Psychosomatic factors that can cause papillomas

Papillomas are benign formations on the body. They appear as a result of the action of the human papillomavirus (HPV), which almost everyone has in the body. For a long time, a person may not suspect that he has this virus until, under the influence of some factors, small growths begin to appear on the skin. The psychosomatics of papilloma requires special consideration in traditional therapy, since quite often it is under the influence of psycho-emotional stimuli that the disease begins to manifest itself.

Why do papillomas appear?

Small, only 1-3 mm in height, growths on the skin can be seen in many people. Some have more, some have less. All these growths are a consequence of the activity of HPV. There are a huge number of strains of this virus, which can be divided into oncogenic and non-oncogenic. Oncogenic ones are capable of provoking the development of cancerous tumors in those places where papillomas form. This risk is especially high in women, since HPV can cause cervical cancer. Therefore, women are recommended to undergo a cervical screening test at least once a year to identify pathologically changed cells. At an early stage, cancer has a better chance of being cured, which is why it is so important to monitor the condition of the reproductive organs and visit a doctor for preventative purposes.

Human papillomavirus is the most common infection on the planet. It affects approximately 14% of the population, and this figure is growing every year. Most people do not know that they have this virus in their body. It may not manifest itself in any way and go away on its own. But in some cases, after an illness or as a result of stress, the human body begins to become covered with small round or cone-shaped growths and warts. If this happens after a nervous shock, then the condition is explained as psychosomatics of the papillomavirus.

Psychosomatics of papillomas of various localizations

Louise Hay and Liz Burbo conducted a lot of research on the topic of the occurrence of papillomas. Let's look at the reasons for their appearance, according to the theory of each of the psychosomatists.

By Louise Hay

According to Louise Hay's theory, papillomas are the result of sadness, disappointment in the present and future. People with this diagnosis were more often disappointed in themselves and became convinced that it was impossible to realize their plans. Moreover, women fell ill more often than men. And what’s also interesting is that purely female causes of HPV include fear of loss of sexual attractiveness and fear of motherhood. In women, papillomas more often appeared on the walls of the cervix. To heal, Louise Hay recommends that clients accept and love themselves, learn to trust the world and themselves, constantly develop and assert themselves.

A common reason for men and women is hidden, suppressed hatred and negative emotions. Based on the location of the appearance of growths, they say the following:

  • foot – negative ideas about the future, self-hatred;
  • hands – complexes, dissatisfaction with appearance;
  • body – slagged with negative thoughts;
  • neck – fear of expressing one’s opinion;
  • groin – fear of intimate relationships, inability to build relationships with the opposite sex, embarrassment of one’s body, rude character.

Difficulties in relationships, fear of superiors, inability to communicate - all this activates the human papillomavirus.

By Liz Burbo

Liz Burbo sees the reason in the lack of harmony between man and the outside world. We need to work on harmonizing our perception of the world around us. You need to get rid of unhealthy thinking. Stress, dissatisfaction with oneself, unrealized opportunities are the main negative psychological factors in the development of papillomas.

Other reasons include:

  • lack of love;
  • lack of faith in the future;
  • non-acceptance of a specific part of the body (where the growths occurred);
  • non-acceptance of oneself;
  • feeling of hopelessness;
  • hidden hatred and resentment.

Why are papillomas dangerous?

Free webinar
Psychomatics: how emotions trigger illnesses

Teacher: Olga Butakova

More details

Most often, HPV does not cause serious harm to the body, but it has a number of unpleasant characteristics:

  • Papillomas that appear on the neck and face cause serious discomfort. This is a cosmetic defect that can be visually unpleasant.
  • Papillomas in places of friction with clothing will be constantly damaged and injured, which leads to their tearing and bleeding, as well as inflammation of surrounding tissues.
  • The appearance of formations in the larynx leads to such serious problems as difficulty breathing and swallowing.
  • If HPV is an oncogenic strain, at some point harmless growths on the skin can degenerate into a cancerous malignancy.

Psychosomatic causes of papillomas

The psychosomatics of HPV manifests itself as a result of a weakening of the general protective functions of the body, that is, with a decrease in immunity. Under the influence of stress, a person’s soul is in confusion and cannot find a way out of a difficult situation. The body understands the anxiety of the soul and reflects this state. Stress and anxiety can significantly reduce a person's overall health. They take on too many resources and deplete the body. As a result, the body succumbs to the negative effects of even those infectious agents that it previously easily resisted. Diseases appear that may have been dormant for years because they were suppressed by the immune system.

The skin is a kind of border between the inner world of a person and the surrounding reality. When a person experiences some kind of conflict with the outside world, formations form on his skin as a projection of this conflict. Usually, contradictions with the environment arise due to a person’s devaluation of himself. The development of inferiority complexes and lack of confidence in one’s own strengths and talents are reflected in the physical condition of the body. In this case, a vicious circle is formed: a person is dissatisfied with himself - the body confirms his request and responds with the appearance of papillomas - they bring discomfort to the person and even greater dissatisfaction with himself.

Another psychosomatic reason for the development of papillomas is that in this way the body signals the development of a problem in the place where the formation appeared. For example, papillomas appeared on the hands. In this case, you should pay attention to the condition of your hands physically, and also analyze what work your hands do. If this work involves work that does not bring satisfaction (for example, a person assembles parts in a factory and does not like it), then you should reconsider your labor strategy. If a person is bothered by bunions (growths on the feet), they may be spending too much time on their feet or wearing uncomfortable shoes.

