Eye cream with hyaluronic acid: secret of choice and reviews

Eye cream with hyaluronic acid is designed to combat aging skin in this area. Considering that the skin in this area is primarily subject to age-related changes, eliminating such time imprints becomes “problem number one.” Modern trade offers a wide variety of cosmetics for the care of the skin around the eyes. Among them are simple budget creams and lotions, as well as expensive branded cosmetics. All of them, to some extent, help a woman maintain youth and freshness for a long time; a special place in this series is given to products containing hyaluronic acid.

What is hyaluronic acid?

The most effective are gels and creams that are made from hyaluronic acid of natural animal origin.

When using this cosmetics, you need to remember an important rule: it is not recommended to use face cream containing hyaluronic acid to care for the skin around the eyes, due to the fact that in these areas it is more susceptible to changes.

Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide natural to the human body, the content of which decreases with age. Today it is considered a popular product that allows you to maintain youthful skin, which has found use in many cosmetic preparations with an anti-aging effect. Each molecule of this acid is capable of concentrating about 500 molecules of water around itself, thereby filling the skin gaps, as a result of which it is stretched and smoothed. Hyaluronic acid is most often used as creams and gels, which are applied to previously scrubbed skin, forming a kind of film on it that can attract moisture even from the surrounding air. There is a second method, which uses injections of drugs containing this acid. It is acceptable to take hyaluronic acid in capsules, although in this form it does not bring a significant effect and acts gradually.

Rules for using anti-wrinkle products around the eyes

There are the following rules for using eye cream:

  1. Thorough cleansing. In addition to foundation and concealer, there are shadows, crumbling mascara and eyeliner on the eyelid area. Washing off with water is an ineffective procedure, especially if the makeup is resistant to moisture. It is recommended to use a special product, then tonic and running water. If particles of cosmetics remain on the skin, they react with the active components of the cream and can lead to allergic reactions.
  2. You cannot spread the cream over the entire surface of the eyelids. Cosmetologists recommend following the contour of the bone around the eye.
  3. The cream is driven into the skin with light massage movements in a circle or by patting with the pads of the little finger or ring finger. Excessive pressure can cause swelling. Application of the cream can be combined with lymphatic drainage massage for the eyelids.
  4. It is better to use it no more than 2 times a day. Before applying makeup in the morning and after removing it in the evening. You should not apply the cream before going to bed; this can lead to morning swelling of the eyelid and bags under the eyes.
  5. You cannot use age creams on young skin, and vice versa.

You can make your own rating of the best masks and creams for wrinkles around the eyes. Each skin is individual and may need certain elements. After studying them, you can choose the ideal eyelid remedy for wrinkles.

The principle of action of acid

The principle of action of hyaluronic acid is based on the following processes: when hyaluronic creams are applied to an area of ​​skin, it fills the gaps formed between elastin and collagen, the elasticity of the skin is restored and age-related changes visible to the eye disappear. In addition, such a cream, which has a moisturizing effect, creates a breathable film on the surface of the skin that prevents moisture loss from the epidermis layer. Under the influence of acid, the intercellular space becomes denser, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin instantly takes on a youthful and fresh appearance.

This effect lasts throughout the entire period while you use the cream with hyaluronic acid. After you stop using this product, all previously noticeable skin changes will again become obvious. This is explained by the fact that the principle of action of the acid is not based on getting rid of old age, but only on carefully concealing its signs. The skin of the eyelids and under the eyes is especially responsive to the action of the cream, since it is thin in this area and does not contain fatty glands for nutrition. By choosing products for the skin around the eyes containing hyaluronic acid that will correspond to your age, you thereby activate your own production of this substance necessary for the body.

By maintaining a constant level of skin moisture, you can delay damaging changes in your skin. But ultimately, after the supply of hyaluronic acid stops, your skin, unfortunately, will look the same as before.

