Rosehip oil for effective facial skin rejuvenation

Using rosehip oil on the face is useful in anti-aging care! Rosehip oil has a unique composition, ideal for constant care of aging facial skin and prevention of wrinkles. We will tell you more about the composition, beneficial properties and how to use rosehip oil for the face in this article.

Basic properties of rosehip oil

The herbal remedy is a slightly bitter liquid with a characteristic yellow-red color. The oil is extracted from the seeds and flowers of the wild rose plant, which is known to everyone as rose hips. Thanks to its composition, the product has a number of positive properties that can restore the skin.

Rosehip oil is very effective as it can reach the deepest layers of the dermis. Thus, it helps cells to function actively. In addition, rosehip extract is able to retain moisture in the skin, which prevents dryness and flaking. It also significantly increases the body's production of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the youth and elasticity of the skin. A rich vitamin complex slows down the aging process.

Rosehip is also useful for intracellular metabolism. Under the influence of wild rose oil, the skin regenerates much faster, the growth processes of new young cells and tissues are activated. And due to the fatty acids present in the herbal product, the epidermis is provided with effective protection from external factors, including ultraviolet rays.

We recommend reading about cosmetic oil for the face. From the article you will learn about the features of dry cosmetic oil, its use against wrinkles and age spots, for dry facial skin, after 50 years. And here is more information about the use of retinol for facial skin.

Rosehip oil for face: properties and applications

Rosehip oil is a red-amber oily liquid. This unique oil contains many useful substances that help skin cells to fully exist:

Vitamins A, E, C moisturize the skin, nourish, rejuvenate, restore

Fatty acids - protect against the negative effects of the external environment, moisturize the skin

Microelements - help restore metabolism and restore damaged cells

Rosehip oil can be used for mature and very young skin, for oily and dry skin. For each skin type there are features of using rosehip oil.

Thanks to such a rich composition, rosehip oil can be used for the following skin problems:

wrinkles, creases, including in the eye area

open wounds, burns, injuries,

dark spots

loose skin, decreased turgor

dry, flaky skin

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This mala has practically no contraindications, only individual intolerance.

Also, this product, like any other oil in principle, should be used for oily skin prone to the formation of comedones.

In any case, do an allergy test before using rosehip oil. To do this, apply a drop of the product to the crook of your elbow and if after an hour there is no irritation, then feel free to use it in home masks.

Enrichment of finished products

Some women simply add a few drops of oil to their regular cream - not to the whole jar, but to a small portion of the product. To do this, squeeze a little cream into the palm of your hand and mix with 1-2 drops of the healing product, and then apply the resulting mixture to a cleansed face.

Is it necessary to do this? Cosmetologists are not sure: the finished cream has a balanced composition, so adding new ingredients to it can lead to an unpredictable chemical reaction. If you still decide to use this method, then choose a natural cream with a minimum of additives as a base.

Instead of mixing rosehip oil with store-bought cosmetic products, it is better to prepare an anti-aging composition yourself: the product combines perfectly with various oils. Basic ones include sea buckthorn, pumpkin and grape seed oils, and essential oils include lavender, patchouli, neroli, ylang-ylang, rose and sandalwood, rose, cypress.

Rosehip oil is combined with a large number of essential oils, including lavender

Benefits for the face

Rosehip extract has already proven its effectiveness. But it's not suitable for everyone. Before you start using the product, it is better to go to an appointment with a cosmetologist. A specialist will definitely advise those who have fairly oily skin to avoid rosehip oil. The remedy can only make the situation worse.

But for those who suffer from dry skin and flaking, rosehip oil will be a real salvation. It nourishes and moisturizes the skin, restoring its smoothness and softness. Also, the herbal remedy effectively fights expression lines around the eyes. With regular use, wild rose oil will help smooth the skin and eliminate bags and bruises.

For people with pigmentation, the plant extract is also indispensable. It helps lighten blemishes and even out complexion.

In addition, rosehip extract is recommended for use by women with aging skin. Thanks to the useful elements in the composition of the product, its quality noticeably improves and elasticity increases.

Expert opinion

Tatyana Somoilova

Cosmetology expert

To avoid a possible allergic reaction, experts recommend first applying rosehip oil to the skin on your hand. If there are no symptoms such as itching or redness, you can use it on your face.

