Taking care of the skin around the eyes: the best anti-wrinkle cream according to FAN

Every woman knows that it is necessary to take care of her skin from a young age. Smooth skin and a healthy complexion decide a lot. Unfortunately, many women neglect products for caring for the area around the eyes, considering it just a marketing ploy. However, this is not at all true. Cosmetologists unanimously recommend not to give up cream against wrinkles around the eyes.

Why this is important and which cream to choose is discussed in this article. At the end you will find a rating of the best remedies for wrinkles around the eyes according to FAN .


Causes of wrinkles around the eyes

The appearance of wrinkles is caused not only by general age-related changes. The main reasons for the deterioration of the quality of the skin around the eyes are:

  • Active facial expressions. We blink, squint, open our eyes wide. Our face is “working” all the time. In fact, you can sit down and rest your legs or lie down to relax your back and lower back. There are many exercises for relaxing your hands and fingers (students who have to write a lot know this very well). But it is quite difficult to relax your face. Hence the expression wrinkles, such as crow's feet. It’s very easy to see them: just smile at yourself in the mirror.
  • Bright sunlight and active UV radiation are harmful to both eye and skin health. That is why it is recommended to wear sunglasses even on clear winter days, when there is no active radiation, but bright light makes us squint and so on.
  • Don't forget about the banal force of gravity. It's no secret that with age, the face literally droops. The tone decreases, elasticity decreases, the facial muscles do not work as actively.
  • Another problem that is familiar to every woman is swelling. The liquid, stagnating in the periorbital zone, stretches the skin. The upper eyelid thus falls over the eye, and those same hated bags under the eyes appear below.

remedy for crow's feet under eyes

Crow's feet are sometimes also called crow's feet. It sounds nice, of course, but it’s better to somehow do without them, using, for example, one of the following recipes.

See a lot of masks under the cut

Homemade eye masks for wrinkles.

The reason for the rapid formation of wrinkles is that the skin on the eyelids, as already mentioned, is dry in most people, which means that it needs to be constantly moisturized.

Aloe vera juice moisturizes the skin very well - it can prevent the formation of crow's feet. You can use the juice from the leaves, moisturizing the skin around your eyes with it at night, or you can buy a gel with a high content of this juice - about 99%.

1. A simple and effective remedy - natural vegetable oils - our grandmothers used them, and they managed to keep the skin around the eyes quite fresh, even in old age. Apricot, peach, almond oil, jojoba oil are suitable - it must be massaged into the skin around the eyes, very carefully and easily, using the pads of your ring fingers.

2. You can also use burdock or castor oil: they lubricate the eyelashes, and at the same time nourish and moisturize the skin of the eyelids.

3. Olive oil (50 ml) mixed with an oil solution of vitamin E (10 ml) is gently massaged into the skin around the eyes every day before bed for 5 minutes. Excess oil is removed with a cosmetic napkin.

4. Olive oil for crow's feet

You can also make daily compresses with olive oil: it is not difficult - after all, we often use it for cooking, and it is always at hand. This oil also fights wrinkles very well.

The combination of olive oil compresses with an “ice” massage prevents and slows down the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. After the compress, you need to take a cube of frozen parsley decoction and very carefully massage your eyelids.

5. Another mask with an oil solution of vitamin E will help reduce the number of wrinkles that have already appeared. Here you need to mix it (1 tablespoon) with the same amount of cocoa butter and sea buckthorn. The mixture of oils is applied in a fairly thick layer around the eyes, and in the crow's feet area it is fixed with pieces of parchment paper. Keep the oil mask for up to 15 minutes, then blot it with a napkin. There is no need to rinse off - the mask is done at night, but no later than 1.5 hours before bedtime. If you do this mask 2-3 times a week, then wrinkles will become noticeable much less.

6. Raw potatoes are a truly universal cosmetic product. Potato masks have always been one of the most effective, and they are also great against wrinkles around the eyes. Using the finest grater, grate the peeled raw potatoes and add heavy cream to the resulting gruel. At the same time, cotton swabs soaked in strong tea are placed on the upper eyelids - they will add shine to the eyes. Mix and apply to the skin around the eyes for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This mask will make the skin under your eyes young and smooth.

