"Libriderm" - eye cream. Reviews, composition. Libriderm cosmetics for facial skin care

The domestic cosmetics industry never ceases to amaze. The market for skin and hair care products has been replenished with products from the successful Librederm brand. Rejuvenating, nourishing, moisturizing creams and serums for the face, hands, body, hair care products - this is not the entire list of Libriderm brand products. Anyone with any skin type will be able to choose the ideal product for themselves. The brand produces products for both young skin and older skin that needs special care. One of the brand’s most favorite products is Libriderm cream for the skin around the eyes. And the brand even has several types: for each problem there is an individual solution.

Let's take a closer look at the products of the Libriderm brand (eye cream), reviews and customer opinions.

Librederm brand philosophy

The Libriderm brand positions itself as cosmoceuticals (medicinal cosmetics), which is why the brand’s products are sold only in pharmacies. Active ingredients contained in cosmetics:

  • Hyaluronic acid.
  • Collagen.
  • Troxerutin.
  • Lecithin.
  • Vitamins A, E, F.
  • Camelina oil.
  • Natural plant extracts.

Librederm cosmetics are distinguished by their low price, but at the same time high quality components and products. For example, Libriderm cream around the eyes (the price of which starts from 200 rubles) is one of the most affordable cosmoceutical products. The care lines are very extensive and include products for the care of problematic, oily, dry and aging skin.

The main component contained in almost all products is hyaluronic acid. Previously, creams containing it could only be purchased in the luxury segment or in professional brands of medicinal cosmetics.

Why do you need cream for the eye area?

Does the skin around the eyes need special care? Undoubtedly yes. The fact is that the area around the eyes is thinner, devoid of hair follicles and does not produce sebum. Due to this, the skin is more flexible, which makes facial expressions easier. As we age, we face problems such as dry skin, the formation of facial wrinkles, the appearance of dark circles, puffiness and pigmentation under the eyes. The skin in this area is actively involved in facial expressions, which has a detrimental effect on its condition. That is why the delicate area around the eyes needs special products that can cope with this or that problem.

“Libriderm” - a cream around the eyes (reviews about it will follow) - can be selected for each individual case: to relieve puffiness, deep hydration or dark circles. Let's consider each tool separately.

Question answer

How long does the effect of such creams last?

Very often such means are called “first aid”. The fact is that they act instantly, the result is truly amazing, but it will not last forever. As soon as the cream is washed off the face, the effect will disappear. That is, the magic does not last forever. But such a cream will become a real helper and will transform you before an important event.

What are the contraindications for the product?

Experts do not recommend using such creams during pregnancy and breastfeeding. You should also carefully read the composition, since the product is contraindicated if you are allergic to any component.

What are the disadvantages of Libriberm filler?

As mentioned above, the most important disadvantage is the short-term effect. If we talk about real fillers, which are injected, the results obtained can be observed for a long time (up to a year). The same cannot be said about filler cream. This product tidies up the skin quickly, the effect will last as long as the product is on the skin surface.

Cream with hyaluronic acid

Libriderm cream with hyaluronic acid (reviews of which are very positive) has a powerful rejuvenating effect. According to the manufacturer, the product can tighten the upper eyelid and get rid of small and medium expression wrinkles. It also brightens the skin under the eyes and eliminates puffiness and swelling.

This product contains hyaluronic acid with different molecular weights. Molecules with a lower mass provide nutrition inside the epidermis, while molecules with a higher mass moisturize and protect the surface of the skin.

What else does hyaluronic acid provide and how does it work in creams? Hyaluronic acid, albeit in small quantities, is found in our body and provides tissue elasticity. With age, the amount of natural moisturizer in the body becomes less, which negatively affects the condition of the skin and hair.

At the beginning of the century, scientists isolated and studied hyaluronic acid. Having realized that its main quality is the attraction and retention of moisture, the open element immediately found a place in cosmetology. One hyaluronate molecule attracts and holds up to 1000 water molecules, which means it moisturizes perfectly! It’s no wonder that hyaluronic acid has become an active component in many face creams and serums. True, this miracle product only works on the surface of the skin; in order to moisturize the deeper layers, injections will be required.