Benefits and side effects of hyaluron

Hyaluronan exists in all living organisms. Hyaluron is responsible for lubricating the vitreous humor in the cornea, epidermis and joints. It is possible to use hyaluronan for different purposes. For example, you can use it as a method to treat signs of aging, lubricate the eyes, or as a method to soothe viral eye infections. Hyaluron is obtained from scallops, a flap of skin on the head of a rooster and chemical syntheses. The main advantages of hyaluron:

  • Creates good hydration. Children and teenagers have more hyaluron in their skin than adults. This is what keeps their cheeks looking smooth. But as the body matures, its epidermis becomes rougher and thicker, and this appearance is lost because moisture is lost. Fortunately, hyaluron can help restore that moisture and softness that is lost as we get older. In serum format, hyaluronan improves the appearance of aging skin by increasing its ability to bind and retain water molecules. It even provides a moisture barrier against dryness all day long.
  • Hyaluron smoothes the epidermis, eliminating the appearance of wrinkles. You may not see the effects of a hyaluron serum right away, but epidermal care experts agree that after four to six weeks you can see amazing ones. The serum accumulates the upper layers of the epidermis to smooth out wrinkles.
  • Hyaluron helps eliminate acne. But hyaluron is not guaranteed to fight acne directly. But what it can do is be an excellent addition to any anti-acne cream or fluid. Acne-fighting products often have significant drying effects. Many moisturizers are scary for anyone dealing with acne because they can cancel out the effects of acne-fighting serums—clogging pores and causing blemishes. However, this does not arise from the hyaluron serum. This serum is extremely light and watery, making it non-comedogenic.
  • Moisturizer for the epidermis of the eyelids. In the vitreous fluid of the eye, hyaluron is used in artificial tears as a lubricant to relieve symptoms of dry corneas. It can be used in ophthalmic surgery to create a barrier to sensitive eye tissues.
  • Epidermal filler. Hyaluron is used as a wrinkle filler in the eyelid area. It is injected directly into the wrinkles of the eyelid area.
  • Wrinkle cream. It is possible to find hyaluron in many anti-wrinkle products for the epidermis of the eyelids as an anti-aging ingredient. Hyaluron enriches the skin and part of all connecting tissues.
  • Treatment of conjunctivitis with hyaluron. Treatment with an eye wash solution containing ginkgo biloba extract with hyaluron can provide a significant reduction in symptoms when used for one month.
  • Hyaluron tightens and reduces the appearance of pores. Along with being non-comedogenic and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, you may notice that pores actually disappear when hyaluron is used.
  • Hyaluron is effective on all types of skin. You don't always need to avoid using hyaluron if your skin is very oily or dry.

Hyaluron is safe for almost everyone, but in some rare cases certain side effects may occur. Specifically, some may complain that their skin feels dry after using hyaluron. This manifestation is related to the chemistry of some types of epidermis and is rare. If dryness is noticed, you can simply apply moisturizer over the serum (after the serum has completely dried) so that you can still benefit from the anti-aging effect. In fact, many people believe that you don't necessarily need to apply your serum before your moisturizer.

You can simply add hyaluron serum to your daily morning and evening care routine. When used topically, hyaluron can be an effective way to hydrate the epidermis and improve its overall elasticity for a firmer, healthier appearance. For the face and neck area, it is an ideal complement to any current cosmetic care procedure.

When to start using creams

Those who wait until the first wrinkles appear to start using eye creams with hyaluronic acid are doing the wrong thing. For example, Korean women, distinguished by their satiny skin, begin caring for their eyelids and the skin around the eyes at the age of 18. Of course, initially they use moisturizers, and closer to the age of twenty-five, preparations with hyaluronic acid are used as daily care.

It is necessary to evaluate the condition of your skin; if circles or swelling around the eyes appear, or fine wrinkles appear, then an eye cream with hyaluronic acid will be able to remove these unwanted changes. In the case when the use of such a cream began before the signs of aging appeared, it will be possible to keep the skin in a young state for a long time. The main condition to achieve this is to be systematic and regular.

How is a quality eyelid cream determined?

By compiling a list of creams available from popular online retailers, as well as those mentioned on beauty review sites and reviews from dermatologists, we found out which ingredients are essential and what to avoid.

The skin of the eyelid area is very thin, vulnerable and will rarely tolerate the same products as the cheeks or forehead. The most unpleasant ingredients when it comes to eyelid sensitivity: synthetic fragrances, parabens or mineral oils. Many eyelid products have them. These ingredients should be avoided, especially if you have sensitive or irritated skin. Some organic oil products like avocado or coconut oil can be really powerful in moisturizing products, but mineral oil can be occlusive—it blocks pores.