7. Banana and apricot mask for wrinkles around the eyes

Another mask for shiny eyes is made from banana pulp. A mask of banana pulp with cream or sour cream makes the skin soft and tender, nourishes it and reduces the number of wrinkles. You need to mix 1 tsp. both, apply to the eyes, hold for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. You can use parsley instead of banana.

8. Apricots are very rich in vitamins and minerals, so they must be used in masks. The pulp of a ripe apricot (1 tbsp) must be mashed well, add rich sour cream (1 tsp), stir, apply to the skin around the eyes and hold for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Instead of sour cream, you can take full-fat cottage cheese or vegetable oil.

9. Spinach mask for wrinkles around the eyes

Spinach has a pronounced antioxidant effect, and masks with it eliminate fine wrinkles around the eyes, make deep wrinkles smaller and prevent new ones. Spinach (2 fresh leaves) must be thoroughly chopped and juice squeezed out, then mix 1 tsp. this juice with 10 grams of vitamin A oil solution and 1 tsp. eye cream or gel that you usually use. This mask is applied to the area under the eyes for half an hour, and then carefully removed with cosmetic pads soaked in cold boiled milk.

When caring for the skin around the eyes, do not forget that it is necessary to eliminate those factors that lead to swelling, the appearance of dark circles and early wrinkles. Avoid stress, or better yet, give up negative reactions to unpleasant situations, give your eyes rest, sleep peacefully and eat only natural foods - at least try to do the maximum possible for this.

The following masks are very simple and effective:

10. Almond eye mask

Every evening for a month, massage almond oil into the wrinkles, leave for about half an hour, then carefully, without stretching the skin, blot off the excess with a soft napkin. You should not apply additional cream to the skin around the eyes to avoid swelling.

11. Eye compress Milk

Place tampons soaked in boiled milk on your closed eyes and hold for 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure two more times. Then wash your face and apply cream to the skin around your eyes.

12. Eye mask Cornflower

Prepare an oil infusion from a tablespoon of blue cornflower flowers and half a glass of olive or almond oil. Keep cotton pads soaked in the infusion on your eyes for 20 minutes, then carefully wipe the skin with aqueous infusion of cornflower (1 tablespoon of flowers per 1 tablespoon of boiling water).

The oil infusion can also be used to remove waterproof cosmetics from the eyelids, and if the skin is dry or normal, then from the entire face.

13. Butter for crow's feet

By the way, butter can be used like this: massage it into the skin around the eyes with your fingertips and leave overnight.

You can make an eye cream based on butter. First you need to prepare a decoction of herbs. Dried chamomile and linden flowers (0.5 tbsp each) should be poured with boiling water (0.5 cup), leave for 15 minutes and strain. Then mix unmelted butter (1 tbsp) with the broth (2 tbsp) and add castor oil (1 tsp). Grind everything until a homogeneous mixture - you get a cream that is best used before bed. This cream should be stored in the refrigerator and a new one should be prepared every 5 days.

14. Anti-wrinkle mask with honey

Combine melted warm honey (1 tablespoon) with beaten egg white, add a little flour and mix thoroughly. The warm mixture is gently applied to the skin around the eyes. When it has cooled completely, wash it off with warm water.

15. Honey mask for wrinkles around the eyes

A mask made of honey and rolled oats is suitable for dry skin and smoothes out wrinkles. It is necessary to thoroughly mix 2 tbsp. chopped rolled oats with 2 tbsp. honey and 1 tbsp. strong tea, add a small amount of water and slightly heat the mixture in a water bath. The mask is applied to the skin around the eyes and to the entire face, while warm, lay down and place a towel on top. Leave it on for 20 minutes, then wash it off with warm water and apply the day cream you usually use to your face.