Expert opinion

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

The feeling of consuming products from this line is pleasant. The day cream is instantly absorbed, leaving the epidermis soft and refreshed. After night cream after sleep, the epidermis becomes rested, without swelling. The skin looks smooth and moisturized. A reduction in the number of facial wrinkles is not achieved. True, the newly formed furrows may not appear in the future. In fact, no one has yet developed creams that help smooth out wrinkles. And, if users are not confused by the composition, Librederm fillers are recommended for purchase. They do not fill pores or irritate the skin, but make it prettier.

Heather Richardson

plastic surgeon

As for the composition, it does not quite meet the requirements of users. For example, there is no need for silicones in night cream. There are also other components that are not classified as useful. Moreover, ingredients important for the epidermis and harmful to it are found in the cream in equal proportions. The presence of low molecular weight hyaluronate in fillers is also confusing, since hyaluronic acid is expensive. This is due to the fact that the decoupling of its very large molecules requires considerable financial investments. This means that if the cream costs no more than 2 thousand rubles, hyaluronic acid is not present in it. This is also indicated by the 18-20th place allocated to hyaluronan in the composition, which indicates its low presence in the cream and that it belongs to a high-molecular product. Users who are not concerned about the composition of fillers can resort to using the product without fear, since, in principle, it is safe. And creams have many advantages.

There are plenty of advantages of Libriderm skin care cosmetics compared to similar products from other companies. And given their low cost, Librederm fillers stand out from the background of expensive cosmetic products.

Collagen cream

The Collagen line also contains a cream to care for the eye area. As the name implies, the main component of this product is collagen. This is a protein that is the building material of our skin. Over time, collagen fibers stop retaining moisture, the skin becomes drier, wrinkles appear, and the color becomes dull.

Libriderm cream with collagen (around the eyes) contains elastin, vitamin E and camelina oil, which complements the qualities of the main active component.

According to the manufacturer, after using the cream, the skin becomes more toned, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and dark circles under the eyes disappear.

Let's consider whether collagen in face cream can really preserve youth and beauty? Collagen, like hyaluronic acid, is found in our body. Its task is to ensure the strength of the skin. Cosmetics may contain animal or marine collagen. The first is the cheapest and most accessible, the second is expensive and difficult to produce. What they have in common is that the molecule of both collagens is so large that it cannot penetrate anywhere further than the surface of the skin.

So is this just a publicity ploy? Yes and no. In fact, the collagen contained in creams cannot penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, saturate them with moisture, and even less help the production of its own collagen. But when it gets on the skin, collagen is able to moisturize its surface, due to its property of attracting moisture. In addition, it promotes tissue healing and regeneration.

Advantages and types of Libriderm cosmetics

Manufacturers of the Libriderm brand claim that it is enough to use the cream base for a month to observe primary signs of rejuvenation. For example, the skin on the chin and décolleté area will tighten, and wrinkles in the nasolabial area will become less noticeable.

The line represents the following types of cosmetics:

  1. Collection based on hyaluronic acid. Here are collected products that can moisturize the layers of the dermis at the cellular level. There are also products for improving the hair structure, body surface, and hands. The collection includes patch fillers with built-in microneedles. Their filling is crystallized low molecular weight hyaluron, which is applied to the eye area. Fillers have an intense effect;
  2. Collection with collagen. Cosmetics help increase skin elasticity and firmness and eliminate wrinkles. To prevent early age-related changes, it is recommended to use drinking collagen. It helps to compensate for protein deficiency;
  3. Collection with herbal extracts. To heal or soften the surface of the hands and faces, manufacturers use the help of Mother Nature. They use cornflower, chamomile petals, calendula and arnica flowers. Herbs remove puffiness and bruises under the eyes;
  4. Hyaluron 3D filler is a new generation product. It will rejuvenate the surface of the face and hands, smooth out wrinkles of any type, eliminate dehydration, visually increase the volume and contour of the lips;
  5. Aevit helps restore the skin surface and improve the appearance of damaged hair;
  6. Vitamin F has an intense soothing and healing effect. Helps relieve skin inflammation, eliminate dryness, restore hair structure;
  7. Grape stem cells are included in moisturizers. They help smooth and tighten the skin. And thereby rejuvenate her.