The oil will also help reduce traces of various injuries: scars, abrasions, burns, wounds. Therefore, this herbal remedy is often used by people with post-acne. The regenerative properties of wild rose oil help the skin recover.

The result of using rosehip oil on the face

Application in cosmetology of seeds, masks

Usually, rose hips are not used in their pure form to eliminate problems with facial skin. The seeds themselves are not used; oil, which is the main active ingredient, is extracted from them. It is included in various facial products, one of which is masks.

There are many uses for rosehip oil. It is often included in various masks aimed at solving specific skin problems. Depending on what effect you want to get, you can use one of the proposed options:

  • Mix 5 milliliters of aloe juice and rosehip oil, a couple of drops of vitamin E. The resulting mask is distributed over the entire skin of the face. It must be used once before bed for seven days. This mask will help reduce wrinkles on the face, moisturize the skin, and eliminate dryness and flaking. In addition, it can be used to treat inflammatory processes.

  • To create the next mask, you need to beat one yolk and add three milliliters of rosehip oil to it. Apply to clean facial skin and leave for about 20 minutes. After time, rinse with warm water and lubricate the skin with moisturizer. This mask actively nourishes the dermis, helps get rid of fine wrinkles, and evens out the complexion.
  • Bring 50 milliliters of milk to a boil and pour in a couple of tablespoons of oatmeal. When the mixture has cooled slightly, add 5 ml of wild rose extract. The mask is distributed over the skin of the face; it is necessary that the product remains warm. Leave for 15 - 20 minutes. It is washed off in two stages: first with warm water, then with cold water. The mask is used to get rid of wrinkles, returns a healthy color to the face, and velvety skin.
  • A mask for lightening the dermis and removing age spots is prepared from pumpkin, rosehip oil and honey. The vegetable must be peeled and grated on a small grater. To make a mask you only need a couple of tablespoons of pumpkin pulp. Add heated honey and wild rose oil to it, mix everything well. Distribute the mask evenly on your face and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse off. It is necessary to repeat the procedure every day for a week.

To learn how to prepare a face mask with rosehip oil, watch this video:

Where is the best place to buy

You can purchase it at a pharmacy or natural cosmetics store; a wider range is available online. When choosing a product, you should pay attention to the extraction method; cold-pressed oil is suitable for cosmetic purposes, and during extraction, some of the important elements are destroyed.

The region of origin of the raw material base also matters; the countries of South America and Europe are considered the best.

Sold in a dark glass bottle with a dispenser, the packaging must contain the Latin name of the species - rosa mosqueta, rosa rubiginosa, rosa canina or the oil marking - oleum rosae. Often the product is falsified by diluting it with neutral plant bases and tinting it with artificial dyes. Therefore, when choosing, you need to trust well-known manufacturers and carefully study the information on the packaging. The price varies from 100 to 500 rubles, depending on the brand and volume of oil.

It should be stored at a temperature of 5 to 25° in a place protected from sunlight. The product oxidizes quickly, shelf life is 6 months. It is difficult to identify a spoiled natural product by external signs; the oil has a bitter taste and a specific aroma; it is better to focus on the information indicated on the packaging.

Rosehip oil for the face: the best recipes

The easiest way to use rosehip oil is single use. For burns, frostbite, dryness, peeling.

But this method can only be used in emergency cases and not for a long time. After all, it is better not to use any oil for skin care. Long-term exposure to the product can cause inflammation, acne, comedones, and clogged pores.

The most correct use of rosehip oil for the face is to add it to homemade masks.

The product works best in anti-aging masks for mature skin.

Rejuvenating kelp mask

To prepare this mask, you need to prepare dry kelp in advance. To do this, pour boiling water over 1 tablespoon of kelp powder and let it swell for a couple of hours.

Mix 1 tablespoon of prepared kelp with 1 pink clay and a teaspoon of rosehip oil. The mixture should look like liquid sour cream.

Apply the mixture to a cleansed face for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

Rejuvenating mask with pharmaceutical ascorbic acid

This mask will instantly give a rejuvenating effect, moisturize the skin and give a healthy complexion and elasticity.

  • 1 table. spoon of boiled white beans
  • 0.5 teaspoon rosehip oil
  • 1 chicken yolk
  • 0.5 teaspoon honey
  • 1 ampoule of ascorbic acid

Grind the beans and combine them with other ingredients. Apply the mixture to your face for 25-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

Rejuvenating mask with mumiyo and succinic acid

Mumiyo and succinic acid prevent premature aging, eliminate puffiness, increase skin elasticity, restore complexion and get rid of age spots.