16. Strawberry mask for wrinkles around the eyes

Strawberries are not only very tasty, but are also an excellent way to care for the skin around the eyes: they supply it with vitamins and prevent the formation of wrinkles. 3-4 strawberries should be mashed, mixed with 1 tsp. honey, put in gauze and apply to the skin of the eyelids. Hold for 15-20 minutes, then wipe the skin around the eyes with a swab soaked in milk.

17. Mask with asparagus juice for wrinkles around the eyes

A mask with asparagus juice smooths out wrinkles around the eyes, and with regular use - at least for 3 weeks - gets rid of blue circles and swelling. From fresh asparagus, grated, squeeze out the juice and 2 tsp. Mix this juice with the same amount of fatty oil - almond, peach or olive, moisten cosmetic discs in the resulting mixture and apply to the eyes. Leave for about half an hour, rinse with warm water.

18. Flaxseed for wrinkles around the eyes

The healing power of flaxseed always works, and it also helps eliminate wrinkles - it smoothes and nourishes the skin around the eyes. Flax seed (2 tbsp) is poured with water (2 cups), put on fire and boiled. When the seed is boiled, you need to put it in gauze bags, apply it to your eyes and hold it for 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and rinse with cool water.

19. Mask with yolk for wrinkles around the eyes

A mask with egg yolk nourishes the skin and also smooths out wrinkles. The yolk is mixed with the juice of half a lemon, chopped zest and 1 tsp. olive oil. The mixture is applied to the skin around the eyes for 30 minutes, and then removed with cosmetic pads soaked in cool milk.

20. Parsley mask for wrinkles around the eyes

Very often, folk recipes for eliminating wrinkles around the eyes contain parsley. You can make masks from parsley with raw potatoes, or use chopped parsley root and sour cream. The second combination seems more delicate: low-fat sour cream - 2 tsp. and chopped parsley root - 1 tsp. Rub thoroughly and apply to the area under the eyes; leave for 15 minutes and rinse with cool water.

21. Dill for crow's feet

Dill seeds (or dry chamomile, sage, parsley) can be poured into gauze bags, dipped in hot milk for 2 minutes, then cooled and placed warm on the eyes. Leave for 15 minutes, then wash with warm water. This mask also helps get rid of crow's feet.

22. Aloe juice for crow's feet

Aloe juice, especially biostimulated, is very effective against wrinkles around the eyes, including sensitive skin. You just need to apply aloe juice to the skin around your eyes every evening with light and gentle movements, and the number of wrinkles will noticeably decrease.

23. Cottage cheese mask with cream

Mix 2 tablespoons of fresh fat cottage cheese with a tablespoon of fresh cream or half a teaspoon of olive or almond oil. Apply a thick layer to the skin around the eyes. If the cottage cheese and cream are cold, then the mask will not only smooth out wrinkles, but also relieve swelling. You can also mix cottage cheese with cucumber gruel or chopped parsley.

24. Mask for the skin around the eyes and neck

Myrtle oil - 2 drops, glycerin - 15-20 ml, castor oil - 15-20 ml. Mix everything and can be stored in the refrigerator for about 10 days. Every evening, carefully apply to the skin around the eyes, and also serves to regenerate the skin of the neck.

Homemade eye masks against swelling

Swelling is the most common problem, and experts note that the eyelids become swollen due to impaired lymph circulation around the eyes. Special eye masks will help reduce swelling and get rid of it.

1. A mask with parsley and sour cream helps relieve swelling and reduce bags under the eyes. Grind parsley (1 tsp) and mix it with sour cream (2 tsp). Apply the mixture to your eyelids for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

2. A very simple mask - made from apple pulp. You can grate the apple and apply the paste to the area of ​​swelling, but it will be enough to simply cut off thin slices of apples and apply to the problem areas for 15 minutes. The substances contained in apples quickly relieve swelling.

3. The most famous mask for puffiness under the eyes is made from raw potatoes. Potatoes are always at hand, so many women use them. You need to take a small potato, wash it with a brush in running hot water, dry it with a napkin and grate it on a grater, preferably a plastic one. Place 1 tbsp on small gauze napkins. grated potatoes, and then apply them to the area under the eyes for 15 minutes, pressing the potato pulp onto the swelling. After removing the mask, blot the skin around your eyes with a cotton swab dipped in cooled tea.