Most popular: Cold rejuvenation in the salon and at home

Vitamin E cream

Another remedy from Libriderm is an eye cream with a lymphatic drainage effect. This remedy is aimed at combating swelling and edema.

In addition to the vitamin E (a powerful antioxidant) stated in the name, the composition includes camelina oil, corn oil and troxerutin. The latter has a lymphatic drainage effect, thereby reducing swelling in the tissues.

It is recommended to apply the product with patting movements to cleansed skin no later than 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.

What is so special about camelina oil in cosmetics and why is it so popular in the Libriderm cream for wrinkles around the eyes? Camelina oil is extracted from the seeds of Camelina sativa. It consists of 60% fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6), which, in turn, perfectly penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. The oil is also rich in antioxidants (carotenoids), vitamin E and phospholipids. Camelina oil is an excellent herbal component that can nourish and moisturize the skin, reduce the number of small expression wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones.

Day cream for the face area

Filler creams are used for use in various areas of the facial skin. Non-injection Libriderm hyaluronic filler (day 3d face cream spf15, it is also available in 30 ml volume) is capable of:

  • reduce the intensity of facial, age-related wrinkles and folds caused by dehydration;
  • restore youth to stress-affected epidermis through its regeneration and relaxation;
  • achieve smoothness and freshness of the epidermis;
  • prevent the formation of new wrinkles with regular consumption of the product.

Using the cream is easy. It is applied in a small amount to previously cleansed skin on the face using massage movements. The composition contains honey stevia extract, which relaxes the facial muscles and smoothes the skin surface.

Spherical particles in the filler cream create a soft effect by uniformly dispersing light over the area of ​​visible wrinkles. This leads to their visual minimization.

Reviews of vitamin E cream

This remedy (eye cream) has conflicting reviews. Most customers did not notice the effect that the manufacturer promises. The cream does not lighten obvious circles under the eyes and does not effectively combat swelling, but it moisturizes the skin well. Another category of customers liked the product; as a rule, these are those whose skin does not have deep facial wrinkles and dark circles. In their opinion, the product moisturizes the skin well and copes well with mild puffiness under the eyes.

Considering the low cost of the product, you should not expect the declared result from it, but for skin without obvious defects the cream is quite suitable.

Blueberry cream “Aevit”

Cream "Aevit" "Libriderm" around the eyes (reviews of which are more positive than the opposite) contains blueberry extract. Blueberries, which are the active component of this cream, are known for their composition rich in vitamins and microelements. The product nourishes, moisturizes and soothes the delicate skin around the eyes. In addition to blueberry extract, the cream contains vitamins A and E, which promote cell regeneration, increase elasticity, reduce wrinkles and slow down the aging process of skin cells. Soy protein peptides and hydrolyzed rice fight puffiness and swelling, improve microcirculation in tissues and prevent the appearance of new wrinkles.

Reviews of blueberry cream

The product from "Libriderm" - eye cream with blueberries - has generally positive reviews. Customers appreciated the pleasant texture of the cream and the pleasant, unobtrusive aroma of blueberries. In addition, the product does its job perfectly - moisturizes the skin, relieves mild puffiness and lightens dark circles under the eyes.

The disadvantages include the fact that some customers did not notice much of a difference after using the product. This may indicate that the cream may not be suitable or will not cope with severe puffiness and too dark circles under the eyes.

Top 3 popular eye products from Librederm

If you study reviews online, you can identify three of the most popular eye creams from a well-known pharmacy brand.

Librederm collagen cream for the skin around the eyes

The Librederm collagen collection is perhaps the most popular in the last two years. And the eye product from this line is among the top three.

The packaging of Collagen cream is high-quality and convenient

Active Ingredients

The product is designed to combat loss of elasticity of the skin around the eyes. This is facilitated by plant collagen and elastin in the composition. In addition, there are ingredients that activate the growth of your own collagen in the skin. These are camelina oil, vitamin E, extracts of the Persian silk tree and Sigesbeckia orientalis.

