • Acne rash;
  • The presence of a large number of wrinkles (especially deep ones);
  • Poorly distinguishable facial contours;
  • Overstrained muscles;
  • Swelling and fat deposits in the cheek area.

You should refrain from the procedure if there are various wounds on your face. It is also not recommended to do massage during infectious diseases, disorders of the lymphatic system, or during a cold.

Massage by Alena Sobol at home

The massage offered by beauty expert Alena Sobol does not pose any danger to the body. Light techniques are used without pressure, without painful manipulations. It is necessary to pay attention to the following points:

Alena suggests completely avoiding twisting, kneading, intense pressure and active tapping.

Sable massages only on clean skin without makeup. Before starting the procedure, the girl must smear the skin with a special base. In her case, it's a cosmetic oil.

If you also have dry skin

, then peach, almond, coconut oil are your choice.
If you have oily skin
, then baby cream (for example, “Little Chanterelle” or “I myself”) is suitable for you.

Avoid baby oils

, used after water procedures (Johnsons Baby and similar products). They will not cope with the mission entrusted to them. Each technique should be completed with a special movement of the palms, provoking the outflow of lymph towards the collarbone.

Features of Japanese technology

However, too intense exercise can only harm the skin. In order to prevent this and achieve maximum effect, you should adhere to a number of rules:

  • Try to perform all activities exclusively in the morning.
  • Do not overdo it by pressing on problem areas of the face.
  • Each movement should be with applied force, while maintaining smoothness and moving over the skin as slowly as possible. Tenderness should be present only by massaging the eyelids, as well as the corners of the eyes. Here the skin is extremely thin, so it can be injured or even stretched.
  • Use cosmetic oil or face cream so that your fingers glide freely over the skin and do not stretch it.
  • Don't miss a single day.
  • There should be no cosmetics on your face.

For a more effective and noticeable effect, you should purchase a special cosmetic oil at the pharmacy. In itself it is not expensive, and it lasts a long time. For healthy skin (without deviations) peach and apricot oil are suitable, for oily skin - hazelnut or almond. A dry face needs flax as well as jojoba oil. There is also a universal solution for any skin type - a mixture of linseed, olive and sunflower oils.

What Alena Sobol offers

Alena Sobol

Alena Sobol lived for many years in the Land of the Rising Sun

, it was there that she first learned about massage for rejuvenation.
The girl studied the famous Asahi massage
Having made changes to it and improved it, she brought this technique to her homeland

Now the secrets of Japanese beauties are available to every girl. Previously, this massage technique was a secret, and not only because of the language barrier, but also because of its effectiveness - no one wanted to reveal the secret of youth.

It is known that Japanese girls have always valued their beauty and health; for them, since ancient times, this has turned into a kind of cult. In Japan, the facial and body massage that Alena Sobol brought with her not only restored 10 years of youth, but also treated spinal diseases, sinusitis, and headaches. The movements offered by this massage technique perfectly smooth the skin, and most importantly, activate the lymphatic systems.

Thanks to massage:

  1. Using smooth but noticeable movements, move your fingertips from the temple to the neck line (to the collarbone). Repeat 3 times.

  2. Using strong pressure with your palms, move from the center of the forehead to the temporal area. The pressure should be quite strong to smooth the skin as much as possible.

  3. You can combine these 2 movements: run your palms over your forehead to your temple, turn your hands parallel to your face and run your fingers to your neck. It must be remembered that this movement should follow the line of the neck to the collarbone, but should not be carried out along the chin.

  4. Lightly move your fingers under the eyes (without pressing) from the outer to the inner corners. Without lifting your hand, use stronger pressure to move along the upper part of the eye area (where the bone, eyebrows begin) from the inner corner to the outer corner again.

  1. Using circular movements of your fingers, starting from the center of the chin, passing near the outer corners of the mouth, draw the nose towards the wings. Repeat the circular movements 2 times, the 3rd time simply repeat the route from the chin to the nose with one pressing movement.