After reviewing the negative consequences, I would like to emphasize the positive ones. Everything comes from what the needs are. There are three main problems that the products are aimed at: wrinkles, blueness and swelling. What is a good ingredient for one problem should not be used together in one remedy for another.

When it comes to eyelid wrinkles, there are three ingredients: retinoids, peptides and hyaluron. Retinoids are a well-documented wrinkle killer. Derived from vitamin A, they help the skin shed old cells and stimulate collagen creation. But, an eyelid product with straight-up retinol may not be a good idea for the sensitive, thin eyelid area. Because of this, most creams formulated for wrinkles usually have lower dosage retinoids or milder derivatives. It is also important to distinguish between products for the epidermis of the eyelids, which include retinoids. Using retinoids at night to restore collagen can help the blueness on your eyelids become less obvious over time. Peptides are small fragments of collagen and proteins that are designed to “trick” the skin into thinking that its collagen is broken and that it needs to make new collagen to replace it. Over time, this will help tighten the epidermis and reduce the possibility of wrinkles.

Both retinoids and peptides can be drying, so a moisturizer is also key.

You need creams to have either retinoids or peptides (they do similar things, and not everyone can work with retinoids) and hyaluron. It's best to avoid high amounts of alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs). While the combination of AHAs and retinoids is common in anti-wrinkle products, it is overkill for the eye area.

The first thing you should look for in the battle against blue eyelids is caffeine. Collagen or elastin is lost under the eyes when the epidermis there ages. Because the skin there is thin, the blood vessels are much more visible. Caffeine constricts blood vessels, making the blue color invisible. Helping to prevent the breakdown of elastin or collagen in the future is also an important criterion. All dermatologists say that antioxidants will help with this. There are various antioxidants for the effectiveness of skin care products.

Sunscreen is also a must. In addition to protecting the epidermis from sunlight, it will also help brighten up the blue color right away. Products with zinc oxide, natural minerals or other optical diffusers help hide blue stains and provide protection from sunlight, so they have a dual purpose.

Another nice product to use in creams is niacinamide, which is known for lightening skin blemishes. Mica is a natural mineral that reflects light to brighten the under eyelid area; and peptides that help restore collagen to make these vessels less visible (unlike retinoids, they are well applied during the day).

Treating eyelid puffiness has some similarities to treating blue spots: caffeine and antioxidants may also be involved. The contracting effect of caffeine helps tighten inflamed skin, and some antioxidants are effective in reducing swelling, such as green tea, vitamin K, chamomile, copper, licorice and aloe vera.

Ingredients are not the only factor that plays a major role in what to apply on your eyelids. Packaging is also important. The components that create an effective remedy for the eyelid area are sensitive to light and air. Therefore, an airtight, opaque container is an advantage. This ensures that the main ingredients of the product do not spoil before you apply them.

Composition of hyaluronic cream

Currently, you can buy in pharmacies or stores various products designed to care for the skin around the eyes, which contain either hyaluronic acid itself or its salts. The first group of drugs has a greater effect.

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the other components in the cream, which may contain amino acids, various vegetable oils, thermal water, sea kelp extract, which can have a rejuvenating effect. The best of this number should have the most neutral reaction and include extraneous chemical flavors. Retinol, which helps cope with wrinkles and refreshes relaxed skin during sleep, will not hurt in the composition of night creams for skin care in the eye area. You shouldn’t opt ​​solely for expensive hyaluronic creams; any of the budget ones are also quite effective. Therefore, it makes no sense to overpay for branded drugs with mind-boggling prices advertised by PR companies, since you can choose high-quality products at affordable prices with natural hyaluronic acid.

Recipes for wrinkles at home

Eye creams for wrinkles around the eyes are much more effective in combination with traditional cosmetology products.