Result from application

Customer reviews are generally positive. Fans of this brand talk about visible results after the first days. Swelling and dark circles go away, and wrinkles straighten out. Crow's feet disappear almost immediately. Young girls write about this. And older clients notice only the moisturizing effect.

This is a very good product, with a pleasant and light texture, economical consumption and a very beautiful design. I am delighted with the visible and very quick result, and I forgive this cream for the lack of a pronounced accumulative effect, because on my skin this is the best result from using it in a long time.

Mysterious Flower


Some people have doubts about the innovativeness of the formula.

I've been using it for over a month now, but there are no changes. But I really wanted to trust the manufacturer. I thought for a long time about the rating: give the cream 3 or 4. I give it 3. Why? Because marketers should curb their ardor. If the cream had been declared as moisturizing/softening, I would have given it a solid five - here the cream copes 100%. But only I didn’t buy a moisturizer, but a “rejuvenator.” There is a complete zero here (at least for me). I'm sorry.



There are cases of allergic reaction.

For me, the acquisition became not only useless, but also meaningless. This cream turned out to be a real pest for my delicate eyelid skin. Although the manufacturer indicates that there may be individual intolerance to some components. On the third day of use, a huge and unpleasant surprise awaited me: as usual, in the morning I applied the cream and began to go about my work, but after three hours my eyes began to water and my eyelids itched unbearably. And after a couple of hours, a small surprise awaited me in the mirror - my eyelids became swollen and covered with a small rash.



Hyaluronic filler 3d eye cream anti-aging

The name “Hyaluronic 3D Filler” is misleading for some. Women are waiting for an injection. However, this is a creamy product.

The luxury packaging of Librederm Hyaluronic 3D Filler is liked by most buyers

Active components

Loss of hydration is one of the first causes of aging. Therefore, Librederm Laboratory could not help but use hyaluronic acid in its products, because it is a powerful modern hydrating ingredient. The line with hyaluronic acid has become in demand. And customers liked the eye product called Filler 3D. In addition to hyaluronic acid, the product contains several types of oils:

  • sesame;
  • shi;
  • wheat germ;
  • kukui;
  • grapes

True, there may also be a threat hidden in this diversity. Sensitive and allergy-prone skin does not tolerate a large number of components.

Filler 3D cream has a convenient dispenser, but there is no applicator; you have to use your fingers to apply

Result after use

If you can afford an eyelid product for 1,200 rubles, then consumers online strongly advise you to do so. The cream is most often given five points.

I really liked the effect of the cream. I really noticed a reduction in the fine lines around my eyes. This happened after about 2 weeks of constant use of the cream 2 times a day. Other than that, I like my look in the morning. He became more rested and fresh. My dark circles have not disappeared anywhere, but in fact they are not so noticeable on me. So I just don't pay attention to them. In every sense I liked the cream. This volume is enough for about 2 months of use.

Roza-Linda, Russia, Voronezh


There are several users online who are dissatisfied with the product. Their main complaint is the lack of anti-aging effect and sometimes an allergic reaction. We conclude: Hyaluronic filler 3d eye cream is not suitable for everyone.

It moisturizes well, but it didn’t give me any anti-aging effect. Perhaps, in my case, it’s too late to try to correct the existing situation with cream, so I can’t blame the cream either. Didn't cause any discomfort. This is a good option for daily care. And those who, like me, have already developed decent wrinkles under their eyes, will not be able to rejuvenate with its help.

Dimasika Mama, Russia, Chelyabinsk


Librederm Aevit cream for the skin around the eyes

The Aevit line is designed for young skin. The eye product from this collection is easy to use, comes in a tube with a practical applicator.

Active ingredients

Young urban women need a daily dose of antioxidants and vitamins to combat the damaging effects of the environment and stress. Aevit eye cream is a whole vitamin cocktail that fights the destructive effects of free radicals. Contains blueberry extract, vitamins A, E, B, PP and C, vegetable oils.

The volume of eye cream with blueberries from Librederm is 20 ml, enough for several months of daily use Effect of use

Users' opinions about this cream are divided almost in half. Some people are delighted with the product, while others give it a “solid C”. Absolutely everyone notes the delightful aroma of Aevit cream and convenient packaging. Young Internet users definitely recommend the product.