  • 2 tablets mumiyo
  • 2 tablets of succinic acid
  • 0.5 teaspoon rosehip oil

Grind the tablets into powder and dissolve them in oil.

Apply the mixture with massage movements over the skin. Pay special attention to age spots, acne spots, and scars.

Leave the product on for 15 minutes. After this time, rinse off the mixture with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

Rejuvenating mask against wrinkles around the eyes

Boil small potatoes in milk. Make a puree out of it.

Mix 1 tablespoon of mashed potatoes with 0.5 teaspoon of rose hips and 0.5 teaspoon of liquid honey.

Apply the mixture to halves of cotton pads and apply to the upper and lower eyelids for 15-20 minutes.

After the allotted time, wash with running water.

Apply cream or gel with hyaluronic acid.

Banana mask for wrinkles

Grind ¼ part of a ripe banana and combine it with 0.5 teaspoon of honey, oatmeal and 1 teaspoon of rosehip oil.

Adjust the consistency of the mask using oatmeal. The mixture should look like thick sour cream.

Apply the mixture to cleansed face. Exposure time is 25-30 minutes.

Wash your face with warm water and apply nourishing cream.

Carrot ice cubes

Ice cubes have powerful anti-aging properties. They tone, tighten the skin, and give a healthy glow.

  • half a glass of fresh carrot juice
  • 0.5 teaspoon rosehip oil
  • half a glass of mineral water

Mix the ingredients and pour the mixture into ice cube trays.

Wipe your face with the prepared cubes in the morning and evening, always after using masks.

Anti-aging lifting concentrate

Dilute 0.5 tablespoon of potato starch with 30 ml of cold water.

Pour the resulting solution into half a glass of oat milk and cook the jelly.

Find out how to make oat milk in the article....

Add 1 teaspoon of rosehip oil and 0.5 teaspoon of jojoba oil to the resulting jelly.

Anti-wrinkle eye mask

  • 1 tablespoon flaxseed decoction
  • half a teaspoon of rosehip oil
  • half a teaspoon of honey

Mix the ingredients and apply to cleansed skin for 20 minutes. After this, wash your face with cool water and wipe your skin with ice cubes.

Rosehip oil is a truly unique rejuvenating and restorative agent. Add it to your homemade skincare masks and you are sure to get a powerful rejuvenating effect.

How to use cosmetic rosehip oil

Buying a herbal remedy will not be difficult, because it can be found on the shelves of any pharmacy. For cosmetic purposes, rosehip oil can be used in a variety of ways. As mentioned above, it can become the main ingredient for anti-aging and moisturizing masks.

The oil can also be used in concentrated form, without diluting with additional components. Most often in this version it is used to get rid of facial wrinkles. The oil is also suitable for cleansing the face. You just need to moisten a cotton pad with it and wipe the skin thoroughly.

Since the oil has a pronounced moisturizing and softening effect, it is advisable to use it to eliminate flaking and sticking in the corners of the mouth. It can also be applied not only to the face. Rosehip oil does an excellent job of softening the skin on the elbows, knees and heels.

A useful herbal remedy combines well with other esters. It can be safely mixed with oils of lavender, bergamot, rose, ylang-ylang, chamomile and others to create aromatic healing masks.

Rosehip also helps maintain healthy eyelashes. Under the influence of the vitamin complex in its composition, they become thicker and strengthened. To do this, apply an undiluted herbal product to the eyelashes every day with a special brush. If desired, it can be mixed with sea buckthorn and burdock oils.