Rating of the best folk recipes:

  1. Chamomile-nettle decoction . To create it, you need to mix 2 tbsp. a strong decoction of nettle and chamomile. A small piece of rye bread crumb is poured with warm liquid. After the bread has absorbed the liquid, knead it with a fork until smooth. If dark pigment spots often appear under the eyes, add a teaspoon of freshly squeezed aloe juice to the mixture. The mixture must be applied to the lower eyelids for 10 minutes.
  2. Olive cream mask . Liquid from 2 ampoules of vitamin E, 5 ml each, is mixed with 2 tsp. olive oils. The mass is applied to the massage areas of the eyelids and driven in with your fingers. After 15 minutes, remove any unabsorbed product with cotton pads or makeup remover wipes. It is recommended to use the product only in fresh form.
  3. Strawberry mask for young skin. Fresh strawberries from the garden must be rinsed with running water and placed in gauze. Next, mash the berries with a spoon until juice appears. The gauze along with the berries should be placed on the eyelids for 12-15 minutes. This refreshes, whitens the skin, smoothes out the first expression wrinkles.

  4. Creamy potato . Recommended for those whose eyes are subject to high strain. One fresh potato is chopped on a fine grater. Then a tablespoon of heavy cream is added to the mixture. Can be used daily instead of eye cream. Apply for 5-10 minutes, remove with facial toner.
  5. Sea buckthorn mask . Fresh sea buckthorn berries are ground into a paste with 1 tsp. liquid honey. The product is applied to the eyelids for 14 minutes.

The secret of choosing the right one

Since the skin of the eyelids is very delicate and sensitive, you should be more careful when choosing skin care products. Much of this depends on the type of cream, on the costs that are allocated for its purchase, at what time of day they are going to use it, on the expected effect, on the age of the buyer and on the changes that have occurred in her appearance, and on many other reasons. Of course, before choosing a cream, it would be good to consult with a cosmetologist and get his recommendations. If this is not possible, then simply take a closer look at the ratings of popular eye creams containing hyaluronic acid in order to choose the right products among the variety.

From what age should the products be used?

The skin of the eyelids is the most sensitive and thin, so it is the first to undergo age-related changes. Constant facial expressions also negatively affect her condition. This leads to the formation of wrinkles already at 23-24 years old. It is recommended to use cream for wrinkles around the eyes from this age, having studied the rating of the best products intended for this purpose.

These are moisturizing preparations with a soothing and cooling effect. Dermatologists encourage the use of various eyelid gels during this time. They are not as thick as creams and have a strong moisturizing effect.

Rating of popular eye creams

  • cream with hyaluronic acid Laura, ;
  • Bark cream mask with hyaluronic acid from a Russian manufacturer, used on the skin of the eyelids and under the eyes;
  • Evelyn anti-aging hyaluronic cream from Polish manufacturers;
  • Vichy cream for the skin around the eyes, made in France, which contains retinol along with hyaluronic acid, which increases its effectiveness;
  • rejuvenating eye cream Merz from a German manufacturer, containing low molecular weight hyaluronic acid with glucosamines and seaweed extract, which allows you to increase the production of your own hyaluronic acid.

When choosing a cream for caring for the skin around the eyes, it is necessary to take into account not only the main characteristics of these products, but also some other circumstances, for example, the characteristics of the skin and the age category of the buyer. Preferable are those creams that are easily absorbed, contain vitamin supplements and are not too expensive.

A cream with hyaluronic acid, intended after 30 years, should not only moisturize, but also nourish the skin throughout the day. After 40 years, regeneration functions are added to the purposes of the cream, which must be indicated in the attached instructions. Customers who have reached the age of fifty should choose care products that, in addition to the above, include calcium, which improves the structure of the skin, as well as sea kelp extract, which improves the synthesis of collagen, which prevents aging.

You shouldn’t give up and stop fighting to improve your appearance even after you reach 60, because even at this age women can remain attractive and beautiful. When choosing hyaluronic creams for eye care, you should give preference to products with a lifting effect, containing biocalcium and stem cells. They help strengthen the facial contour, moisturize the deep layers of the skin and slow down the aging process.

Expensive or cheap?

In this segment of cosmetics, everything depends on the pricing policy. To this end, cosmetologists present their arguments.

  1. Cheap creams contain larger components that make it very difficult to penetrate the thin upper layers of the skin. Inexpensive hyaluronic creams are designed more to normalize skin hydration than to smooth out wrinkles.
  2. Expensive drugs have small hyaluron components, which allows them to penetrate deeper into the skin. This way, recovery processes can start much faster. It also helps to moisturize the skin and fight wrinkles (as a preventative and as a drug to reduce existing skin problems around the eyes). More expensive drugs also help remove circles under the eyes, puffiness, and make the complexion more even.