4. Oil compresses will help revitalize dry and aging eyelid skin. Soak gauze pads in olive oil and place them on your closed eyes for 10 minutes. Remove any remaining oil with a cotton swab soaked in warm tea.

5. Compresses made from herbal infusions relieve fatigue and inflammation from the eyes. Prepare an infusion of linden blossom, calendula flowers, chamomile or cornflower. Brew the herb like regular tea - 1 tsp. a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. It is better to do compresses in the morning and evening, for 5-10 minutes.

6. Contrast baths help relieve swelling. Pour salted water into bowls: hot into one, cold into the other. Place your hands on your eyes, wetting them first in cold and then in hot water. Keep it on your eyes for 1-2 minutes without pressing, and then rinse them with warm tea.

7. If you wipe the area around the eyes daily with pieces of ice from an infusion of herbs - string, chamomile, sage, the skin will become elastic and swelling will stop appearing.

Homemade eye masks against dark circles

The next common problem is dark circles under the eyes. Perhaps they are even more common than edema, and the reasons for their occurrence can be different: for example, if a person sleeps little and is often exposed to stress, or the capillaries are located close to the surface of the skin, and the skin itself is very thin.

Heredity can also be the cause of the appearance of dark circles, or stagnation that occurs due to lack of movement - and we move little, and spend very little time in the fresh air, since we work indoors in winter and summer.

The best remedy for dark circles under the eyes is sound, healthy sleep, walking and playing sports. If you also use folk remedies at the same time, the circles will shrink and then disappear.

1. Raw potatoes come to the rescue here too. You can use the same recipe as for removing swelling, or you can mix raw grated potatoes with milk and flour (2 teaspoons of each component), and apply this mixture to your closed eyes for 10 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

2. You can use parsley root pulp. This mask is made once a week, kept on the eyelids for 20 minutes, and washed off with lukewarm water. Usually 1 month is enough for the circles to disappear.

3. A mask of cucumber, sour cream and coriander improves blood circulation in the skin around the eyes and eliminates bruises. You need to take 1 tsp. finely chopped cucumber and coriander, and mix them with 1 tbsp. sour cream. Apply the mixture to the skin around the eyes for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

4. The next mask is a little more difficult to prepare, but it is very useful and nourishing for thin and dry skin around the eyes. You need to peel several walnuts and grind them in a coffee grinder into fine flour. Mix this flour (2 tsp) with melted butter (1 tbsp), and add freshly squeezed pomegranate or lemon juice - 2-3 drops. Apply the mixture to the skin around the eyes for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

There are a lot of recipes for folk remedies for caring for the skin around the eyes, and here we were able to present only a small part of them.

Preparing masks, compresses, lotions and lotions according to these recipes does not take as much time as it might seem, and the result of their use often exceeds all expectations.

Therefore, learn to take care of yourself and give your eyes and skin a little attention - at least a few minutes a day. All you need is a little patience, and your look will become irresistible, and the skin around your eyes will be smooth, young and fresh for a long time.

Information taken from here

Factors influencing the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes

What you should first pay attention to in order to reduce the likelihood of wrinkles under the eyes, improve the quality of the skin and prevent the appearance of wrinkles and swelling:

  • Diet: salt and sugar retain liquid well. Therefore, it is better to avoid sweets or salty foods at night. Also, do not drink a lot of water at night. While we sleep, water is not removed from the body, which is easy to see by looking in the mirror in the morning.
  • Sleep pattern: frequent lack of sleep or sleeping in an uncomfortable position also affects the face. You need to sleep in a cool room with adequate ventilation. A good hard mattress and a properly selected pillow will reduce the likelihood of swelling and the “bruised” effect on your face in the morning.
  • Bad habits: do not require much comment. Let us only note that alcohol greatly dehydrates the body. Even when drinking alcohol in moderation, you need to understand that the body will then take the necessary water from the internal organs and skin cells. In the morning there is a feeling of tightness and tension. If you happen to drink alcohol, be in moderation and be sure to drink clean, still water at the same time.
  • Frequent air travel. Those who are constantly on business trips are more familiar with the problem than anyone else. The fact is that the body becomes very dehydrated during the flight, a feeling of dryness, tightness, as well as “bags” under the eyes appears. Therefore, the main recommendation is to drink more water. It is advisable not to load yourself with food during the flight. Be patient a little and, upon landing, you will be able to eat comfortably and profitably. And, of course, you should not drink alcohol before or during the flight. This will only aggravate the stress experienced by the body, in particular the skin.
  • Allergic reactions, infectious and other diseases. Redness around the eyes, dryness, flaking and swelling are not necessarily caused by age and lifestyle alone. Such manifestations may be a sign of an allergy or other disease, which requires consultation with a doctor (generalist, allergist, endocrinologist).


How does the wrinkle removal procedure work?

You do not need to change your plans and leisure time due to the procedure, which will take on average no more than 30-40 minutes. It is practically painless. Our doctor uses an anesthetic cream, so you will not feel any discomfort during the procedure. The dramatic effect is visible already on days 5-7, and there will be no trace of injections left. After the procedure, it is recommended to remain in an upright position for at least 4 hours and actively work the facial muscles in the treatment area.

You should not be afraid of loss of facial expression or any side effects from the drug that negatively affect your body. The substance does not accumulate in the body and is completely eliminated. But before the procedure, you still need to make sure that you are truly in the hands of a specialist, because the result directly depends on his professionalism.

You can be confident in our doctors and feel completely calm during the procedures. Each of them has certificates confirming the high level of their qualifications, and years of practice behind them, indicating the trust of patients.

How to prevent wrinkles around the eyes

There is no universal remedy here. A whole range of measures will help you avoid wrinkles or improve the quality of your skin.

  • First, review your lifestyle and analyze your diet: drink more water, keep a balance in your diet.
  • Make sure you sleep comfortably. In the morning you should feel fresh and rested.
  • Get into the habit of taking breaks if you work on the computer a lot. Do eye exercises; examples of exercises are easy to find on the Internet.
  • Rule out health problems. You may need to undergo some tests (after consulting your doctor).

Once you are sure that there are no health problems, contact an experienced cosmetologist. He will analyze the condition of your skin and tell you which procedures are recommended for you personally. This could be a facial massage or other cosmetic procedures.

The cosmetologist will also help you choose cosmetics for daily care. And exactly those that work in the eye area.

Botox, Dysport, Xeomin

Elimination of wrinkles in the forehead, eyebrows, eyes (“crow’s feet”). This procedure is in demand in modern medicine. Medicine offers many ways to combat age-related changes in the skin (elimination of wrinkles in the forehead area). But not all procedures are available, and a fabulous price is sometimes not a guarantee of quality and a guarantee of the expected effect. Injections of Botox, Dysport and Xeomin, known to doctors all over the world, have saved your time and provided results that seemed impossible to achieve without plastic surgery.

How do eye wrinkle treatments work?

The area around the eyes has a number of features. The layer of epidermis in this area is thin and delicate. There are few sweat and sebaceous glands, and subcutaneous fat is thin. Due to the reduced amount of collagen and elastin, skin tone decreases faster.

Therefore, you need to choose products that are specially designed for this part of the face and approved, firstly, by dermatologists, and secondly, by ophthalmologists. We emphasize: even the best face cream cannot be used to care for the area around the eyes.

Cosmetics for caring for the area around the eyes can be very different. Gels tend to focus on hydration. They are convenient to use in hot weather. The gel is well absorbed, leaves no residue, and does not make the skin oily.

Serums work specifically, correcting and smoothing out wrinkles. As a rule, the serum is applied under the cream.

Actually, anti-wrinkle cream around the eyes is your main assistant in the fight for beautiful and smooth skin.