Rosehip oil - application features

  1. When applied directly, rosehip oil is suitable for all skin types, but is especially recommended for dry, sensitive, damaged skin , skin exposed to direct sunlight and ultraviolet radiation. However, it is not recommended to use it on oily or acne-prone skin; according to reviews, it can provoke a worsening of rosacea.
  2. Rosehip oil is famous for its anti-aging properties and is therefore often a component of natural care products for mature skin . It accelerates collagen production, encourages skin to repair itself and renew itself, evens out skin tone, restores elasticity, slows down the process of wrinkles, thereby restoring and maintaining a youthful appearance. To ensure a greater cosmetological and therapeutic effect, it is recommended to add a few drops of anti-wrinkle essential oils to the base oil.
  3. Effectively soothes painful, excessively dry skin affected by hyperpigmentation, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, softens redness and irritation. At the same time, the oil is light, quickly absorbed into the skin, and does not leave a greasy residue or a feeling of stickiness or heaviness.
  4. The skin-brightening properties of rosehip oil help restore the skin's natural color and healthy tone while neutralizing any unwanted pigmentation, including those caused by overexposure to the sun.
  5. Its astringent, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties are known to promote wound and burn healing , minimize scarring, tighten the skin and improve its elasticity.
  6. Used to smooth and even out stretch marks and minimize their further appearance. This “oil of youth” effectively fills cells with moisture, creating a protective barrier and preventing skin dehydration. This makes the oil extremely effective when used on sagging skin, such as rapid weight loss.
  7. Applied to areas of rough skin such as elbows, knees, calloused heels and in some cases even hands, rosehip oil quickly softens the skin and restores its firmness.
  8. Due to its fatty acid content, rosehip oil reduces itching, which is characteristic of dry scalp and dandruff. The oil instantly restores hair shine, eliminates dandruff , without leaving any traces of grease. Rich in vitamins, it gives dull curls elasticity, brightness and silkiness.
  9. Helps not only skin cells and tissues, but also strengthens brittle nails and moisturizes dry cuticles.
  10. Rosehip oil is used for massage as a moisturizing, quickly penetrating nourishing component, as well as a soothing agent to reduce inflammation associated with osteoarthritis and joint pain. It is also known that the aroma of rosehip oil has a slight anti-stress effect, thereby promoting rapid muscle relaxation in those being massaged.

Interesting! Only in the case of cold pressing does rosehip retain its antioxidant properties, vitamin composition, and essential fatty acids. The maximum temperature during production is 30° C. It is believed that more than 60,000 fruits are needed to produce 30 ml of oil!

The color of the resulting oil can indicate its quality. The pure, high quality product has a deep golden or reddish orange color. It should never be darker than brown. It becomes transparent during the refining process. Contrary to popular belief, rosehip oil does not have a rose scent since it is not derived from rose petals.

How to do it yourself

Lovers of all things natural can try making the product at home. There are three ways to create rosehip oil:

  • The first option involves using dried fruits of the plant. They must be crushed and divided into three equal parts. The first of them needs to be filled with olive oil heated to a temperature of 40º. All the powder should be underneath. Afterwards, the mixture should be placed in a dark place for 7 days.

After this time, you need to take it out, heat it again to the required temperature and pour in the second part of the crushed seeds. Place in a dark place again. Repeat the procedure for the remaining part. Ready rosehip oil must be stored in the refrigerator.

  • This option is somewhat easier to prepare. Now you need to take not dry, but fresh wild rose fruits and chop them. Pour the resulting mass into the jar so that it occupies three-quarters of the volume. The remaining space is filled with hot olive oil, heated to 50 degrees. The product should sit for a couple of weeks. Then the mass will need to be strained and stored in the refrigerator.
  • The latter option involves the use of both rose hips and flowers. The first step is the same as always - grind the ingredients to a paste. Pour olive or corn oil into the mixture. However, the proportion here is slightly different. One part of the powder must be diluted with three volumes of oil. Let the mixture brew for two weeks, and after this period, take out the product and put it on the fire, bring to a boil.
  • Strain and pour into a bottle or dark glass jar.

Historical reference

The rose hip family gave rise to almost all types of modern cultivated roses. In Ancient Greece, the fruits, flowers and leaves of the plant were used to treat cancer, edema of various origins, inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system and neurological disorders.

In Rus' they even collected tribute in dried berries and rose hips. In historical chronicles, the first mention of the beneficial properties of rosehip oil appeared in the time of Cleopatra, who used the fruit squeeze as a daily cosmetic. In earlier times, only people from fairly wealthy families could use this valuable product. The cost of rosehip oil could reach sky-high figures in lean years.

Tens of centuries later, the relevance and popularity of this cosmetic product has not diminished. Modern women have greater access to the use of rosehip squeeze. It is quite easy to prepare this type of oil at home. The product is sold in every pharmacy, and the drug itself is part of many cosmetic and procedural products in beauty salons.

Will it help with wrinkles?