Rating of budget cream with hyaluronic acid

Some of the most affordable hyaluronic creams for the skin around the eyes, which have good restorative properties, are considered:

  1. Hyaluronic cream Evelyn , which contains stem cells, has many positive properties and a low cost, not exceeding 190 rubles. It has a pleasant, unobtrusive scent, contains concentrated vitamin E, and is suitable for any age category, but is considered more moisturizing than rejuvenating. The packaging of the cream, which looks like expensive creams, is also considered a plus.
  2. Cream-elixir for eyelids Restoration and radiance Faberlic , designed for an intensive effect on age-related changes that occur after 25 years. Contains hyaluronic acid and proteins. The average price offered today is 499 rubles.
  3. Eveline bio HYALURON , the price of which is in the range of 150–200 rubles. In addition to the low price, it does not contain hyaluronic acid salts, but the hyaluronic acid itself. The cream also contains panthenol, vitamin E and allantoin. It is considered one of the leaders among the popular creams for the skin around the eyes included in the list.
  4. Libriderm hyaluronic eye cream can act on the skin of the eyelids, remove swelling and circles around the eyes, moisturize and increase collagen synthesis. Thanks to the patented anti-aging complex, it penetrates deep into the skin, tightens the skin of the eyelids and reduces the visibility of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes. The proposed price today is 540 rubles.

Benefits of hyaluron

As the epidermis ages, it loses its ability to retain moisture, which leads to a noticeable loss of elasticity, pliability and curling. Hyaluron has the ability to replenish moisture, which is crucial in order to have a more functional and elastic epidermis. In parallel, hyaluron revitalizes the outer tissues of the epidermis, so it looks and feels softer, smoother, more hydrated to instantly reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Sodium hyaluronate is formed from hyaluronic acid and contains all the same benefits but is more easily absorbed than acid. That doesn't make it better than the other. It's great if a product contains both so the skin can reap the benefits on multiple levels. Some weight loss toners, moisturizers, fluids and serums already include hyaluron and sodium hyaluronate. Sodium hyaluronate is a salt derived from hyaluron. It has all the benefits of hyaluronic acid, but with the added benefit of being more easily absorbed than hyaluronic acid.

Some companies include what is called "low molecular weight" hyaluron, which has a smaller molecule than acid. The acid molecules are larger, which indicates the reason why they remain on the outer surface of the epidermis. Reducing hyaluronan means it can move a little closer to the topmost layers of the epidermis for noticeably improved effects.

In the beauty world, trendy ingredients come and go, and most of them shouldn't be a priority at all. Hyaluron does not become one of those ingredients. On the contrary, it is one of the unusually useful ingredients. Its soothing, hydrating and antioxidant capabilities are great for everyone, even rosacea-prone and eczema-prone skin. Simply put, hyaluronan has anti-aging capabilities, and it is one of the important moisturizing components even for extremely oily, sensitive or damaged epidermis.

Hyaluron is a glycosaminoglycan, a fancy name for a very important organic component that is part of the youth-sustaining component. As the main glycosaminoglycan in the skin, hyaluron works to keep all aspects of the skin stable, protected and constantly renewed. This scientific magic lies in hyaluron's ability to replenish moisture. One gram of hyaluron can hold up to six liters of water.

But what's even more impressive is that hyaluron can do this for the skin without giving it too much water. Surprisingly, too much water is a problem for the epidermis, because it leads to the destruction of the essential substances that anchor its upper layers.

The moisture-binding characteristic of hyaluronan is extremely important when it comes to aging of the epidermis. A special feature of the qualities of the young epidermis is its ability to retain water and maintain a balanced amount of moisture molecules.

The epidermis suffers from unprotected exposure to sunlight (daily application of SPF is a must), harsh skincare ingredients, and environmental assault, all of which weaken the surface of the epidermis. The skin replenishing properties of hyaluron are essential in softening these nuances, especially when used as part of a complete anti-aging treatment that also includes other proven ingredients. Another fascinating aspect of hyaluronan has also emerged. Hyaluron also provides antioxidant protection from the external environment.