  2. Using circular movements with little force, massage the bridge of the nose and the nose itself, then use the same movements from the wings of the nose, cheekbones to the temporal zone. The last 3rd repetition should be smooth, straight, maintaining the route, but without circular jerky movements of the fingers.

Let us remind you once again that the author of the facial massage technique is Alena Sobol. And “10 years of youth” is not just a symbolic name for her rejuvenation system, but a real result that can be achieved. Reviews from people indicate the good effectiveness of such gymnastics for the face.

  1. Move your palm 3 times (without lifting it from the bone on the face, located under the earlobe) to the nose, then from the nose to the temporal zone and again down to the neck line.

  2. Using the pad of your thumb, we move (pressing well on the skin) from the center of the chin to the base of the ear.

Master class by Alena Sobol on facial massage technique “10 years of youth”

  1. We fold our hands, palms facing each other, and move our thumbs away from everyone else. We touch the point under the chin so that the index fingers touch the face. And using pressing movements we move our hands away from the nose to the side of the face. Repeat 3 times.

  2. The final movement of the massage is to smooth the forehead along its width (vertically) with the pads of the fingers, strongly pressing and stretching all folds and wrinkles.

This kind of facial massage

, as Alena Sobol herself claims,
will help
every girl
regain at least 10 years of youth
. At the same time, not only the upper layer of the epidermis will be rejuvenated, but also the cells deep in the layers of the skin.

Find out now

She dreams of finding a recipe that will allow her to remain young and attractive for as long as possible. Representatives of the fairer sex use all means to achieve the desired goal: expensive creams, anti-aging procedures. The bravest ones even go under the plastic surgeon’s knife. Of course, they don’t spare money for this, because we are talking about youth, which is priceless.

Meanwhile, there is one method that does not require any money. This is a legendary Japanese massage, which was developed by image maker Yukoko Tanaka, using the ancient technique of Zogan Asahi as a basis. Recently, more and more Russian women have been taking note of this method, and all thanks to the famous blogger Alena Sobol, who reveals to them the secrets of working independently with their faces, helping to prolong their youth.

Alena Sobol demonstrates Japanese facial massage in her videos

Alena lived in Japan for many years, where she not only studied the traditions of this wonderful and incredibly interesting country, but also mastered practical techniques and the secrets of the unique charm that Japanese women possess.

For them, the topic of preserving beauty is a kind of cult that has been going on since ancient times, which is why they use the Zogan Asahi massage technique.

Previously, the Japanese actively used it to heal various diseases, such as joints and the spine.

Later, an excellent anti-aging effect was also discovered. Alena Sobol demonstrates an improved version of massage in her video tutorials. Many women who have already tried it on themselves confirm that it is really effective.

Alena has always been admired by the gentle and exquisite beauty of the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun, who remain beautiful even in old age. Communicating with local women, she learned from them various beauty techniques.

So, she learned that the secret of Japanese women’s youth and attractiveness does not lie in any special genetics, it’s all about careful self-care and inner harmony.

In her blog, Alena offers a video course of Zogan Asahi self-massage to Russian women, for many of whom this technique would be inaccessible due to the language barrier.

Why is technology so effective?

In her videos, Alena explains that such a massage is really effective, and explains this for a number of reasons. First of all, there is a positive effect on the beauty meridians - special points of the face. In this way, blood flow is stimulated and normalized, as well as the lymphatic system. In addition, along with the skin, the massage also affects the facial muscles, thereby providing a good tightening.

As a result, to restore the former youth and attractiveness of your facial skin, you should spend only 10 minutes a day. Now you don’t need to carry out expensive procedures or go under a surgical knife. Alena Sobol herself states that in just weeks it will be impossible to recognize herself in the mirror.

Visual demonstration

Of course, a description of a technique is not enough to master it. But after watching the video, where all the wisdom of this amazing oriental procedure is presented in a simple and understandable form, any woman can easily learn how to do a massage on her own. Japanese facial massage will become one of the most important self-care skills.