In addition, the psychosomatics of condyloma and papilloma is explained by the following circumstances:

  • a person is prone to self-deception (in this case, multiple formations are formed);
  • a person pays attention only to his own needs and desires, is able to achieve his goal “head over heels” (papillomas appear on the face);
  • the person is not inclined to find compromises, he is stubborn and intractable (growths appear in the neck area);
  • dislike of intimate life (papillomas affect the genitals).

In children, manifestations of HPV most often indicate dissatisfaction with oneself. Children can easily lose faith in themselves, which brings stress and internal tension. This happens if they do not feel supported by parents, mentors or teachers and are in conflict with peers. They cannot alone withstand the aggression of the outside world, and their body’s defenses weaken. Unprocessed conflicts in childhood can cause trouble in the future. Old grievances go hand in hand with a person for many years and can become a time bomb that activates at the most inopportune moment. It is in childhood that hostility towards others is usually formed, which appears against the backdrop of unsuccessful experiences with peers. The child experiences serious worries, a collapse of illusions, and may fall into long-term depression, which cannot be resolved without the help of a specialist.

Psychological reasons for the development of the virus

A person’s dislike for himself, self-criticism, non-acceptance of his appearance or character traits is the main reason for the occurrence of papillomas. Constant dissatisfaction with yourself causes internal tension and drives you into stress. It, in turn, weakens the body's defenses. The immune system weakens, making it easier for infections to penetrate and spread in the body.

Other psychological reasons for the appearance of growths include:

  • old grudge;
  • hatred of oneself and others;
  • indignation, anger, frustration;
  • collapse of illusions;
  • chronic sadness;
  • dependence on other people's opinions, excessive sensitivity to criticism.

This is interesting! If against the background of papillomas the body temperature rises, then in psychosomatics this is considered a good sign. This means that the body is ready to fight.

A mole is a spark of life

In psychosomatics, there is another interesting theory, according to which moles are an indicator of a person’s temperament. Moles, pigmentation and other skin imperfections are characteristic of unbalanced people. This is an indicator of emotionality. What is noteworthy is that they can disappear if a person learns to control his emotions. The opposite is also true: the clearer the skin, the calmer and more restrained the person is.

Visualization of guilt

Moles and papillomas do not appear immediately. They are preceded by skin pigmentation. It is believed that spots are an indicator of suppressed feelings of guilt and fear of other people's opinions. Fear and guilt may not be recognized by the person himself, but they prevent him from developing and asserting himself.

Infection activation

80% of people have human papillomavirus in their bodies. But this does not mean that all people suffer from psychological problems and growths. The virus itself is harmless. However, against the background of psychological trauma, stress and weakened immunity, it becomes more active. It can take decades from the moment the virus enters the body until it becomes active, or it can take a couple of days or months. It all depends on the state of the body and the strength of the emotional shock.

The reason for activation may be one or more problems. Moreover, sometimes they are hidden or delayed. You can never say in advance what exactly will be the trigger, the cause of the appearance of papillomas.


Therapy for papillomas should be comprehensive. If neoplasms have already arisen, they can only be eliminated using a minimally invasive surgical method (scalpel or laser). In this case, maintenance therapy is prescribed to restore the functions of the immune system. To prevent the appearance of new formations, you need to take your physical and psychological health seriously. It is important to eat right, dress for the weather, combine physical activity and proper rest.

To eliminate emotional problems, you should consult a psychologist or psychotherapist. Typically, mental therapy consists of an analytical conversation to identify the causes of anxiety, lack of self-confidence and one’s capabilities. In severe cases, when a person is under severe stress or deep depression, sedative medications may be indicated.

To control HPV and prevent its manifestations, it is necessary to learn how to cope with stress. Unpleasant situations surround a person all the time and it is impossible to completely protect yourself from them, so it is important to learn how to resist them and not allow your own soul to be poisoned. It is also important to let go of old grievances. They bring nothing useful, only disappointment and distrust of others. A person needs to establish contact with the outside world to normalize energy exchange. We live in this world and cannot completely refuse to interact with it, so it is important to learn to harmonize with it. To do this, you should abandon toxic people who cause negative emotions and provoke self-doubt, and remove irritating factors. You may have to change jobs or even move. Such radical changes are not always necessary, but sometimes they bring great benefits. It should be remembered that changes stimulate the body, the blood “boils”, and the brain begins to work actively. In addition, adaptation to new living conditions is part of self-realization and self-affirmation, which increases self-esteem.

Risk factors for the development of oncological processes

All people are at risk for stress, regardless of gender and age. We find ourselves under stress during an exam, when submitting a work project, or at a time of conflict with loved ones and acquaintances. But there are people who are more susceptible to stress and illnesses that arise from it than others.

Risk factors include:

  • poor heredity (mental disorders or depressive tendencies in relatives);
  • age above average, old age (older people are more susceptible to unreasonable anxiety, but make less effort to cope with it);
  • women who have given birth and are pregnant or women at the peak of reproductive maturity (hormonal levels change, which causes internal tension);
  • inferiority complex and uselessness (may be caused by lack of work, unstable living conditions);
  • low level of intelligence and education (such people are more often overcome by emotions, especially negative ones);
  • insomnia, sleep disorder;
  • violence suffered in childhood.

From a medical point of view, people who use medications against hypertension and psychotropic drugs are at risk. People with chronic diseases and dark skin color are also at risk.

This is interesting! Papillomas on the body rarely develop into malignant neoplasms. But with constant stress and a depressed mood, or a severely weakened immune system, this can happen.

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