You can already see that hyaluron is phenomenally beneficial for everyone. If the skin is too oily or combination, hyaluron in a solution with pure liquid is ideal for it. These liquid formulas have an exceptionally lightweight texture that feels weightless on the skin, while delivering concentrated moisture-restoring benefits.

Hyaluron is also incredibly gentle, even on highly sensitive, red skin. In fact, its positive effect on the surface of the epidermis is partly due to its natural calming effect, which means it can help sensitive epidermis.

Premium Review

LIBREDERM hyaluronic cream with a broad spectrum of action , intended for the eyes, price about 700 rubles, used for any skin type, without fragrances and parabens used for preservation. Tightens, brightens and eliminates swelling.

Estee Lauder Advanced Time Zone made in France, containing hyaluronic acid in various forms. The average price is 3000 rubles. Effectively fights wrinkles on the eyelids, has a moisturizing effect, without fragrances.

Vichy Aqualia Thermal eye cream, the price of which for 15 g is 800 rubles. The composition includes hyaluronic acid and thermal water, which serves to moisturize. The consistency is close to that of a gel, and for ease of application the tube is equipped with a metal roller. Eliminates swelling and does not contain fat.

The effects of vitamins on the skin

Vitamins are vital elements for healthy and youthful skin. With their deficiency, wrinkles, swelling and sagging appear at a young age.

The following vitamins are needed for the area around the eyes:

  1. Vitamin A (retinol). Responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin. With its deficiency, the production of collagen and elastin decreases or stops. Signs of a lack of retinol include the appearance of pigmentation and darkening of the skin under the eyes. Without vitamin A, other substances, such as vitamin E, are poorly absorbed.

  2. Vitamin E (tocopherol) . The strongest antioxidant that the skin needs to protect against harmful environmental factors and remove toxins. Lack of tocopherol leads to dry or excessively greasy skin.
  3. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) . It has the properties of retinol and tocopheron. Without it, the synthesis of skin framework proteins stops. A lack of ascorbic acid leads to a decrease in the immune defense of the skin of the eyelids, the constant appearance of redness, dark circles and swelling.
  4. Vitamin K A vital element for the circulatory system. Protects blood vessels from penetration of toxins.

Homemade cream containing hyaluronic acid

Making homemade cream yourself is not particularly difficult, so when caring for your appearance, you need to take this possibility into account. To do this proceed as follows:

  • prepare a gel from 0.3 g of hyaluronic acid in powder form and distilled water, bringing the composition to a creamy state;
  • place the mixture on the refrigerator shelf for 7–8 hours;
  • the resulting gel (10 g) is added to any inexpensive cream, mixed and left in a cool place away from sunlight for about 6–7 hours;
  • The cream is stored exclusively on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Beautician's recommendation for using cream

Opinion of a specialist - cosmetologist Poptushenko N.N., 32 years of experience, regarding preparations containing hyaluronic acid:

The effectiveness of such cosmetic preparations leaves no doubt, and products containing hyaluronic acid as care for aging skin are very popular among various segments of the population. And not in vain, since there are legends about its miraculous properties. It has been proven that it has no equal in eliminating age-related changes in the skin, and the use of a cream for the skin around the eyes with similar properties is in no way inferior to expensive salon procedures. Following the recommendations of specialists, you may not immediately feel the results, but there is a possibility of getting what you want immediately after using a cream with hyaluronic acid. This directly depends on the condition of the skin at the moment and on individual sensitivity to the components of the cream.

What to consider when using hyaluron in cream

Surprisingly, hyaluron is not the most moisturizing component. There is no evidence that topical use of sodium hyaluronate or hyaluron will have an amazing moisturizing effect on the epidermis. Without a doubt, this is a high-quality moisturizing component. But there are much more effective components that could also be used.

If you use a cream with hyaluron, you need to be careful. In overly dry climates, this water-binding ingredient cannot draw moisture from its surroundings, so it will begin to draw water from the deep layers of the epidermis. This provides an explanation for why it is not effective in any room with dry air in winter. It may work even better on some skin types than others (such as dry skin).

One great thing about the hyaluron texture is that it is weightless and watery, which is a significant benefit for people with acne-prone skin who aren't prone to creamy/oily moisturizer products.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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