The manufacturer promises that the effect occurs after 2 weeks of continuous use of the product. To be honest, I didn’t really believe in quick results, but after 12 days my daily bags from contact lenses and eye strain began to subside, and now I can hardly do without my little blueberry helper!



Girls and women with problem skin do not notice any special advantages of this cream formula. But almost everyone sees glowing skin after use.

AEVIT cream with blueberries from Libriderm helps fight puffiness and dark circles quite well, but not 5, you definitely shouldn’t rely on this cream for such problems. It also does not reduce wrinkles, but it does tone the skin of the eyelids. For the summer it will most likely be a little heavy, but for the winter it’s just right. I will gladly buy it again next winter, excellent cream.



One of the unexpected features of Aevit eye cream is the yellowish tint of the product. And be prepared for the fact that the cream does not have a sun filter. It is better to use it as a night remedy.

Cream with cornflower

The next remedy from Libriderm is an eye cream with cornflower. This product is intended for people with sensitive skin and a tendency to allergic reactions. This cream does not contain fragrance, dyes or mineral oils - everything that can cause a negative reaction on sensitive skin. The main active ingredient is cornflower extract. The plant has anti-edematous and tonic properties. The skin tightens, becomes more elastic, swelling and puffiness disappear. This product is ideal for aging skin.

Despite the fact that the product is positioned as hypoallergenic, pay attention to individual intolerance to the components.

Reviews of cornflower cream

Reviews about the cornflower cream are generally positive. Customers were pleased with the price-quality ratio of the product. The product does a good job of tightening and moisturizing the delicate skin around the eyes. Many appreciated that the product contains no fragrances or dyes, which is good news for those with sensitive skin.

Negative reviews also occur. Some users experienced the opposite effect - an allergic reaction to the components of the cream, which caused swelling and swelling of the skin of the eyelids. It must be borne in mind that many plant components can cause an allergic reaction. If you are not sure about the tolerability of a particular component, it is better to first conduct a test on the wrist or elbow.

How to choose eye cream?

There is a lot of controversy about Librederm cosmetics: professional cosmetologists claim that the products cannot be effective due to the very small amount of active ingredients indicated on the packaging, but buyers are mostly satisfied with the result. Given the low cost of the products, they can be tested in search of the ideal product, just always take into account the components to which you may be allergic.

After 30 years, you should not rely on light moisturizing creams; choose products that contain hyaluronic acid, vitamins, and fatty acids. But before 30, it is better not to overload the skin with products rich in active anti-aging ingredients. Choose light creams with natural plant extracts and vitamins.

Always purchase cosmetics based on the problem. If dark circles bother you, you shouldn't take a product that combats puffiness under the eyes, and vice versa.

It is equally important to use eyelid care cream correctly. Firstly, regularity is important, and secondly, more does not mean better. Apply the product every day, morning and evening, precisely under the eyes. Then, lightly tap the cream with the pads of your ring fingers, do not rub or stretch the delicate skin. Another important rule: do not apply the product immediately before going to bed, otherwise you will get puffy eyes under the eyes the next morning!


The advantages of cosmetics are:

  1. The cost of Libriderm cosmetics is relatively low (about 650 rubles) and is actually affordable for every woman. This is due to the fact that the products do not need to be transported to another country.
  2. The visible effect from the use of creams appears after a short period of time and persists for quite a long time after stopping the use of cosmetics. This happens thanks to the correct combination of components and strict adherence to recipes. Reviews about Libriderm 3D eye filler are mostly positive.
  3. The substances included in the composition are only of natural origin and are safe for any skin type.
  4. A wide range of products makes it possible to select individual care for the needs of a specific skin type, age and purpose of use.
  5. Convenient bottles with dispensers help you use the product in the right amount.

Manufacturers assure that Libriderm brand cosmetics not only hide skin defects, but completely remove them. Regular and comprehensive use of products from this brand significantly rejuvenates and heals the skin of the face, which occurs due to the activation of regenerative processes at the cellular level.

Reviews of the 3D filler “Libriderm” are of interest to many.

The company's employees are constantly improving formulations and production technologies for cosmetics.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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