One of the common reasons for using rosehip oil is dry skin. But along with it, there is another common problem that women struggle with using this remedy. Rosehip oil helps cope with expression lines.

To eliminate crow's feet, simply apply the herbal remedy daily with light massage movements to the problem area. This procedure is usually carried out in the evening before going to bed.

Expert opinion

Tatyana Somoilova

Cosmetology expert

If the oil seems too oily in consistency, this can be easily corrected. You need to take your daily moisturizer or lotion and add the product to it in the required quantities. Thus, its beneficial properties will increase.

To reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles, lotions with rosehip oil are used. A small piece of soft cloth or gauze is soaked in the product and applied to the problem area for thirty minutes. Afterwards, the “compress” is removed from the face, and the remaining droplets of oil are rubbed into the skin. This procedure must be carried out every day for at least a month to get the desired effect.

We recommend reading about herbs for facial skin. From the article you will learn about herbs for the face against age spots, for deep cleansing, with an anti-aging effect, for dry and oily skin. And here is more information about the facial massage cream.

Among herbal remedies aimed at eliminating wrinkles and dry skin, one of the most effective is rosehip oil. It contains a rich multivitamin complex, as well as minerals and trace elements. All of them together have a beneficial effect on the skin, returning it to a healthy and radiant appearance.

What effect can you expect?

Proper use of rosehip oil will give your skin a second youth.

It will restore lost tone and natural radiance, smooth out fine wrinkles and reduce the depth of large folds, eliminate age-related pigmentation, tighten the oval of the face, remove bags under the eyes (the so-called fatigue of the eyelids) and will prevent further age-related changes.

How to use rosehip oil on the face for wrinkles and skin imperfections?

Rosehip oil, which has many benefits for the skin, can be used in many combinations. Correct, competent use of the product guarantees a positive effect and an increase in medicinal qualities.

A mask with rosehip oil is an elixir of youth, which, despite its simplicity of preparation, has a powerful effect.

  • Rosehip vegetable oil in combination with egg yolk can restore lost strength to dry, aging skin. Use 0.5 tsp for one yolk. rosehip flower products. Apply the mask generously to the problem surface for 10 minutes.
  • Treat mature, aging skin with a vitamin cocktail. It includes baby cream (20 grams is enough), 10 drops of olive squeeze, 5 drops of aloe juice, liquid vitamin B 2, wild rose elixir. Mix the ingredients carefully. Apply the product to clean skin before going to bed. Not only rosehip oil is effective for the skin. The combination of oil products guarantees instant nutrition and saturation of tissues with microelements. Find out about the additional benefits of olive extract here.

  • The following recipe is considered a win-win option for a natural cosmetic anti-wrinkle cream. 2 tbsp. Combine oatmeal or self-crushed flakes with the protein mass. To prepare the protein mass, use 2 egg whites, 1 tbsp. flowing honey. Add 1 tsp to the mixture. vegetable pomace of walnuts and rose hips. 30 minutes of wearing the mask is enough to achieve visible results after a single application. But keep in mind that it is necessary to distribute the product onto a clean, steamed surface.
  • Wild rose extract with oatmeal brewed with boiling milk will gently moisturize the skin and add softness.
  • Use rosehip oil for wrinkles in combination with natural honey and two quail yolks. If the last ingredient is missing, replace it with one chicken ingredient. Honey and extract are taken in the amount of 1 tsp. Apply the mixture to the skin, even to the skin around the eyes. 15 minutes and wash off the mixture. Do not use artificial honey, only natural honey.
  • Apply the oily liquid to the skin of the eyelids, under the eyes, adding light pressure on acupuncture points. This will prevent the formation of the first wrinkles and hide the old ones from strangers.
  • A compress based on the drug will solve a dermatological problem (eliminate acne, eczema, dermatitis). Soak a small piece of gauze or bandage in pure plant extract and apply to problem areas for half an hour. Carry out the procedure 2 times a day until complete recovery.
  • Kobido massage using this product will give excellent results and turn back time

Reviews from cosmetologists

Rosehip oil is often used in professional cosmetic product lines.

The cosmetologist describes the composition of the eye cream, in which rosehip oil smooths out wrinkles and increases elasticity.

In the review, the doctor advises coming for a consultation to correct the results of using a natural remedy at home.

The cosmetologist points out the moisturizing properties due to the content of rosehip oil and vitamin E.

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