All that remains is to thank the blogger for her laconic, simple and intelligible videos, thanks to which many representatives of the fair sex have already learned massage techniques and achieved amazing results. After watching her videos, women begin to look at such seemingly complex and mysterious Eastern practices in a completely different way.

Facial massage from Alena Sobol is a unique rejuvenation technique that allows you to give your skin beauty and make it healthier. This technique allows you to get rid of wrinkles, including deep wrinkles, folds, and also improve contours. In just a few days, any woman will be able to look 10 years younger by spending no more than 10 minutes a day on this. Massage is a series of simple actions that can be easily carried out independently.

How does massage work?

Japanese facial massage can rejuvenate your face by 10 years

If you systematically conduct sessions, you can avoid procedures such as Botox and surgical lifting.

Expensive anti-aging creams will also become useless, because Japanese massage can rejuvenate your face by 10 years.

Its effect is similar to lifting, but the massage movements act deeper and are much more beneficial and safe for the structure of the skin.

By strictly following all the rules of Japanese self-massage, which Alena explains, you can achieve amazing results:

  • Expression wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • Facial swelling subsides.
  • The double chin is disappearing.
  • Skin color becomes fresh.
  • Disappear.
  • The skin texture is evened out.
  • The depth of skin creases becomes less pronounced.
  • Bruises under the eyes disappear.
  • Inflammation also goes away.
  • The smoothness and elasticity of the skin are restored.


Before actually performing a massage, careful preparation will be a prerequisite for obtaining the optimal effect. It includes several points:

  • Cleansing.
  • Application of oils.
  • Trituration.

First of all, you should cleanse your face of makeup residues and other impurities, which micellar water or cosmetic milk will help with. The selection of massage oils is another important aspect of preparation. For the procedure, Alena Sobol recommends using substances suitable for a specific skin type. You can also use a recipe that contains the following oils:

  • Linen.
  • Olive.
  • Sunflower.
  • Burdock.

It is also recommended to add juniper and orange esters to this composition in combination with a solution of vitamin E (tocopherol). Before applying to the face, the nutritional mixture must be heated to a temperature of 40 degrees. After lubricating the skin with oil, rub it with even pressure. Next comes the Japanese massage technique itself.

Nourishing base for massage

Before performing a massage, all cosmetics must be removed.

Before the procedure, you must remove makeup from your face. To avoid any discomfort during the session, the skin must be lubricated with oil or cream.

A session without the use of a nourishing product guarantees the opposite effect - the appearance of new wrinkles and stretch marks.

You can use regular baby cream or any natural one. Alena recommends the following mixture of oils: flaxseed, cold-pressed olive, sunflower (100 ml each) + burdock (30 ml) + vitamin E (20 ml) + essential oils of juniper, orange, ylang-ylang (20-30 drops each).

Before applying the mixture to your face, you need to test your skin to identify allergies. To do this, you need to drop oil on the inner bend of your elbow and wait 10-15 minutes. If no discomfort or irritation occurs, you can safely apply the mixture to your face and begin massaging.

You can use oils according to your skin type. So, for oily oils, almond, sesame, hazelnut, and wheat germ oils are suitable; for dry – jojoba, ; for normal – apricot, peach. You can buy them at any pharmacy.

Do not use artificial cosmetic oils such as Johnson's Baby. In this case, Alena recommends taking note of one of the principles of Ayurveda: everything you can eat can be safely applied to your face.

After the session, the oil does not need to be washed off; it is absorbed very quickly and will replace regular cream. Excess can be removed using a regular napkin.

When is the best time to have a massage?

For a facelift, the procedure must be performed twice a day.

The question of when is it better to conduct a session, in the morning or in the evening, is very relevant. It all depends on what results you want to achieve.

If your plans include tightening your face, it is better to massage twice a day.

The procedure should become a necessary healthy habit, the same as, for example, brushing your teeth.

So, just 10 minutes a day of simple exercises, and you are guaranteed admiring glances from the stronger sex.

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