Thrombophlebitis during pregnancy: pay attention!
Appointment with a dermatologist at the clinic. Call a dermatologist at home. Reception is strictly by appointment, registration
Warts in children: symptoms, causes, treatment methods
Causes of warts in children At risk are teenagers, children going through puberty,
Pimples filled with fluid inside on the face, body discharge
What are watery pimples on the body Watery pimples can appear on various areas
Ablative laser resurfacing of facial skin using a CO2 device
Laser rejuvenation can be considered the most effective and universal methods of combating age-related changes
State Budgetary Institution of Health Care of Sevastopol “Dermatovenerologic Dispensary”
Localization of yeast fungus and symptoms Yeast fungi can be localized on different parts of the body, for
Allergy to cold: how it manifests itself, causes, treatment
Allergy to cold We sometimes hear the phrase “I’m allergic to cold,” and sometimes
Psychosomatic factors that can cause papillomas
Papillomas are benign formations on the body. They appear as a result of the action of the papilloma virus
Articles: Chemical burns of the esophagus: degrees, symptoms
A tongue burn is an injury that damages the mucous membrane, and in some cases -
What is a facial essence, its composition, types and methods of use
Facial essence - what is it and what is it for? Essence –
Colds in children
Quick transition Cold Flu Infectious mononucleosis Labial herpes (herpes on the lips, cold sores on the lips)
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