Clinical manifestations of crow's feet

Specialists from the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS) divide wrinkles around the eyes into 2 types:

  1. Dynamic - occur when the underlying facial muscles move. They appear during a smile, frowning of the eyebrows, “squinting” the gaze to the side and disappear with a neutral facial expression.
  2. Static - formed as a result of active facial expressions against the background of age-related changes and photodamage to the skin. Visible all the time, even during sleep.

Employees of two universities - Sao Paulo and Santo Amaro - in their scientific work proposed a classification of periorbital wrinkles, which they recommend using to select treatment tactics for patients ( Fig. 1 ):

  • Type I - wrinkles extending from the outer edge of the eye to the eyebrow and zygomatic process.
  • Type II - wrinkles extending from the outer edge of the eye to the zygomatic process.
  • Type III - single wrinkles limited to the outer edge of the eye.

In addition, there is the Fitzpatrick classification ( Table 1 ) and the 5-point Wrinkle Severity Scale ( Fig. 2 ) - they can also be used to assess the degree of changes in the periorbital zone and select a therapeutic approach.

Table 1. Fitzpatrick classification of periorbital wrinkles

Class Points Expression of wrinkles Degree of elastosis
I 1–3 Fine wrinkles Mild - slight changes in skin texture with visible lines
II 4–6 Fine to moderate wrinkles Moderate - clear signs of elastosis, papules, some yellowing of the skin and dyschromia
III 7–9 Moderate to deep wrinkles with sagging skin Severe - multiple papules merging with each other; thinned yellow skin, diamond-shaped skin of the neck (cutis rhomboidalis nuchae)

Rice. 1. Types of periorbital wrinkles (Tamura BM, Odo MY Classification of periorbital wrinkles and treatment with botulinum toxin type A. Surg Cosmet Dermatol 2011; 3(2): 129)


Rice. 2. Diagnosis of wrinkles around the eyes using a 5-point Wrinkle Severity Scale: 0 - no wrinkles, 1 - superficial wrinkles, 2 - fine wrinkles, 3 - medium wrinkles, 4 - deep, clearly visible wrinkles, 5 - very deep wrinkles, furrows ( Lemperle G., Holmes RE, Cohen SR, Lemperle SM A classification of facial wrinkles. Plast Reconstr Surg 2001; 108: 1751–1752)


At what age should you start using eye wrinkle cream?

Cosmetologists are unanimous in their opinion: it is best to do this from the age of 20–25. The issue of wrinkles at this age is not yet relevant, but in order to prevent their early appearance, it is worth taking care of moisturizing and preventing photoaging (control of UV radiation).

Starting at the age of 30, you will have to deal with facial wrinkles, dark circles and swelling. At 40 years old, you need lifting, nutrition and definitely hydration. After 50, the skin will need comprehensive protection, prevention and correction.

Among the active ingredients of anti-wrinkle products in the eye area:

  • Hyaluronic acid and glycerin. The first attracts water molecules and holds them in the skin. Glycerin forms a protective film, preventing dryness.
  • Aloe extract slows down cell destruction and helps produce hyaluronic acid and collagen.
  • Resveratrol is an effective antioxidant found in grape seeds and protects against harmful environmental influences.
  • Vitamins C and E are also antioxidants. Promote the regeneration of skin cells, saturate with oxygen.
  • Beta-carotene protects against UV radiation, prevents excessive pigmentation, and prevents photoaging.
  • Polyphenols are a powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial component.
  • Squalane is an oil that is found both in the human body and in some products (olive oil, rice bran, wheat germ, etc.).

Why are injections of these drugs needed?

If you want to get rid of facial wrinkles in the corners of the eyes (“crow’s feet”), forehead and between the eyebrows without long, painful rehabilitation, our doctors know a recipe for effective rejuvenation that will not keep you waiting - these are injections.

The drugs contain botulinum toxin, a substance that has a locally paralyzing effect. Penetrating into the affected area, it is this component that relaxes individual facial muscles, resulting in smoothing out the folds of your skin.

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